diff options
5 files changed, 156 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/catlfish.erl b/src/catlfish.erl
index dd25a84..e48f788 100644
--- a/src/catlfish.erl
+++ b/src/catlfish.erl
@@ -113,39 +113,49 @@ get_sct(Hash, TimestampedEntry) ->
--spec add_chain(binary(), [binary()], normal|precert) -> {[{_,_},...]}.
-add_chain(LeafCert, CertChain, Type) ->
- CombinedChain = [LeafCert | CertChain],
- EntryHash = crypto:hash(sha256, CombinedChain),
+add_to_db(Type, LeafCert, CertChain, EntryHash) ->
EntryType = case Type of
normal -> x509_entry;
precert -> precert_entry
+ Timestamp = plop:generate_timestamp(),
+ TSE = timestamped_entry(Timestamp, EntryType, LeafCert, CertChain),
+ MTLText = serialise(#mtl{leaf_version = v1,
+ leaf_type = timestamped_entry,
+ entry = TSE}),
+ MTLHash = ht:leaf_hash(MTLText),
+ ExtraData =
+ case Type of
+ normal -> CertChain;
+ precert -> [LeafCert | CertChain]
+ end,
+ LogEntry =
+ list_to_binary(
+ [encode_tls_vector(MTLText, 4),
+ encode_tls_vector(
+ encode_tls_vector(
+ list_to_binary(
+ [encode_tls_vector(C, 3) || C <- ExtraData]),
+ 3),
+ 4)]),
+ ok = plop:add(LogEntry, MTLHash, EntryHash),
+ {TSE, MTLHash}.
+get_ratelimit_token(Type) ->
+ ratelimit:get_token(Type).
+-spec add_chain(binary(), [binary()], normal|precert) -> {[{_,_},...]}.
+add_chain(LeafCert, CertChain, Type) ->
+ EntryHash = crypto:hash(sha256, [LeafCert | CertChain]),
{TimestampedEntry, Hash} =
case plop:get(EntryHash) of
notfound ->
- Timestamp = plop:generate_timestamp(),
- TSE = timestamped_entry(Timestamp, EntryType, LeafCert, CertChain),
- MTLText = serialise(#mtl{leaf_version = v1,
- leaf_type = timestamped_entry,
- entry = TSE}),
- MTLHash = ht:leaf_hash(MTLText),
- ExtraData =
- case Type of
- normal -> CertChain;
- precert -> CombinedChain
- end,
- LogEntry =
- list_to_binary(
- [encode_tls_vector(MTLText, 4),
- encode_tls_vector(
- encode_tls_vector(
- list_to_binary(
- [encode_tls_vector(C, 3) || C <- ExtraData]),
- 3),
- 4)]),
- ok = plop:add(LogEntry, MTLHash, EntryHash),
- {TSE, MTLHash};
+ case get_ratelimit_token(add_chain) of
+ ok ->
+ add_to_db(Type, LeafCert, CertChain, EntryHash);
+ _ ->
+ exit({internalerror, "Rate limiting"})
+ end;
{_Index, MTLHash, DBEntry} ->
{MTLText, _ExtraData} = unpack_entry(DBEntry),
MTL = deserialise_mtl(MTLText),
diff --git a/src/catlfish_sup.erl b/src/catlfish_sup.erl
index 5da7b93..353b691 100644
--- a/src/catlfish_sup.erl
+++ b/src/catlfish_sup.erl
@@ -9,6 +9,16 @@
start_link(_Args) ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+permanent_worker(Name, {Module, Function, Args}) ->
+ permanent_worker(Name, {Module, Function, Args}, [Module]).
+permanent_worker(Name, StartFunc, Modules) ->
+ {Name,
+ StartFunc,
+ permanent,
+ 10000,
+ worker, Modules}.
gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, SSLFlag) ->
{ChildName, IpAddress, Port, Module} = Config,
{ok, IPv4Address} =
@@ -37,6 +47,7 @@ init([]) ->
gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, false)
end, application:get_env(catlfish, http_servers, [])),
lager:debug("Starting servers ~p", [Servers]),
+ RateLimit = permanent_worker(ratelimit, {ratelimit, start_link, []}),
{{one_for_one, 3, 10},
- Servers}}.
+ [RateLimit | Servers]}}.
diff --git a/src/ratelimit.erl b/src/ratelimit.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16d0f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ratelimit.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2015, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+-export([start_link/0, stop/0]).
+%% gen_server callbacks.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, terminate/2, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE,
+ application:get_env(catlfish, ratelimits, []), []).
+stop() ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).
+get_token(Type) ->
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {get_token, Type}).
+init(Types) ->
+ lager:debug("starting ratelimit service"),
+ State = dict:from_list([{Type, {Rules, queue:new()}}
+ || {Type, Rules} <- Types]),
+ {ok, State}.
+rule_interval_atom([{_, Interval}]) ->
+ Interval.
+rule_interval([{_, second}]) ->
+ 1000;
+rule_interval([{_, minute}]) ->
+ 60*1000;
+rule_interval([{_, hour}]) ->
+ 60*60*1000.
+rule_times([{Times, _}]) when is_integer(Times) ->
+ Times.
+clean_queue(Interval, Queue) ->
+ Now = plop:generate_timestamp(),
+ case queue:peek(Queue) of
+ {value, Item} when Item + Interval < Now ->
+ clean_queue(Interval, queue:drop(Queue));
+ _ ->
+ Queue
+ end.
+get_token_for_type({none, Queue}) ->
+ {ok, {none, Queue}};
+get_token_for_type({Rules, Queue}) ->
+ CleanedQueue = clean_queue(rule_interval(Rules), Queue),
+ MaxTimes = rule_times(Rules),
+ QueueLength = queue:len(CleanedQueue),
+ if
+ QueueLength < MaxTimes ->
+ Now = plop:generate_timestamp(),
+ {ok, {Rules, queue:in(Now, CleanedQueue)}};
+ true ->
+ {overload, {Rules, CleanedQueue}}
+ end.
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, stopped, State};
+handle_call({get_token, Type}, _From, State) ->
+ case dict:find(Type, State) of
+ {ok, TypeState} ->
+ {Result, NewTypeState} = get_token_for_type(TypeState),
+ {Rules, Queue} = NewTypeState,
+ lager:debug("current rate: ~p per ~p",
+ [queue:len(Queue), rule_interval_atom(Rules)]),
+ {reply, Result, dict:store(Type, NewTypeState, State)};
+ error ->
+ {reply, ok, State}
+ end.
+handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVersion, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/test/catlfish-test-local-1.cfg b/test/catlfish-test-local-1.cfg
index be1c5b3..88eda59 100644
--- a/test/catlfish-test-local-1.cfg
+++ b/test/catlfish-test-local-1.cfg
@@ -23,5 +23,8 @@ paths:
logpublickey: tests/keys/logkey.pem
privatekeys: tests/privatekeys
+ add_chain: 10 per second
# - sctcaching
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index d90d96d..c48ba66 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -150,6 +150,21 @@ def allowed_servers_frontend(signingnodenames, storagenodenames):
("/ct/signing/sct", signingnodenames),
+def parse_ratelimit_expression(expression):
+ if expression == "none":
+ return Symbol("none")
+ parts = expression.split(" ")
+ if not (len(parts) == 3 and parts[1] == 'per' and parts[2] in ["second", "minute", "hour"]):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Ratelimit expressions must have the format \"<frequency> per second|minute|hour\" or \"none\""
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return (int(parts[0]), Symbol(parts[2]))
+def parse_ratelimit((type, description)):
+ descriptions = [parse_ratelimit_expression(s.strip()) for s in description.split(",")]
+ if len(descriptions) != 1:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Only one ratelimit expression supported right now" % (type,)
+ return (Symbol(type), descriptions)
def gen_config(nodename, config, localconfig):
print "generating config for", nodename
paths = localconfig["paths"]
@@ -171,6 +186,9 @@ def gen_config(nodename, config, localconfig):
catlfishconfig.append((Symbol("known_roots_path"), localconfig["paths"]["knownroots"]))
if "sctcaching" in options:
catlfishconfig.append((Symbol("sctcache_root_path"), paths["db"] + "sctcache/"))
+ if localconfig["ratelimits"]:
+ ratelimits = map(parse_ratelimit, localconfig["ratelimits"].items())
+ catlfishconfig.append((Symbol("ratelimits"), ratelimits))
catlfishconfig += [
(Symbol("https_servers"), https_servers),