''' Created on Feb 1, 2011 @author: leifj ''' from django.forms.models import ModelForm from meetingtools.apps.room.models import Room from django.forms.widgets import Select, TextInput from django.forms.fields import ChoiceField, BooleanField from django.forms.forms import Form PUBLIC = 0 PROTECTED = 1 PRIVATE = 2 class UpdateRoomForm(ModelForm): #protection = ChoiceField(choices=((PUBLIC,'Anyone can enter the room.'), # (PROTECTED,'Only group members and accepted guests can enter the room.'), # (PRIVATE,'Only group members can enter.'))) class Meta: model = Room fields = ['name','urlpath','participants','presenters','hosts','source_sco_id','self_cleaning'] widgets = {'participants': Select(), 'presenters': Select(), 'hosts': Select(), 'source_sco_id': Select(), 'urlpath': TextInput(attrs={'size': '40'}), 'name': TextInput(attrs={'size': '40'}), } class DeleteRoomForm(Form): confirm = BooleanField(label="Confirm remove room")