%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et -module(rebar_resource_v2). -export([new/3, find_resource_state/2, format_source/1, lock/2, download/3, needs_update/2, make_vsn/3, format_error/1]). -export_type([resource/0, source/0, type/0, location/0, ref/0, resource_state/0]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). -type resource() :: #resource{}. -type source() :: {type(), location(), ref()} | {type(), location(), ref(), binary()}. -type type() :: atom(). -type location() :: string(). -type ref() :: any(). -type resource_state() :: term(). -callback init(type(), rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, resource()}. -callback lock(rebar_app_info:t(), resource_state()) -> source(). -callback download(file:filename_all(), rebar_app_info:t(), resource_state(), rebar_state:t()) -> ok | {error, any()}. -callback needs_update(rebar_app_info:t(), resource_state()) -> boolean(). -callback make_vsn(rebar_app_info:t(), resource_state()) -> {plain, string()} | {error, string()}. -spec new(type(), module(), term()) -> resource(). new(Type, Module, State) -> #resource{type=Type, module=Module, state=State, implementation=?MODULE}. -spec find_resource(type(), [resource()]) -> {ok, resource()} | {error, not_found}. find_resource(Type, Resources) -> case ec_lists:find(fun(#resource{type=T}) -> T =:= Type end, Resources) of error when is_atom(Type) -> case code:which(Type) of non_existing -> {error, not_found}; _ -> {ok, rebar_resource:new(Type, Type, #{})} end; error -> {error, not_found}; {ok, Resource} -> {ok, Resource} end. find_resource_state(Type, Resources) -> case lists:keyfind(Type, #resource.type, Resources) of false -> {error, not_found}; #resource{state=State} -> State end. format_source(AppInfo) -> Name = rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), case rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo) of {pkg, _Name, Vsn, _Hash, _} -> io_lib:format("~ts v~s", [Name, Vsn]); Source -> io_lib:format("~ts (from ~p)", [Name, Source]) end. lock(AppInfo, State) -> resource_run(lock, rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo), [AppInfo], State). resource_run(Function, Source, Args, State) -> Resources = rebar_state:resources(State), case get_resource_type(Source, Resources) of {ok, #resource{type=_, module=Module, state=ResourceState, implementation=?MODULE}} -> erlang:apply(Module, Function, Args++[ResourceState]); {ok, #resource{type=_, module=Module, state=_, implementation=rebar_resource}} -> erlang:apply(rebar_resource, Function, [Module | Args]) end. download(TmpDir, AppInfo, State) -> resource_run(download, rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo), [TmpDir, AppInfo, State], State). needs_update(AppInfo, State) -> resource_run(needs_update, rebar_app_info:source(AppInfo), [AppInfo], State). %% this is a special case since it is used for project apps as well, not just deps make_vsn(AppInfo, Vsn, State) -> VcsType = case Vsn of {T, _} -> T; T -> T end, Resources = rebar_state:resources(State), case is_resource_type(VcsType, Resources) of true -> case find_resource(VcsType, Resources) of {ok, #resource{type=_, module=Module, state=ResourceState, implementation=?MODULE}} -> Module:make_vsn(AppInfo, ResourceState); {ok, #resource{type=_, module=Module, state=_, implementation=rebar_resource}} -> rebar_resource:make_vsn(Module, AppInfo) end; false -> unknown end. format_error({no_resource, Location, Type}) -> io_lib:format("Cannot handle dependency ~ts.~n" " No module found for resource type ~p.", [Location, Type]); format_error({no_resource, Source}) -> io_lib:format("Cannot handle dependency ~ts.~n" " No module found for unknown resource type.", [Source]). is_resource_type(Type, Resources) -> lists:any(fun(#resource{type=T}) -> T =:= Type end, Resources). -spec get_resource_type(term(), [resource()]) -> {ok, resource()}. get_resource_type({Type, Location}, Resources) -> get_resource(Type, Location, Resources); get_resource_type({Type, Location, _}, Resources) -> get_resource(Type, Location, Resources); get_resource_type({Type, _, _, Location}, Resources) -> get_resource(Type, Location, Resources); get_resource_type(Location={Type, _, _, _, _}, Resources) -> get_resource(Type, Location, Resources); get_resource_type(Source, _) -> throw(?PRV_ERROR({no_resource, Source})). -spec get_resource(type(), term(), [resource()]) -> {ok, resource()}. get_resource(Type, Location, Resources) -> case find_resource(Type, Resources) of {error, not_found} -> throw(?PRV_ERROR({no_resource, Location, Type})); {ok, Resource} -> {ok, Resource} end.