Class UIInfoImpl

  extended by org.opensaml.xml.AbstractXMLObject
      extended by org.opensaml.xml.validation.AbstractValidatingXMLObject
          extended by org.opensaml.common.impl.AbstractSAMLObject
              extended by edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.wayf.idpdisco.UIInfoImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
UIInfo, org.opensaml.common.SAMLObject, org.opensaml.xml.validation.ValidatingXMLObject, org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject

public class UIInfoImpl
extends org.opensaml.common.impl.AbstractSAMLObject
implements UIInfo

Concrete implementation of UIInfo.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.wayf.idpdisco.UIInfo
Constructor Summary
protected UIInfoImpl(String namespaceURI, String elementLocalName, String namespacePrefix)
Method Summary
 List<Description> getDescriptions()
          Return the descriptions.
 List<DisplayName> getDisplayNames()
          Get the Display Names The element specifies a set of localized names fit for display to users.
 List<InformationURL> getInformationURLs()
          Get the URLs.
 List<Logo> getLogos()
          Get the logos.
 List<org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject> getOrderedChildren()
 List<PrivacyStatementURL> getPrivacyStatementURLs()
          Get the Privacy Statement URLs.
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.common.impl.AbstractSAMLObject
equals, prepareForAssignment
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.xml.validation.AbstractValidatingXMLObject
deregisterValidator, getValidators, registerValidator, validate, validateChildren
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.xml.AbstractXMLObject
addNamespace, detach, getDOM, getElementQName, getIDIndex, getNamespaceManager, getNamespaces, getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, getParent, getSchemaLocation, getSchemaType, hasChildren, hasParent, isNil, isNilXSBoolean, manageQualifiedAttributeNamespace, prepareAttributeValueForAssignment, prepareElementContentForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, registerOwnID, releaseChildrenDOM, releaseDOM, releaseParentDOM, releaseThisAndChildrenDOM, releaseThisandParentDOM, removeNamespace, resolveID, resolveIDFromRoot, setDOM, setElementNamespacePrefix, setElementQName, setNil, setNil, setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, setParent, setSchemaLocation, setSchemaType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.opensaml.xml.validation.ValidatingXMLObject
deregisterValidator, getValidators, registerValidator, validate
Methods inherited from interface org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject
addNamespace, detach, getDOM, getElementQName, getIDIndex, getNamespaceManager, getNamespaces, getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, getParent, getSchemaLocation, getSchemaType, hasChildren, hasParent, isNil, isNilXSBoolean, releaseChildrenDOM, releaseDOM, releaseParentDOM, removeNamespace, resolveID, resolveIDFromRoot, setDOM, setNil, setNil, setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, setParent, setSchemaLocation

Constructor Detail


protected UIInfoImpl(String namespaceURI,
                     String elementLocalName,
                     String namespacePrefix)

namespaceURI - namespaceURI
elementLocalName - elementLocalName
namespacePrefix - namespacePrefix
Method Detail


public List<Description> getDescriptions()
Return the descriptions. The element specifies a set of brief, localized descriptions fit for display to users. In the case of service providers this SHOULD be a description of the service being offered. In the case of an identity provider this SHOULD be a description of the community serviced. In all cases this text SHOULD be standalone, meaning it is not meant to be filled in to some template text (e.g. 'This service offers $description').

Specified by:
getDescriptions in interface UIInfo


public List<DisplayName> getDisplayNames()
Get the Display Names The element specifies a set of localized names fit for display to users. Such names are meant to allow a user to distinguish and identify the entity acting in a particular role.

Specified by:
getDisplayNames in interface UIInfo
the names


public List<InformationURL> getInformationURLs()
Get the URLs. The specifies URLs to localized information, about the entity acting in a given role, meant to be viewed by users. The contents found at these URLs SHOULD give a more complete set of information about than what is provided by the element

Specified by:
getInformationURLs in interface UIInfo
the URLs


public List<Logo> getLogos()
Get the logos. The element specifies a set of localized logos fit for display to users.

Specified by:
getLogos in interface UIInfo
a list of logos


public List<PrivacyStatementURL> getPrivacyStatementURLs()
Get the Privacy Statement URLs. The specifies URLs to localized privacy statements. Such statements are meant to provide a user with information about how information will be used and managed by the entity

Specified by:
getPrivacyStatementURLs in interface UIInfo
the URLs


public List<org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject> getOrderedChildren()

Specified by:
getOrderedChildren in interface org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject

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