path: root/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/visual/effects/effects.all.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/visual/effects/effects.all.js')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/visual/effects/effects.all.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/visual/effects/effects.all.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a28c41a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/visual/effects/effects.all.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+$(function() {
+ var duration = 1000, wait = 500;
+ $("div.effect")
+ .hover(function() { $(this).addClass("hover"); },
+ function() { $(this).removeClass("hover"); });
+ var effect = function(el, n, o) {
+ $.extend(o, {
+ easing: "easeOutQuint"
+ });
+ $(el).bind("click", function() {
+ $(this).addClass("current")
+ // delaying the initial animation makes sure that the queue stays in tact
+ .delay( 10 )
+ .hide( n, o, duration )
+ .delay( wait )
+ .show( n, o, duration, function() {
+ $( this ).removeClass("current");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $("#hide").click(function() {
+ var el = $(this);
+ el.addClass("current").hide(duration, function() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+, function() { el.removeClass("current"); });
+ }, wait);
+ });
+ });
+ effect("#blindLeft", "blind", { direction: "left" });
+ effect("#blindUp", "blind", { direction: "up" });
+ effect("#blindRight", "blind", { direction: "right" });
+ effect("#blindDown", "blind", { direction: "down" });
+ effect("#bounce3times", "bounce", { times: 3 });
+ effect("#clipHorizontally", "clip", { direction: "horizontal" });
+ effect("#clipVertically", "clip", { direction: "vertical" });
+ effect("#dropDown", "drop", { direction: "down" });
+ effect("#dropUp", "drop", { direction: "up" });
+ effect("#dropLeft", "drop", { direction: "left" });
+ effect("#dropRight", "drop", { direction: "right" });
+ effect("#explode9", "explode", {});
+ effect("#explode36", "explode", { pieces: 36 });
+ effect("#fade", "fade", {});
+ effect("#fold", "fold", { size: 50 });
+ effect("#highlight", "highlight", {});
+ effect("#pulsate", "pulsate", { times: 2 });
+ effect("#puff", "puff", { times: 2 });
+ effect("#scale", "scale", {});
+ effect("#size", "size", {});
+ $("#sizeToggle").bind("click", function() {
+ var opts = { to: { width: 300, height: 300 }};
+ $(this).addClass('current')
+ .toggle("size", opts, duration)
+ .delay(wait)
+ .toggle("size", opts, duration, function() {
+ $(this).removeClass("current");
+ });
+ });
+ $("#shake").bind("click", function() { $(this).addClass("current").effect("shake", {}, 100, function() { $(this).removeClass("current"); }); });
+ effect("#slideDown", "slide", { direction: "down" });
+ effect("#slideUp", "slide", { direction: "up" });
+ effect("#slideLeft", "slide", { direction: "left" });
+ effect("#slideRight", "slide", { direction: "right" });
+ $("#transfer").bind("click", function() { $(this).addClass("current").effect("transfer", { to: "div:eq(0)" }, 1000, function() { $(this).removeClass("current"); }); });
+ $("#addClass").click(function() {
+ $(this).addClass(function() {
+ window.console && console.log(arguments);
+ return "current";
+ }, duration, function() {
+ $(this).removeClass("current");
+ });
+ });
+ $("#removeClass").click(function() {
+ $(this).addClass("current").removeClass(function() {
+ window.console && console.log(arguments);
+ return "current";
+ }, duration);
+ });
+ $("#toggleClass").click(function() {
+ $(this).toggleClass(function() {
+ window.console && console.log(arguments);
+ return "current";
+ }, duration);
+ });