<?xml version="1.0"?> <WayfConfig xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:wayf:config:1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > <!-- The default behaviour of Service is controlled via the elements and attributes below. Non default behaviour is achieved by specifying any or all of these in the specific DiscoveryServiceHandler element. The handleCookie, cacheDomain and cacheExpiration attributes are no longer used. Use the cookie plugin to configure the handling of the SAML cookie. The cacheExpiration attribute sets the expiration time of the cookie (if the 'Remember for a week' selection is made). The jspFile & errorJspFile attributes control the display The provideList attribute controls whether a single list of all possible IdPs is presented. The default wayf.jsp works best if this is true when provideListofList is true. The provideListOfList attribute controls whether multiple lists are presented (one for each MetadataProvider). The showUsableIdPs attribute controls the contents of the above lists. The single list (provideList=true) is trimmed by excluding IdPs which do not share a metadata file with the SP. The multiple lists (provideListOfList=true) is trimmed by excluding all lists which do not specify the SP. The SearchIgnore element contains a list of words to be ignored while performing a search. --> <Default jspFile="wayf.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror.jsp" provideList="false" provideListOfList="true" showUnusableIdPs="false"> <SearchIgnore> <IgnoreText>Institution</IgnoreText> <IgnoreText>University</IgnoreText> <IgnoreText>State </IgnoreText> <IgnoreText>School</IgnoreText> </SearchIgnore> </Default> <!-- The MetadataProvider is in a similar syntax to that used to configure an IdP. This means that plugins for the IdP can be used interchangably between the IdP and WAYF. The identifier element is used to uniquely distinguish the metadata in a Federation element below If an HTTP URL is provided for the name, a backingFile has to be provided. This is where the file will be spooled to locally. This spooled file will be used if the DS cannot get hold of the 'real' data. NOTE - for windows installation with an explicit DOS device ("C:\etc\discoveryservice") The url below should be "file:///$DS_HOME$/metadata/sites.xml --> <MetadataProvider displayName="SWAMID" identifier="SWAMID-1.0" url="http://md.swamid.se/md/swamid-1.0.xml" backingFile="/opt/shibboleth-ds/metadata/swamid-1.0.xml"/> <MetadataProvider displayName="SWAMID2" identifier="SWAMID-2.0" url="http://md.swamid.se/md/swamid-2.0.xml" backingFile="/opt/shibboleth-ds/metadata/swamid-2.0.xml"/> <!-- If the WAYF is to handle data from more than one metadata source then more metadataproviders can be provided, as below <MetadataProvider displayName="Another Name Here" identifier="SecondSite" backingFile="$DS_HOME$/metadata/ukfed_store.xml" url="http://metadata.ukfederation.org.uk/ukfederation-metadata.xml"/> --> <!-- Plugins are extensible, the identifier is required, as is the type, the rest is for the plugin to define --> <!-- The Cookie Plugin is part of the standard distribution it interrogates and sets the _saml_idp cookie. According to parameterization it can just delete the cookie --> <Plugin identifier="CookiePlugin" type="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.wayf.plugins.provider.SamlCookiePlugin" alwaysFollow = "FALSE" deleteCookie = "FALSE" cacheExpiration = "604800"/> <Plugin identifier="DeleteCookiePlugin" type="edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.wayf.plugins.provider.SamlCookiePlugin" alwaysFollow = "FALSE" deleteCookie = "TRUE" cacheExpiration = "604800"/> <!-- Other plugins are declared similarly <Plugin identifier="AddressHint" type="uk.ac.sdss.IdPIPLookup" /> --> <!-- Every handler has to be declared with a DiscoverServiceHandler element. As well as the attributes and elements described above, each DiscoveryServiceHandler *MUST* have a location attribute. The default wayf.xml specifies that "/WAYF" and "/*.wayf" are the possibilities for DiscoveryServices. If a URL matches the above, but does not match any location in a DiscoveryServiceHandler, then the first handler for which the default attribute is set true is invoked. The web.xml built into into the war file should not be changed unless you have to change the end points that it uses. --> <!-- The ClearCache handler causes the cookie to be deleted. The jsp shipped with the WAYF refers to this handler --> <!-- <DiscoveryServiceHandler location=".+/ClearCache.wayf"> <PluginInstance identifier="DeleteCookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> --> <!-- Example of how to constrain a DiscoveryService to one (or more) explicit metadata sources. (The default is to use all metadata sources) <DiscoveryServiceHandler location=".+/SecondOnly.wayf" > <Federation identifier="SecondSite"/> <PluginInstance identifier="CookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> --> <!-- The Javascript handler downloads javascript arrays with the IdPs and the cookies --> <DiscoveryServiceHandler location=".+/js.wayf" provideList="true" provideListOfList="false" default="false" jspFile="/javascript.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="CookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> <DiscoveryServiceHandler location="https://ds.swamid.se(:[0-9]+)?/.+/ClearCache.wayf" jspFile="wayf-swamid.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror-swamid.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="DeleteCookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> <DiscoveryServiceHandler location="https://ds.swamid.se(:[0-9]+)?/.+/(DS|WAYF)/?" jspFile="wayf-swamid.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror-swamid.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="CookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> <DiscoveryServiceHandler location="https://wayf.swamid.se(:[0-9]+)?/.+/ClearCache.wayf" jspFile="wayf-swamid.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror-swamid.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="DeleteCookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> <DiscoveryServiceHandler location="https://wayf.swamid.se(:[0-9]+)?/.+/(DS|WAYF)/?" jspFile="wayf-swamid.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror-swamid.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="CookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> <DiscoveryServiceHandler location="https://ds.sunet.se(:[0-9]+)?/.+/ClearCache.wayf" jspFile="wayf-sunet.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror-sunet.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="DeleteCookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> <DiscoveryServiceHandler location="https://ds.sunet.se(:[0-9]+)?/.+/(DS|WAYF)/?" jspFile="wayf-sunet.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror-sunet.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="CookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> <DiscoveryServiceHandler provideListOfList="true" location="https://idp-test.nordu.net(:[0-9]+)?/.+/(DS|WAYF)/?" jspFile="wayf-ndn.jsp" errorJspFile="wayferror.jsp"> <PluginInstance identifier="CookiePlugin"/> </DiscoveryServiceHandler> </WayfConfig>