#!/usr/bin/python # # Simply util to grep through network definitions. # Examples: # To find out which tokens contain "" use # $ cgrep.py -i # # To find out if token 'FOO' includes ip "" use # $ cgrep.py -t FOO -i # # To find the difference and union of tokens 'FOO' and 'BAR' use # $ cgrep.py -c FOO BAR # __author__ = "watson@google.com (Tony Watson)" import sys sys.path.append('../') from lib import naming from lib import nacaddr from optparse import OptionParser def main(argv): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-d", "--def", dest="defs", action="store", help="Network Definitions directory location", default="../def") parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", action="store", help="Return list of defintions containing this IP. " "Multiple IPs permitted.") parser.add_option("-t", "--token", dest="token", action="store", help="See if an IP is contained within this token." "Must be used in conjunction with --ip [addr].") parser.add_option("-c", "--cmp", dest="cmp", action="store_true", help="Compare two network definition tokens") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() db = naming.Naming(options.defs) if options.ip is not None and options.token is None: for arg in sys.argv[2:]: print "%s: " % arg rval = db.GetIpParents(arg) print rval if options.token is not None and options.ip is None: print "You must specify and IP Address with --ip [addr] to check." sys.exit(0) if options.token is not None and options.ip is not None: token = options.token ip = options.ip rval = db.GetIpParents(ip) if token in rval: print '%s is in %s' % (ip, token) else: print '%s is not in %s' % (ip, token) if options.cmp is not None: t1 = argv[2] t2 = argv[3] d1 = db.GetNet(t1) d2 = db.GetNet(t2) union = list(set(d1 + d2)) print 'Union of %s and %s:\n %s\n' % (t1, t2, union) print 'Diff of %s and %s:' % (t1, t2) for el in set(d1 + d2): el = nacaddr.IP(el) if el in d1 and el in d2: print ' %s' % el elif el in d1: print '+ %s' % el elif el in d2: print '- %s' % el if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)