path: root/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/demos/autocomplete/remote-jsonp.html
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authorLeif Johansson <>2011-11-25 21:18:19 +0100
committerLeif Johansson <>2011-11-25 21:18:19 +0100
commit3909e6d89e01e4cd8777377c63037896bb95aa2f (patch)
tree59679df287c2bee55087fb5afb8d42e7f93a44fb /src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/demos/autocomplete/remote-jsonp.html
parente5f94e9be5017f627c1ccd8c6306c5cc2e200432 (diff)
new jq layout
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/demos/autocomplete/remote-jsonp.html')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/demos/autocomplete/remote-jsonp.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/demos/autocomplete/remote-jsonp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba43c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/demos/autocomplete/remote-jsonp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Autocomplete - Remote JSONP datasource</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../themes/base/jquery.ui.all.css">
+ <script src="../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../ui/jquery.ui.core.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../ui/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../ui/jquery.ui.position.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../ui/"></script>
+ <script src="../../ui/jquery.ui.autocomplete.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../demos.css">
+ <style>
+ .ui-autocomplete-loading {
+ background: white url('images/ui-anim_basic_16x16.gif') right center no-repeat;
+ }
+ #city { width: 25em; }
+ </style>
+ <script>
+ $(function() {
+ function log( message ) {
+ $( "<div>" ).text( message ).prependTo( "#log" );
+ $( "#log" ).scrollTop( 0 );
+ }
+ $( "#city" ).autocomplete({
+ source: function( request, response ) {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "",
+ dataType: "jsonp",
+ data: {
+ featureClass: "P",
+ style: "full",
+ maxRows: 12,
+ name_startsWith: request.term
+ },
+ success: function( data ) {
+ response( $.map( data.geonames, function( item ) {
+ return {
+ label: + (item.adminName1 ? ", " + item.adminName1 : "") + ", " + item.countryName,
+ value:
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ minLength: 2,
+ select: function( event, ui ) {
+ log( ui.item ?
+ "Selected: " + ui.item.label :
+ "Nothing selected, input was " + this.value);
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-all" ).addClass( "ui-corner-top" );
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ $( this ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-all" );
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ </script>
+<div class="demo">
+<div class="ui-widget">
+ <label for="city">Your city: </label>
+ <input id="city">
+ Powered by <a href=""></a>
+<div class="ui-widget" style="margin-top:2em; font-family:Arial">
+ Result:
+ <div id="log" style="height: 200px; width: 300px; overflow: auto;" class="ui-widget-content"></div>
+</div><!-- End demo -->
+<div class="demo-description">
+<p>The Autocomplete widgets provides suggestions while you type into the field. Here the suggestions are cities, displayed when at least two characters are entered into the field.</p>
+<p>In this case, the datasource is the <a href=""> webservice</a>. While only the city name itself ends up in the input after selecting an element, more info is displayed in the suggestions to help find the right entry. That data is also available in callbacks, as illustrated by the Result area below the input.</p>
+</div><!-- End demo-description -->