<!-- Collect Stylesheet from the DS - this is needed for the autosuggest stuff -->
<link rel="stylesheet" title="normal" type="text/css"
    href="static.css" />
<title>Static Discovery Service with centralised hinting</title>
This is a boring, but static web page which shows how an signle SP can
configure their own "Discovery Service" without recouse to a Java
Container but taking full advantage of the centralised cookie server
in the Federation Discovery Service.
<p>This is not meant to be pretty - it is meant to be easy for SP's
(who understand HTML) to understand and develop.  It is however
targetted at a single SP.  Sites running multiple SPs and wanting a
single Discovery will still need to deploy a real DS, or deploy this
as an embedded wayf on each SP.
There is obviously plenty of room for adding all the visual sugar and
branding that we want at the three levels</p>
<li>A World Wide "This is a Discovery" look and feel</li>
<li>A Federation branding</li>
<li>"Corporate" Branding</li>

<p>Just for fun, this Discovery service points to the I2Wiki, a Shib 2
SP (and so with an easier configuration).  To make things even more
fun it has access to metadata (mostly statically loaded) for 6
Federations.  (UK, InCommon, MAMS, Switch AcoNet and Renater)</p>

<!-- This is where the real lifting starts.  We start with a
placemarker where the previously visit --> 

<div id="Hints"> </div>

<h3>Enter Organization Name</h3>

<!-- The below is for a Shib2 SP.  

In order to make the changes you need two know four things

1) The EntityID of your SP.  

   In this case "https://sh2testsp1.iay.org.uk/shibboleth"

2) The return address for the disocvery protocol.  Dpending on how you
   configure your sessioninitiators this may include other garnish (like

   In this case "https://sh2testsp1.iay.org.uk/Shibboleth.sso/DS"

3) The address of the Servlet running the centralized DS 

   In this case "https://dlib-adidp.ucs.ed.ac.uk/"

4) The name of the JS and Browser discovery services ("discovery/i2full.wayf" 
   and "discovery/jsfull.wayf" respectively.

You then need to plug them into the form below:


<form autocomplete="OFF" action="https://dlib-adidp.ucs.ed.ac.uk/discovery/i2full.wayf">
<!-- This is where your entity goes -->
<input type="hidden" name="entityID" value="https://sh2testsp1.iay.org.uk/shibboleth" />
<!-- and your potentially garnished return address -->
<input type="hidden" name="returnX"  value="https://sh2testsp1.iay.org.uk/Shibboleth.sso/DS" />
<!-- the rest is fixed -->
<input type="hidden" name="returnIDParam" value="entityID" />
<input type="hidden" name="action"   value="search" id="selectOrSearch" />
<input type="hidden" name="cache"    value="perm" />
<input type="hidden" name="origin"   value="unspec" id="enterOrigin"/>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400pr">
   <input type="text" name="string" value="" id="enterText" tabindex="50" size="54" />
  </td><td align="right">
   <input type="submit" id="enterSubmit" value="Search"/>
<!-- Fallback to Shibboleth DS session initiator for non-JavaScript users.  
     You construct the URL using the  values above -->
Your browser is not javascript enabled.  Go to the Discovery Service <a href="https://dlib-adidp.ucs.ed.ac.uk/discovery/i2full.wayf?entityID=https://spaces.internet2.edu/shibboleth&return=https://spaces.internet2.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login">here</a>

Details on how to set this up this are embedded as comments in this
web page.  Currently a lot of the configuration is manual.  Future
versions will be as automatic as possible and the only configuration
required will be the link which is displayed when there is not
javascript enabled.

<script language="javascript" 

<!-- Collect the autosuggest code -->

<script language="javascript" 

<!-- And some code to set up the rest of the page.  You need to plug the DS base address in below -->

<script language="javascript" 

window.onload = function() {

  var wayfAddress="https://dlib-adidp.ucs.ed.ac.uk/";
  var i = 0;
  var hints = document.getElementById("Hints");

  // Make the hints visible
  if (theHints.length > 1) {
     var h3 = document.createElement("h3");
     h3.innerHTML+="Previously visited sites";

  // And populate them
  while (i < theHints.length) {
    var a = document.createElement("a");
    a.href = wayfAddress + theHints[i][0];
    a.innerHTML += theHints[i][1];
  // And set up the autohint.  NOTE you can set up you own
  // site list by providing your own 2 dimensional array
  // instead of "theElements" below.
  var ie6Hack = [ ];
  var control = new TypeAheadControl(theElements,