path: root/src/plop.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plop.erl')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/src/plop.erl b/src/plop.erl
index 5eb0c1f..ebadcc5 100644
--- a/src/plop.erl
+++ b/src/plop.erl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-export([start_link/0, stop/0]).
-export([get_logid/0, serialise/1]).
-export([add/3, sth/0, get/1, get/2, spt/1, consistency/2, inclusion/2, inclusion_and_entry/2]).
+-export([generate_timestamp/0, save_sth/1, verify_sth/4]).
%% API for tests.
%% gen_server callbacks.
@@ -115,8 +115,14 @@ add(LogEntry, TreeLeafHash, EntryHash) ->
+save_sth(STH) ->
+ {ok, STHFile} = application:get_env(plop, sth_path),
+ lager:debug("writing new sth to ~p: ~p", [STHFile, STH]),
+ atomic:replacefile(STHFile, mochijson2:encode(STH)).
sth() ->
- sth([]).
+ {ok, STHFile} = application:get_env(plop, sth_path),
+ mochijson2:decode(atomic:readfile(STHFile)).
-spec get(non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) ->
[{non_neg_integer(), binary(), binary()}].
@@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ send_http_request(TreeLeafHash, URL, Headers, RequestBody) ->
RequestId = make_ref(),
spawn(fun () ->
case plop_httputil:request("leafhash " ++ mochihex:to_hex(TreeLeafHash), URL, Headers, RequestBody) of
- {failure, StatusLine, RespHeaders, Body} ->
+ {failure, _StatusLine, _RespHeaders, _Body} ->
lager:debug("auth check failed"),
{success, StatusLine, RespHeaders, Body} ->
@@ -293,32 +299,15 @@ handle_call(stop, _From, Plop) ->
{stop, normal, stopped, Plop}.
-%% @doc Signed Plop Timestamp, conformant to an SCT in RFC6962 3.2 and
-%% RFC5246 4.7.
-%% @doc Signed Tree Head as specified in RFC6962 section 3.2.
--spec sth(sth_signed() | list()) -> sth().
-sth([]) ->
- sth(#sth_signed{timestamp = now});
-sth(#sth_signed{version = Version, timestamp = Timestamp_in}) ->
- Timestamp = timestamp(Timestamp_in),
- Treesize = ht:size(),
- Roothash = ht:root(),
- BinToSign = serialise(#sth_signed{
- version = Version,
- signature_type = tree_hash,
- timestamp = Timestamp,
- tree_size = Treesize,
- root_hash = Roothash}),
- Signature = #signature{
- algorithm = #sig_and_hash_alg{
- hash_alg = sha256,
- signature_alg = ecdsa},
- signature = sign:sign_sth(BinToSign)},
- STH = {Treesize, Timestamp, Roothash, Signature},
- %%io:format("STH: ~p~nBinToSign: ~p~nSignature: ~p~nTimestamp: ~p~n",
- %% [STH, BinToSign, Signature, Timestamp]),
- STH.
+verify_sth(Treesize, Timestamp, Roothash, PackedSignature) ->
+ STH = serialise(#sth_signed{
+ version = ?PLOPVERSION,
+ signature_type = tree_hash,
+ timestamp = Timestamp,
+ tree_size = Treesize,
+ root_hash = Roothash}),
+ <<HashAlg:8, SignatureAlg:8, SigLen:16, Signature/binary>> = PackedSignature,
+ sign:verify_sth(STH, Signature).
@@ -349,18 +338,6 @@ signature_alg_type(rsa) -> 1;
signature_alg_type(dsa) -> 2;
signature_alg_type(ecdsa) -> 3.
-%% TODO: Remove.
--spec timestamp(now | integer()) -> integer().
-timestamp(Timestamp) ->
- case Timestamp of
- now ->
- {NowMegaSec, NowSec, NowMicroSec} = now(),
- trunc(NowMegaSec * 1.0e9
- + NowSec * 1.0e3
- + NowMicroSec / 1.0e3);
- _ -> Timestamp
- end.
-spec generate_timestamp() -> integer().
generate_timestamp() ->
{NowMegaSec, NowSec, NowMicroSec} = now(),