This is a boring, but static web page which shows how an signle SP can configure their own "Discovery Service" without recouse to a Java Container but taking full advantage of the centralised cookie server in the Federation Discovery Service.

This is not meant to be pretty - it is meant to be easy for SP's (who understand HTML) to understand and develop. It is however targetted at a single SP. Sites running multiple SPs and wanting a single Discovery will still need to deploy a real DS, or deploy this as an embedded wayf on each SP.

There is obviously plenty of room for adding all the visual sugar and branding that we want at the three levels

Just for fun, this Discovery service points to the I2Wiki, a Shib 2 SP (and so with an easier configuration). To make things even more fun it has access to metadata (mostly statically loaded) for 6 Federations. (UK, InCommon, MAMS, Switch AcoNet and Renater)

Enter Organization Name


Details on how to set this up this are embedded as comments in this web page. Currently a lot of the configuration is manual. Future versions will be as automatic as possible and the only configuration required will be the link which is displayed when there is not javascript enabled.