from maconomy import cli, create_db, TimeRegistrationRepository, Mailer from maconomy.views import EmployeeEmailView, ManagerEmailView, CEOEmailView from collections import defaultdict def main(config, options): db = create_db(config) timereg_repo = TimeRegistrationRepository(db) timesheets = timereg_repo.all_active() mailer = Mailer(config) if not options.dry else None if options.manager: manager(timesheets, config, mailer) elif ceo(timesheets, config, mailer) elif options.summary: summary(timesheets) else: normal(timesheets, config, mailer) # Close stuff mailer.close() timereg_repo.close() db.close() def normal(timesheets, config, mailer): view = EmployeeEmailView(config) for timesheet in timesheets: if not timesheet.is_submitted(): mail = view.render(timesheet) subject = u"Timesheet reminder for {}".format(timesheet.employee) to = if mailer: if to and to.strip(): mailer.send(to, subject, mail) else: print u"No email for: {}".format(timesheet.employee) else: print subject print mail def manager(timesheets, config, mailer): view = ManagerEmailView(config) # extract employees for manager email lookup employees = dict([(, t.employee) for t in timesheets]) per_manager = defaultdict(list) # filter timesheets per manager for timesheet in [t for t in timesheets if need_manager_mail(t)]: manager_id = timesheet.approver per_manager[manager_id].append(timesheet) # send mails to managers for manager_id, relevant_timesheets in per_manager.items(): mail = view.render(relevant_timesheets) subject = "Warning: Timesheets overdue for {} employees".format(len(relevant_timesheets)) manager = employees.get(manager_id) to = if manager else None if mailer: mailer.send(to, subject, mail) else: print "TO: {}".format(to) print subject print mail def ceo(timesheets, config, mailer): to = config.get("mail", "ceo") # Filter only "bad" entries relevant = [t for t in timesheets if need_manager_mail(t)] view = CEOEmailView() mail = view.render(relevant) subject = "Warning: Timesheet overdue for {} employees".format(len(relevant)) if mailer: mailer.send(to, subject, mail) else: print mail def need_manager_mail(timesheet): return not timesheet.is_submitted() or not timesheet.is_approved() def summary(timesheets): for timesheet in timesheets: if timesheet.is_missing(): print u"[Not created] {}".format(timesheet.employee) elif not timesheet.is_submitted(): print u"[Unsubmitted] {}".format(timesheet.employee) elif not timesheet.is_approved(): print u"[Not approved] {}".format(timesheet.employee) if __name__ == '__main__': args = cli.parse() config = cli.load_config(args.config) main(config, args)