%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_reltool). -export([generate/2, overlay/2, clean/2]). %% for internal use only -export([info/2]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== generate(Config0, ReltoolFile) -> %% Make sure we have decent version of reltool available check_vsn(), %% Load the reltool configuration from the file {Config, ReltoolConfig} = rebar_rel_utils:load_config(Config0, ReltoolFile), Sys = rebar_rel_utils:get_sys_tuple(ReltoolConfig), %% Spin up reltool server and load our config into it {ok, Server} = reltool:start_server([Sys]), %% Do some validation of the reltool configuration; error messages out of %% reltool are still pretty cryptic validate_rel_apps(Server, Sys), %% Finally, run reltool case catch(run_reltool(Server, Config, ReltoolConfig)) of ok -> {ok, Config}; {error, failed} -> ?FAIL; Other2 -> ?ERROR("Unexpected error: ~p\n", [Other2]), ?FAIL end. overlay(Config, ReltoolFile) -> %% Load the reltool configuration from the file {Config1, ReltoolConfig} = rebar_rel_utils:load_config(Config, ReltoolFile), {process_overlay(Config, ReltoolConfig), Config1}. clean(Config, ReltoolFile) -> {Config1, ReltoolConfig} = rebar_rel_utils:load_config(Config, ReltoolFile), TargetDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_dir(Config, ReltoolConfig), rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(TargetDir), rebar_file_utils:delete_each(["reltool.spec"]), {ok, Config1}. %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== info(help, generate) -> info_help("Build release with reltool"); info(help, clean) -> info_help("Delete release"); info(help, overlay) -> info_help("Run reltool overlays only"). info_help(Description) -> ?CONSOLE( "~s.~n" "~n" "Valid rebar.config options:~n" " ~n" "Valid reltool.config options:~n" " {sys, []}~n" " {target_dir, \"target\"}~n" " {overlay_vars, \"overlay\"}~n" " {overlay, []}~n" "Valid command line options:~n" " target_dir=target~n" " overlay_vars=VarsFile~n" " dump_spec=1 (write reltool target spec to reltool.spec)~n", [ Description ]). check_vsn() -> %% TODO: use application:load and application:get_key once we require %% R14A or newer. There's no reltool.app before R14A. case code:lib_dir(reltool) of {error, bad_name} -> ?ABORT("Reltool support requires the reltool application " "to be installed!", []); Path -> ReltoolVsn = filename:basename(Path), case ReltoolVsn < "reltool-0.5.2" of true -> ?ABORT("Reltool support requires at least reltool-0.5.2; " "this VM is using ~s\n", [ReltoolVsn]); false -> ok end end. process_overlay(Config, ReltoolConfig) -> TargetDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_dir(Config, ReltoolConfig), {_BootRelName, BootRelVsn} = rebar_rel_utils:get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolConfig), %% Initialize overlay vars with some basics %% (that can get overwritten) OverlayVars0 = dict:from_list([{erts_vsn, "erts-" ++ erlang:system_info(version)}, {rel_vsn, BootRelVsn}, {target_dir, TargetDir}, {hostname, net_adm:localhost()}]), %% Load up any variables specified by overlay_vars OverlayVars1 = overlay_vars(Config, OverlayVars0, ReltoolConfig), OverlayVars = rebar_templater:resolve_variables(dict:to_list(OverlayVars1), OverlayVars1), %% Finally, overlay the files specified by the overlay section case overlay_files(ReltoolConfig) of [] -> ok; Overlay -> execute_overlay(Overlay, OverlayVars, rebar_utils:get_cwd(), TargetDir) end. %% %% Look for overlay_vars file reference. If the user provides an overlay_vars on %% the command line (i.e. a global), the terms from that file OVERRIDE the one %% listed in reltool.config. To re-iterate, this means you can specify a %% variable in the file from reltool.config and then override that value by %% providing an additional file on the command-line. %% overlay_vars(Config, Vars0, ReltoolConfig) -> BaseVars = load_vars_file([proplists:get_value(overlay_vars, ReltoolConfig)]), OverlayVars = rebar_config:get_global(Config, overlay_vars, []), OverrideVars = load_vars_file(string:tokens(OverlayVars, ",")), M = fun merge_overlay_var/3, dict:merge(M, dict:merge(M, Vars0, BaseVars), OverrideVars). merge_overlay_var(_Key, _Base, Override) -> Override. %% %% If a filename is provided, construct a dict of terms %% load_vars_file([undefined]) -> dict:new(); load_vars_file([]) -> dict:new(); load_vars_file(Files) -> load_vars_file(Files, dict:new()). load_vars_file([], Dict) -> Dict; load_vars_file([File | Files], BaseVars) -> case rebar_config:consult_file(File) of {ok, Terms} -> OverrideVars = dict:from_list(Terms), M = fun merge_overlay_var/3, load_vars_file(Files, dict:merge(M, BaseVars, OverrideVars)); {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Unable to load overlay_vars from ~p: ~p\n", [File, Reason]) end. validate_rel_apps(ReltoolServer, {sys, ReltoolConfig}) -> case lists:keyfind(rel, 1, ReltoolConfig) of false -> ok; {rel, _Name, _Vsn, Apps} -> %% Identify all the apps that do NOT exist, based on %% what's available from the reltool server Missing = lists:sort( [App || App <- Apps, app_exists(App, ReltoolServer) == false]), case Missing of [] -> ok; _ -> ?ABORT("Apps in {rel, ...} section not found by " "reltool: ~p\n", [Missing]) end; Rel -> %% Invalid release format! ?ABORT("Invalid {rel, ...} section in reltools.config: ~p\n", [Rel]) end. app_exists(App, Server) when is_atom(App) -> case reltool_server:get_app(Server, App) of {ok, _} -> true; _ -> false end; app_exists(AppTuple, Server) when is_tuple(AppTuple) -> app_exists(element(1, AppTuple), Server). run_reltool(Server, Config, ReltoolConfig) -> case reltool:get_target_spec(Server) of {ok, Spec} -> %% Pull the target dir and make sure it exists TargetDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_target_dir(Config, ReltoolConfig), mk_target_dir(Config, TargetDir), %% Determine the otp root dir to use RootDir = rebar_rel_utils:get_root_dir(Config, ReltoolConfig), %% Dump the spec, if necessary dump_spec(Config, Spec), %% Have reltool actually run case reltool:eval_target_spec(Spec, RootDir, TargetDir) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to generate target from spec: ~p\n", [Reason]) end, {BootRelName, BootRelVsn} = rebar_rel_utils:get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolConfig), ok = create_RELEASES(TargetDir, BootRelName, BootRelVsn), process_overlay(Config, ReltoolConfig); {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Unable to generate spec: ~s\n", [Reason]) end. mk_target_dir(Config, TargetDir) -> case filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(TargetDir, "dummy")) of ok -> ok; {error, eexist} -> %% Output directory already exists; if force=1, wipe it out case rebar_config:get_global(Config, force, "0") of "1" -> rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(TargetDir), ok = file:make_dir(TargetDir); _ -> ?ERROR("Release target directory ~p already exists!\n", [TargetDir]), ?FAIL end; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR("Failed to make target dir ~p: ~s\n", [TargetDir, file:format_error(Reason)]), ?FAIL end. dump_spec(Config, Spec) -> case rebar_config:get_global(Config, dump_spec, "0") of "1" -> SpecBin = list_to_binary(io_lib:print(Spec, 1, 120, -1)), ok = file:write_file("reltool.spec", SpecBin); _ -> ok end. overlay_files(ReltoolConfig) -> Original = case lists:keyfind(overlay, 1, ReltoolConfig) of {overlay, Overlay} when is_list(Overlay) -> Overlay; false -> ?INFO("No {overlay, [...]} found in reltool.config.\n", []), []; _ -> ?ABORT("{overlay, [...]} entry in reltool.config " "must be a list.\n", []) end, SlimAddition = case rebar_rel_utils:get_excl_lib_tuple(ReltoolConfig) of {excl_lib, otp_root} -> [{create, "releases/{{rel_vsn}}/runner_script.data", "slim\n"}]; false -> [] end, Original ++ SlimAddition. %% TODO: Merge functionality here with rebar_templater execute_overlay([], _Vars, _BaseDir, _TargetDir) -> ok; execute_overlay([{mkdir, Out} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> OutFile = rebar_templater:render( filename:join([TargetDir, Out, "dummy"]), Vars), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(OutFile), ?DEBUG("Created dir ~s\n", [filename:dirname(OutFile)]), execute_overlay(Rest, Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); execute_overlay([{copy, In} | Rest], _Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> execute_overlay([{copy, In, ""} | Rest], _Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); execute_overlay([{copy, In, Out} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> InFile = rebar_templater:render(filename:join(BaseDir, In), Vars), OutFile = rebar_templater:render(filename:join(TargetDir, Out), Vars), case filelib:is_dir(InFile) of true -> ok; false -> ok = filelib:ensure_dir(OutFile) end, rebar_file_utils:cp_r([InFile], OutFile), execute_overlay(Rest, Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); execute_overlay([{template_wildcard, Wildcard, OutDir} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> %% Generate a series of {template, In, Out} instructions from the wildcard %% that will get processed per normal Ifun = fun(F, Acc0) -> [{template, F, filename:join(OutDir, filename:basename(F))} | Acc0] end, NewInstrs = lists:foldl(Ifun, Rest, filelib:wildcard(Wildcard, BaseDir)), case length(NewInstrs) =:= length(Rest) of true -> ?WARN("template_wildcard: ~s did not match any files!\n", [Wildcard]); false -> ok end, ?DEBUG("template_wildcard: ~s expanded to ~p\n", [Wildcard, NewInstrs]), execute_overlay(NewInstrs, Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); execute_overlay([{template, In, Out} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> InFile = rebar_templater:render(filename:join(BaseDir, In), Vars), {ok, InFileData} = file:read_file(InFile), OutFile = rebar_templater:render(filename:join(TargetDir, Out), Vars), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(OutFile), case file:write_file(OutFile, rebar_templater:render(InFileData, Vars)) of ok -> ok = apply_file_info(InFile, OutFile), ?DEBUG("Templated ~p\n", [OutFile]), execute_overlay(Rest, Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to template ~p: ~p\n", [OutFile, Reason]) end; execute_overlay([{create, Out, Contents} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> OutFile = rebar_templater:render(filename:join(TargetDir, Out), Vars), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(OutFile), case file:write_file(OutFile, Contents) of ok -> ?DEBUG("Created ~p\n", [OutFile]), execute_overlay(Rest, Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to create ~p: ~p\n", [OutFile, Reason]) end; execute_overlay([{replace, Out, Regex, Replacement} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> execute_overlay([{replace, Out, Regex, Replacement, []} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); execute_overlay([{replace, Out, Regex, Replacement, Opts} | Rest], Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir) -> Filename = rebar_templater:render(filename:join(TargetDir, Out), Vars), {ok, OrigData} = file:read_file(Filename), Data = re:replace(OrigData, Regex, rebar_templater:render(Replacement, Vars), [global, {return, binary}] ++ Opts), case file:write_file(Filename, Data) of ok -> ?DEBUG("Edited ~s: s/~s/~s/\n", [Filename, Regex, Replacement]), execute_overlay(Rest, Vars, BaseDir, TargetDir); {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to edit ~p: ~p\n", [Filename, Reason]) end; execute_overlay([Other | _Rest], _Vars, _BaseDir, _TargetDir) -> {error, {unsupported_operation, Other}}. apply_file_info(InFile, OutFile) -> {ok, FileInfo} = file:read_file_info(InFile), ok = file:write_file_info(OutFile, FileInfo). create_RELEASES(TargetDir, RelName, RelVsn) -> ReleasesDir = filename:join(TargetDir, "releases"), RelFile = filename:join([ReleasesDir, RelVsn, RelName ++ ".rel"]), Apps = rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_apps(RelFile), TargetLib = filename:join(TargetDir,"lib"), AppDirs = [ {App, Vsn, TargetLib} || {App, Vsn} <- Apps, filelib:is_dir( filename:join(TargetLib, lists:concat([App, "-", Vsn]))) ], case release_handler:create_RELEASES( code:root_dir(), ReleasesDir, RelFile, AppDirs) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to create RELEASES file: ~p\n", [Reason]) end.