diff options
authorMagnus Ahltorp <>2017-03-02 00:27:59 +0100
committerMagnus Ahltorp <>2017-03-08 23:23:13 +0100
commit12e08090358383c5678417ae8929fca1f03ca8bc (patch)
parent04f5784a9af4cf49dd8a08ff4c64035272cfd370 (diff)
14 files changed, 355 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Emakefile b/Emakefile
index a40d624..0a41ae3 100644
--- a/Emakefile
+++ b/Emakefile
@@ -10,3 +10,9 @@
{i, "src/"}, % For plop.hrl.
{outdir, "merge/ebin/"},
{parse_transform, lager_transform}]}.
+ [debug_info,
+ {i, "../"}, % For hackney.
+ {i, "src/"}, % For plop.hrl.
+ {outdir, "statsserver/ebin/"},
+ {parse_transform, lager_transform}]}.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2b2f69d..4e5d5b2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ clean:
-rm priv/fsynchelper
-rm ebin/*.beam
-rm merge/ebin/*.beam
+ -rm statsserver/ebin/*.beam
dialyze: build
dialyzer ebin merge/ebin
diff --git a/merge/src/merge_backup.erl b/merge/src/merge_backup.erl
index bf20f23..f1e9253 100644
--- a/merge/src/merge_backup.erl
+++ b/merge/src/merge_backup.erl
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ do_backup(NodeName, NodeAddress, Start, NTotal) ->
do_backup(NodeName, NodeAddress, Size, NTotal - N).
write_backupfile(NodeName, TreeSize, TreeHead) ->
+ statusreport:report("merge_backup", NodeName, "verified", TreeSize),
{ok, BasePath} = application:get_env(plop, verified_path),
Path = BasePath ++ "." ++ NodeName,
Content = mochijson2:encode({[{"tree_size", TreeSize},
diff --git a/merge/src/merge_dist.erl b/merge/src/merge_dist.erl
index f8f0c7c..da6b667 100644
--- a/merge/src/merge_dist.erl
+++ b/merge/src/merge_dist.erl
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ dist(noentry, State) ->
Timer = erlang:start_timer(1000, self(), dist),
{noreply, State#state{timer = Timer}};
dist({struct, PropList} = STH,
- #state{node_address = NodeAddress, sth_timestamp = LastTimestamp} = State) ->
+ #state{node_address = NodeAddress,
+ node_name = NodeName,
+ sth_timestamp = LastTimestamp} = State) ->
Treesize = proplists:get_value(<<"tree_size">>, PropList),
Timestamp = proplists:get_value(<<"timestamp">>, PropList),
RootHash = base64:decode(proplists:get_value(<<"sha256_root_hash">>, PropList)),
@@ -60,8 +62,10 @@ dist({struct, PropList} = STH,
lager:info("~p: starting dist, sth at ~B, logorder at ~B",
[NodeAddress, Treesize, Logordersize]),
- ok = do_dist(NodeAddress, min(Treesize, Logordersize)),
+ statusreport:report("merge_dist", NodeName, "targetsth", Treesize),
+ ok = do_dist(NodeAddress, NodeName, min(Treesize, Logordersize)),
ok = publish_sth(NodeAddress, STH),
+ statusreport:report("merge_dist", NodeName, "sth", Treesize),
lager:info("~p: Published STH with size ~B and timestamp " ++
"~p.", [NodeAddress, Treesize, Timestamp]),
@@ -82,21 +86,22 @@ dist({struct, PropList} = STH,
%% @doc Has nonlocal return because of throw further down in
%% merge_util:request/4.
-do_dist(NodeAddress, Size) ->
+do_dist(NodeAddress, NodeName, Size) ->
{ok, VerifiedSize} = frontend_get_verifiedsize(NodeAddress),
lager:debug("~p: verifiedsize ~B", [NodeAddress, VerifiedSize]),
true = VerifiedSize =< Size,
- do_dist(NodeAddress, VerifiedSize, Size - VerifiedSize).
+ do_dist(NodeAddress, NodeName, VerifiedSize, Size - VerifiedSize).
-do_dist(_, _, 0) ->
+do_dist(_, _, _, 0) ->
-do_dist(NodeAddress, Start, NTotal) ->
+do_dist(NodeAddress, NodeName, Start, NTotal) ->
DistMaxWindow = application:get_env(plop, merge_dist_winsize, 1000),
N = min(DistMaxWindow, NTotal),
Hashes = index:getrange(logorder, Start, Start + N - 1),
SendlogChunksize = application:get_env(plop, merge_dist_sendlog_chunksize, 1000),
SendentriesChunksize = application:get_env(plop, merge_dist_sendentries_chunksize, 100),
ok = merge_util:sendlog(NodeAddress, Start, Hashes, SendlogChunksize),
+ statusreport:report("merge_dist", NodeName, "sendlog", Start + N),
{ok, HashesMissingEncoded} = merge_util:missingentries(NodeAddress),
lager:debug("number of missing entries: ~B", [length(HashesMissingEncoded)]),
HashesMissing = lists:map(fun base64:decode/1, HashesMissingEncoded),
@@ -104,8 +109,9 @@ do_dist(NodeAddress, Start, NTotal) ->
{ok, NewSize} = frontend_verify_entries(NodeAddress, Start + N),
lager:info("~p: Done distributing ~B out of ~B entries.",
[NodeAddress, NewSize-Start, NTotal]),
+ statusreport:report("merge_dist", NodeName, "verified", Start + N),
true = NTotal >= NewSize - Start,
- do_dist(NodeAddress, NewSize, NTotal - (NewSize - Start)).
+ do_dist(NodeAddress, NodeName, NewSize, NTotal - (NewSize - Start)).
frontend_get_verifiedsize(NodeAddress) ->
frontend_verify_entries(NodeAddress, 0).
diff --git a/merge/src/merge_sth.erl b/merge/src/merge_sth.erl
index ab1cd8f..b8ae1f9 100644
--- a/merge/src/merge_sth.erl
+++ b/merge/src/merge_sth.erl
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ make_sth(CurSize, State) ->
Wait =
case NewSize < CurSize of
true ->
+ statusreport:report("merge_sth", "sth", "sth", null),
lager:debug("waiting for enough backups to reach ~B, now at ~B",
[CurSize, NewSize]),
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ do_make_sth(Size) ->
{"sha256_root_hash", base64:encode(NewRoot)},
{"tree_head_signature", base64:encode(PackedSignature)}],
ok = plop:save_sth({struct, NewSTH}),
+ statusreport:report("merge_sth", "sth", "sth", Size),
false ->
lager:error("The signature we got for new tree of size ~B doesn't " ++
diff --git a/merge/src/merge_util.erl b/merge/src/merge_util.erl
index 7598e40..24eba60 100644
--- a/merge/src/merge_util.erl
+++ b/merge/src/merge_util.erl
@@ -12,14 +12,18 @@ request(DebugTag, URL) ->
request(DebugTag, URL, Headers, RequestBody) ->
case plop_httputil:request(DebugTag, URL, Headers, RequestBody) of
{error, Err} ->
+ statusreport:report_multi("merge_errors", URL, "http_error", list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~w", [Err]))),
throw({request_error, request, DebugTag, Err});
{failure, {none, StatusCode, none}, _RespHeaders, _Body} ->
+ statusreport:report_multi("merge_errors", URL, "http_error", StatusCode),
throw({request_error, failure, DebugTag, StatusCode});
{success, {_, StatusCode, _}, _, Body} when StatusCode == 200 ->
case (catch mochijson2:decode(Body)) of
{error, Err} ->
+ statusreport:report_multi("merge_errors", URL, "http_error", list_to_binary(Err)),
throw({request_error, decode, DebugTag, Err});
{struct, PropList} ->
+ statusreport:report_multi("merge_errors", URL, "http_error", 200),
{proplists:get_value(<<"result">>, PropList), PropList}
diff --git a/src/http_auth.erl b/src/http_auth.erl
index 2cee51f..e083a2c 100644
--- a/src/http_auth.erl
+++ b/src/http_auth.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
--export([verify_auth/4, create_auth/3, init_key_table/0, sign_stored/1, verify_stored/3]).
+-export([verify_auth/4, create_auth/3, init_key_table/0, sign_stored/1, verify_stored/3, own_name/0]).
-define(KEY_TABLE, http_auth_keys).
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ read_key_table() ->
+own_name() ->
+ {_Key, KeyName} = own_key(),
+ KeyName.
own_key() ->
case application:get_env(plop, own_key, none) of
{KeyName, _KeyFile} ->
diff --git a/src/plop_sup.erl b/src/plop_sup.erl
index 27f7680..15f3fe8 100644
--- a/src/plop_sup.erl
+++ b/src/plop_sup.erl
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ init([]) ->
Children = [permanent_worker(the_db, {db, start_link, []}, [db]),
permanent_worker(the_storagedb, {storagedb, start_link, []}),
permanent_worker(fsync, {fsyncport, start_link, []}),
+ permanent_worker(the_statusreport, {statusreport, start_link, []}),
permanent_worker(plopcontrol, {plopcontrol, start_link, []})],
OptionalChildren = lists:map(fun (ServiceName) ->
case ServiceName of
diff --git a/src/statusreport.erl b/src/statusreport.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5bb5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/statusreport.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, terminate/2, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-record(state, {
+ timer :: none|reference(),
+ nodename :: string(),
+ statusreports :: dict:dict(),
+ lastsent :: integer()
+ }).
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+init([]) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ReportInterval = application:get_env(plop, status_report_interval, 1000),
+ lager:info("~p: starting", [?MODULE]),
+ %Timer = erlang:start_timer(1000, self(), dist),
+ {ok, #state{timer = none,
+ nodename = http_auth:own_name(),
+ statusreports = dict:new(),
+ lastsent = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond) - ReportInterval}}.
+store_status(State, Service, Target, Variable, Status) ->
+ Statusreports = dict:store({Service, Target, Variable},
+ {single, Status},
+ State#state.statusreports),
+ State#state{statusreports = Statusreports}.
+dict_append_set(Key, Value, Dict) ->
+ AppendSet = sets:from_list([Value]),
+ dict:update(Key, fun ({multi, Old}) ->
+ {multi, sets:union(Old, AppendSet)}
+ end,
+ {multi, AppendSet}, Dict).
+store_multi_status(State, Service, Target, Variable, Status) ->
+ Statusreports = dict_append_set({Service, Target, Variable},
+ Status,
+ State#state.statusreports),
+ State#state{statusreports = Statusreports}.
+handle_call(_, _From, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_cast({report, Service, Target, Variable, Status}, State) ->
+ NewState = store_status(State, Service, Target, Variable, Status),
+ {noreply, try_send(NewState)};
+handle_cast({report_multi, Service, Target, Variable, Status}, State) ->
+ NewState = store_multi_status(State, Service, Target, Variable, Status),
+ {noreply, try_send(NewState)}.
+handle_info({timeout, _Timer, force_send}, State) ->
+ lager:debug("statusreport timer timeout"),
+ {noreply, force_send(State)}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+cancel_timer(State) ->
+ case State#state.timer of
+ none ->
+ none;
+ _ ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(State#state.timer)
+ end,
+ State#state{timer = none}.
+set_timer(State) ->
+ case State#state.timer of
+ none ->
+ ReportInterval = application:get_env(plop, status_report_interval, 1000),
+ Timer = erlang:start_timer(State#state.lastsent + ReportInterval, self(), force_send, [{abs, true}]),
+ State#state{timer = Timer};
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end.
+terminate(Reason, State) ->
+ lager:info("~p terminating: ~p", [?MODULE, Reason]),
+ NewState = cancel_timer(State),
+ case Reason of
+ shutdown ->
+ force_send(NewState);
+ _ ->
+ none
+ end,
+ ok.
+group_by_service(Statusreports) ->
+ dict:to_list(
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun ({{Service, Target, Variable}, Status}, Acc) ->
+ dict:append(Service, {Target, Variable, Status}, Acc)
+ end, dict:new(), dict:to_list(Statusreports))).
+encode_status({single, Status}) ->
+ Status;
+encode_status({multi, Statuses}) ->
+ sets:to_list(Statuses).
+send(Service, Statusreports, Nodename) ->
+ lager:debug("reporting status to ~p: ~p", [Service, Statusreports]),
+ [NodeAddress] = plopconfig:get_env(statsservers, []),
+ DebugTag = "statusreport",
+ URL = NodeAddress ++ Service,
+ Headers = [{"Content-Type", "text/json"}],
+ RequestBody = list_to_binary(
+ mochijson2:encode(
+ [
+ {struct,
+ [{"target", list_to_binary(Target)},
+ {"source", list_to_binary(Nodename)},
+ {"key", list_to_binary(Variable)},
+ {"value", encode_status(Status)}]}
+ || {Target, Variable, Status} <- Statusreports
+ ])),
+ case plop_httputil:request(DebugTag, URL, Headers, RequestBody) of
+ {error, Err} ->
+ lager:debug("request error ~p ~p", [DebugTag, Err]);
+ {failure, {none, StatusCode, none}, _RespHeaders, _Body} ->
+ lager:debug("request failure ~p ~p", [DebugTag, StatusCode]);
+ {success, {_, StatusCode, _}, _, Body} when StatusCode == 200 ->
+ case (catch mochijson2:decode(Body)) of
+ {error, Err} ->
+ lager:debug("error returned ~p ~p", [DebugTag, Err]);
+ {struct, _PropList} ->
+ none
+ end
+ end.
+force_send(State) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun ({Service, Statusreports}) ->
+ send(Service, Statusreports, State#state.nodename)
+ end, group_by_service(State#state.statusreports)),
+ NewState = cancel_timer(State),
+ NewState#state{statusreports = dict:new(), lastsent = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond)}.
+try_send(State) ->
+ ReportInterval = application:get_env(plop, status_report_interval, 1000),
+ NextSend = State#state.lastsent + ReportInterval,
+ Now = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
+ if
+ NextSend > Now ->
+ lager:debug("status report sent ~p ms ago, setting timer", [NextSend - Now]),
+ set_timer(State);
+ true ->
+ lager:debug("status report send long enough ago"),
+ force_send(State)
+ end.
+report(Service, Target, Variable, Status) ->
+ lager:debug("reporting status ~p ~p ~p ~p", [Service, Target, Variable, Status]),
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {report, Service, Target, Variable, Status}).
+report_multi(Service, Target, Variable, Status) ->
+ lager:debug("reporting multi status ~p ~p ~p ~p", [Service, Target, Variable, Status]),
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {report_multi, Service, Target, Variable, Status}).
diff --git a/src/storage.erl b/src/storage.erl
index 7498635..6114a57 100644
--- a/src/storage.erl
+++ b/src/storage.erl
@@ -9,6 +9,18 @@
-define(APPURL_PLOP_STORAGE, "plop/v1/storage").
+reportnewentries() ->
+ NodeName = http_auth:own_name(),
+ {LastIndexOrZero, LastHash} = storagedb:lastverifiednewentry(),
+ VerifiedEntries = case LastHash of
+ none ->
+ 0;
+ _ ->
+ LastIndexOrZero + 1
+ end,
+ NewEntries = index:indexsize(newentries_db) - VerifiedEntries,
+ statusreport:report("storage", NodeName, "newentries", NewEntries).
request(post, ?APPURL_PLOP_STORAGE, "sendentry", Input) ->
case (catch mochijson2:decode(Input)) of
{error, E} ->
@@ -20,6 +32,7 @@ request(post, ?APPURL_PLOP_STORAGE, "sendentry", Input) ->
ok = db:add_entry_sync(TreeLeafHash, LogEntry),
ok = storagedb:add(TreeLeafHash),
{KeyName, Sig} = http_auth:sign_stored(plop:spt_data_from_entry(LogEntry)),
+ reportnewentries(),
success({[{result, <<"ok">>},
{"sig", KeyName ++ ":" ++ base64:encode_to_string(Sig)}
@@ -55,6 +68,7 @@ request(get, ?APPURL_PLOP_STORAGE, "fetchnewentries", _Input) ->
Entries = lists:map(fun(LeafHash) ->
end, NewHashes),
+ reportnewentries(),
success({[{result, <<"ok">>},
{entries, Entries}]});
request(get, ?APPURL_PLOP_STORAGE, "getentry", Query) ->
diff --git a/statsserver/ebin/ b/statsserver/ebin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c642ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statsserver/ebin/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+%%% Application resource file for statsserver, see app(5).
+{application, statsserver,
+ [{description, "Plop statsserver"},
+ {vsn, "0.10.1"},
+ {modules, [statsserver_app, statsserver_sup, statsserver]},
+ {applications, [kernel, stdlib, lager, plop]},
+ {registered, [statsserver_sup, statsserver]},
+ {mod, {statsserver_app, []}}
+ ]}.
diff --git a/statsserver/src/statsserver.erl b/statsserver/src/statsserver.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d42b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statsserver/src/statsserver.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2014-2016, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+%%% @doc Frontend node API
+%% API (URL)
+-define(APPURL_PLOP_STATUS, "plop/v1/status").
+request(post, ?APPURL_PLOP_STATUS, Service, Input) ->
+ case (catch mochijson2:decode(Input)) of
+ {error, E} ->
+ html("bad input:", E);
+ Entries when is_list(Entries) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun ({struct, PropList}) ->
+ Target = proplists:get_value(<<"target">>, PropList),
+ Variable = proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, PropList),
+ Status = proplists:get_value(<<"value">>, PropList),
+ set_status(Service, Target, Variable, Status)
+ end, Entries)
+ end,
+ success({[{result, <<"ok">>}]});
+request(get, "", "status", Input) ->
+ Now = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
+ Variables = [{struct, [
+ {service, list_to_binary(Service)},
+ {target, Target},
+ {variable, Variable},
+ {status, Status},
+ {age, (Now - Timestamp) / 1000}
+ ]} || {{Service, Target, Variable}, Status, Timestamp} <- get_status()],
+ success({[{result, Variables}]}).
+success(Data) ->
+ {200, [{"Content-Type", "text/json"}, {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"}], mochijson2:encode(Data)}.
+html(Text, Input) ->
+ {400, [{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
+ io_lib:format(
+ "<html><body><p>~n" ++
+ "~s~n" ++
+ "~p~n" ++
+ "</body></html>~n", [Text, Input])}.
+-define(STATUSDB_TABLE, statsserver_statusdb).
+init_module() ->
+ create_statusdb().
+create_statusdb() ->
+ case ets:info(?STATUSDB_TABLE) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ets:delete(?STATUSDB_TABLE)
+ end,
+ ets:new(?STATUSDB_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]).
+get_status() ->
+ [E || [E] <- ets:match(?STATUSDB_TABLE, '$1')].
+set_status(Service, Target, Variable, Status) ->
+ lager:info("status: ~p ~p ~p ~p", [Service, Target, Variable, Status]),
+ Timestamp = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
+ true = ets:insert(?STATUSDB_TABLE,
+ {{Service, Target, Variable}, Status, Timestamp}),
+ ok.
diff --git a/statsserver/src/statsserver_app.erl b/statsserver/src/statsserver_app.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6caf2b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statsserver/src/statsserver_app.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+-export([start/2, stop/1]).
+start(normal, Args) ->
+ statsserver:init_module(),
+ statsserver_sup:start_link(Args).
+stop(_State) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/statsserver/src/statsserver_sup.erl b/statsserver/src/statsserver_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b92e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statsserver/src/statsserver_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+-export([start_link/1, init/1]).
+start_link(_Args) ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, SSLFlag) ->
+ {ChildName, IpAddress, Port, Module} = Config,
+ {ok, IPv4Address} = inet:parse_ipv4strict_address(IpAddress),
+ WebConfig = [{ip, IPv4Address},
+ {port, Port},
+ {ssl, SSLFlag},
+ {acceptor_pool_size,
+ application:get_env(catlfish, http_server_pool_size, 16)},
+ {ssl_opts, SSLOptions}
+ ],
+ {ChildName,
+ {catlfish_web, start, [WebConfig, Module, ChildName]},
+ permanent, 5000, worker, dynamic}.
+init([]) ->
+ SSLOptions =
+ [{certfile, application:get_env(plop, https_certfile, none)},
+ {keyfile, application:get_env(plop, https_keyfile, none)},
+ {cacertfile, application:get_env(plop, https_cacertfile, none)}],
+ Servers =
+ lists:map(fun (Config) ->
+ gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, true)
+ end, application:get_env(plop, https_servers, [])) ++
+ lists:map(fun (Config) ->
+ gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, false)
+ end, application:get_env(plop, http_servers, [])),
+ lager:debug("Starting servers ~p", [Servers]),
+ {ok,
+ {{one_for_one, 3, 10},
+ Servers}}.