* http://gmp.example.com/a/group#role => RSS with members of that role * use SAML metadata to manage keys for TLS or setup OAuth * A feed is a dynamic set of users - a provided group * A channel is a set of feeds created by a user in an SP in order to manage ACLs and content * Feeds are autocreated as people login to the SP bringing with them epe values. * A feed come in several flavours: json, atom, etc depending on the gmp * Feeds are updated in the background * Feeds contain a set of cached users * A channel is a users view of a set of feeds, feeds are what gmp's provide to SPs content negotiation - http://gmp.example.com/a/group.atom#role => RSS/ATOM (+activity stream) - http://gmp.example.com/a/group.json#role => JSON metadata for the feed - http://gmp.example.com/a/group#role - http://gmp.example.com/a/group