%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2010 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @author Dave Smith %% @doc rebar_dialyzer supports the following commands: %% %% A single option plt can be presented in the %% dialyzer_opts options in rebar.config. If it %% is present, it is used as the PLT for the supported commands. Should it %% not be present, then the default is $HOME/.dialyzer_plt. %% %% @reference %% Experience from developing the Dialyzer: A static analysis tool detecting %% defects in Erlang applications %% @reference %% A Language for Specifying Type Contracts in Erlang and its Interaction %% with Success Typings %% @reference Gradual %% Typing of Erlang Programs: A Wrangler Experience %% @copyright 2010 Dave Smith %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_dialyzer). -export([dialyze/2, 'build-plt'/2, 'check-plt'/2]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -type(warning() :: {atom(), {string(), integer()}, any()}). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== %% @doc Perform static analysis on the contents of the ebin directory. -spec dialyze(Config::rebar_config:config(), File::file:filename()) -> ok. dialyze(Config, File) -> Plt = existing_plt_path(Config, File), case dialyzer:plt_info(Plt) of {ok, _} -> FromSrc = proplists:get_bool(src, rebar_config:get(Config, dialyzer_opts, [])), DialyzerOpts0 = case FromSrc of true -> [{files_rec, ["src"]}, {init_plt, Plt}, {from, src_code}]; false -> [{files_rec, ["ebin"]}, {init_plt, Plt}] end, WarnOpts = warnings(Config), DialyzerOpts = case WarnOpts of [] -> DialyzerOpts0; _ -> [{warnings, WarnOpts}|DialyzerOpts0] end, ?DEBUG("DialyzerOpts: ~p~n", [DialyzerOpts]), try dialyzer:run(DialyzerOpts) of Warnings -> output_warnings(Warnings) catch throw:{dialyzer_error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("~s~n", [Reason]) end; {error, no_such_file} -> ?ABORT("The PLT ~s does not exist. Please perform the build-plt " "command to ~n" "produce the initial PLT. Be aware that this operation may " "take several minutes.~n", [Plt]); {error, read_error} -> ?ABORT("Unable to read PLT ~n~n", [Plt]); {error, not_valid} -> ?ABORT("The PLT ~s is not valid.~n", [Plt]) end, ok. %% @doc Build the PLT. -spec 'build-plt'(Config::rebar_config:config(), File::file:filename()) -> ok. 'build-plt'(Config, File) -> Plt = new_plt_path(Config, File), Apps = rebar_app_utils:app_applications(File), ?DEBUG("Build PLT ~s including following apps:~n~p~n", [Plt, Apps]), Warnings = dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_build}, {files_rec, app_dirs(Apps)}, {output_plt, Plt}]), case Warnings of [] -> ?INFO("The built PLT can be found in ~s~n", [Plt]); _ -> output_warnings(Warnings) end, ok. %% @doc Check whether the PLT is up-to-date. -spec 'check-plt'(Config::rebar_config:config(), File::file:filename()) -> ok. 'check-plt'(Config, File) -> Plt = existing_plt_path(Config, File), try dialyzer:run([{analysis_type, plt_check}, {init_plt, Plt}]) of [] -> ?CONSOLE("The PLT ~s is up-to-date~n", [Plt]); _ -> %% @todo Determine whether this is the correct summary. ?ABORT("The PLT ~s is not up-to-date~n", [Plt]) catch throw:{dialyzer_error, _Reason} -> ?ABORT("The PLT ~s is not valid.~n", [Plt]) end, ok. %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== %% @doc Obtain the library paths for the supplied applications. -spec app_dirs(Apps::[atom()]) -> [file:filename()]. app_dirs(Apps) -> [filename:join(Path, "ebin") || Path <- [code:lib_dir(App) || App <- Apps], erlang:is_list(Path)]. %% @doc Render the warnings on the console. -spec output_warnings(Warnings::[warning()]) -> 'ok'. output_warnings(Warnings) -> lists:foreach(fun(Warning) -> ?CONSOLE("~s", [dialyzer:format_warning(Warning)]) end, Warnings). %% @doc If the plt option is present in rebar.config return its value, %% otherwise return $HOME/.dialyzer_plt. -spec new_plt_path(Config::rebar_config:config(), File::file:filename()) -> file:filename(). new_plt_path(Config, File) -> AppName = rebar_app_utils:app_name(File), DialyzerOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, dialyzer_opts, []), case proplists:get_value(plt, DialyzerOpts) of undefined -> filename:join(os:getenv("HOME"), "." ++ atom_to_list(AppName) ++ "_dialyzer_plt"); Plt -> Plt end. %% @doc If the plt option is present in rebar.config and the file exists %% return its value or if ~/.AppName_dialyzer_plt exists return that. %% Otherwise return ~/.dialyzer_plt if it exists or abort. -spec existing_plt_path(Config::rebar_config:config(), File::file:filename()) -> file:filename(). existing_plt_path(Config, File) -> AppName = rebar_app_utils:app_name(File), DialyzerOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, dialyzer_opts, []), Home = os:getenv("HOME"), case proplists:get_value(plt, DialyzerOpts) of undefined -> AppPlt = filename:join(Home, "." ++ atom_to_list(AppName) ++ "_dialyzer_plt"), case filelib:is_regular(AppPlt) of true -> AppPlt; false -> HomePlt = filename:join(Home, ".dialyzer_plt"), case filelib:is_regular(HomePlt) of true -> HomePlt; false -> ?ABORT("No PLT found~n", []) end end; "~/" ++ Plt -> filename:join(Home,Plt); Plt -> Plt end. %% @doc If the warnings option is present in rebar.config return its value, %% otherwise return []. -spec warnings(Config::rebar_config:config()) -> list(). warnings(Config) -> DialyzerOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, dialyzer_opts, []), proplists:get_value(warnings, DialyzerOpts, []).