path: root/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit
diff options
authorLeif Johansson <>2011-11-25 21:18:19 +0100
committerLeif Johansson <>2011-11-25 21:18:19 +0100
commit3909e6d89e01e4cd8777377c63037896bb95aa2f (patch)
tree59679df287c2bee55087fb5afb8d42e7f93a44fb /src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit
parente5f94e9be5017f627c1ccd8c6306c5cc2e200432 (diff)
new jq layout
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit')
-rw-r--r--src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/images/jqueryui_32x32.pngbin0 -> 1193 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/images/test.jpgbin0 -> 391 bytes
157 files changed, 17308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9b1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion.html
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Accordion Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ $.uiBackCompat = false;
+ </script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.accordion" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.accordion.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_test_helpers.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+ <style>
+ #list, #list1 *, #navigation, #navigation * {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 15px;
+ }
+ </style>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Accordion Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="list1" class="foo">
+ <h3 class="bar"><a class="anchor">There is one obvious advantage:</a></h3>
+ <div class="foo">
+ <p>
+ You've seen it coming!
+ <br>
+ Buy now and get nothing for free!
+ <br>
+ Well, at least no free beer. Perhaps a bear, if you can afford it.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <h3 class="bar"><a class="anchor">Now that you've got...</a></h3>
+ <div class="foo">
+ <p>
+ your bear, you have to admit it!
+ <br>
+ No, we aren't selling bears.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ We could talk about renting one.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <h3 class="bar"><a class="anchor">Rent one bear, ...</a></h3>
+ <div class="foo">
+ <p>
+ get two for three beer.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ And now, for something completely different.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+<div id="navigationWrapper">
+ <ul id="navigation">
+ <li>
+ <h2><a href="?p=1.1.1">Guitar</a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Electric</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Acoustic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Amps</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Effects</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h2><a href="?p=1.1.2"><span>Bass</span></a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Electric</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Acoustic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Amps</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Effects</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h2><a href="?p=1.1.3">Drums</a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Acoustic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Electronic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<dl id="accordion-dl">
+ <dt>
+ <a href="#">Accordion Header 1</a>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Accordion Content 1
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="#">Accordion Header 2</a>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Accordion Content 2
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="#">Accordion Header 3</a>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Accordion Content 3
+ </dd>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3442cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "accordion: core", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+$.each( { div: "#list1", ul: "#navigation", dl: "#accordion-dl" }, function( type, selector ) {
+ test( "markup structure: " + type, function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( selector ).accordion();
+ ok( element.hasClass( "ui-accordion" ), "main element is .ui-accordion" );
+ equal( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).length, 3,
+ ".ui-accordion-header elements exist, correct number" );
+ equal( element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" ).length, 3,
+ ".ui-accordion-content elements exist, correct number" );
+ deepEqual( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).next().get(),
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" ).get(),
+ "content panels come immediately after headers" );
+ });
+test( "handle click on header-descendant", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion();
+ $( "#navigation h2:eq(1) a" ).click();
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "ui-accordion-heading class added to headers anchor", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion();
+ var anchors = element.find( ".ui-accordion-heading" );
+ equal( anchors.length, 3 );
+test( "accessibility", function () {
+ expect( 13 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion().accordion( "option", "active", 1 );
+ var headers = element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 1 ).attr( "tabindex" ), 0, "active header should have tabindex=0" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 0 ).attr( "tabindex" ), -1, "inactive header should have tabindex=-1" );
+ equal( element.attr( "role" ), "tablist", "main role" );
+ equal( headers.attr( "role" ), "tab", "tab roles" );
+ equal( "role" ), "tabpanel", "tabpanel roles" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 1 ).attr( "aria-expanded" ), "true", "active tab has aria-expanded" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 0 ).attr( "aria-expanded" ), "false", "inactive tab has aria-expanded" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 1 ).attr( "aria-selected" ), "true", "active tab has aria-selected" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 0 ).attr( "aria-selected" ), "false", "inactive tab has aria-selected" );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 0 );
+ equal( headers.eq( 0 ).attr( "aria-expanded" ), "true", "newly active tab has aria-expanded" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 1 ).attr( "aria-expanded" ), "false", "newly inactive tab has aria-expanded" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 0 ).attr( "aria-selected" ), "true", "active tab has aria-selected" );
+ equal( headers.eq( 1 ).attr( "aria-selected" ), "false", "inactive tab has aria-selected" );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa58e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "accordion", {
+ defaults: {
+ active: 0,
+ animated: "slide",
+ collapsible: false,
+ disabled: false,
+ event: "click",
+ header: "> li > :first-child,> :not(li):even",
+ heightStyle: "auto",
+ icons: {
+ "activeHeader": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s",
+ "header": "ui-icon-triangle-1-e"
+ },
+ // callbacks
+ activate: null,
+ beforeActivate: null,
+ create: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_defaults_deprecated.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_defaults_deprecated.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f45a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_defaults_deprecated.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "accordion", {
+ defaults: {
+ active: 0,
+ animated: "slide",
+ autoHeight: true,
+ clearStyle: false,
+ collapsible: false,
+ disabled: false,
+ event: "click",
+ fillSpace: false,
+ header: "> li > :first-child,> :not(li):even",
+ heightStyle: null,
+ icons: {
+ "activeHeader": null,
+ "header": "ui-icon-triangle-1-e",
+ "headerSelected": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
+ },
+ navigation: false,
+ navigationFilter: function() {},
+ // callbacks
+ activate: null,
+ beforeActivate: null,
+ change: null,
+ changestart: null,
+ create: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_deprecated.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_deprecated.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f730d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_deprecated.html
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Accordion Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.accordion" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.accordion.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_test_helpers.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_defaults_deprecated.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="accordion_deprecated.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+ <style>
+ #list, #list1 *, #navigation, #navigation * {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 15px;
+ }
+ </style>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Accordion Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="list1" class="foo">
+ <h3 class="bar"><a class="anchor">There is one obvious advantage:</a></h3>
+ <div class="foo">
+ <p>
+ You've seen it coming!
+ <br>
+ Buy now and get nothing for free!
+ <br>
+ Well, at least no free beer. Perhaps a bear, if you can afford it.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <h3 class="bar"><a class="anchor">Now that you've got...</a></h3>
+ <div class="foo">
+ <p>
+ your bear, you have to admit it!
+ <br>
+ No, we aren't selling bears.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ We could talk about renting one.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <h3 class="bar"><a class="anchor">Rent one bear, ...</a></h3>
+ <div class="foo">
+ <p>
+ get two for three beer.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ And now, for something completely different.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+<div id="navigationWrapper">
+ <ul id="navigation">
+ <li>
+ <h2><a href="?p=1.1.1">Guitar</a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Electric</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Acoustic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Amps</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Effects</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h2><a href="?p=1.1.2"><span>Bass</span></a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Electric</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Acoustic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Amps</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Effects</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h2><a href="?p=1.1.3">Drums</a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Acoustic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Electronic</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?p=">Accessories</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<dl id="accordion-dl">
+ <dt>
+ <a href="#">Accordion Header 1</a>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Accordion Content 1
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="#">Accordion Header 2</a>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Accordion Content 2
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ <a href="#">Accordion Header 3</a>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Accordion Content 3
+ </dd>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_deprecated.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_deprecated.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec034e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_deprecated.js
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "accordion (deprecated): expanded active option, activate method", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "activate, numeric", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({ active: 1 });
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+test( "activate, numeric, collapsible:true", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({ collapsible: true });
+ element.accordion( "activate", 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", -1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "activate, boolean, collapsible: true", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({ collapsible: true });
+ element.accordion( "activate", 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", false );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "activate, boolean, collapsible: false", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion();
+ element.accordion( "activate", 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", false );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+test( "activate, string expression", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({ active: "h3:last" });
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", ":first" );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", ":eq(1)" );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", ":last" );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+test( "activate, jQuery or DOM element", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({ active: $( "#list1 h3:last" ) });
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", $( "#list1 h3:first" ) );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "activate", $( "#list1 h3" )[ 1 ] );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ active: Selector }", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $("#list1").accordion({
+ active: "h3:last"
+ });
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", "h3:eq(1)" );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ active: Element }", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: $( "#list1 h3:last" )[ 0 ]
+ });
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", $( "#list1 h3:eq(1)" )[ 0 ] );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ active: jQuery Object }", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: $( "#list1 h3:last" )
+ });
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", $( "#list1 h3:eq(1)" ) );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+module( "accordion (deprecated) - height options", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "{ autoHeight: true }, default", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ accordion_equalHeights( $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ autoHeight: true }), 95, 130 );
+test( "{ autoHeight: false }", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ autoHeight: false });
+ var sizes = [];
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" ).each(function() {
+ sizes.push( $(this).height() );
+ });
+ ok( sizes[0] >= 70 && sizes[0] <= 105, "was " + sizes[0] );
+ ok( sizes[1] >= 98 && sizes[1] <= 126, "was " + sizes[1] );
+ ok( sizes[2] >= 42 && sizes[2] <= 54, "was " + sizes[2] );
+test( "{ fillSpace: true }", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $( "#navigationWrapper" ).height( 500 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ fillSpace: true });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 446, 458 );
+test( "{ fillSapce: true } with sibling", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $( "#navigationWrapper" ).height( 500 );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 50,
+ marginTop: 20,
+ marginBottom: 30
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ fillSpace: true });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element , 346, 358);
+test( "{ fillSpace: true } with multiple siblings", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $( "#navigationWrapper" ).height( 500 );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 50,
+ marginTop: 20,
+ marginBottom: 30
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 50,
+ marginTop: 20,
+ marginBottom: 30,
+ position: "absolute"
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 25,
+ marginTop: 10,
+ marginBottom: 15
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ fillSpace: true });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 296, 308 );
+module( "accordion (deprecated) - icons", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "icons, headerSelected", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ icons: { headerSelected: "a1", header: "h1" }
+ });
+ ok( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active span.ui-icon" ).hasClass( "a1" ) );
+ element.accordion( "option", "icons", { headerSelected: "a2", header: "h2" } );
+ ok( !element.find( ".ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active span.ui-icon" ).hasClass( "a1" ) );
+ ok( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active span.ui-icon" ).hasClass( "a2" ) );
+module( "accordion (deprecated) - resize", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "resize", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" )
+ .parent()
+ .height( 300 )
+ .end()
+ .accordion({
+ heightStyle: "fill"
+ });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 246, 258 );
+ element.parent().height( 500 );
+ element.accordion( "resize" );
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 446, 458 );
+module( "accordion (deprecated) - navigation", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "{ navigation: true, navigationFilter: header }", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({
+ navigation: true,
+ navigationFilter: function() {
+ return /\?p=1\.1\.3$/.test( this.href );
+ }
+ });
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+test( "{ navigation: true, navigationFilter: content }", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({
+ navigation: true,
+ navigationFilter: function() {
+ return /\?p=1\.1\.3\.2$/.test( this.href );
+ }
+ });
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+module( "accordion (deprecated) - changestart/change events", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "changestart", function() {
+ expect( 26 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ var headers = element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" );
+ var content = element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" );
+ "accordionchangestart", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ "accordionchangestart", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ headers.eq( 1 ).click();
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ "accordionchangestart", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", false );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "change", function() {
+ expect( 20 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ var headers = element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" );
+ var content = element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" );
+ "accordionchange", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 0 );
+ "accordionchange", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ });
+ headers.eq( 1 ).click();
+ "accordionchange", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 0 );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", false );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12acf2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "accordion: events", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "beforeActivate", function() {
+ expect( 38 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ var headers = element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" );
+ var content = element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" );
+ "accordionbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ) );
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ "accordionbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "click" );
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ headers.eq( 1 ).click();
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ "accordionbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ) );
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", false );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ "accordionbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ) );
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 2 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 2 ] );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "activate", function() {
+ expect( 21 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ var headers = element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" );
+ var content = element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" );
+ "accordionactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 0 );
+ "accordionactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 0 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.newContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ });
+ headers.eq( 1 ).click();
+ "accordionactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.oldHeader.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldHeader[ 0 ], headers[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.oldContent.size(), 1 );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldContent[ 0 ], content[ 1 ] );
+ equal( ui.newHeader.size(), 0 );
+ equal( ui.newContent.size(), 0 );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", false );
+ // prevent activation
+ "accordionbeforeactivate", function( event ) {
+ ok( true );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ "accordionactivate", function() {
+ ok( false );
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 1 );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f61647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "accordion: methods", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "destroy", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ domEqual( "#list1", function() {
+ $( "#list1" ).accordion().accordion( "destroy" );
+ });
+test( "enable/disable", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion();
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "disable" );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "enable" );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "refresh", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" )
+ .parent()
+ .height( 300 )
+ .end()
+ .accordion({
+ heightStyle: "fill"
+ });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 246, 258 );
+ element.parent().height( 500 );
+ element.accordion( "refresh" );
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 446, 458 );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a60bb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "accordion: options", accordion_setupTeardown() );
+test( "{ active: default }", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion();
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+test( "{ active: false }", function() {
+ expect( 7 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ equal( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active" ).size(), 0, "no headers selected" );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), false );
+ element.accordion( "option", "collapsible", false );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+ element.accordion( "destroy" );
+ element.accordion({
+ active: false
+ });
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ strictEqual( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+test( "{ active: Number }", function() {
+ expect( 8 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: 2
+ });
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 0 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 1 ).click();
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 10 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+if ( $.uiBackCompat === false ) {
+ test( "{ active: -Number }", function() {
+ expect( 8 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: -1
+ });
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", -2 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", -10 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", -3 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+// TODO: add animation tests
+test( "{ collapsible: false }", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: 1
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", false );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 1 ).click();
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ collapsible: true }", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ active: 1,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", false );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), false );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 1 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 1 ).click();
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), false );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "{ event: null }", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ event: null
+ });
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 1 );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // ensure default click handler isn't bound
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 2 ).click();
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ event: custom }", function() {
+ expect( 11 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ event: "custom1 custom2"
+ });
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 1 ).trigger( "custom1" );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // ensure default click handler isn't bound
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 2 ).trigger( "click" );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 2 ).trigger( "custom2" );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "event", "custom3" );
+ // ensure old event handlers are unbound
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 1 ).trigger( "custom1" );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).eq( 1 ).trigger( "custom3" );
+ equal( element.accordion( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ header: default }", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ // default: > li > :first-child,> :not(li):even
+ // > :not(li):even
+ accordion_state( $( "#list1" ).accordion(), 1, 0, 0);
+ // > li > :first-child
+ accordion_state( $( "#navigation" ).accordion(), 1, 0, 0);
+test( "{ header: custom }", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#navigationWrapper" ).accordion({
+ header: "h2"
+ });
+ element.find( "h2" ).each(function() {
+ ok( $( this ).hasClass( "ui-accordion-header" ) );
+ });
+ equal( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header" ).length, 3 );
+ accordion_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.accordion( "option", "active", 2 );
+ accordion_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+test( "{ heightStyle: 'auto' }", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ heightStyle: "auto" });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 95, 130 );
+test( "{ heightStyle: 'content' }", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ heightStyle: "content" });
+ var sizes = element.find( ".ui-accordion-content" ).map(function() {
+ return $( this ).height();
+ }).get();
+ ok( sizes[ 0 ] >= 70 && sizes[ 0 ] <= 105, "was " + sizes[ 0 ] );
+ ok( sizes[ 1 ] >= 98 && sizes[ 1 ] <= 126, "was " + sizes[ 1 ] );
+ ok( sizes[ 2 ] >= 42 && sizes[ 2 ] <= 54, "was " + sizes[ 2 ] );
+test( "{ heightStyle: 'fill' }", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $( "#navigationWrapper" ).height( 500 );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ heightStyle: "fill" });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 446, 458 );
+test( "{ heightStyle: 'fill' } with sibling", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $( "#navigationWrapper" ).height( 500 );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 50,
+ marginTop: 20,
+ marginBottom: 30
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ heightStyle: "fill" });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element , 346, 358);
+test( "{ heightStyle: 'fill' } with multiple siblings", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $( "#navigationWrapper" ).height( 500 );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 50,
+ marginTop: 20,
+ marginBottom: 30
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 50,
+ marginTop: 20,
+ marginBottom: 30,
+ position: "absolute"
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ $( "<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>" )
+ .css({
+ height: 25,
+ marginTop: 10,
+ marginBottom: 15
+ })
+ .prependTo( "#navigationWrapper" );
+ var element = $( "#navigation" ).accordion({ heightStyle: "fill" });
+ accordion_equalHeights( element, 296, 308 );
+test( "{ icons: false }", function() {
+ expect( 8 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" );
+ function icons( on ) {
+ deepEqual( element.find( "span.ui-icon").length, on ? 3 : 0 );
+ deepEqual( element.hasClass( "ui-accordion-icons" ), on );
+ }
+ element.accordion();
+ icons( true );
+ element.accordion( "destroy" ).accordion({
+ icons: false
+ });
+ icons( false );
+ element.accordion( "option", "icons", { header: "foo", activeHeader: "bar" } );
+ icons( true );
+ element.accordion( "option", "icons", false );
+ icons( false );
+test( "{ icons: hash }", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#list1" ).accordion({
+ icons: { activeHeader: "a1", header: "h1" }
+ });
+ ok( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active span.ui-icon" ).hasClass( "a1" ) );
+ element.accordion( "option", "icons", { activeHeader: "a2", header: "h2" } );
+ ok( !element.find( ".ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active span.ui-icon" ).hasClass( "a1" ) );
+ ok( element.find( ".ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active span.ui-icon" ).hasClass( "a2" ) );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_test_helpers.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_test_helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d60a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_test_helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+function accordion_state( accordion ) {
+ var expected = $.makeArray( arguments ).slice( 1 );
+ var actual = accordion.find( ".ui-accordion-content" ).map(function() {
+ return $( this ).css( "display" ) === "none" ? 0 : 1;
+ }).get();
+ deepEqual( actual, expected );
+function accordion_equalHeights( accordion, min, max ) {
+ var sizes = [];
+ accordion.find( ".ui-accordion-content" ).each(function() {
+ sizes.push( $( this ).outerHeight() );
+ });
+ ok( sizes[ 0 ] >= min && sizes[ 0 ] <= max,
+ "must be within " + min + " and " + max + ", was " + sizes[ 0 ] );
+ deepEqual( sizes[ 0 ], sizes[ 1 ] );
+ deepEqual( sizes[ 0 ], sizes[ 2 ] );
+function accordion_setupTeardown() {
+ var animated = $.ui.accordion.prototype.options.animated;
+ return {
+ setup: function() {
+ $.ui.accordion.prototype.options.animated = false;
+ },
+ teardown: function() {
+ $.ui.accordion.prototype.options.animated = animated;
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d600e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/accordion/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Accordion Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "accordion" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Accordion Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5152bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ (function() {
+ var params = [],
+ suites = [
+ "accordion/accordion.html",
+ "accordion/accordion_deprecated.html",
+ "autocomplete/autocomplete.html",
+ "button/button.html",
+ "core/core.html",
+ "datepicker/datepicker.html",
+ "dialog/dialog.html",
+ //"draggable/draggable.html",
+ //"droppable/droppable.html",
+ "effects/effects.html",
+ "menu/menu.html",
+ "position/position.html",
+ "position/position_deprecated.html",
+ "progressbar/progressbar.html",
+ //"resizable/resizable.html",
+ //"selectable/selectable.html",
+ "slider/slider.html",
+ //"sortable/sortable.html",
+ "spinner/spinner.html",
+ "tabs/tabs.html",
+ "tabs/tabs_deprecated.html",
+ "tooltip/tooltip.html",
+ "widget/widget.html"
+ ];
+ $.each( QUnit.urlParams, function( key, value ) {
+ if ( key === "filter" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ params.push( encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value ) );
+ });
+ if ( params.length ) {
+ params = "?" + params.join( "&" );
+ suites = $.map( suites, function( suite ) {
+ return suite + params;
+ });
+ }
+ QUnit.testSuites( suites );
+ }());
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c644e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Autocomplete Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "autocomplete" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Autocomplete Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70d2ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete.html
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Autocomplete Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "", "ui.autocomplete" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.position.js",
+ "ui/",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.autocomplete.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="autocomplete_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="autocomplete_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="autocomplete_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="autocomplete_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="autocomplete_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Autocomplete Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="ac-wrap1" class="ac-wrap"></div>
+<div id="ac-wrap2" class="ac-wrap"><input id="autocomplete" class="foo"></div>
+<div id="autocomplete-contenteditable" contenteditable="" tabindex=0></div>
+<textarea id="autocomplete-textarea"></textarea>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f92aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "autocomplete: core" );
+asyncTest( "close-on-blur is properly delayed", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" )
+ .autocomplete({
+ source: [ "java", "javascript" ]
+ })
+ .val( "ja" )
+ .autocomplete( "search" ),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ element.blur();
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok( ":hidden") );
+ start();
+ }, 200 );
+asyncTest( "close-on-blur is cancelled when starting a search", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" )
+ .autocomplete({
+ source: [ "java", "javascript" ]
+ })
+ .val( "ja" )
+ .autocomplete( "search" ),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ element.blur();
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ element.autocomplete( "search" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ start();
+ }, 200 );
+test( "prevent form submit on enter when menu is active", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var event,
+ element = $( "#autocomplete" )
+ .autocomplete({
+ source: [ "java", "javascript" ]
+ })
+ .val( "ja" )
+ .autocomplete( "search" ),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ event = $.Event( "keydown" );
+ event.keyCode = $.ui.keyCode.DOWN;
+ element.trigger( event );
+ deepEqual( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item:has(.ui-state-focus)" ).length, 1, "menu item is active" );
+ event = $.Event( "keydown" );
+ event.keyCode = $.ui.keyCode.ENTER;
+ element.trigger( event );
+ ok( event.isDefaultPrevented(), "default action is prevented" );
+test( "allow form submit on enter when menu is not active", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var event,
+ element = $( "#autocomplete" )
+ .autocomplete({
+ autoFocus: false,
+ source: [ "java", "javascript" ]
+ })
+ .val( "ja" )
+ .autocomplete( "search" );
+ event = $.Event( "keydown" );
+ event.keyCode = $.ui.keyCode.ENTER;
+ element.trigger( event );
+ ok( !event.isDefaultPrevented(), "default action is prevented" );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac83eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "autocomplete", {
+ defaults: {
+ appendTo: "body",
+ autoFocus: false,
+ delay: 300,
+ disabled: false,
+ minLength: 1,
+ position: {
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ collision: "none"
+ },
+ source: null,
+ // callbacks
+ change: null,
+ close: null,
+ create: null,
+ focus: null,
+ open: null,
+ response: null,
+ search: null,
+ select: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b51ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "autocomplete: events" );
+var data = [ "Clojure", "COBOL", "ColdFusion", "Java", "JavaScript", "Scala", "Scheme" ];
+ {
+ type: "input",
+ selector: "#autocomplete",
+ valueMethod: "val"
+ },
+ {
+ type: "textarea",
+ selector: "#autocomplete-textarea",
+ valueMethod: "val"
+ },
+ {
+ type: "contenteditable",
+ selector: "#autocomplete-contenteditable",
+ valueMethod: "text"
+ }
+], function( i, settings ) {
+ asyncTest( "all events - " + settings.type, function() {
+ expect( 13 );
+ var element = $( settings.selector )
+ .autocomplete({
+ autoFocus: false,
+ delay: 0,
+ source: data,
+ search: function( event ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "keydown", "search originalEvent" );
+ },
+ response: function( event, ui ) {
+ deepEqual( ui.content, [
+ { label: "Clojure", value: "Clojure" },
+ { label: "Java", value: "Java" },
+ { label: "JavaScript", value: "JavaScript" }
+ ], "response ui.content" );
+ ui.content.splice( 0, 1 );
+ },
+ open: function( event ) {
+ ok( ":visible" ), "menu open on open" );
+ },
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "menufocus", "focus originalEvent" );
+ deepEqual( ui.item, { label: "Java", value: "Java" }, "focus ui.item" );
+ },
+ close: function( event ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "menuselect", "close originalEvent" );
+ ok( ":hidden" ), "menu closed on close" );
+ },
+ select: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "menuselect", "select originalEvent" );
+ deepEqual( ui.item, { label: "Java", value: "Java" }, "select ui.item" );
+ },
+ change: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "blur", "change originalEvent" );
+ deepEqual( ui.item, { label: "Java", value: "Java" }, "change ui.item" );
+ ok( ":hidden" ), "menu closed on change" );
+ start();
+ }
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.simulate( "focus" )[ settings.valueMethod ]( "j" ).keydown();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok( ":visible" ), "menu is visible after delay" );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ element.simulate( "blur" );
+ }, 50 );
+ });
+asyncTest( "change without selection", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ delay: 0,
+ source: data,
+ change: function( event, ui ) {
+ strictEqual( ui.item, null );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+ element.triggerHandler( "focus" );
+ element.val( "ja" ).triggerHandler( "blur" );
+asyncTest( "cancel search", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var first = true,
+ element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ delay: 0,
+ source: data,
+ search: function() {
+ if ( first ) {
+ equal( element.val(), "ja", "val on first search" );
+ first = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ equal( element.val(), "java", "val on second search" );
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ ok( true, "menu opened" );
+ }
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.val( "ja" ).keydown();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is hidden after first search" );
+ element.val( "java" ).keydown();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok( ":visible" ), "menu is visible after second search" );
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).length, 2, "# of menu items" );
+ start();
+ }, 50 );
+ }, 50 );
+asyncTest( "cancel focus", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var customVal = "custom value";
+ element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ delay: 0,
+ source: data,
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ $( this ).val( customVal );
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ element.val( "ja" ).keydown();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ equal( element.val(), customVal );
+ start();
+ }, 50 );
+asyncTest( "cancel select", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var customVal = "custom value",
+ element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ delay: 0,
+ source: data,
+ select: function( event, ui ) {
+ $( this ).val( customVal );
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ element.val( "ja" ).keydown();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ equal( element.val(), customVal );
+ start();
+ }, 50 );
+asyncTest( "blur during remote search", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var ac = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ delay: 0,
+ source: function( request, response ) {
+ ok( true, "trigger request" );
+ ac.simulate( "blur" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ response([ "result" ]);
+ start();
+ }, 100 );
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ ok( false, "opened after a blur" );
+ }
+ });
+ ac.val( "ro" ).keydown();
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fe035d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "autocomplete: methods" );
+test( "destroy", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ domEqual( "#autocomplete", function() {
+ $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete().autocomplete( "destroy" );
+ });
+test( "search", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var data = [ "c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby", "python", "c", "scala", "groovy", "haskell", "perl" ],
+ element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ source: data,
+ minLength: 0
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.autocomplete( "search" );
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).length, data.length, "all items for a blank search" );
+ element.val( "has" ).autocomplete( "search" );
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "haskell", "only one item for set input value" );
+ element.autocomplete( "search", "ja" );
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).length, 2, "only java and javascript for 'ja'" );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114e9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/autocomplete_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "autocomplete: options" );
+var data = [ "c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby", "python", "c", "scala", "groovy", "haskell", "perl" ];
+test( "appendTo", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete();
+ equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], document.body, "defaults to body" );
+ element.autocomplete( "destroy" );
+ element.autocomplete({
+ appendTo: ".ac-wrap"
+ });
+ equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], $( "#ac-wrap1" )[0], "first found element" );
+ equal( $( "#ac-wrap2 .ui-autocomplete" ).length, 0, "only appends to one element" );
+ element.autocomplete( "destroy" );
+ element.autocomplete({
+ appendTo: null
+ });
+ equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], document.body, "null" );
+ element.autocomplete( "destroy" );
+ element.autocomplete().autocomplete( "option", "appendTo", "#ac-wrap1" );
+ equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], $( "#ac-wrap1" )[0], "modified after init" );
+ element.autocomplete( "destroy" );
+function autoFocusTest( afValue, focusedLength ) {
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ autoFocus: afValue,
+ delay: 0,
+ source: data,
+ open: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).children( ".ui-menu-item:first" ).find( ".ui-state-focus" ).length,
+ focusedLength, "first item is " + (afValue ? "" : "not") + " auto focused" );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+ element.val( "ja" ).keydown();
+ stop();
+test( "autoFocus: false", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ autoFocusTest( false, 0 );
+test( "autoFocus: true", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ autoFocusTest( true, 1 );
+asyncTest( "delay", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ source: data,
+ delay: 50
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.val( "ja" ).keydown();
+ ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is closed immediately after search" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok( ":visible" ), "menu is open after delay" );
+ start();
+ }, 100 );
+asyncTest( "disabled", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ source: data,
+ delay: 0,
+ disabled: true
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.val( "ja" ).keydown();
+ ok( ":hidden" ) );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ ok( ":hidden" ) );
+ start();
+ }, 50 );
+test( "minLength", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ source: data
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.autocomplete( "search", "" );
+ ok( ":hidden" ), "blank not enough for minLength: 1" );
+ element.autocomplete( "option", "minLength", 0 );
+ element.autocomplete( "search", "" );
+ ok( ":visible" ), "blank enough for minLength: 0" );
+test( "source, local string array", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ source: data
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.val( "ja" ).autocomplete( "search" );
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "javajavascript" );
+function sourceTest( source, async ) {
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ source: source
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ function result() {
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "javajavascript" );
+ element.autocomplete( "destroy" );
+ if ( async ) {
+ start();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( async ) {
+ stop();
+ $( document ).one( "ajaxStop", result );
+ }
+ element.val( "ja" ).autocomplete( "search" );
+ if ( !async ) {
+ result();
+ }
+test( "source, local object array, only label property", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ sourceTest([
+ { label: "java" },
+ { label: "php" },
+ { label: "coldfusion" },
+ { label: "javascript" }
+ ]);
+test( "source, local object array, only value property", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ sourceTest([
+ { value: "java" },
+ { value: "php" },
+ { value: "coldfusion" },
+ { value: "javascript" }
+ ]);
+test( "source, url string with remote json string array", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ sourceTest( "remote_string_array.txt", true );
+test( "source, url string with remote json object array, only value properties", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ sourceTest( "remote_object_array_values.txt", true );
+test( "source, url string with remote json object array, only label properties", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ sourceTest( "remote_object_array_labels.txt", true );
+test( "source, custom", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ sourceTest(function( request, response ) {
+ equal( request.term, "ja" );
+ response( ["java", "javascript"] );
+ });
+test( "source, update after init", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({
+ source: [ "java", "javascript", "haskell" ]
+ }),
+ menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" );
+ element.val( "ja" ).autocomplete( "search" );
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "javajavascript" );
+ element.autocomplete( "option", "source", [ "php", "asp" ] );
+ element.val( "ph" ).autocomplete( "search" );
+ equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "php" );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_object_array_labels.txt b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_object_array_labels.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..502496c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_object_array_labels.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[{"label":"java"},{"label":"javascript"}] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_object_array_values.txt b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_object_array_values.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..029cbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_object_array_values.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[{"value":"java"},{"value":"javascript"}] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_string_array.txt b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_string_array.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b24c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/autocomplete/remote_string_array.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+["java", "javascript"] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9e224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Button Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "button" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Button Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ec7e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button.html
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Button Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.button" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.button.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="button_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="button_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="button_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="button_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="button_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="button_tickets.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Button Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div><button id="button" class="foo">Label</button></div>
+<div id="radio0" style="margin-top: 2em;">
+ <input type="radio" id="radio01" name="radio" checked="checked"><label for="radio01">Choice 1</label>
+ <input type="radio" id="radio02" name="radio"><label for="radio02">Choice 2</label>
+ <input type="radio" id="radio03" name="radio"><label for="radio03">Choice 3</label>
+ <div id="radio1" style="margin-top: 2em;">
+ <input type="radio" id="radio11" name="radio"><label for="radio11">Choice 1</label>
+ <input type="radio" id="radio12" name="radio" checked="checked"><label for="radio12">Choice 2</label>
+ <input type="radio" id="radio13" name="radio"><label for="radio13">Choice 3</label>
+ </div>
+ <div id="radio2" style="margin-top: 2em;">
+ <input type="radio" id="radio21" name="radio"><label for="radio21">Choice 1</label>
+ <input type="radio" id="radio22" name="radio"><label for="radio22">Choice 2</label>
+ <input type="radio" id="radio23" name="radio" checked="checked"><label for="radio23">Choice 3</label>
+ </div>
+<input type="checkbox" id="check"><label for="check">Toggle</label>
+<div><input id="submit" type="submit" value="Label"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692c403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * button_core.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("button: core");
+test("checkbox", function() {
+ var input = $("#check");
+ label = $("label[for=check]");
+ ok(":visible") );
+ ok(":not(.ui-button)") );
+ input.button();
+ ok(".ui-helper-hidden-accessible") );
+ ok(".ui-button") );
+test("radios", function() {
+ var inputs = $("#radio0 input");
+ labels = $("#radio0 label");
+ ok(":visible") );
+ ok(":not(.ui-button)") );
+ inputs.button();
+ ok(".ui-helper-hidden-accessible") );
+ ok(".ui-button") );
+function assert(noForm, form1, form2) {
+ ok( $("#radio0 .ui-button" + noForm).is(".ui-state-active") );
+ ok( $("#radio1 .ui-button" + form1).is(".ui-state-active") );
+ ok( $("#radio2 .ui-button" + form2).is(".ui-state-active") );
+test("radio groups", function() {
+ $(":radio").button();
+ assert(":eq(0)", ":eq(1)", ":eq(2)");
+ // click outside of forms
+ $("#radio0 .ui-button:eq(1)").click();
+ assert(":eq(1)", ":eq(1)", ":eq(2)");
+ // click in first form
+ $("#radio1 .ui-button:eq(0)").click();
+ assert(":eq(1)", ":eq(0)", ":eq(2)");
+ // click in second form
+ $("#radio2 .ui-button:eq(0)").click();
+ assert(":eq(1)", ":eq(0)", ":eq(0)");
+test("input type submit, don't create child elements", function() {
+ var input = $("#submit")
+ same( input.children().length, 0 );
+ input.button();
+ same( input.children().length, 0 );
+test("buttonset", function() {
+ var set = $("#radio1").buttonset();
+ ok(".ui-buttonset") );
+ same( set.children(".ui-button").length, 3 );
+ same( set.children("input:radio.ui-helper-hidden-accessible").length, 3 );
+ ok( set.children("label:eq(0)").is(".ui-button.ui-corner-left:not(.ui-corner-all)") );
+ ok( set.children("label:eq(1)").is(".ui-button:not(.ui-corner-all)") );
+ ok( set.children("label:eq(2)").is(".ui-button.ui-corner-right:not(.ui-corner-all)") );
+test("buttonset (rtl)", function() {
+ var parent = $("#radio1").parent();
+ // Set to rtl
+ parent.attr("dir", "rtl");
+ var set = $("#radio1").buttonset();
+ ok(".ui-buttonset") );
+ same( set.children(".ui-button").length, 3 );
+ same( set.children("input:radio.ui-helper-hidden-accessible").length, 3 );
+ ok( set.children("label:eq(0)").is(".ui-button.ui-corner-right:not(.ui-corner-all)") );
+ ok( set.children("label:eq(1)").is(".ui-button:not(.ui-corner-all)") );
+ ok( set.children("label:eq(2)").is(".ui-button.ui-corner-left:not(.ui-corner-all)") );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96c7e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "button", {
+ defaults: {
+ disabled: null,
+ icons: {
+ primary: null,
+ secondary: null
+ },
+ label: null,
+ text: true,
+ // callbacks
+ create: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a215402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ * button_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("button: events");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a83a73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * button_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("button: methods");
+test("destroy", function() {
+ var beforeHtml = $("#button").parent().html();
+ var afterHtml = $("#button").button().button("destroy").parent().html();
+ // Opera 9 outputs role="" instead of removing the attribute like everyone else
+ if ($.browser.opera) {
+ afterHtml = afterHtml.replace(/ role=""/g, "");
+ }
+ equal( afterHtml, beforeHtml );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3ab5ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * button_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("button: options");
+test("disabled, explicit value", function() {
+ $("#radio01").button({ disabled: false });
+ same(false, $("#radio01").button("option", "disabled"),
+ "disabled option set to false");
+ same(false, $("#radio01").prop("disabled"), "element is disabled");
+ $("#radio02").button({ disabled: true });
+ same(true, $("#radio02").button("option", "disabled"),
+ "disabled option set to true");
+ same(true, $("#radio02").prop("disabled"), "element is not disabled");
+test("disabled, null", function() {
+ $("#radio01").button({ disabled: null });
+ same(false, $("#radio01").button("option", "disabled"),
+ "disabled option set to false");
+ same(false, $("#radio01").prop("disabled"), "element is disabled");
+ $("#radio02").prop("disabled", true).button({ disabled: null });
+ same(true, $("#radio02").button("option", "disabled"),
+ "disabled option set to true");
+ same(true, $("#radio02").prop("disabled"), "element is not disabled");
+test("text false without icon", function() {
+ $("#button").button({
+ text: false
+ });
+ ok( $("#button").is(".ui-button-text-only:not(.ui-button-icon-only)") );
+ $("#button").button("destroy");
+test("text false with icon", function() {
+ $("#button").button({
+ text: false,
+ icons: {
+ primary: "iconclass"
+ }
+ });
+ ok( $("#button").is(".ui-button-icon-only:not(.ui-button-text):has(span.ui-icon.iconclass)") );
+ $("#button").button("destroy");
+test("label, default", function() {
+ $("#button").button();
+ same( $("#button").text(), "Label" );
+ $("#button").button("destroy");
+test("label", function() {
+ $("#button").button({
+ label: "xxx"
+ });
+ same( $("#button").text(), "xxx" );
+ $("#button").button("destroy");
+test("label default with input type submit", function() {
+ same( $("#submit").button().val(), "Label" );
+test("label with input type submit", function() {
+ var label = $("#submit").button({
+ label: "xxx"
+ }).val();
+ same( label, "xxx" );
+test("icons", function() {
+ $("#button").button({
+ text: false,
+ icons: {
+ primary: "iconclass",
+ secondary: "iconclass2"
+ }
+ });
+ ok( $("#button").is(":has(span.ui-icon.ui-button-icon-primary.iconclass):has(span.ui-icon.ui-button-icon-secondary.iconclass2)") );
+ $("#button").button("destroy");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_tickets.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_tickets.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624d167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/button/button_tickets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * button_tickets.js
+ */
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "button: tickets" );
+test( "#5946 - buttonset should ignore buttons that are not :visible", function() {
+ $( "#radio01" ).next().andSelf().hide();
+ var set = $( "#radio0" ).buttonset({ items: ":radio:visible" });
+ ok( set.find( "label:eq(0)" ).is( ":not(.ui-button):not(.ui-corner-left)" ) );
+ ok( set.find( "label:eq(1)" ).is( ".ui-button.ui-corner-left" ) );
+test( "#6262 - buttonset not applying ui-corner to invisible elements", function() {
+ $( "#radio0" ).hide();
+ var set = $( "#radio0" ).buttonset();
+ ok( set.find( "label:eq(0)" ).is( ".ui-button.ui-corner-left" ) );
+ ok( set.find( "label:eq(1)" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
+ ok( set.find( "label:eq(2)" ).is( ".ui-button.ui-corner-right" ) );
+test( "#6711 Checkbox/Radiobutton do not Show Focused State when using Keyboard Navigation", function() {
+ var check = $( "#check" ).button(),
+ label = $( "label[for='check']" );
+ ok( ! ".ui-state-focus" ) );
+ check.focus();
+ ok( ".ui-state-focus" ) );
+test( "#7092 - button creation that requires a matching label does not find label in all cases", function() {
+ var group = $( "<span><label for='t7092a'></label><input type='checkbox' id='t7092a'></span>" );
+ group.find( "input:checkbox" ).button();
+ ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
+ group = $( "<input type='checkbox' id='t7092b'><label for='t7092b'></label>" );
+ group.filter( "input:checkbox" ).button();
+ ok( group.filter( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
+ group = $( "<span><input type='checkbox' id='t7092c'></span><label for='t7092c'></label>" );
+ group.find( "input:checkbox" ).button();
+ ok( group.filter( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
+ group = $( "<span><input type='checkbox' id='t7092d'></span><span><label for='t7092d'></label></span>" );
+ group.find( "input:checkbox" ).button();
+ ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
+ group = $( "<input type='checkbox' id='t7092e'><span><label for='t7092e'></label></span>" );
+ group.filter( "input:checkbox" ).button();
+ ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ) );
+test( "#7534 - Button label selector works for ids with \":\"", function() {
+ var group = $( "<span><input type='checkbox' id='check:7534'><label for='check:7534'>Label</label></span>" );
+ group.find( "input" ).button();
+ ok( group.find( "label" ).is( ".ui-button" ), "Found an id with a :" );
+})( jQuery );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d84e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Core Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "core" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Core Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/core.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/core.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b1dc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/core.html
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Core Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ js: [ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js" ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="core.js"></script>
+ <script src="selector.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+ <style>
+ .zindex {
+ z-index: 100;
+ }
+ .absolute {
+ position: absolute;
+ }
+ </style>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Core Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<img src="../images/jqueryui_32x32.png" usemap="#mymap" width="10", height="10">
+<map name="mymap">
+ <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,1,1" id="areaCoordsNoHref">
+ <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,2,2" href="foo.html" id="areaCoordsHref">
+ <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,0,0" href="foo.html" id="areaCoordsNoSizeHref">
+ <area href="foo.html" id="areaNoCoordsHref">
+<map name="mymap2">
+ <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,2,2" href="foo.html" id="areaNoImg">
+<form id="formNoTabindex"></form>
+<form id="formTabindex" tabindex="1"></form>
+ <input id="visibleAncestor-inputTypeNone">
+ <input type="text" id="visibleAncestor-inputTypeText">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="visibleAncestor-inputTypeCheckbox">
+ <input type="radio" id="visibleAncestor-inputTypeRadio">
+ <input type="button" id="visibleAncestor-inputTypeButton">
+ <input type="hidden" id="visibleAncestor-inputTypeHidden">
+ <button id="visibleAncestor-button">x</button>
+ <select id="visibleAncestor-select">
+ <option>option</option>
+ </select>
+ <textarea id="visibleAncestor-textarea">x</textarea>
+ <object id="visibleAncestor-object" codebase="about:blank">xxx</object>
+ <a href="#" id="visibleAncestor-anchorWithHref">anchor</a>
+ <a id="visibleAncestor-anchorWithoutHref">anchor</a>
+ <span id="visibleAncestor-span">x</span>
+ <div id="visibleAncestor-div">x</div>
+ <span id="visibleAncestor-spanWithTabindex" tabindex="1">x</span>
+ <div id="visibleAncestor-divWithNegativeTabindex" tabindex="-1">x</div>
+ <input id="disabledElement-inputTypeNone" disabled="disabled">
+ <input type="text" id="disabledElement-inputTypeText" disabled="disabled">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="disabledElement-inputTypeCheckbox" disabled="disabled">
+ <input type="radio" id="disabledElement-inputTypeRadio" disabled="disabled">
+ <input type="button" id="disabledElement-inputTypeButton" disabled="disabled">
+ <input type="hidden" id="disabledElement-inputTypeHidden" disabled="disabled">
+ <button id="disabledElement-button" disabled="disabled"></button>
+ <select id="disabledElement-select" disabled="disabled"></select>
+ <textarea id="disabledElement-textarea" disabled="disabled"></textarea>
+ <div id="displayNoneAncestor" style="display: none;">
+ <input id="displayNoneAncestor-input">
+ <span tabindex="1" id="displayNoneAncestor-span">.</span>
+ </div>
+ <div id="visibilityHiddenAncestor" style="visibility: hidden;">
+ <input id="visibilityHiddenAncestor-input">
+ <span tabindex="1" id="visibilityHiddenAncestor-span">.</span>
+ </div>
+ <span tabindex="1" id="displayNone-span" style="display: none;">.</span>
+ <span tabindex="1" id="visibilityHidden-span" style="visibility: hidden;">.</span>
+ <input id="displayNone-input" style="display: none;">
+ <input id="visibilityHidden-input" style="visibility: hidden;">
+ <input id="inputTabindex0" tabindex="0">
+ <input id="inputTabindex10" tabindex="10">
+ <input id="inputTabindex-1" tabindex="-1">
+ <input id="inputTabindex-50" tabindex="-50">
+ <span id="spanTabindex0" tabindex="0">.</span>
+ <span id="spanTabindex10" tabindex="10">.</span>
+ <span id="spanTabindex-1" tabindex="-1">.</span>
+ <span id="spanTabindex-50" tabindex="-50">.</span>
+<div id="zIndex100" style="z-index: 100; position: absolute">
+ <div id="zIndexAutoWithParent">.</div>
+<div id="zIndex100ViaCSS" class="zindex">
+ <div id="zIndexAutoWithParentViaCSS">.</div>
+<div id="zIndex100ViaCSSPositioned" class="zindex absolute">
+ <div id="zIndexAutoWithParentViaCSSPositioned">.</div>
+<div id="zIndexAutoNoParent"></div>
+<div id="dimensions" style="float: left; height: 50px; width: 100px; margin: 1px 12px 11px 2px; border-style: solid; border-width: 3px 14px 13px 4px; padding: 5px 16px 15px 6px;"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a7ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * core unit tests
+ */
+(function($) {
+module('core - jQuery extensions');
+test('focus - original functionality', function() {
+ expect(1);
+ $('#inputTabindex0')
+ .focus(function() {
+ ok(true, 'event triggered');
+ })
+ .focus();
+asyncTest('focus', function() {
+ expect(2);
+ $('#inputTabindex0')
+ .focus(function() {
+ ok(true, 'event triggered');
+ })
+ .focus(500, function() {
+ ok(true, 'callback triggered');
+ $(this).unbind('focus');
+ start();
+ });
+test('zIndex', function() {
+ var el = $('#zIndexAutoWithParent'),
+ parent = el.parent();
+ equals(el.zIndex(), 100, 'zIndex traverses up to find value');
+ equals(parent.zIndex(200), parent, 'zIndex setter is chainable');
+ equals(el.zIndex(), 200, 'zIndex setter changed zIndex');
+ el = $('#zIndexAutoWithParentViaCSS');
+ equals(el.zIndex(), 0, 'zIndex traverses up to find CSS value, not found because not positioned');
+ el = $('#zIndexAutoWithParentViaCSSPositioned');
+ equals(el.zIndex(), 100, 'zIndex traverses up to find CSS value');
+ el.parent().zIndex(200);
+ equals(el.zIndex(), 200, 'zIndex setter changed zIndex, overriding CSS');
+ equals($('#zIndexAutoNoParent').zIndex(), 0, 'zIndex never explicitly set in hierarchy');
+test( "innerWidth - getter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ equals( el.innerWidth(), 122, "getter passthru" );
+ el.hide();
+ equals( el.innerWidth(), 122, "getter passthru when hidden" );
+test( "innerWidth - setter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ el.innerWidth( 120 );
+ equals( el.width(), 98, "width set properly" );
+ el.hide();
+ el.innerWidth( 100 );
+ equals( el.width(), 78, "width set properly when hidden" );
+test( "innerHeight - getter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ equals( el.innerHeight(), 70, "getter passthru" );
+ el.hide();
+ equals( el.innerHeight(), 70, "getter passthru when hidden" );
+test( "innerHeight - setter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ el.innerHeight( 60 );
+ equals( el.height(), 40, "height set properly" );
+ el.hide();
+ el.innerHeight( 50 );
+ equals( el.height(), 30, "height set properly when hidden" );
+test( "outerWidth - getter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ equals( el.outerWidth(), 140, "getter passthru" );
+ el.hide();
+ equals( el.outerWidth(), 140, "getter passthru when hidden" );
+test( "outerWidth - setter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ el.outerWidth( 130 );
+ equals( el.width(), 90, "width set properly" );
+ el.hide();
+ el.outerWidth( 120 );
+ equals( el.width(), 80, "width set properly when hidden" );
+test( "outerWidth(true) - getter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ equals( el.outerWidth(true), 154, "getter passthru w/ margin" );
+ el.hide();
+ equals( el.outerWidth(true), 154, "getter passthru w/ margin when hidden" );
+test( "outerWidth(true) - setter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ el.outerWidth( 130, true );
+ equals( el.width(), 76, "width set properly" );
+ el.hide();
+ el.outerWidth( 120, true );
+ equals( el.width(), 66, "width set properly when hidden" );
+test( "outerHeight - getter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ equals( el.outerHeight(), 86, "getter passthru" );
+ el.hide();
+ equals( el.outerHeight(), 86, "getter passthru when hidden" );
+test( "outerHeight - setter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ el.outerHeight( 80 );
+ equals( el.height(), 44, "height set properly" );
+ el.hide();
+ el.outerHeight( 70 );
+ equals( el.height(), 34, "height set properly when hidden" );
+test( "outerHeight(true) - getter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ equals( el.outerHeight(true), 98, "getter passthru w/ margin" );
+ el.hide();
+ equals( el.outerHeight(true), 98, "getter passthru w/ margin when hidden" );
+test( "outerHeight(true) - setter", function() {
+ var el = $( "#dimensions" );
+ el.outerHeight( 90, true );
+ equals( el.height(), 42, "height set properly" );
+ el.hide();
+ el.outerHeight( 80, true );
+ equals( el.height(), 32, "height set properly when hidden" );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/selector.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/selector.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb7802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/core/selector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ * selector unit tests
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("core - selectors");
+function isFocusable(selector, msg) {
+ ok($(selector).is(':focusable'), msg + " - selector " + selector + " is focusable");
+function isNotFocusable(selector, msg) {
+ ok($(selector).length && !$(selector).is(':focusable'), msg + " - selector " + selector + " is not focusable");
+function isTabbable(selector, msg) {
+ ok($(selector).is(':tabbable'), msg + " - selector " + selector + " is tabbable");
+function isNotTabbable(selector, msg) {
+ ok($(selector).length && !$(selector).is(':tabbable'), msg + " - selector " + selector + " is not tabbable");
+test("data", function() {
+ expect(15);
+ var el;
+ function shouldHaveData(msg) {
+ ok(':data(test)'), msg);
+ }
+ function shouldNotHaveData(msg) {
+ ok(!':data(test)'), msg);
+ }
+ el = $('<div>');
+ shouldNotHaveData('data never set');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', null);
+ shouldNotHaveData('data is null');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', true);
+ shouldHaveData('data set to true');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', false);
+ shouldNotHaveData('data set to false');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', 0);
+ shouldNotHaveData('data set to 0');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', 1);
+ shouldHaveData('data set to 1');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', '');
+ shouldNotHaveData('data set to empty string');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', 'foo');
+ shouldHaveData('data set to string');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', []);
+ shouldHaveData('data set to empty array');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', [1]);
+ shouldHaveData('data set to array');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', {});
+ shouldHaveData('data set to empty object');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', {foo: 'bar'});
+ shouldHaveData('data set to object');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', new Date());
+ shouldHaveData('data set to date');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', /test/);
+ shouldHaveData('data set to regexp');
+ el = $('<div>').data('test', function() {});
+ shouldHaveData('data set to function');
+test("focusable - visible, enabled elements", function() {
+ expect(18);
+ isNotFocusable('#formNoTabindex', 'form');
+ isFocusable('#formTabindex', 'form with tabindex');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeNone', 'input, no type');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeText', 'input, type text');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeCheckbox', 'input, type checkbox');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeRadio', 'input, type radio');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeButton', 'input, type button');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeHidden', 'input, type hidden');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-button', 'button');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-select', 'select');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-textarea', 'textarea');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-object', 'object');
+ isFocusable('#visibleAncestor-anchorWithHref', 'anchor with href');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibleAncestor-anchorWithoutHref', 'anchor without href');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibleAncestor-span', 'span');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibleAncestor-div', 'div');
+ isFocusable("#visibleAncestor-spanWithTabindex", 'span with tabindex');
+ isFocusable("#visibleAncestor-divWithNegativeTabindex", 'div with tabindex');
+test("focusable - disabled elements", function() {
+ expect(9);
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-inputTypeNone', 'input, no type');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-inputTypeText', 'input, type text');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-inputTypeCheckbox', 'input, type checkbox');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-inputTypeRadio', 'input, type radio');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-inputTypeButton', 'input, type button');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-inputTypeHidden', 'input, type hidden');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-button', 'button');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-select', 'select');
+ isNotFocusable('#disabledElement-textarea', 'textarea');
+test("focusable - hidden styles", function() {
+ expect(8);
+ isNotFocusable('#displayNoneAncestor-input', 'input, display: none parent');
+ isNotFocusable('#displayNoneAncestor-span', 'span with tabindex, display: none parent');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibilityHiddenAncestor-input', 'input, visibility: hidden parent');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibilityHiddenAncestor-span', 'span with tabindex, visibility: hidden parent');
+ isNotFocusable('#displayNone-input', 'input, display: none');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibilityHidden-input', 'input, visibility: hidden');
+ isNotFocusable('#displayNone-span', 'span with tabindex, display: none');
+ isNotFocusable('#visibilityHidden-span', 'span with tabindex, visibility: hidden');
+test("focusable - natively focusable with various tabindex", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ isFocusable('#inputTabindex0', 'input, tabindex 0');
+ isFocusable('#inputTabindex10', 'input, tabindex 10');
+ isFocusable('#inputTabindex-1', 'input, tabindex -1');
+ isFocusable('#inputTabindex-50', 'input, tabindex -50');
+test("focusable - not natively focusable with various tabindex", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ isFocusable('#spanTabindex0', 'span, tabindex 0');
+ isFocusable('#spanTabindex10', 'span, tabindex 10');
+ isFocusable('#spanTabindex-1', 'span, tabindex -1');
+ isFocusable('#spanTabindex-50', 'span, tabindex -50');
+test("focusable - area elements", function() {
+ isNotFocusable('#areaCoordsNoHref', 'coords but no href');
+ isFocusable('#areaCoordsHref', 'coords and href');
+ isFocusable('#areaCoordsNoSizeHref', 'coords of zero px and href');
+ isFocusable('#areaNoCoordsHref', 'href but no coords');
+ isNotFocusable('#areaNoImg', 'not associated with an image');
+test("tabbable - visible, enabled elements", function() {
+ expect(18);
+ isNotTabbable('#formNoTabindex', 'form');
+ isTabbable('#formTabindex', 'form with tabindex');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeNone', 'input, no type');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeText', 'input, type text');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeCheckbox', 'input, type checkbox');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeRadio', 'input, type radio');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeButton', 'input, type button');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibleAncestor-inputTypeHidden', 'input, type hidden');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-button', 'button');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-select', 'select');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-textarea', 'textarea');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-object', 'object');
+ isTabbable('#visibleAncestor-anchorWithHref', 'anchor with href');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibleAncestor-anchorWithoutHref', 'anchor without href');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibleAncestor-span', 'span');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibleAncestor-div', 'div');
+ isTabbable("#visibleAncestor-spanWithTabindex", 'span with tabindex');
+ isNotTabbable("#visibleAncestor-divWithNegativeTabindex", 'div with tabindex');
+test("tabbable - disabled elements", function() {
+ expect(9);
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-inputTypeNone', 'input, no type');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-inputTypeText', 'input, type text');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-inputTypeCheckbox', 'input, type checkbox');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-inputTypeRadio', 'input, type radio');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-inputTypeButton', 'input, type button');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-inputTypeHidden', 'input, type hidden');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-button', 'button');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-select', 'select');
+ isNotTabbable('#disabledElement-textarea', 'textarea');
+test("tabbable - hidden styles", function() {
+ expect(8);
+ isNotTabbable('#displayNoneAncestor-input', 'input, display: none parent');
+ isNotTabbable('#displayNoneAncestor-span', 'span with tabindex, display: none parent');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibilityHiddenAncestor-input', 'input, visibility: hidden parent');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibilityHiddenAncestor-span', 'span with tabindex, visibility: hidden parent');
+ isNotTabbable('#displayNone-input', 'input, display: none');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibilityHidden-input', 'input, visibility: hidden');
+ isNotTabbable('#displayNone-span', 'span with tabindex, display: none');
+ isNotTabbable('#visibilityHidden-span', 'span with tabindex, visibility: hidden');
+test("tabbable - natively tabbable with various tabindex", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ isTabbable('#inputTabindex0', 'input, tabindex 0');
+ isTabbable('#inputTabindex10', 'input, tabindex 10');
+ isNotTabbable('#inputTabindex-1', 'input, tabindex -1');
+ isNotTabbable('#inputTabindex-50', 'input, tabindex -50');
+test("tabbable - not natively tabbable with various tabindex", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ isTabbable('#spanTabindex0', 'span, tabindex 0');
+ isTabbable('#spanTabindex10', 'span, tabindex 10');
+ isNotTabbable('#spanTabindex-1', 'span, tabindex -1');
+ isNotTabbable('#spanTabindex-50', 'span, tabindex -50');
+test("tabbable - area elements", function() {
+ isNotTabbable('#areaCoordsNoHref', 'coords but no href');
+ isTabbable('#areaCoordsHref', 'coords and href');
+ isTabbable('#areaCoordsNoSizeHref', 'coords of zero px and href');
+ isTabbable('#areaNoCoordsHref', 'href but no coords');
+ isNotTabbable('#areaNoImg', 'not associated with an image');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d5cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Datepicker Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "datepicker" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Datepicker Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..592db53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Datepicker Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.datepicker" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js",
+ "ui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-fr.js",
+ "ui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-he.js",
+ "ui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-zh-CN.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="datepicker_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="datepicker_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="datepicker_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="datepicker_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="datepicker_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="datepicker_tickets.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this stale testsuite for testswarm only
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("datepicker", function() { ok(true, "disabled datepicker testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Datepicker Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div><input type="text" id="inp"><input type="text" id="alt"><div id="inl"></div></div>
+<p><input type="text" id="inp2"></p>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..badb837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+ * datepicker_core.js
+ */
+function equalsDate(d1, d2, message) {
+ if (!d1 || !d2) {
+ ok(false, message + ' - missing date');
+ return;
+ }
+ d1 = new Date(d1.getFullYear(), d1.getMonth(), d1.getDate());
+ d2 = new Date(d2.getFullYear(), d2.getMonth(), d2.getDate());
+ equals(d1.toString(), d2.toString(), message);
+function equalsDateArray(a1, a2, message) {
+ if (!a1 || !a2) {
+ ok(false, message + ' - missing dates');
+ return;
+ }
+ a1[0] = (a1[0] ? new Date(a1[0].getFullYear(), a1[0].getMonth(), a1[0].getDate()) : '');
+ a1[1] = (a1[1] ? new Date(a1[1].getFullYear(), a1[1].getMonth(), a1[1].getDate()) : '');
+ a2[0] = (a2[0] ? new Date(a2[0].getFullYear(), a2[0].getMonth(), a2[0].getDate()) : '');
+ a2[1] = (a2[1] ? new Date(a2[1].getFullYear(), a2[1].getMonth(), a2[1].getDate()) : '');
+ same(a1, a2, message);
+function addMonths(date, offset) {
+ var maxDay = 32 - new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + offset, 32).getDate();
+ date.setDate(Math.min(date.getDate(), maxDay));
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + offset);
+ return date;
+function init(id, options) {
+ $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['']);
+ return $(id).datepicker($.extend({showAnim: ''}, options || {}));
+var PROP_NAME = 'datepicker';
+(function($) {
+module("datepicker: core");
+test( "widget method - empty collection", function() {
+ $( "#nonExist" ).datepicker(); // should create nothing
+ ok( !$( "#ui-datepicker-div" ).length, "Non init on empty collection" );
+test("widget method", function() {
+ var actual = $("#inp").datepicker().datepicker("widget")[0];
+ same($("body > #ui-datepicker-div:last-child")[0], actual);
+test('baseStructure', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ inp.focus();
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ var iframe = ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 7);
+ ok(':visible'), 'Structure - datepicker visible');
+ ok(!'.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure - not right-to-left');
+ ok(!'.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure - not multi-month');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 2 + (iframe ? 1 : 0), 'Structure - child count');
+ var header = dp.children(':first');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure - header division');
+ equals(header.children().length, 3, 'Structure - header child count');
+ ok(header.children(':first').is('a.ui-datepicker-prev') && header.children(':first').html() != '', 'Structure - prev link');
+ ok(header.children(':eq(1)').is('a.ui-datepicker-next') && header.children(':eq(1)').html() != '', 'Structure - next link');
+ var title = header.children(':last');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-title') && title.html() != '','Structure - title division');
+ equals(title.children().length, 2, 'Structure - title child count');
+ ok(title.children(':first').is('span.ui-datepicker-month') && title.children(':first').text() != '', 'Structure - month text')
+ ok(title.children(':last').is('span.ui-datepicker-year') && title.children(':last').text() != '', 'Structure - year text')
+ var table = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok('table.ui-datepicker-calendar'), 'Structure - month table');
+ ok(table.children(':first').is('thead'), 'Structure - month table thead');
+ var thead = table.children(':first').children(':first');
+ ok('tr'), 'Structure - month table title row');
+ equals(thead.find('th').length, 7, 'Structure - month table title cells');
+ ok(table.children(':eq(1)').is('tbody'), 'Structure - month table body');
+ ok(table.children(':eq(1)').children('tr').length >= 4, 'Structure - month table week count');
+ var week = table.children(':eq(1)').children(':first');
+ ok('tr'), 'Structure - month table week row');
+ equals(week.children().length, 7, 'Structure - week child count');
+ ok(week.children(':first').is('td.ui-datepicker-week-end'), 'Structure - month table first day cell');
+ ok(week.children(':last').is('td.ui-datepicker-week-end'), 'Structure - month table second day cell');
+ ok(dp.children('iframe').length == (iframe ? 1 : 0), 'Structure - iframe');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Editable month/year and button panel
+ inp = init('#inp', {changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showButtonPanel: true});
+ inp.focus();
+ var title = dp.find('div.ui-datepicker-title');
+ ok(title.children(':first').is('select.ui-datepicker-month'), 'Structure - month selector');
+ ok(title.children(':last').is('select.ui-datepicker-year'), 'Structure - year selector');
+ var panel = dp.children(':last');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-buttonpane'), 'Structure - button panel division');
+ equals(panel.children().length, 2, 'Structure - button panel child count');
+ ok(panel.children(':first').is('button.ui-datepicker-current'), 'Structure - today button');
+ ok(panel.children(':last').is('button.ui-datepicker-close'), 'Structure - close button');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Multi-month 2
+ inp = init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: 2});
+ inp.focus();
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure multi [2] - multi-month');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 3 + (iframe ? 1 : 0), 'Structure multi [2] - child count');
+ var child = dp.children(':first');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2] - first month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2] - second month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2] - row break');
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-multi-2'), 'Structure multi [2] - multi-2');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Multi-month 3
+ inp = init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: 3});
+ inp.focus();
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-multi-3'), 'Structure multi [3] - multi-3');
+ ok(!'.ui-datepicker-multi-2'), 'Structure multi [3] - Trac #6704');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Multi-month [2, 2]
+ inp = init('#inp', {numberOfMonths: [2, 2]});
+ inp.focus();
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure multi - multi-month');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 6 + (iframe ? 1 : 0), 'Structure multi [2,2] - child count');
+ child = dp.children(':first');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - first month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - second month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - row break');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(3)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - third month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(4)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - fourth month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(5)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure multi [2,2] - row break');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ dp = inl.children();
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-inline'), 'Structure inline - main div');
+ ok(!'.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure inline - not right-to-left');
+ ok(!'.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline - not multi-month');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 2, 'Structure inline - child count');
+ var header = dp.children(':first');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure inline - header division');
+ equals(header.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline - header child count');
+ var table = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok('table.ui-datepicker-calendar'), 'Structure inline - month table');
+ ok(table.children(':first').is('thead'), 'Structure inline - month table thead');
+ ok(table.children(':eq(1)').is('tbody'), 'Structure inline - month table body');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
+ // Inline multi-month
+ inl = init('#inl', {numberOfMonths: 2});
+ dp = inl.children();
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-inline') &&'.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline multi - main div');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 3 + (iframe ? 1 : 0), 'Structure inline multi - child count');
+ child = dp.children(':first');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-first'), 'Structure inline multi - first month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-group') &&'div.ui-datepicker-group-last'), 'Structure inline multi - second month division');
+ child = dp.children(':eq(2)');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-row-break'), 'Structure inline multi - row break');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
+test('customStructure', function() {
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ // Check right-to-left localisation
+ var inp = init('#inp', $.datepicker.regional['he']);
+ inp.focus();
+ var iframe = ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 7);
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure RTL - right-to-left');
+ var header = dp.children(':first');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure RTL - header division');
+ equals(header.children().length, 3, 'Structure RTL - header child count');
+ ok(header.children(':first').is('a.ui-datepicker-next'), 'Structure RTL - prev link');
+ ok(header.children(':eq(1)').is('a.ui-datepicker-prev'), 'Structure RTL - next link');
+ var panel = dp.children(':last');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-buttonpane'), 'Structure RTL - button division');
+ equals(panel.children().length, 2, 'Structure RTL - button panel child count');
+ ok(panel.children(':first').is('button.ui-datepicker-close'), 'Structure RTL - close button');
+ ok(panel.children(':last').is('button.ui-datepicker-current'), 'Structure RTL - today button');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Hide prev/next
+ inp = init('#inp', {hideIfNoPrevNext: true, minDate: new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4), maxDate: new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 14)});
+ inp.val('02/10/2008').focus();
+ var header = dp.children(':first');
+ ok('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure hide prev/next - header division');
+ equals(header.children().length, 1, 'Structure hide prev/next - links child count');
+ ok(header.children(':first').is('div.ui-datepicker-title'), 'Structure hide prev/next - title division');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Changeable Month with read-only year
+ inp = init('#inp', {changeMonth: true});
+ inp.focus();
+ var title = dp.children(':first').children(':last');
+ equals(title.children().length, 2, 'Structure changeable month - title child count');
+ ok(title.children(':first').is('select.ui-datepicker-month'), 'Structure changeable month - month selector');
+ ok(title.children(':last').is('span.ui-datepicker-year'), 'Structure changeable month - read-only year');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Changeable year with read-only month
+ inp = init('#inp', {changeYear: true});
+ inp.focus();
+ var title = dp.children(':first').children(':last');
+ equals(title.children().length, 2, 'Structure changeable year - title child count');
+ ok(title.children(':first').is('span.ui-datepicker-month'), 'Structure changeable year - read-only month');
+ ok(title.children(':last').is('select.ui-datepicker-year'), 'Structure changeable year - year selector');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Read-only first day of week
+ inp = init('#inp', {changeFirstDay: false});
+ inp.focus();
+ var thead = dp.find('.ui-datepicker-calendar thead tr');
+ equals(thead.children().length, 7, 'Structure read-only first day - thead child count');
+ equals(thead.find('a').length, 0, 'Structure read-only first day - thead links count');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+test('keystrokes', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var date = new Date();
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke enter');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke enter - preset');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_HOME}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke ctrl+home');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_END});
+ ok(inp.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Keystroke ctrl+end');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ ok(inp.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Keystroke esc');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke esc - preset');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke esc - abandoned');
+ // Moving by day or week
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_LEFT}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke ctrl+left');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_LEFT}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke left');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_RIGHT}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke ctrl+right');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_RIGHT}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke right');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_UP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke ctrl+up');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_UP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke up');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_DOWN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke ctrl+down');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_DOWN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Keystroke down');
+ // Moving by month or year
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 1 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke pgup');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke pgdn');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2007, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke ctrl+pgup');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2009, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke ctrl+pgdn');
+ // Check for moving to short months
+ inp.val('03/31/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 29),
+ 'Keystroke pgup - Feb');
+ inp.val('01/30/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 29),
+ 'Keystroke pgdn - Feb');
+ inp.val('02/29/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2007, 2 - 1, 28),
+ 'Keystroke ctrl+pgup - Feb');
+ inp.val('02/29/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2009, 2 - 1, 28),
+ 'Keystroke ctrl+pgdn - Feb');
+ // Goto current
+ inp.datepicker('option', {gotoCurrent: true}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_HOME}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke ctrl+home');
+ // Change steps
+ inp.datepicker('option', {stepMonths: 2, gotoCurrent: false}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2007, 12 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke pgup step 2');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 4 - 1, 4),
+ 'Keystroke pgdn step 2');
+test('mouse', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ var date = new Date();
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(10)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ date.setDate(10);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Mouse click');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 12),
+ 'Mouse click - preset');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show');
+ $('button.ui-datepicker-close', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ ok(inp.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Mouse click - close');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('button.ui-datepicker-close', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Mouse click - close + preset');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('a.ui-datepicker-prev', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('button.ui-datepicker-close', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4),
+ 'Mouse click - abandoned');
+ // Current/previous/next
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('option', {showButtonPanel: true}).datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-current', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(14)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ date.setDate(14);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Mouse click - current');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-prev', dp).simulate('click');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(16)', dp).simulate('click');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 1 - 1, 16),
+ 'Mouse click - previous');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-next', dp).simulate('click');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(18)', dp).simulate('click');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 18),
+ 'Mouse click - next');
+ // Previous/next with minimum/maximum
+ inp.datepicker('option', {minDate: new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 2),
+ maxDate: new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 26)}).val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-prev', dp).simulate('click');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(16)', dp).simulate('click');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 16),
+ 'Mouse click - previous + min/max');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-next', dp).simulate('click');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(18)', dp).simulate('click');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 18),
+ 'Mouse click - next + min/max');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ var dp = $('.ui-datepicker-inline', inl);
+ var date = new Date();
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', date);
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(10)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ date.setDate(10);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Mouse click inline');
+ inl.datepicker('option', {showButtonPanel: true}).datepicker('setDate', new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4));
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 12), 'Mouse click inline - preset');
+ inl.datepicker('option', {showButtonPanel: true});
+ $('.ui-datepicker-current', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(14)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ date.setDate(14);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Mouse click inline - current');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4));
+ $('.ui-datepicker-prev', dp).simulate('click');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(16)', dp).simulate('click');
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 1 - 1, 16),
+ 'Mouse click inline - previous');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4));
+ $('.ui-datepicker-next', dp).simulate('click');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tbody a:contains(18)', dp).simulate('click');
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 18),
+ 'Mouse click inline - next');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4243cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ * datepicker_defaults.js
+ */
+var datepicker_defaults = {
+ disabled: false
+//commonWidgetTests('datepicker', { defaults: datepicker_defaults });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c16b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * datepicker_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("datepicker: events");
+var selectedThis = null;
+var selectedDate = null;
+var selectedInst = null;
+function callback(date, inst) {
+ selectedThis = this;
+ selectedDate = date;
+ selectedInst = inst;
+function callback2(year, month, inst) {
+ selectedThis = this;
+ selectedDate = year + '/' + month;
+ selectedInst = inst;
+test('events', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp', {onSelect: callback});
+ var date = new Date();
+ // onSelect
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equals(selectedThis, inp[0], 'Callback selected this');
+ equals(selectedInst, $.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Callback selected inst');
+ equals(selectedDate, $.datepicker.formatDate('mm/dd/yy', date),
+ 'Callback selected date');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_DOWN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
+ equals(selectedDate, $.datepicker.formatDate('mm/dd/yy', date),
+ 'Callback selected date - ctrl+down');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ equals(selectedDate, $.datepicker.formatDate('mm/dd/yy', date),
+ 'Callback selected date - esc');
+ var dateStr = '02/04/2008';
+ inp.val(dateStr).datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equals(dateStr, selectedDate,
+ 'onSelect is called after enter keydown');
+ // onChangeMonthYear
+ inp.datepicker('option', {onChangeMonthYear: callback2, onSelect: null}).
+ val('').datepicker('show');
+ var newMonthYear = function(date) {
+ return date.getFullYear() + '/' + (date.getMonth() + 1);
+ };
+ date = new Date();
+ date.setDate(1);
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP});
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 1);
+ equals(selectedThis, inp[0], 'Callback change month/year this');
+ equals(selectedInst, $.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Callback change month/year inst');
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year date - pgup');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN});
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year date - pgdn');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP});
+ date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() - 1);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year date - ctrl+pgup');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_HOME});
+ date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year date - ctrl+home');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN});
+ date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year date - ctrl+pgdn');
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', new Date(2007, 1 - 1, 26));
+ equals(selectedDate, '2007/1', 'Callback change month/year date - setDate');
+ selectedDate = null;
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', new Date(2007, 1 - 1, 12));
+ ok(selectedDate == null, 'Callback change month/year date - setDate no change');
+ // onChangeMonthYear step by 2
+ inp.datepicker('option', {stepMonths: 2}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP});
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 14);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year by 2 date - pgup');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP});
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 12);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year by 2 date - ctrl+pgup');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN});
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 2);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year by 2 date - pgdn');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN});
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 12);
+ equals(selectedDate, newMonthYear(date),
+ 'Callback change month/year by 2 date - ctrl+pgdn');
+ // onClose
+ inp.datepicker('option', {onClose: callback, onChangeMonthYear: null, stepMonths: 1}).
+ val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ equals(selectedThis, inp[0], 'Callback close this');
+ equals(selectedInst, $.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Callback close inst');
+ equals(selectedDate, '', 'Callback close date - esc');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equals(selectedDate, $.datepicker.formatDate('mm/dd/yy', new Date()),
+ 'Callback close date - enter');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ equals(selectedDate, '02/04/2008', 'Callback close date - preset');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_END});
+ equals(selectedDate, '', 'Callback close date - ctrl+end');
+ var inp2 = init('#inp2');
+ inp2.datepicker().datepicker('option', {onClose: callback}).datepicker('show');
+ inp.datepicker('show');
+ equals(selectedThis, inp2[0], 'Callback close this');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f1b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * datepicker_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("datepicker: methods");
+test('destroy', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ ok('.hasDatepicker'), 'Default - marker class set');
+ ok($.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Default - instance present');
+ ok('#alt'), 'Default - button absent');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ inp = $('#inp');
+ ok(!'.hasDatepicker'), 'Default - marker class cleared');
+ ok(!$.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Default - instance absent');
+ ok('#alt'), 'Default - button absent');
+ // With button
+ inp= init('#inp', {showOn: 'both'});
+ ok('.hasDatepicker'), 'Button - marker class set');
+ ok($.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Button - instance present');
+ ok( == '...', 'Button - button added');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ inp = $('#inp');
+ ok(!'.hasDatepicker'), 'Button - marker class cleared');
+ ok(!$.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Button - instance absent');
+ ok('#alt'), 'Button - button removed');
+ // With append text
+ inp = init('#inp', {appendText: 'Testing'});
+ ok('.hasDatepicker'), 'Append - marker class set');
+ ok($.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Append - instance present');
+ ok( == 'Testing', 'Append - append text added');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ inp = $('#inp');
+ ok(!'.hasDatepicker'), 'Append - marker class cleared');
+ ok(!$.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Append - instance absent');
+ ok('#alt'), 'Append - append text removed');
+ // With both
+ inp= init('#inp', {showOn: 'both', buttonImageOnly: true,
+ buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif', appendText: 'Testing'});
+ ok('.hasDatepicker'), 'Both - marker class set');
+ ok($.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Both - instance present');
+ ok([0].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'img', 'Both - button added');
+ ok( == 'Testing', 'Both - append text added');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ inp = $('#inp');
+ ok(!'.hasDatepicker'), 'Both - marker class cleared');
+ ok(!$.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Both - instance absent');
+ ok('#alt'), 'Both - button and append text absent');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ ok('.hasDatepicker'), 'Inline - marker class set');
+ ok(inl.html() != '', 'Inline - datepicker present');
+ ok($.data(inl[0], PROP_NAME), 'Inline - instance present');
+ ok( == 0 ||'p'), 'Inline - button absent');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
+ inl = $('#inl');
+ ok(!'.hasDatepicker'), 'Inline - marker class cleared');
+ ok(inl.html() == '', 'Inline - datepicker absent');
+ ok(!$.data(inl[0], PROP_NAME), 'Inline - instance absent');
+ ok( == 0 ||'p'), 'Inline - button absent');
+test('enableDisable', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ ok(!inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable - initially marked as enabled');
+ ok(!inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable - field initially enabled');
+ inp.datepicker('disable');
+ ok(inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable - now marked as disabled');
+ ok(inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable - field now disabled');
+ inp.datepicker('enable');
+ ok(!inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable - now marked as enabled');
+ ok(!inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable - field now enabled');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ // With a button
+ inp = init('#inp', {showOn: 'button'});
+ ok(!inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable button - initially marked as enabled');
+ ok(!inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable button - field initially enabled');
+ ok(!'button')[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable button - button initially enabled');
+ inp.datepicker('disable');
+ ok(inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable button - now marked as disabled');
+ ok(inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable button - field now disabled');
+ ok('button')[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable button - button now disabled');
+ inp.datepicker('enable');
+ ok(!inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable button - now marked as enabled');
+ ok(!inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable button - field now enabled');
+ ok(!'button')[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable button - button now enabled');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ // With an image button
+ inp = init('#inp', {showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true,
+ buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif'});
+ ok(!inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable image - initially marked as enabled');
+ ok(!inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable image - field initially enabled');
+ ok('img').css('opacity') == 1, 'Enable/disable image - image initially enabled');
+ inp.datepicker('disable');
+ ok(inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable image - now marked as disabled');
+ ok(inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable image - field now disabled');
+ ok('img').css('opacity') != 1, 'Enable/disable image - image now disabled');
+ inp.datepicker('enable');
+ ok(!inp.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable image - now marked as enabled');
+ ok(!inp[0].disabled, 'Enable/disable image - field now enabled');
+ ok('img').css('opacity') == 1, 'Enable/disable image - image now enabled');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl', {changeYear: true});
+ var dp = $('.ui-datepicker-inline', inl);
+ ok(!inl.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - initially marked as enabled');
+ ok(!dp.children().is('.ui-state-disabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - not visually disabled initially');
+ ok(!dp.find('select').prop('disabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - form element enabled initially');
+ inl.datepicker('disable');
+ ok(inl.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - now marked as disabled');
+ ok(dp.children().is('.ui-state-disabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - visually disabled');
+ ok(dp.find('select').prop('disabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - form element disabled');
+ inl.datepicker('enable');
+ ok(!inl.datepicker('isDisabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - now marked as enabled');
+ ok(!dp.children().is('.ui-state-disabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - not visiually disabled');
+ ok(!dp.find('select').prop('disabled'), 'Enable/disable inline - form element enabled');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272af9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+ * datepicker_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("datepicker: options");
+test('setDefaults', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Initial showOn');
+ $.datepicker.setDefaults({showOn: 'button'});
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'button', 'Change default showOn');
+ $.datepicker.setDefaults({showOn: 'focus'});
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Restore showOn');
+test('option', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var inst = $.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME);
+ // Set option
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, null, 'Initial setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'focus', 'Initial instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Initial default showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'showOn', 'button');
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, 'button', 'Change setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'button', 'Change instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Retain default showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {showOn: 'both'});
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, 'both', 'Change setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'both', 'Change instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Retain default showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'showOn', undefined);
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, null, 'Clear setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'focus', 'Restore instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Retain default showOn');
+ // Get option
+ inp = init('#inp');
+ equals(inp.datepicker('option', 'showOn'), 'focus', 'Initial setting showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'showOn', 'button');
+ equals(inp.datepicker('option', 'showOn'), 'button', 'Change instance showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'showOn', undefined);
+ equals(inp.datepicker('option', 'showOn'), 'focus', 'Reset instance showOn');
+ same(inp.datepicker('option', 'all'), {showAnim: ''}, 'Get instance settings');
+ same(inp.datepicker('option', 'defaults'), $.datepicker._defaults,
+ 'Get default settings');
+test('change', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var inst = $.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME);
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, null, 'Initial setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'focus', 'Initial instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Initial default showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('change', 'showOn', 'button');
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, 'button', 'Change setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'button', 'Change instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Retain default showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('change', {showOn: 'both'});
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, 'both', 'Change setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'both', 'Change instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Retain default showOn');
+ inp.datepicker('change', 'showOn', undefined);
+ equals(inst.settings.showOn, null, 'Clear setting showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'showOn'), 'focus', 'Restore instance showOn');
+ equals($.datepicker._defaults.showOn, 'focus', 'Retain default showOn');
+test('invocation', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ var body = $('body');
+ // On focus
+ var button = inp.siblings('button');
+ ok(button.length == 0, 'Focus - button absent');
+ var image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(image.length == 0, 'Focus - image absent');
+ inp.focus();
+ ok(':visible'), 'Focus - rendered on focus');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Focus - hidden on exit');
+ inp.focus();
+ ok(':visible'), 'Focus - rendered on focus');
+ body.simulate('mousedown', {});
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Focus - hidden on external click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // On button
+ inp = init('#inp', {showOn: 'button', buttonText: 'Popup'});
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Button - initially hidden');
+ button = inp.siblings('button');
+ image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(button.length == 1, 'Button - button present');
+ ok(image.length == 0, 'Button - image absent');
+ equals(button.text(), 'Popup', 'Button - button text');
+ inp.focus();
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Button - not rendered on focus');
+ ok(':visible'), 'Button - rendered on button click');
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Button - hidden on second button click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // On image button
+ inp = init('#inp', {showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true,
+ buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif', buttonText: 'Cal'});
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Image button - initially hidden');
+ button = inp.siblings('button');
+ ok(button.length == 0, 'Image button - button absent');
+ image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(image.length == 1, 'Image button - image present');
+ equals(image.attr('src'), 'img/calendar.gif', 'Image button - image source');
+ equals(image.attr('title'), 'Cal', 'Image button - image text');
+ inp.focus();
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Image button - not rendered on focus');
+ ok(':visible'), 'Image button - rendered on image click');
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Image button - hidden on second image click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // On both
+ inp = init('#inp', {showOn: 'both', buttonImage: 'img/calendar.gif'});
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Both - initially hidden');
+ button = inp.siblings('button');
+ ok(button.length == 1, 'Both - button present');
+ image = inp.siblings('img');
+ ok(image.length == 0, 'Both - image absent');
+ image = button.children('img');
+ ok(image.length == 1, 'Both - button image present');
+ inp.focus();
+ ok(':visible'), 'Both - rendered on focus');
+ body.simulate('mousedown', {});
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Both - hidden on external click');
+ ok(':visible'), 'Both - rendered on button click');
+ ok(!':visible'), 'Both - hidden on second button click');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+test('otherMonths', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var pop = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ inp.val('06/01/2009').datepicker('show');
+ equals(pop.find('tbody').text(), '\u00a0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0',
+ 'Other months - none');
+ ok(pop.find('td:last *').length == 0, 'Other months - no content');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', 'showOtherMonths', true).datepicker('show');
+ equals(pop.find('tbody').text(), '311234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829301234',
+ 'Other months - show');
+ ok(pop.find('td:last span').length == 1, 'Other months - span content');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', 'selectOtherMonths', true).datepicker('show');
+ equals(pop.find('tbody').text(), '311234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829301234',
+ 'Other months - select');
+ ok(pop.find('td:last a').length == 1, 'Other months - link content');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', 'showOtherMonths', false).datepicker('show');
+ equals(pop.find('tbody').text(), '\u00a0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0',
+ 'Other months - none');
+ ok(pop.find('td:last *').length == 0, 'Other months - no content');
+test('defaultDate', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var date = new Date();
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date null');
+ // Numeric values
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: -2}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date -2');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: 3}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 5);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date 3');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: 1 / 0}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 3);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date Infinity');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: 1 / 'a'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date NaN');
+ // String offset values
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '-1d'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date -1d');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '+3D'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 4);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date +3D');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: ' -2 w '}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date = new Date();
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 14);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date -2 w');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '+1 W'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 21);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date +1 W');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: ' -1 m '}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date = addMonths(new Date(), -1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date -1 m');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '+2M'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date = addMonths(new Date(), 2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date +2M');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '-2y'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date = new Date();
+ date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() - 2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date -2y');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '+1 Y '}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 3);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date +1 Y');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '+1M +10d'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date = addMonths(new Date(), 1);
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 10);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date +1M +10d');
+ // String date values
+ inp.datepicker('option', {defaultDate: '07/04/2007'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date = new Date(2007, 7 - 1, 4);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date 07/04/2007');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', defaultDate: '2007-04-02'}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ date = new Date(2007, 4 - 1, 2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date 2007-04-02');
+ // Date value
+ date = new Date(2007, 1 - 1, 26);
+ inp.datepicker('option', {dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', defaultDate: date}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show').
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Default date 01/26/2007');
+test('miscellaneous', function() {
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ // Year range
+ var genRange = function(start, offset) {
+ var range = '';
+ for (var i = start; i < start + offset; i++) {
+ range += i;
+ }
+ return range;
+ };
+ var curYear = new Date().getFullYear();
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-year').text(), '2008', 'Year range - read-only default');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {changeYear: true}).datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-year').text(), genRange(2008 - 10, 21), 'Year range - changeable default');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {yearRange: 'c-6:c+2', changeYear: true}).datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-year').text(), genRange(2008 - 6, 9), 'Year range - c-6:c+2');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {yearRange: '2000:2010', changeYear: true}).datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-year').text(), genRange(2000, 11), 'Year range - 2000:2010');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {yearRange: '-5:+3', changeYear: true}).datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-year').text(), genRange(curYear - 5, 9), 'Year range - -5:+3');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {yearRange: '2000:-5', changeYear: true}).datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-year').text(), genRange(2000, curYear - 2004), 'Year range - 2000:-5');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {yearRange: '', changeYear: true}).datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-year').text(), genRange(curYear, 1), 'Year range - -6:+2');
+ // Navigation as date format
+ inp.datepicker('option', {showButtonPanel: true});
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-prev').text(), 'Prev', 'Navigation prev - default');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-current').text(), 'Today', 'Navigation current - default');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-next').text(), 'Next', 'Navigation next - default');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {navigationAsDateFormat: true, prevText: '< M', currentText: 'MM', nextText: 'M >'}).
+ val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ var longNames = $.datepicker.regional[''].monthNames;
+ var shortNames = $.datepicker.regional[''].monthNamesShort;
+ var date = new Date();
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-prev').text(), '< ' + shortNames[0], 'Navigation prev - as date format');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-current').text(),
+ longNames[date.getMonth()], 'Navigation current - as date format');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-next').text(),
+ shortNames[2] + ' >', 'Navigation next - as date format');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN});
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-prev').text(),
+ '< ' + shortNames[1], 'Navigation prev - as date format + pgdn');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-current').text(),
+ longNames[date.getMonth()], 'Navigation current - as date format + pgdn');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-next').text(),
+ shortNames[3] + ' >', 'Navigation next - as date format + pgdn');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('option', {gotoCurrent: true}).
+ val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-prev').text(),
+ '< ' + shortNames[0], 'Navigation prev - as date format + goto current');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-current').text(),
+ longNames[1], 'Navigation current - as date format + goto current');
+ equals(dp.find('.ui-datepicker-next').text(),
+ shortNames[2] + ' >', 'Navigation next - as date format + goto current');
+test('minMax', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var lastYear = new Date(2007, 6 - 1, 4);
+ var nextYear = new Date(2009, 6 - 1, 4);
+ var minDate = new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 29);
+ var maxDate = new Date(2008, 12 - 1, 7);
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), lastYear,
+ 'Min/max - null, null - ctrl+pgup');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), nextYear,
+ 'Min/max - null, null - ctrl+pgdn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), minDate,
+ 'Min/max - 02/29/2008, null - ctrl+pgup');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), nextYear,
+ 'Min/max - 02/29/2008, null - ctrl+pgdn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {maxDate: maxDate}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), minDate,
+ 'Min/max - 02/29/2008, 12/07/2008 - ctrl+pgup');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), maxDate,
+ 'Min/max - 02/29/2008, 12/07/2008 - ctrl+pgdn');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {minDate: null}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), lastYear,
+ 'Min/max - null, 12/07/2008 - ctrl+pgup');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), maxDate,
+ 'Min/max - null, 12/07/2008 - ctrl+pgdn');
+ // Relative dates
+ var date = new Date();
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7);
+ inp.datepicker('option', {minDate: '-1w', maxDate: '+1 M +10 D '}).
+ datepicker('hide').val('').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGUP}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date,
+ 'Min/max - -1w, +1 M +10 D - ctrl+pgup');
+ date = addMonths(new Date(), 1);
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 10);
+ inp.val('').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date,
+ 'Min/max - -1w, +1 M +10 D - ctrl+pgdn');
+ // With existing date
+ inp = init('#inp');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4), 'Min/max - setDate > min');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {minDate: null}).val('01/04/2008').datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), minDate, 'Min/max - setDate < min');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {minDate: null}).val('06/04/2008').datepicker('option', {maxDate: maxDate});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4), 'Min/max - setDate < max');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {maxDate: null}).val('01/04/2009').datepicker('option', {maxDate: maxDate});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), maxDate, 'Min/max - setDate > max');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {maxDate: null}).val('01/04/2008').datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate, maxDate: maxDate});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), minDate, 'Min/max - setDate < min');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {maxDate: null}).val('06/04/2008').datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate, maxDate: maxDate});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4), 'Min/max - setDate > min, < max');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {maxDate: null}).val('01/04/2009').datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate, maxDate: maxDate});
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), maxDate, 'Min/max - setDate > max');
+test('setDate', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var date1 = new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4);
+ var date2 = new Date();
+ ok(inp.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Set date - default');
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date - 2008-06-04');
+ date1 = new Date();
+ date1.setDate(date1.getDate() + 7);
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', +7);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date - +7');
+ date2.setFullYear(date2.getFullYear() + 2);
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', '+2y');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date2, 'Set date - +2y');
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', date1, date2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date - two dates');
+ inp.datepicker('setDate');
+ ok(inp.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Set date - null');
+ // Relative to current date
+ date1 = new Date();
+ date1.setDate(date1.getDate() + 7);
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', 'c +7');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date - c +7');
+ date1.setDate(date1.getDate() + 7);
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', 'c+7');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date - c+7');
+ date1.setDate(date1.getDate() - 21);
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', 'c -3 w');
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date - c -3 w');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ date1 = new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4);
+ date2 = new Date();
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date2, 'Set date inline - default');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date inline - 2008-06-04');
+ date1 = new Date();
+ date1.setDate(date1.getDate() + 7);
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', +7);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date inline - +7');
+ date2.setFullYear(date2.getFullYear() + 2);
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', '+2y');
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date2, 'Set date inline - +2y');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', date1, date2);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date inline - two dates');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate');
+ ok(inl.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Set date inline - null');
+ // Alternate field
+ var alt = $('#alt');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {altField: '#alt', altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'});
+ date1 = new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4);
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ equals(inp.val(), '06/04/2008', 'Set date alternate - 06/04/2008');
+ equals(alt.val(), '2008-06-04', 'Set date alternate - 2008-06-04');
+ // With minimum/maximum
+ inp = init('#inp');
+ date1 = new Date(2008, 1 - 1, 4);
+ date2 = new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4);
+ var minDate = new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 29);
+ var maxDate = new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 28);
+ inp.val('').datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate}).datepicker('setDate', date2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date2, 'Set date min/max - setDate > min');
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), minDate, 'Set date min/max - setDate < min');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('option', {maxDate: maxDate, minDate: null}).datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date min/max - setDate < max');
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', date2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), maxDate, 'Set date min/max - setDate > max');
+ inp.val('').datepicker('option', {minDate: minDate}).datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), minDate, 'Set date min/max - setDate < min');
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', date2);
+ equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), maxDate, 'Set date min/max - setDate > max');
+ var dateAndTimeToSet = new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 28, 1, 11, 0);
+ var dateAndTimeClone = new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 28, 1, 11, 0);
+ inp.datepicker('setDate', dateAndTimeToSet);
+ equals(dateAndTimeToSet.getTime(), dateAndTimeClone.getTime(), 'Date object passed should not be changed by setDate');
+test('altField', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var alt = $('#alt');
+ // No alternate field set
+ alt.val('');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equals(inp.val(), '06/04/2008', 'Alt field - dp - enter');
+ equals(alt.val(), '', 'Alt field - alt not set');
+ // Alternate field set
+ alt.val('');
+ inp.datepicker('option', {altField: '#alt', altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'}).
+ val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equals(inp.val(), '06/04/2008', 'Alt field - dp - enter');
+ equals(alt.val(), '2008-06-04', 'Alt field - alt - enter');
+ // Move from initial date
+ alt.val('');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ equals(inp.val(), '07/04/2008', 'Alt field - dp - pgdn');
+ equals(alt.val(), '2008-07-04', 'Alt field - alt - pgdn');
+ // Alternate field set - closed
+ alt.val('');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_PGDN}).
+ simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ESC});
+ equals(inp.val(), '06/04/2008', 'Alt field - dp - pgdn/esc');
+ equals(alt.val(), '', 'Alt field - alt - pgdn/esc');
+ // Clear date and alternate
+ alt.val('');
+ inp.val('06/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {ctrlKey: true, keyCode: $.simulate.VK_END});
+ equals(inp.val(), '', 'Alt field - dp - ctrl+end');
+ equals(alt.val(), '', 'Alt field - alt - ctrl+end');
+ return
+ // TODO manual entry impl works (see altField demo) but this test doesn't
+ // probably something the rewrite won't cover anymore anyway
+ // Verify alt field is updated on keyup
+ alt.val('');
+ inp.val('06/04/200').datepicker('show');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {charCode: '8'.charCodeAt(0)});
+ inp.simulate('keypress', {charCode: '8'.charCodeAt(0)});
+ inp.simulate('keyup', {charCode: '8'.charCodeAt(0)});
+ equals(inp.val(), '06/04/2008', 'Alt field - dp - manual entry');
+ equals(alt.val(), '2008-06-04', 'Alt field - manual entry');
+ // Verify alt field is not updated on keyup if date is invalid
+ inp.val('12/04');
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {charCode: '/'.charCodeAt(0)});
+ inp.simulate('keypress', {charCode: '/'.charCodeAt(0)});
+ inp.simulate('keyup', {charCode: '/'.charCodeAt(0)});
+ equals(inp.val(), '12/04/', 'Alt field - dp - manual entry incomplete');
+ equals(alt.val(), '2008-06-04', 'Alt field - manual entry - not updated');
+test('autoSize', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 20, 'Auto size - default');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'autoSize', true);
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 10, 'Auto size - mm/dd/yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'm/d/yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 10, 'Auto size - m/d/yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'D M d yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 15, 'Auto size - D M d yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'DD, MM dd, yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 29, 'Auto size - DD, MM dd, yy');
+ // French
+ inp.datepicker('option', $.extend({autoSize: false}, $.datepicker.regional['fr']));
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 29, 'Auto size - fr - default');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'autoSize', true);
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 10, 'Auto size - fr - dd/mm/yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'm/d/yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 10, 'Auto size - fr - m/d/yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'D M d yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 18, 'Auto size - fr - D M d yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'DD, MM dd, yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 28, 'Auto size - fr - DD, MM dd, yy');
+ // Hebrew
+ inp.datepicker('option', $.extend({autoSize: false}, $.datepicker.regional['he']));
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 28, 'Auto size - he - default');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'autoSize', true);
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 10, 'Auto size - he - dd/mm/yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'm/d/yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 10, 'Auto size - he - m/d/yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'D M d yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 14, 'Auto size - he - D M d yy');
+ inp.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'DD, MM dd, yy');
+ equals(inp.prop('size'), 23, 'Auto size - he - DD, MM dd, yy');
+test('daylightSaving', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp');
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ ok(true, 'Daylight saving - ' + new Date());
+ // Australia, Sydney - AM change, southern hemisphere
+ inp.val('04/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(6) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '04/05/2008', 'Daylight saving - Australia 04/05/2008');
+ inp.val('04/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(7) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '04/06/2008', 'Daylight saving - Australia 04/06/2008');
+ inp.val('04/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(8) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '04/07/2008', 'Daylight saving - Australia 04/07/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(6) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/04/2008', 'Daylight saving - Australia 10/04/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(7) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/05/2008', 'Daylight saving - Australia 10/05/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(8) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/06/2008', 'Daylight saving - Australia 10/06/2008');
+ // Brasil, Brasilia - midnight change, southern hemisphere
+ inp.val('02/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(20) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '02/16/2008', 'Daylight saving - Brasil 02/16/2008');
+ inp.val('02/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(21) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '02/17/2008', 'Daylight saving - Brasil 02/17/2008');
+ inp.val('02/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(22) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '02/18/2008', 'Daylight saving - Brasil 02/18/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(13) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/11/2008', 'Daylight saving - Brasil 10/11/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(14) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/12/2008', 'Daylight saving - Brasil 10/12/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(15) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/13/2008', 'Daylight saving - Brasil 10/13/2008');
+ // Lebanon, Beirut - midnight change, northern hemisphere
+ inp.val('03/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(34) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '03/29/2008', 'Daylight saving - Lebanon 03/29/2008');
+ inp.val('03/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(35) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '03/30/2008', 'Daylight saving - Lebanon 03/30/2008');
+ inp.val('03/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(36) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '03/31/2008', 'Daylight saving - Lebanon 03/31/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(27) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/25/2008', 'Daylight saving - Lebanon 10/25/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(28) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/26/2008', 'Daylight saving - Lebanon 10/26/2008');
+ inp.val('10/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(29) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '10/27/2008', 'Daylight saving - Lebanon 10/27/2008');
+ // US, Eastern - AM change, northern hemisphere
+ inp.val('03/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(13) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '03/08/2008', 'Daylight saving - US 03/08/2008');
+ inp.val('03/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(14) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '03/09/2008', 'Daylight saving - US 03/09/2008');
+ inp.val('03/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(15) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '03/10/2008', 'Daylight saving - US 03/10/2008');
+ inp.val('11/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(6) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '11/01/2008', 'Daylight saving - US 11/01/2008');
+ inp.val('11/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(7) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '11/02/2008', 'Daylight saving - US 11/02/2008');
+ inp.val('11/01/2008').datepicker('show');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:eq(8) a', dp).simulate('click');
+ equals(inp.val(), '11/03/2008', 'Daylight saving - US 11/03/2008');
+var beforeShowThis = null;
+var beforeShowInput = null;
+var beforeShowInst = null;
+function beforeAll(input, inst) {
+ beforeShowThis = this;
+ beforeShowInput = input;
+ beforeShowInst = inst;
+ return {currentText: 'Current'};
+var beforeShowDayThis = null;
+var beforeShowDayOK = true;
+function beforeDay(date) {
+ beforeShowDayThis = this;
+ beforeShowDayOK &= (date > new Date(2008, 1 - 1, 26) &&
+ date < new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 6));
+ return [(date.getDate() % 2 == 0), (date.getDate() % 10 == 0 ? 'day10' : ''),
+ (date.getDate() % 3 == 0 ? 'Divisble by 3' : '')];
+function calcWeek(date) {
+ var doy = date.getDate() + 6;
+ for (var m = date.getMonth() - 1; m >= 0; m--)
+ doy += $.datepicker._getDaysInMonth(date.getFullYear(), m);
+ // Simple count from 01/01 starting at week 1
+ return Math.floor(doy / 7);
+test('callbacks', function() {
+ // Before show
+ var inp = init('#inp', {beforeShow: beforeAll});
+ var inst = $.data(inp[0], 'datepicker');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'currentText'), 'Today', 'Before show - initial');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ equals($.datepicker._get(inst, 'currentText'), 'Current', 'Before show - changed');
+ ok( == inp[0].id, 'Before show - this OK');
+ ok( == inp[0].id, 'Before show - input OK');
+ deepEqual(beforeShowInst, inst, 'Before show - inst OK');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+ // Before show day
+ inp = init('#inp', {beforeShowDay: beforeDay});
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ inp.val('02/04/2008').datepicker('show');
+ ok( == inp[0].id, 'Before show day - this OK');
+ ok(beforeShowDayOK, 'Before show day - dates OK');
+ var day20 = dp.find('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:contains("20")');
+ var day21 = dp.find('.ui-datepicker-calendar td:contains("21")');
+ ok(!'.ui-datepicker-unselectable'), 'Before show day - unselectable 20');
+ ok('.ui-datepicker-unselectable'), 'Before show day - unselectable 21');
+ ok('.day10'), 'Before show day - CSS 20');
+ ok(!'.day10'), 'Before show day - CSS 21');
+ ok(!day20.attr('title'), 'Before show day - title 20');
+ ok(day21.attr('title') == 'Divisble by 3', 'Before show day - title 21');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('destroy');
+test('localisation', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp', $.datepicker.regional['fr']);
+ inp.datepicker('option', {dateFormat: 'DD, d MM yy', showButtonPanel:true, changeMonth:true, changeYear:true}).val('').datepicker('show');
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ equals($('.ui-datepicker-close', dp).text(), 'Fermer', 'Localisation - close');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-close', dp).simulate('mouseover');
+ equals($('.ui-datepicker-prev', dp).text(), 'Précédent', 'Localisation - previous');
+ equals($('.ui-datepicker-current', dp).text(), 'Aujourd\'hui', 'Localisation - current');
+ equals($('.ui-datepicker-next', dp).text(), 'Suivant', 'Localisation - next');
+ var month = 0;
+ $('.ui-datepicker-month option', dp).each(function() {
+ equals($(this).text(), $.datepicker.regional['fr'].monthNamesShort[month],
+ 'Localisation - month ' + month);
+ month++;
+ });
+ var day = 1;
+ $('.ui-datepicker-calendar th', dp).each(function() {
+ equals($(this).text(), $.datepicker.regional['fr'].dayNamesMin[day],
+ 'Localisation - day ' + day);
+ day = (day + 1) % 7;
+ });
+ inp.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
+ var date = new Date();
+ equals(inp.val(), $.datepicker.regional['fr'].dayNames[date.getDay()] + ', ' +
+ date.getDate() + ' ' + $.datepicker.regional['fr'].monthNames[date.getMonth()] +
+ ' ' + date.getFullYear(), 'Localisation - formatting');
+test('noWeekends', function() {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
+ var date = new Date(2001, 1 - 1, i);
+ deepEqual($.datepicker.noWeekends(date), [(i + 1) % 7 >= 2, ''],
+ 'No weekends ' + date);
+ }
+test('iso8601Week', function() {
+ var date = new Date(2000, 12 - 1, 31);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 52, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2001, 1 - 1, 1);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 1, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2001, 1 - 1, 7);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 1, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2001, 1 - 1, 8);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 2, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2003, 12 - 1, 28);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 52, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2003, 12 - 1, 29);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 1, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2004, 1 - 1, 4);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 1, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2004, 1 - 1, 5);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 2, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2009, 12 - 1, 28);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 53, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2010, 1 - 1, 3);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 53, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2010, 1 - 1, 4);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 1, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+ date = new Date(2010, 1 - 1, 10);
+ equals($.datepicker.iso8601Week(date), 1, 'ISO 8601 week ' + date);
+test('parseDate', function() {
+ init('#inp');
+ ok($.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', '') == null, 'Parse date empty');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', '3 2 01'),
+ new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date d m y');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('dd mm yy', '03 02 2001'),
+ new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date dd mm yy');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', '13 12 01'),
+ new Date(2001, 12 - 1, 13), 'Parse date d m y');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('dd mm yy', '13 12 2001'),
+ new Date(2001, 12 - 1, 13), 'Parse date dd mm yy');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-o', '01-34'),
+ new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-o');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('yy-oo', '2001-347'),
+ new Date(2001, 12 - 1, 13), 'Parse date yy-oo');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('oo yy', '348 2004'),
+ new Date(2004, 12 - 1, 13), 'Parse date oo yy');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('D d M y', 'Sat 3 Feb 01'),
+ new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date D d M y');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('d MM DD yy', '3 February Saturday 2001'),
+ new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date dd MM DD yy');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('DD, MM d, yy', 'Saturday, February 3, 2001'),
+ new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date DD, MM d, yy');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('\'day\' d \'of\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy',
+ 'day 3 of February (\'Saturday\'), 2001'), new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3),
+ 'Parse date \'day\' d \'of\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy');
+ var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-m-d', (currentYear - 2000) + '-02-03'),
+ new Date(currentYear, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-m-d - default cutuff');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-m-d', (currentYear - 2000 + 10) + '-02-03'),
+ new Date(currentYear+10, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-m-d - default cutuff');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-m-d', (currentYear - 2000 + 11) + '-02-03'),
+ new Date(currentYear-89, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-m-d - default cutuff');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-m-d', '80-02-03', {shortYearCutoff: 80}),
+ new Date(2080, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-m-d - cutoff 80');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-m-d', '81-02-03', {shortYearCutoff: 80}),
+ new Date(1981, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-m-d - cutoff 80');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-m-d', (currentYear - 2000 + 60) + '-02-03', {shortYearCutoff: '+60'}),
+ new Date(currentYear + 60, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-m-d - cutoff +60');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('y-m-d', (currentYear - 2000 + 61) + '-02-03', {shortYearCutoff: '+60'}),
+ new Date(currentYear - 39, 2 - 1, 3), 'Parse date y-m-d - cutoff +60');
+ var gmtDate = new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3);
+ gmtDate.setMinutes(gmtDate.getMinutes() - gmtDate.getTimezoneOffset());
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('@', '981158400000'), gmtDate, 'Parse date @');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('!', '631167552000000000'), gmtDate, 'Parse date !');
+ var fr = $.datepicker.regional['fr'];
+ var settings = {dayNamesShort: fr.dayNamesShort, dayNames: fr.dayNames,
+ monthNamesShort: fr.monthNamesShort, monthNames: fr.monthNames};
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('D d M y', 'Lun. 9 Avril 01', settings),
+ new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9), 'Parse date D M y with settings');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('d MM DD yy', '9 Avril Lundi 2001', settings),
+ new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9), 'Parse date d MM DD yy with settings');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('DD, MM d, yy', 'Lundi, Avril 9, 2001', settings),
+ new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9), 'Parse date DD, MM d, yy with settings');
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('\'jour\' d \'de\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy',
+ 'jour 9 de Avril (\'Lundi\'), 2001', settings), new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9),
+ 'Parse date \'jour\' d \'de\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy with settings');
+ var zh = $.datepicker.regional['zh-CN'];
+ equalsDate($.datepicker.parseDate('yy M d', '2011 十一 22', zh),
+ new Date(2011, 11 - 1, 22), 'Parse date yy M d with zh-CN');
+test('parseDateErrors', function() {
+ init('#inp');
+ var expectError = function(expr, value, error) {
+ try {
+ expr();
+ ok(false, 'Parsed error ' + value);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ equals(e, error, 'Parsed error ' + value);
+ }
+ };
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate(null, 'Sat 2 01'); },
+ 'Sat 2 01', 'Invalid arguments');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', null); },
+ 'null', 'Invalid arguments');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', 'Sat 2 01'); },
+ 'Sat 2 01 - d m y', 'Missing number at position 0');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('dd mm yy', 'Sat 2 01'); },
+ 'Sat 2 01 - dd mm yy', 'Missing number at position 0');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', '3 Feb 01'); },
+ '3 Feb 01 - d m y', 'Missing number at position 2');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('dd mm yy', '3 Feb 01'); },
+ '3 Feb 01 - dd mm yy', 'Missing number at position 2');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', '3 2 AD01'); },
+ '3 2 AD01 - d m y', 'Missing number at position 4');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('d m yy', '3 2 AD01'); },
+ '3 2 AD01 - dd mm yy', 'Missing number at position 4');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('y-o', '01-D01'); },
+ '2001-D01 - y-o', 'Missing number at position 3');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-oo', '2001-D01'); },
+ '2001-D01 - yy-oo', 'Missing number at position 5');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('D d M y', 'D7 3 Feb 01'); },
+ 'D7 3 Feb 01 - D d M y', 'Unknown name at position 0');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('D d M y', 'Sat 3 M2 01'); },
+ 'Sat 3 M2 01 - D d M y', 'Unknown name at position 6');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('DD, MM d, yy', 'Saturday- Feb 3, 2001'); },
+ 'Saturday- Feb 3, 2001 - DD, MM d, yy', 'Unexpected literal at position 8');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('\'day\' d \'of\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy',
+ 'day 3 of February ("Saturday"), 2001'); },
+ 'day 3 of Mon2 ("Day7"), 2001', 'Unexpected literal at position 19');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('d m y', '29 2 01'); },
+ '29 2 01 - d m y', 'Invalid date');
+ var fr = $.datepicker.regional['fr'];
+ var settings = {dayNamesShort: fr.dayNamesShort, dayNames: fr.dayNames,
+ monthNamesShort: fr.monthNamesShort, monthNames: fr.monthNames};
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('D d M y', 'Mon 9 Avr 01', settings); },
+ 'Mon 9 Avr 01 - D d M y', 'Unknown name at position 0');
+ expectError(function() { $.datepicker.parseDate('D d M y', 'Lun. 9 Apr 01', settings); },
+ 'Lun. 9 Apr 01 - D d M y', 'Unknown name at position 7');
+test('formatDate', function() {
+ init('#inp');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('d m y', new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)),
+ '3 2 01', 'Format date d m y');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('dd mm yy', new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)),
+ '03 02 2001', 'Format date dd mm yy');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('d m y', new Date(2001, 12 - 1, 13)),
+ '13 12 01', 'Format date d m y');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('dd mm yy', new Date(2001, 12 - 1, 13)),
+ '13 12 2001', 'Format date dd mm yy');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('yy-o', new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)),
+ '2001-34', 'Format date yy-o');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('yy-oo', new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)),
+ '2001-034', 'Format date yy-oo');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('D M y', new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)),
+ 'Sat Feb 01', 'Format date D M y');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('DD MM yy', new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)),
+ 'Saturday February 2001', 'Format date DD MM yy');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('DD, MM d, yy', new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)),
+ 'Saturday, February 3, 2001', 'Format date DD, MM d, yy');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('\'day\' d \'of\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy',
+ new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3)), 'day 3 of February (\'Saturday\'), 2001',
+ 'Format date \'day\' d \'of\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy');
+ var gmtDate = new Date(2001, 2 - 1, 3);
+ gmtDate.setMinutes(gmtDate.getMinutes() - gmtDate.getTimezoneOffset());
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('@', gmtDate), '981158400000', 'Format date @');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('!', gmtDate), '631167552000000000', 'Format date !');
+ var fr = $.datepicker.regional['fr'];
+ var settings = {dayNamesShort: fr.dayNamesShort, dayNames: fr.dayNames,
+ monthNamesShort: fr.monthNamesShort, monthNames: fr.monthNames};
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('D M y', new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9), settings),
+ 'Lun. Avril 01', 'Format date D M y with settings');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('DD MM yy', new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9), settings),
+ 'Lundi Avril 2001', 'Format date DD MM yy with settings');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('DD, MM d, yy', new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9), settings),
+ 'Lundi, Avril 9, 2001', 'Format date DD, MM d, yy with settings');
+ equals($.datepicker.formatDate('\'jour\' d \'de\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy',
+ new Date(2001, 4 - 1, 9), settings), 'jour 9 de Avril (\'Lundi\'), 2001',
+ 'Format date \'jour\' d \'de\' MM (\'\'DD\'\'), yy with settings');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_tickets.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_tickets.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3534266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/datepicker/datepicker_tickets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * datepicker_tickets.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("datepicker: tickets");
+test('beforeShowDay-getDate', function() {
+ var inp = init('#inp', {beforeShowDay: function(date) { inp.datepicker('getDate'); return [true, '']; }});
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ inp.val('01/01/2010').datepicker('show');
+ // contains non-breaking space
+ equals($('div.ui-datepicker-title').text(), 'January 2010', 'Initial month');
+ $('a.ui-datepicker-next', dp).click();
+ $('a.ui-datepicker-next', dp).click();
+ // contains non-breaking space
+ equals($('div.ui-datepicker-title').text(), 'March 2010', 'After next clicks');
+ inp.datepicker('hide').datepicker('show');
+ $('a.ui-datepicker-prev', dp).click();
+ $('a.ui-datepicker-prev', dp).click();
+ // contains non-breaking space
+ equals($('div.ui-datepicker-title').text(), 'November 2009', 'After prev clicks');
+ inp.datepicker('hide');
+test('Ticket 7602: Stop datepicker from appearing with beforeShow event handler', function(){
+ var inp = init('#inp',{
+ beforeShow: function(){
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ var dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ inp.datepicker('show');
+ equals(dp.css('display'), 'none',"beforeShow returns false");
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ inp = init('#inp',{
+ beforeShow: function(){
+ }
+ });
+ dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ inp.datepicker('show');
+ equal(dp.css('display'), 'block',"beforeShow returns nothing");
+ inp.datepicker('hide');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+ inp = init('#inp',{
+ beforeShow: function(){
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ dp = $('#ui-datepicker-div');
+ inp.datepicker('show');
+ equal(dp.css('display'), 'block',"beforeShow returns true");
+ inp.datepicker('hide');
+ inp.datepicker('destroy');
+test('Ticket 6827: formatDate day of year calculation is wrong during day lights savings time', function(){
+ var time = $.datepicker.formatDate("oo", new Date("2010/03/30 12:00:00 CDT"));
+ equals(time, "089");
+test('Ticket #7244: date parser does not fail when too many numbers are passed into the date function', function() {
+ var date;
+ try{
+ date = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', '18/04/19881');
+ ok(false, "Did not properly detect an invalid date");
+ }catch(e){
+ ok("invalid date detected");
+ }
+ try {
+ date = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', '18/04/1988 @ 2:43 pm');
+ equal(date.getDate(), 18);
+ equal(date.getMonth(), 3);
+ equal(date.getFullYear(), 1988);
+ } catch(e) {
+ ok(false, "Did not properly parse date with extra text separated by whitespace");
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0416ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Dialog Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "dialog" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Dialog Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94b20a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Dialog Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../../external/jquery.bgiframe-2.1.2.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.dialog" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.position.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.draggable.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.resizable.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.dialog.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="dialog_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="dialog_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="dialog_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="dialog_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="dialog_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="dialog_tickets.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this testsuite for testswarm only - until we fix it from freezing IE6
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("dialog", function() { ok(true, "disabled dialog testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Dialog Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2003689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * dialog_core.js
+ */
+var el,
+ offsetBefore, offsetAfter,
+ heightBefore, heightAfter,
+ widthBefore, widthAfter,
+ dragged;
+function dlg() {
+ return el.dialog('widget');
+function isOpen(why) {
+ ok(dlg().is(":visible"), why);
+function isNotOpen(why) {
+ ok(!dlg().is(":visible"), why);
+function drag(handle, dx, dy) {
+ var d = dlg();
+ offsetBefore = d.offset();
+ heightBefore = d.height();
+ widthBefore = d.width();
+ //this mouseover is to work around a limitation in resizable
+ //TODO: fix resizable so handle doesn't require mouseover in order to be used
+ $(handle, d).simulate("mouseover");
+ $(handle, d).simulate("drag", {
+ dx: dx || 0,
+ dy: dy || 0
+ });
+ dragged = { dx: dx, dy: dy };
+ offsetAfter = d.offset();
+ heightAfter = d.height();
+ widthAfter = d.width();
+function moved(dx, dy, msg) {
+ msg = msg ? msg + "." : "";
+ var actual = { left: Math.round(offsetAfter.left), top: Math.round( };
+ var expected = { left: Math.round(offsetBefore.left + dx), top: Math.round( + dy) };
+ same(actual, expected, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ' + msg);
+function shouldmove(why) {
+ var handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, -50);
+ moved(50, -50, why);
+function shouldnotmove(why) {
+ var handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, -50);
+ moved(0, 0, why);
+function resized(dw, dh, msg) {
+ msg = msg ? msg + "." : "";
+ var actual = { width: widthAfter, height: heightAfter };
+ var expected = { width: widthBefore + dw, height: heightBefore + dh };
+ same(actual, expected, 'resized[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ' + msg);
+function shouldresize(why) {
+ var handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ resized(50, 50, why);
+function shouldnotresize(why) {
+ var handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ resized(0, 0, why);
+function broder(el, side){
+ return parseInt(el.css('border-' + side + '-width'), 10);
+function margin(el, side) {
+ return parseInt(el.css('margin-' + side), 10);
+(function($) {
+module("dialog: core");
+test("title id", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var titleId;
+ // reset the uuid so we know what values to expect
+ $.ui.dialog.uuid = 0;
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ titleId = dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id');
+ equals(titleId, 'ui-dialog-title-1', 'auto-numbered title id');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ titleId = dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id');
+ equals(titleId, 'ui-dialog-title-2', 'auto-numbered title id');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div id="foo">').dialog();
+ titleId = dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id');
+ equals(titleId, 'ui-dialog-title-foo', 'carried over title id');
+ el.remove();
+test("ARIA", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().attr('role'), 'dialog', 'dialog role');
+ var labelledBy = dlg().attr('aria-labelledby');
+ ok(labelledBy.length > 0, 'has aria-labelledby attribute');
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-title').attr('id'), labelledBy,
+ 'proper aria-labelledby attribute');
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').attr('role'), 'button',
+ 'close link role');
+ el.remove();
+test("widget method", function() {
+ var dialog = $("<div>").appendTo("#main").dialog();
+ same(dialog.parent()[0], dialog.dialog("widget")[0]);
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f2e4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "dialog", {
+ defaults: {
+ autoOpen: true,
+ buttons: {},
+ closeOnEscape: true,
+ closeText: 'close',
+ disabled: false,
+ dialogClass: '',
+ draggable: true,
+ height: 'auto',
+ hide: null,
+ maxHeight: false,
+ maxWidth: false,
+ minHeight: 150,
+ minWidth: 150,
+ modal: false,
+ position: {
+ my: 'center',
+ at: 'center',
+ of: window,
+ collision: 'fit',
+ using: $.ui.dialog.prototype.options.position.using
+ },
+ resizable: true,
+ show: null,
+ stack: true,
+ title: '',
+ width: 300,
+ zIndex: 1000,
+ // callbacks
+ create: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40a8575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ * dialog_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("dialog: events");
+test("open", function() {
+ expect(13);
+ el = $("<div></div>");
+ el.dialog({
+ open: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok("dialog")._isOpen, "interal _isOpen flag is set");
+ ok(true, 'autoOpen: true fires open callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogopen', 'event type in callback');
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in callback');
+ }
+ });
+ el.remove();
+ el = $("<div></div>");
+ el.dialog({
+ autoOpen: false,
+ open: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, '.dialog("open") fires open callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogopen', 'event type in callback');
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in callback');
+ }
+ }).bind('dialogopen', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok("dialog")._isOpen, "interal _isOpen flag is set");
+ ok(true, 'dialog("open") fires open event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in event');
+ });
+ el.dialog("open");
+ el.remove();
+test("dragStart", function() {
+ expect(9);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ dragStart: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'dragging fires dragStart callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogdragstart', 'event type in callback');
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.offset !== undefined, "ui.offset in callback");
+ }
+ }).bind('dialogdragstart', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'dragging fires dialogdragstart event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.offset !== undefined, "ui.offset in callback");
+ });
+ var handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ el.remove();
+test("drag", function() {
+ expect(9);
+ var hasDragged = false;
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ drag: function(ev, ui) {
+ if (!hasDragged) {
+ ok(true, 'dragging fires drag callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogdrag', 'event type in callback');
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.offset !== undefined, "ui.offset in callback");
+ hasDragged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }).one('dialogdrag', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'dragging fires dialogdrag event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.offset !== undefined, "ui.offset in callback");
+ });
+ var handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ el.remove();
+test("dragStop", function() {
+ expect(9);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ dragStop: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'dragging fires dragStop callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogdragstop', 'event type in callback');
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.offset !== undefined, "ui.offset in callback");
+ }
+ }).bind('dialogdragstop', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'dragging fires dialogdragstop event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.offset !== undefined, "ui.offset in callback");
+ });
+ var handle = $(".ui-dialog-titlebar", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ el.remove();
+test("resizeStart", function() {
+ expect(13);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ resizeStart: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'resizing fires resizeStart callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogresizestart', 'event type in callback');
+ ok(ui.originalPosition !== undefined, "ui.originalPosition in callback");
+ ok(ui.originalSize !== undefined, "ui.originalSize in callback");
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.size !== undefined, "ui.size in callback");
+ }
+ }).bind('dialogresizestart', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'resizing fires dialogresizestart event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ ok(ui.originalPosition !== undefined, "ui.originalPosition in callback");
+ ok(ui.originalSize !== undefined, "ui.originalSize in callback");
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.size !== undefined, "ui.size in callback");
+ });
+ var handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ el.remove();
+test("resize", function() {
+ expect(13);
+ var hasResized = false;
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ resize: function(ev, ui) {
+ if (!hasResized) {
+ ok(true, 'resizing fires resize callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogresize', 'event type in callback');
+ ok(ui.originalPosition !== undefined, "ui.originalPosition in callback");
+ ok(ui.originalSize !== undefined, "ui.originalSize in callback");
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.size !== undefined, "ui.size in callback");
+ hasResized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }).one('dialogresize', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'resizing fires dialogresize event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ ok(ui.originalPosition !== undefined, "ui.originalPosition in callback");
+ ok(ui.originalSize !== undefined, "ui.originalSize in callback");
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.size !== undefined, "ui.size in callback");
+ });
+ var handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ el.remove();
+test("resizeStop", function() {
+ expect(13);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ resizeStop: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'resizing fires resizeStop callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogresizestop', 'event type in callback');
+ ok(ui.originalPosition !== undefined, "ui.originalPosition in callback");
+ ok(ui.originalSize !== undefined, "ui.originalSize in callback");
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.size !== undefined, "ui.size in callback");
+ }
+ }).bind('dialogresizestop', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, 'resizing fires dialogresizestop event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ ok(ui.originalPosition !== undefined, "ui.originalPosition in callback");
+ ok(ui.originalSize !== undefined, "ui.originalSize in callback");
+ ok(ui.position !== undefined, "ui.position in callback");
+ ok(ui.size !== undefined, "ui.size in callback");
+ });
+ var handle = $(".ui-resizable-se", dlg());
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ el.remove();
+test("close", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ close: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, '.dialog("close") fires close callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogclose', 'event type in callback');
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in callback');
+ }
+ }).bind('dialogclose', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, '.dialog("close") fires dialogclose event');
+ equals(this, el[0], 'context of event');
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in event');
+ });
+ el.dialog('close');
+ el.remove();
+test("beforeClose", function() {
+ expect(14);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ beforeClose: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, '.dialog("close") fires beforeClose callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogbeforeclose', 'event type in callback');
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in callback');
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ el.dialog('close');
+ isOpen('beforeClose callback should prevent dialog from closing');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ el.dialog('option', 'beforeClose', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, '.dialog("close") fires beforeClose callback');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(ev.type, 'dialogbeforeclose', 'event type in callback');
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in callback');
+ return false;
+ });
+ el.dialog('close');
+ isOpen('beforeClose callback should prevent dialog from closing');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog().bind('dialogbeforeclose', function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, '.dialog("close") triggers dialogbeforeclose event');
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of event");
+ same(ui, {}, 'ui hash in event');
+ return false;
+ });
+ el.dialog('close');
+ isOpen('dialogbeforeclose event should prevent dialog from closing');
+ el.remove();
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a961b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * dialog_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("dialog: methods", {
+ teardown: function() {
+ $("body>.ui-dialog").remove();
+ }
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').dialog().remove();
+ ok(true, '.dialog() called on element');
+ $([]).dialog().remove();
+ ok(true, '.dialog() called on empty collection');
+ $('<div></div>').dialog().remove();
+ ok(true, '.dialog() called on disconnected DOMElement - never connected');
+ $('<div></div>').appendTo('body').remove().dialog().remove();
+ ok(true, '.dialog() called on disconnected DOMElement - removed');
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ var foo = el.dialog("option", "foo");
+ el.remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option getter after init');
+ $('<div></div>').dialog().dialog("option", "foo", "bar").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option setter after init');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').dialog().dialog("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.dialog("destroy") called on element');
+ $([]).dialog().dialog("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.dialog("destroy") called on empty collection');
+ $('<div></div>').dialog().dialog("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.dialog("destroy") called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').dialog(),
+ actual = expected.dialog('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test("enable", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').dialog(),
+ actual = expected.dialog('enable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'enable is chainable');
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ disabled: true });
+ el.dialog('enable');
+ equals(el.dialog('option', 'disabled'), false, 'enable method sets disabled option to false');
+ ok(!dlg().hasClass('ui-dialog-disabled'), 'enable method removes ui-dialog-disabled class from ui-dialog element');
+test("disable", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').dialog(),
+ actual = expected.dialog('disable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'disable is chainable');
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ disabled: false });
+ el.dialog('disable');
+ equals(el.dialog('option', 'disabled'), true, 'disable method sets disabled option to true');
+ ok(dlg().hasClass('ui-dialog-disabled'), 'disable method adds ui-dialog-disabled class to ui-dialog element');
+test("close", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').dialog(),
+ actual = expected.dialog('close');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'close is chainable');
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ ok(dlg().is(':visible') && !dlg().is(':hidden'), 'dialog visible before close method called');
+ el.dialog('close');
+ ok(dlg().is(':hidden') && !dlg().is(':visible'), 'dialog hidden after close method called');
+test("isOpen", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(el.dialog('isOpen'), true, "dialog is open after init");
+ el.dialog('close');
+ equals(el.dialog('isOpen'), false, "dialog is closed");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({autoOpen: false});
+ equals(el.dialog('isOpen'), false, "dialog is closed after init");
+ el.dialog('open');
+ equals(el.dialog('isOpen'), true, "dialog is open");
+ el.remove();
+test("moveToTop", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').dialog(),
+ actual = expected.dialog('moveToTop');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'moveToTop is chainable');
+ var d1 = $('<div></div>').dialog(), dlg1 = d1.parents('.ui-dialog');
+ d1.dialog('close');
+ d1.dialog('open');
+ var d2 = $('<div></div>').dialog(), dlg2 = d2.parents('.ui-dialog');
+ d2.dialog('close');
+ d2.dialog('open');
+ ok(dlg1.css('zIndex') < dlg2.css('zIndex'), 'dialog 1 under dialog 2 before moveToTop method called');
+ d1.dialog('moveToTop');
+ ok(dlg1.css('zIndex') > dlg2.css('zIndex'), 'dialog 1 above dialog 2 after moveToTop method called');
+test("open", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').dialog(),
+ actual = expected.dialog('open');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'open is chainable');
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ autoOpen: false });
+ ok(dlg().is(':hidden') && !dlg().is(':visible'), 'dialog hidden before open method called');
+ el.dialog('open');
+ ok(dlg().is(':visible') && !dlg().is(':hidden'), 'dialog visible after open method called');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eab577c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ * dialog_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("dialog: options");
+test("autoOpen", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ autoOpen: false });
+ isNotOpen('.dialog({ autoOpen: false })');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ autoOpen: true });
+ isOpen('.dialog({ autoOpen: true })');
+ el.remove();
+test("buttons", function() {
+ expect(21);
+ var buttons = {
+ "Ok": function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "button click fires callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(, btn[0], "event target");
+ },
+ "Cancel": function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "button click fires callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(, btn[1], "event target");
+ }
+ };
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ buttons: buttons });
+ var btn = $("button", dlg());
+ equals(btn.length, 2, "number of buttons");
+ var i = 0;
+ $.each(buttons, function(key, val) {
+ equals(btn.eq(i).text(), key, "text of button " + (i+1));
+ i++;
+ });
+ ok(btn.parent().hasClass('ui-dialog-buttonset'), "buttons in container");
+ ok(el.parent().hasClass('ui-dialog-buttons'), "dialog wrapper adds class about having buttons");
+ btn.trigger("click");
+ var newButtons = {
+ "Close": function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "button click fires callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ equals(, btn[0], "event target");
+ }
+ };
+ same(el.dialog("option", "buttons"), buttons, '.dialog("option", "buttons") getter');
+ el.dialog("option", "buttons", newButtons);
+ same(el.dialog("option", "buttons"), newButtons, '.dialog("option", "buttons", ...) setter');
+ btn = $("button", dlg());
+ equals(btn.length, 1, "number of buttons after setter");
+ btn.trigger('click');
+ i = 0;
+ $.each(newButtons, function(key, val) {
+ equals(btn.eq(i).text(), key, "text of button " + (i+1));
+ i += 1;
+ });
+ el.dialog("option", "buttons", null);
+ btn = $("button", dlg());
+ equals(btn.length, 0, "all buttons have been removed");
+ equals(el.find(".ui-dialog-buttonset").length, 0, "buttonset has been removed");
+ equals(el.parent().hasClass('ui-dialog-buttons'), false, "dialog wrapper removes class about having buttons");
+ el.remove();
+test("buttons - advanced", function() {
+ expect(5);
+ el = $("<div></div>").dialog({
+ buttons: [
+ {
+ text: "a button",
+ "class": "additional-class",
+ id: "my-button-id",
+ click: function() {
+ equals(this, el[0], "correct context");
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ var buttons = dlg().find("button");
+ equals(buttons.length, 1, "correct number of buttons");
+ equals(buttons.attr("id"), "my-button-id", "correct id");
+ equals(buttons.text(), "a button", "correct label");
+ ok(buttons.hasClass("additional-class"), "additional classes added");
+ el.remove();
+test("closeOnEscape", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ closeOnEscape: false });
+ ok(true, 'closeOnEscape: false');
+ ok(dlg().is(':visible') && !dlg().is(':hidden'), 'dialog is open before ESC');
+ el.simulate('keydown', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE })
+ .simulate('keypress', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE })
+ .simulate('keyup', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE });
+ ok(dlg().is(':visible') && !dlg().is(':hidden'), 'dialog is open after ESC');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ closeOnEscape: true });
+ ok(true, 'closeOnEscape: true');
+ ok(dlg().is(':visible') && !dlg().is(':hidden'), 'dialog is open before ESC');
+ el.simulate('keydown', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE })
+ .simulate('keypress', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE })
+ .simulate('keyup', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE });
+ ok(dlg().is(':hidden') && !dlg().is(':visible'), 'dialog is closed after ESC');
+test("closeText", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close span').text(), 'close',
+ 'default close text');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ closeText: "foo" });
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close span').text(), 'foo',
+ 'closeText on init');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog().dialog('option', 'closeText', 'bar');
+ equals(dlg().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close span').text(), 'bar',
+ 'closeText via option method');
+ el.remove();
+test("dialogClass", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().is(".foo"), false, 'dialogClass not specified. foo class added');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ dialogClass: "foo" });
+ equals(dlg().is(".foo"), true, 'dialogClass in init. foo class added');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ dialogClass: "foo bar" });
+ equals(dlg().is(".foo"), true, 'dialogClass in init, two classes. foo class added');
+ equals(dlg().is(".bar"), true, 'dialogClass in init, two classes. bar class added');
+ el.remove();
+test("draggable", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ draggable: false });
+ shouldnotmove();
+ el.dialog('option', 'draggable', true);
+ shouldmove();
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ draggable: true });
+ shouldmove();
+ el.dialog('option', 'draggable', false);
+ shouldnotmove();
+ el.remove();
+test("height", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().height(), 150, "default height");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ height: 237 });
+ equals(dlg().height(), 237, "explicit height");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ el.dialog('option', 'height', 238);
+ equals(dlg().height(), 238, "explicit height set after init");
+ el.remove();
+test("maxHeight", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxHeight: 200 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-s', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 200, "maxHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxHeight: 200 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-n', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 200, "maxHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxHeight: 200 }).dialog('option', 'maxHeight', 300);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-s', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 300, "maxHeight");
+ el.remove();
+test("maxWidth", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxWidth: 200 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-e', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 200, "maxWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxWidth: 200 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 200, "maxWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ maxWidth: 200 }).dialog('option', 'maxWidth', 300);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 300, "maxWidth");
+ el.remove();
+test("minHeight", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minHeight: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-s', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 10, "minHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minHeight: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-n', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 10, "minHeight");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minHeight: 10 }).dialog('option', 'minHeight', 30);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-n', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(heightAfter, 30, "minHeight");
+ el.remove();
+test("minWidth", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minWidth: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-e', -1000, -1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 10, "minWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minWidth: 10 });
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 10, "minWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ minWidth: 30 }).dialog('option', 'minWidth', 30);
+ drag('.ui-resizable-w', 1000, 1000);
+ equals(widthAfter, 30, "minWidth");
+ el.remove();
+test("position, default center on window", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, Math.round($(window).width() / 2 - dialog.outerWidth() / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft());
+ same(, Math.round($(window).height() / 2 - dialog.outerHeight() / 2) + $(window).scrollTop());
+ el.remove();
+test("position, top on window", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ position: "top" });
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, Math.round($(window).width() / 2 - dialog.outerWidth() / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft());
+ same(, $(window).scrollTop());
+ el.remove();
+test("position, left on window", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ position: "left" });
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, 0);
+ same(, Math.round($(window).height() / 2 - dialog.outerHeight() / 2) + $(window).scrollTop());
+ el.remove();
+test("position, right bottom on window", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ position: "right bottom" });
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, $(window).width() - dialog.outerWidth() + $(window).scrollLeft());
+ same(, $(window).height() - dialog.outerHeight() + $(window).scrollTop());
+ el.remove();
+test("position, right bottom on window w/array", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ position: ["right", "bottom"] });
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, $(window).width() - dialog.outerWidth() + $(window).scrollLeft());
+ same(, $(window).height() - dialog.outerHeight() + $(window).scrollTop());
+ el.remove();
+test("position, offset from top left w/array", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ position: [10, 10] });
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, 10 + $(window).scrollLeft());
+ same(, 10 + $(window).scrollTop());
+ el.remove();
+test("position, right bottom at right bottom via ui.position args", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ position: {
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "right bottom"
+ }
+ });
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, $(window).width() - dialog.outerWidth() + $(window).scrollLeft());
+ same(, $(window).height() - dialog.outerHeight() + $(window).scrollTop());
+ el.remove();
+test("position, at another element", function() {
+ var parent = $('<div></div>').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 400,
+ left: 600,
+ height: 10,
+ width: 10
+ }).appendTo('body');
+ var el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ position: {
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: parent
+ }
+ });
+ var dialog = el.dialog('widget');
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, 600);
+ same(, 400);
+ el.dialog('option', 'position', {
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: parent
+ });
+ var offset = dialog.offset();
+ same(offset.left, 610);
+ same(, 410);
+ el.remove();
+ parent.remove();
+test("resizable", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ shouldresize("[default]");
+ el.dialog('option', 'resizable', false);
+ shouldnotresize('disabled after init');
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ resizable: false });
+ shouldnotresize("disabled in init options");
+ el.dialog('option', 'resizable', true);
+ shouldresize('enabled after init');
+ el.remove();
+test("title", function() {
+ expect(9);
+ function titleText() {
+ return dlg().find(".ui-dialog-title").html();
+ }
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ // some browsers return a non-breaking space and some return "&nbsp;"
+ // so we get the text to normalize to the actual non-breaking space
+ equals(dlg().find(".ui-dialog-title").text(), " ", "[default]");
+ equals(el.dialog("option", "title"), "", "option not changed");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div title="foo">').dialog();
+ equals(titleText(), "foo", "title in element attribute");
+ equals(el.dialog("option", "title"), "foo", "option updated from attribute");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ title: 'foo' });
+ equals(titleText(), "foo", "title in init options");
+ equals(el.dialog("option", "title"), "foo", "opiton set from options hash");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div title="foo">').dialog({ title: 'bar' });
+ equals(titleText(), "bar", "title in init options should override title in element attribute");
+ equals(el.dialog("option", "title"), "bar", "opiton set from options hash");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog().dialog('option', 'title', 'foo');
+ equals(titleText(), 'foo', 'title after init');
+ el.remove();
+test("width", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog();
+ equals(dlg().width(), 300, "default width");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({width: 437 });
+ equals(dlg().width(), 437, "explicit width");
+ el.dialog('option', 'width', 438);
+ equals(dlg().width(), 438, 'explicit width after init');
+ el.remove();
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_tickets.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_tickets.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b203ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/dialog/dialog_tickets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * dialog_tickets.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module( "dialog: tickets" );
+asyncTest( "#3123: Prevent tabbing out of modal dialogs", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var el = $( "<div><input id='t3123-first'><input id='t3123-last'></div>" ).dialog({ modal: true }),
+ inputs = el.find( "input" ),
+ widget = el.dialog( "widget" );
+ inputs.eq( 1 ).focus();
+ equal( document.activeElement, inputs[1], "Focus set on second input" );
+ inputs.eq( 1 ).simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.TAB });
+ setTimeout( checkTab, 2 );
+ function checkTab() {
+ ok( $.contains( widget, document.activeElement ), "Tab key event moved focus within the modal" );
+ // check shift tab
+ $( document.activeElement ).simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.TAB, shiftKey: true });
+ setTimeout( checkShiftTab, 2 );
+ }
+ function checkShiftTab() {
+ ok( $.contains( widget, document.activeElement ), "Shift-Tab key event moved focus within the modal" );
+ el.remove();
+ start();
+ }
+test("#4826: setting resizable false toggles resizable on dialog", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ resizable: false });
+ shouldnotresize("[default]");
+ for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ el.dialog('close').dialog('open');
+ shouldnotresize('initialized with resizable false toggle ('+ (i+1) +')');
+ }
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({ resizable: true });
+ shouldresize("[default]");
+ for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ el.dialog('close').dialog('option', 'resizable', false).dialog('open');
+ shouldnotresize('set option resizable false toggle ('+ (i+1) +')');
+ }
+ el.remove();
+test("#5184: isOpen in dialogclose event is true", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ el = $( "<div></div>" ).dialog({
+ close: function() {
+ ok( !el.dialog("isOpen"), "dialog is not open during close" );
+ }
+ });
+ ok( el.dialog("isOpen"), "dialog is open after init" );
+ el.dialog( "close" );
+ ok( !el.dialog("isOpen"), "dialog is not open after close" );
+ el.remove();
+test("#5531: dialog width should be at least minWidth on creation", function () {
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ width: 200,
+ minWidth: 300
+ });
+ equals(el.dialog('option', 'width'), 300, "width is minWidth");
+ el.dialog('option', 'width', 200);
+ equals(el.dialog('option', 'width'), 300, "width unchanged when set to < minWidth");
+ el.dialog('option', 'width', 320);
+ equals(el.dialog('option', 'width'), 320, "width changed if set to > minWidth");
+ el.remove();
+ el = $('<div></div>').dialog({
+ minWidth: 300
+ });
+ ok(el.dialog('option', 'width') >= 300, "width is at least 300");
+ el.remove();
+test("#6137: dialog('open') causes form elements to reset on IE7", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ d1 = $('<form><input type="radio" name="radio" id="a" value="a" checked="checked"></input>' +
+ '<input type="radio" name="radio" id="b" value="b">b</input></form>').appendTo( "body" ).dialog({autoOpen: false});
+ d1.find('#b').prop( "checked", true );
+ equal($('input:checked').val(), 'b', "checkbox b is checked");
+ d1.dialog('open');
+ equal($('input:checked').val(), 'b', "checkbox b is checked");
+ d1.remove();
+test("#6645: Missing element not found check in overlay", function(){
+ expect(2);
+ d1 = $('<div title="dialog 1">Dialog 1</div>').dialog({modal: true});
+ d2 = $('<div title="dialog 2">Dialog 2</div>').dialog({modal: true, close: function(){ d2.remove()}});
+ equals($.ui.dialog.overlay.instances.length, 2, 'two overlays created');
+ d2.dialog('close');
+ equals($.ui.dialog.overlay.instances.length, 1, 'one overlay remains after closing the 2nd overlay');
+ d1.add(d2).remove();
+test("#6966: Escape key closes all dialogs, not the top one", function(){
+ expect(8);
+ // test with close function removing dialog
+ d1 = $('<div title="dialog 1">Dialog 1</div>').dialog({modal: true});
+ d2 = $('<div title="dialog 2">Dialog 2</div>').dialog({modal: true, close: function(){ d2.remove()}});
+ ok(d1.dialog("isOpen"), 'first dialog is open');
+ ok(d2.dialog("isOpen"), 'second dialog is open');
+ d2.simulate("keydown", {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE});
+ ok(d1.dialog("isOpen"), 'first dialog still open');
+ ok(!'dialog'), 'second dialog is closed');
+ d2.remove();
+ d1.remove();
+ // test without close function removing dialog
+ d1 = $('<div title="dialog 1">Dialog 1</div>').dialog({modal: true});
+ d2 = $('<div title="dialog 2">Dialog 2</div>').dialog({modal: true});
+ ok(d1.dialog("isOpen"), 'first dialog is open');
+ ok(d2.dialog("isOpen"), 'second dialog is open');
+ d2.simulate("keydown", {keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE});
+ ok(d1.dialog("isOpen"), 'first dialog still open');
+ ok(!d2.dialog("isOpen"), 'second dialog is closed');
+ d2.remove();
+ d1.remove();
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3796d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Draggable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "draggable" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Draggable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5be71f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Draggable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.draggable.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="draggable_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="draggable_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="draggable_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="draggable_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="draggable_options.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this stale testsuite for testswarm only
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("draggable", function() { ok(true, "disabled draggable testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Draggable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="draggable1" style="background: green; width: 200px; height: 100px;">Relative</div>
+<div id="draggable2" style="background: green; width: 200px; height: 100px; position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px;"><span>Absolute</span></div>
+<div style='width: 1px; height: 1000px;'></div>
+<div style="position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 2000px;"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a01de40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * draggable_core.js
+ */
+var el, offsetBefore, offsetAfter, dragged;
+var drag = function(handle, dx, dy) {
+ var element ="draggable").element;
+ offsetBefore = el.offset();
+ $(handle).simulate("drag", {
+ dx: dx || 0,
+ dy: dy || 0
+ });
+ dragged = { dx: dx, dy: dy };
+ offsetAfter = el.offset();
+var moved = function (dx, dy, msg) {
+ msg = msg ? msg + "." : "";
+ var actual = { left: offsetAfter.left, top: };
+ var expected = { left: offsetBefore.left + dx, top: + dy };
+ same(actual, expected, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ' + msg);
+function restoreScroll(what) {
+ if(what) {
+ $(document).scrollTop(0); $(document).scrollLeft(0);
+ } else {
+ $("#main")[0].scrollTop = 0; $("#main")[0].scrollLeft = 0;
+ }
+(function($) {
+test("element types", function() {
+ var typeNames = ('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,ol,ul,dl,div,form'
+ + ',table,fieldset,address,ins,del,em,strong,q,cite,dfn,abbr'
+ + ',acronym,code,samp,kbd,var,img,object,hr'
+ + ',input,button,label,select,iframe').split(',');
+ $.each(typeNames, function(i) {
+ var typeName = typeNames[i];
+ el = $(document.createElement(typeName)).appendTo('body');
+ (typeName == 'table' && el.append("<tr><td>content</td></tr>"));
+ el.draggable({ cancel: '' });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50, "&lt;" + typeName + "&gt;");
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+ el.remove();
+ });
+test("No options, relative", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable();
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+test("No options, absolute", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable();
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0aaca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * draggable_defaults.js
+ */
+var draggable_defaults = {
+ addClasses: true,
+ appendTo: "parent",
+ axis: false,
+ cancel: ":input,option",
+ connectToSortable: false,
+ containment: false,
+ cursor: "auto",
+ cursorAt: false,
+ delay: 0,
+ disabled: false,
+ distance: 1,
+ grid: false,
+ handle: false,
+ helper: "original",
+ iframeFix: false,
+ opacity: false,
+ refreshPositions: false,
+ revert: false,
+ revertDuration: 500,
+ scroll: true,
+ scrollSensitivity: 20,
+ scrollSpeed: 20,
+ scope: "default",
+ snap: false,
+ snapMode: "both",
+ snapTolerance: 20,
+ stack: false,
+ zIndex: false
+commonWidgetTests('draggable', { defaults: draggable_defaults });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92d8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * draggable_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("draggable: events");
+test("callbacks occurance count", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var start = 0, stop = 0, dragc = 0;
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ start: function() { start++; },
+ drag: function() { dragc++; },
+ stop: function() { stop++; }
+ });
+ drag(el, 10, 10);
+ equals(start, 1, "start callback should happen exactly once");
+ equals(dragc, 3, "drag callback should happen exactly once per mousemove");
+ equals(stop, 1, "stop callback should happen exactly once");
+test("stopping the start callback", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var start = 0, stop = 0, dragc = 0;
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ start: function() { start++; return false; },
+ drag: function() { dragc++; },
+ stop: function() { stop++; }
+ });
+ drag(el, 10, 10);
+ equals(start, 1, "start callback should happen exactly once");
+ equals(dragc, 0, "drag callback should not happen at all");
+ equals(stop, 0, "stop callback should not happen if there wasnt even a start");
+test("stopping the drag callback", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var start = 0, stop = 0, dragc = 0;
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ start: function() { start++;},
+ drag: function() { dragc++; return false; },
+ stop: function() { stop++; }
+ });
+ drag(el, 10, 10);
+ equals(start, 1, "start callback should happen exactly once");
+ equals(dragc, 1, "drag callback should happen exactly once");
+ equals(stop, 1, "stop callback should happen, as we need to actively stop the drag");
+test("stopping the stop callback", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ helper: 'clone',
+ stop: function() { return false; }
+ });
+ drag(el, 10, 10);
+ ok($("#draggable2").data('draggable').helper, "the clone should not be deleted if the stop callback is stopped");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ffadf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * draggable_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+function shouldmove(why) {
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50, why);
+function shouldnotmove(why) {
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(0, 0, why);
+module("draggable: methods");
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').draggable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.draggable() called on element');
+ $([]).draggable();
+ ok(true, '.draggable() called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").draggable();
+ ok(true, '.draggable() called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").draggable().draggable("foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after init');
+ $("<div></div>").draggable().draggable("option", "foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option getter after init');
+ $("<div></div>").draggable().draggable("option", "foo", "bar");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option setter after init');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').draggable().draggable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.draggable("destroy") called on element');
+ $([]).draggable().draggable("destroy");
+ ok(true, '.draggable("destroy") called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").draggable().draggable("destroy");
+ ok(true, '.draggable("destroy") called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").draggable().draggable("destroy").draggable("foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after destroy');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').draggable(),
+ actual = expected.draggable('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test("enable", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ disabled: true });
+ shouldnotmove('.draggable({ disabled: true })');
+ el.draggable("enable");
+ shouldmove('.draggable("enable")');
+ equals(el.draggable("option", "disabled"), false, "disabled option getter");
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+ el.draggable({ disabled: true });
+ shouldnotmove('.draggable({ disabled: true })');
+ el.draggable("option", "disabled", false);
+ equals(el.draggable("option", "disabled"), false, "disabled option setter");
+ shouldmove('.draggable("option", "disabled", false)');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').draggable(),
+ actual = expected.draggable('enable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'enable is chainable');
+test("disable", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ disabled: false });
+ shouldmove('.draggable({ disabled: false })');
+ el.draggable("disable");
+ shouldnotmove('.draggable("disable")');
+ equals(el.draggable("option", "disabled"), true, "disabled option getter");
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+ el.draggable({ disabled: false });
+ shouldmove('.draggable({ disabled: false })');
+ el.draggable("option", "disabled", true);
+ equals(el.draggable("option", "disabled"), true, "disabled option setter");
+ shouldnotmove('.draggable("option", "disabled", true)');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').draggable(),
+ actual = expected.draggable('disable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'disable is chainable');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba77fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/draggable/draggable_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+ * draggable_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+function testScroll(position) {
+ $("#main").css('position', position);
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50, position+' parent');
+function setScroll(what) {
+ if(what) {
+ $(document).scrollTop(100); $(document).scrollLeft(100);
+ } else {
+ $("#main")[0].scrollTop = 100; $("#main")[0].scrollLeft = 100;
+ }
+var border = function(el, side) { return parseInt(el.css('border-' + side + '-width')); }
+var margin = function(el, side) { return parseInt(el.css('margin-' + side)); }
+module("draggable: options");
+test("{ addClasses: true }, default", function() {
+ equals(draggable_defaults.addClasses, true);
+ el = $("<div></div>").draggable({ addClasses: true });
+ ok(".ui-draggable"), "'ui-draggable' class added");
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+test("{ addClasses: false }", function() {
+ el = $("<div></div>").draggable({ addClasses: false });
+ ok(!".ui-draggable"), "'ui-draggable' class not added");
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+test("{ appendTo: 'parent' }, default", function() {
+ equals(draggable_defaults.appendTo, "parent");
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ appendTo: 'parent' });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ appendTo: 'parent' });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+test("{ appendTo: Element }", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ appendTo: $("#draggable2").parent()[0] });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ appendTo: $("#draggable2").parent()[0] });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+test("{ appendTo: Selector }", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ appendTo: "#main" });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ appendTo: "#main" });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+test("{ axis: false }, default", function() {
+ equals(draggable_defaults.axis, false);
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ axis: false });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+test("{ axis: 'x' }", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ axis: "x" });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 0);
+test("{ axis: 'y' }", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ axis: "y" });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(0, 50);
+test("{ axis: ? }, unexpected", function() {
+ var unexpected = {
+ "true": true,
+ "{}": {},
+ "[]": [],
+ "null": null,
+ "undefined": undefined,
+ "function() {}": function() {}
+ };
+ $.each(unexpected, function(key, val) {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ axis: val });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50, "axis: " + key);
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+ })
+test("{ cancel: ':input,option' }, default", function() {
+ equals(draggable_defaults.cancel, ":input,option");
+ $('<div id="draggable-option-cancel-default"><input type="text"></div>').appendTo('#main');
+ el = $("#draggable-option-cancel-default").draggable({ cancel: ":input,option" });
+ drag("#draggable-option-cancel-default", 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+ el = $("#draggable-option-cancel-default").draggable({ cancel: ":input,option" });
+ drag("#draggable-option-cancel-default :input", 50, 50);
+ moved(0, 0);
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+test("{ cancel: 'span' }", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable();
+ drag("#draggable2 span", 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50);
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ cancel: 'span' });
+ drag("#draggable2 span", 50, 50);
+ moved(0, 0);
+test("{ cancel: ? }, unexpected", function() {
+ var unexpected = {
+ "true": true,
+ "false": false,
+ "{}": {},
+ "[]": [],
+ "null": null,
+ "undefined": undefined,
+ "function() {return '';}": function() {return '';},
+ "function() {return true;}": function() {return true;},
+ "function() {return false;}": function() {return false;}
+ };
+ $.each(unexpected, function(key, val) {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ cancel: val });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ var expected = [50, 50];
+ moved(expected[0], expected[1], "cancel: " + key);
+ el.draggable("destroy");
+ })
+test("{ containment: false }, default", function() {
+ equals(draggable_defaults.containment, false);
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ containment: Element }", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ containment: 'parent' }, relative", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ containment: 'parent' });
+ var p = el.parent(), po = p.offset();
+ drag(el, -100, -100);
+ var expected = {
+ left: po.left + border(p, 'left') + margin(el, 'left'),
+ top: + border(p, 'top') + margin(el, 'top')
+ }
+ same(offsetAfter, expected, 'compare offset to parent');
+test("{ containment: 'parent' }, absolute", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ containment: 'parent' });
+ var p = el.parent(), po = p.offset();
+ drag(el, -100, -100);
+ var expected = {
+ left: po.left + border(p, 'left') + margin(el, 'left'),
+ top: + border(p, 'top') + margin(el, 'top')
+ }
+ same(offsetAfter, expected, 'compare offset to parent');
+test("{ containment: 'document' }", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ containment: 'window' }", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ containment: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ containment: [x1, y1, x2, y2] }", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ cursor: 'auto' }, default", function() {
+ equals(draggable_defaults.cursor, 'auto');
+ function getCursor() { return $("#draggable2").css("cursor"); }
+ expect(3);
+ var expected = "auto", actual, before, after;
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ cursor: expected,
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ actual = getCursor();
+ }
+ });
+ before = getCursor();
+ drag("#draggable2", -1, -1);
+ after = getCursor();
+ equals(actual, expected, "start callback: cursor '" + expected + "'");
+ equals(after, before, "after drag: cursor restored");
+test("{ cursor: 'move' }", function() {
+ function getCursor() { return $("body").css("cursor"); }
+ expect(2);
+ var expected = "move", actual, before, after;
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ cursor: expected,
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ actual = getCursor();
+ }
+ });
+ before = getCursor();
+ drag("#draggable2", -1, -1);
+ after = getCursor();
+ equals(actual, expected, "start callback: cursor '" + expected + "'");
+ equals(after, before, "after drag: cursor restored");
+test("{ cursorAt: false}, default", function() {
+ equals(draggable_defaults.cursorAt, false);
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ cursorAt: { left: -5, top: -5 } }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var deltaX = -3, deltaY = -3,
+ offsetX = 5, offsetY = 5,
+ cursorAtX = -5, cursorAtY = -5;
+ $.each(['relative', 'absolute'], function(i, position) {
+ var el = $('#draggable' + (i + 1)).draggable({
+ cursorAt: { left: cursorAtX, top: cursorAtY },
+ drag: function(event, ui) {
+ equals(ui.offset.left, expected.left, position + ' left');
+ equals(,, position + ' top');
+ }
+ }),
+ before = el.offset(),
+ pos = {
+ clientX: before.left + offsetX,
+ clientY: + offsetY
+ },
+ expected = {
+ left: before.left + offsetX - cursorAtX + deltaX,
+ top: + offsetY - cursorAtY + deltaY
+ };
+ el.simulate("mousedown", pos);
+ pos.clientX += deltaX;
+ pos.clientY += deltaY;
+ $(document).simulate("mousemove", pos);
+ el.simulate("mouseup", pos);
+ });
+test("{ cursorAt: { right: 10, bottom: 20 } }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var deltaX = -3, deltaY = -3,
+ offsetX = 5, offsetY = 5,
+ cursorAtX = 10, cursorAtY = 20;
+ $.each(['relative', 'absolute'], function(i, position) {
+ var el = $('#draggable' + (i + 1)).draggable({
+ cursorAt: { right: cursorAtX, bottom: cursorAtY },
+ drag: function(event, ui) {
+ equals(ui.offset.left, expected.left, position + ' left');
+ equals(,, position + ' top');
+ }
+ }),
+ before = el.offset(),
+ pos = {
+ clientX: before.left + offsetX,
+ clientY: + offsetY
+ },
+ expected = {
+ left: before.left + offsetX - el.width() + cursorAtX + deltaX,
+ top: + offsetY - el.height() + cursorAtY + deltaY
+ };
+ el.simulate("mousedown", pos);
+ pos.clientX += deltaX;
+ pos.clientY += deltaY;
+ $(document).simulate("mousemove", pos);
+ el.simulate("mouseup", pos);
+ });
+test("{ cursorAt: [10, 20] }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var deltaX = -3, deltaY = -3,
+ offsetX = 5, offsetY = 5,
+ cursorAtX = 10, cursorAtY = 20;
+ $.each(['relative', 'absolute'], function(i, position) {
+ var el = $('#draggable' + (i + 1)).draggable({
+ cursorAt: { left: cursorAtX, top: cursorAtY },
+ drag: function(event, ui) {
+ equals(ui.offset.left, expected.left, position + ' left');
+ equals(,, position + ' top');
+ }
+ }),
+ before = el.offset(),
+ pos = {
+ clientX: before.left + offsetX,
+ clientY: + offsetY
+ },
+ expected = {
+ left: before.left + offsetX - cursorAtX + deltaX,
+ top: + offsetY - cursorAtY + deltaY
+ };
+ el.simulate("mousedown", pos);
+ pos.clientX += deltaX;
+ pos.clientY += deltaY;
+ $(document).simulate("mousemove", pos);
+ el.simulate("mouseup", pos);
+ });
+test("{ cursorAt: '20, 40' }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var deltaX = -3, deltaY = -3,
+ offsetX = 5, offsetY = 5,
+ cursorAtX = 20, cursorAtY = 40;
+ $.each(['relative', 'absolute'], function(i, position) {
+ var el = $('#draggable' + (i + 1)).draggable({
+ cursorAt: { left: cursorAtX, top: cursorAtY },
+ drag: function(event, ui) {
+ equals(ui.offset.left, expected.left, position + ' left');
+ equals(,, position + ' top');
+ }
+ }),
+ before = el.offset(),
+ pos = {
+ clientX: before.left + offsetX,
+ clientY: + offsetY
+ },
+ expected = {
+ left: before.left + offsetX - cursorAtX + deltaX,
+ top: + offsetY - cursorAtY + deltaY
+ };
+ el.simulate("mousedown", pos);
+ pos.clientX += deltaX;
+ pos.clientY += deltaY;
+ $(document).simulate("mousemove", pos);
+ el.simulate("mouseup", pos);
+ });
+test("{ distance: 10 }", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ distance: 10 });
+ drag(el, -9, -9);
+ moved(0, 0, 'distance not met');
+ drag(el, -10, -10);
+ moved(-10, -10, 'distance met');
+ drag(el, 9, 9);
+ moved(0, 0, 'distance not met');
+test("{ grid: [50, 50] }, relative", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ grid: [50, 50] });
+ drag(el, 24, 24);
+ moved(0, 0);
+ drag(el, 26, 25);
+ moved(50, 50);
+test("{ grid: [50, 50] }, absolute", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ grid: [50, 50] });
+ drag(el, 24, 24);
+ moved(0, 0);
+ drag(el, 26, 25);
+ moved(50, 50);
+test("{ handle: 'span' }", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ handle: 'span' });
+ drag("#draggable2 span", 50, 50);
+ moved(50, 50, "drag span");
+ drag("#draggable2", 50, 50);
+ moved(0, 0, "drag element");
+test("{ helper: 'clone' }, relative", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "clone" });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(0, 0);
+test("{ helper: 'clone' }, absolute", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({ helper: "clone" });
+ drag(el, 50, 50);
+ moved(0, 0);
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, relative, with scroll offset on parent", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll();
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, relative, with scroll offset on root", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll('root');
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, relative, with scroll offset on root and parent", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll();
+ restoreScroll('root');
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, absolute, with scroll offset on parent", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").css({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }).draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll();
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, absolute, with scroll offset on root", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").css({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }).draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll('root');
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, absolute, with scroll offset on root and parent", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").css({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }).draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll();
+ restoreScroll('root');
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, fixed, with scroll offset on parent", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0 }).draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll();
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll();
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, fixed, with scroll offset on root", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0 }).draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll('root');
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, fixed, with scroll offset on root and parent", function() {
+ el = $("#draggable1").css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0 }).draggable({ helper: "original" });
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('relative');
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('static');
+ setScroll();
+ setScroll('root');
+ testScroll('absolute');
+ restoreScroll();
+ restoreScroll('root');
+test("{ helper: 'clone' }, absolute", function() {
+ var helperOffset = null;
+ var origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset();
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "clone", drag: function(event, ui) {
+ helperOffset = ui.helper.offset();
+ } });
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+test("{ helper: 'clone' }, absolute with scroll offset on parent", function() {
+ setScroll();
+ var helperOffset = null;
+ var origOffset = null;
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "clone", drag: function(event, ui) {
+ helperOffset = ui.helper.offset();
+ } });
+ $("#main").css('position', 'relative');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset();
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ $("#main").css('position', 'static');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset();
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ $("#main").css('position', 'absolute');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset();
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ restoreScroll();
+test("{ helper: 'clone' }, absolute with scroll offset on root", function() {
+ setScroll('root');
+ var helperOffset = null;
+ var origOffset = null;
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "clone", drag: function(event, ui) {
+ helperOffset = ui.helper.offset();
+ } });
+ $("#main").css('position', 'relative');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset();
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ $("#main").css('position', 'static');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset();
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ $("#main").css('position', 'absolute');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset();
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ restoreScroll('root');
+test("{ helper: 'clone' }, absolute with scroll offset on root and parent", function() {
+ setScroll('root');
+ setScroll();
+ var helperOffset = null;
+ var origOffset = null;
+ el = $("#draggable1").draggable({ helper: "clone", drag: function(event, ui) {
+ helperOffset = ui.helper.offset();
+ } });
+ $("#main").css('position', 'relative');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset()
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ $("#main").css('position', 'static');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset()
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ $("#main").css('position', 'absolute');
+ origOffset = $("#draggable1").offset()
+ drag(el, 1, 1);
+ same({ top:, left: helperOffset.left-1 }, origOffset, 'dragged[' + dragged.dx + ', ' + dragged.dy + '] ');
+ restoreScroll('root');
+ restoreScroll();
+test("{ opacity: 0.5 }", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ var opacity = null;
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ opacity = $(this).css("opacity");
+ }
+ });
+ drag("#draggable2", -1, -1);
+ equals(opacity, 0.5, "start callback: opacity is");
+test("{ zIndex: 10 }", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ var expected = 10, actual;
+ var zIndex = null;
+ el = $("#draggable2").draggable({
+ zIndex: expected,
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ actual = $(this).css("zIndex");
+ }
+ });
+ drag("#draggable2", -1, -1);
+ equals(actual, expected, "start callback: zIndex is");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f274c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Droppable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "droppable" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Droppable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf94f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Droppable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.draggable.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.droppable.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="droppable_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="droppable_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="droppable_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="droppable_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="droppable_options.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this stale testsuite for testswarm only
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("droppable", function() { ok(true, "disabled droppable testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Droppable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="draggable1" style="width: 25px; height: 25px;">Draggable</div>
+<div id="droppable1" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;">Droppable</div>
+<div style='width:1000px;height:1000px;'>&nbsp;</div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d82017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * droppable_core.js
+ */
+var el, drg;
+function shouldBeDroppable() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+function shouldNotBeDroppable() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+(function($) {
+module("droppable: core");
+test("element types", function() {
+ var typeNames = ('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,ol,ul,dl,div,form'
+ + ',table,fieldset,address,ins,del,em,strong,q,cite,dfn,abbr'
+ + ',acronym,code,samp,kbd,var,img,object,hr'
+ + ',input,button,label,select,iframe').split(',');
+ $.each(typeNames, function(i) {
+ var typeName = typeNames[i];
+ el = $(document.createElement(typeName)).appendTo('body');
+ (typeName == 'table' && el.append("<tr><td>content</td></tr>"));
+ el.droppable();
+ shouldBeDroppable();
+ el.droppable("destroy");
+ el.remove();
+ });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7584f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * droppable_defaults.js
+ */
+var droppable_defaults = {
+ accept: '*',
+ activeClass: false,
+ addClasses: true,
+ disabled: false,
+ greedy: false,
+ hoverClass: false,
+ scope: "default",
+ tolerance: "intersect"
+commonWidgetTests('droppable', { defaults: droppable_defaults });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f22a035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * droppable_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("droppable: events");
+test("activate", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("deactivate", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("over", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("out", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("drop", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b9168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * droppable_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("droppable: methods");
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').droppable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.droppable() called on element');
+ $([]).droppable();
+ ok(true, '.droppable() called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").droppable();
+ ok(true, '.droppable() called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").droppable().droppable("foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after init');
+ $("<div></div>").droppable().droppable("option", "foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option getter after init');
+ $("<div></div>").droppable().droppable("option", "foo", "bar");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option setter after init');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').droppable().droppable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.droppable("destroy") called on element');
+ $([]).droppable().droppable("destroy");
+ ok(true, '.droppable("destroy") called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").droppable().droppable("destroy");
+ ok(true, '.droppable("destroy") called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").droppable().droppable("destroy").droppable("foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after destroy');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').droppable(),
+ actual = expected.droppable('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test("enable", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ el = $("#droppable1").droppable({ disabled: true });
+ shouldNotBeDroppable();
+ el.droppable("enable");
+ shouldBeDroppable();
+ equals(el.droppable("option", "disabled"), false, "disabled option getter");
+ el.droppable("destroy");
+ el.droppable({ disabled: true });
+ shouldNotBeDroppable();
+ el.droppable("option", "disabled", false);
+ equals(el.droppable("option", "disabled"), false, "disabled option setter");
+ shouldBeDroppable();
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').droppable(),
+ actual = expected.droppable('enable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'enable is chainable');
+test("disable", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ el = $("#droppable1").droppable({ disabled: false });
+ shouldBeDroppable();
+ el.droppable("disable");
+ shouldNotBeDroppable();
+ equals(el.droppable("option", "disabled"), true, "disabled option getter");
+ el.droppable("destroy");
+ el.droppable({ disabled: false });
+ shouldBeDroppable();
+ el.droppable("option", "disabled", true);
+ equals(el.droppable("option", "disabled"), true, "disabled option setter");
+ shouldNotBeDroppable();
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').droppable(),
+ actual = expected.droppable('disable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'disable is chainable');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f2dbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/droppable/droppable_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * droppable_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("droppable: options");
+test("{ accept '*' }, default ", function() {
+ equals(droppable_defaults.accept, '*');
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ accept: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ accept: function(draggable) }", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("activeClass", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("{ addClasses: true }, default", function() {
+ equals(droppable_defaults.addClasses, true);
+ el = $("<div></div>").droppable({ addClasses: true });
+ ok(".ui-droppable"), "'ui-droppable' class added");
+ el.droppable("destroy");
+test("{ addClasses: false }", function() {
+ el = $("<div></div>").droppable({ addClasses: false });
+ ok(!".ui-droppable"), "'ui-droppable' class not added");
+ el.droppable("destroy");
+test("greedy", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("hoverClass", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("scope", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("tolerance, fit", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("tolerance, intersect", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("tolerance, pointer", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+test("tolerance, touch", function() {
+ ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56890ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Effects Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "effects" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Effects Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06023c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects.html
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Effects Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ $.uiBackCompat = false;
+ </script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.effects.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.blind.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.bounce.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.clip.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.drop.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.explode.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.fade.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.fold.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.highlight.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.pulsate.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.scale.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.shake.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.slide.js",
+ "ui/jquery.effects.transfer.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="effects_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="effects_scale.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+ <style>
+ #qunit-fixture {
+ width: 1000px;
+ height: 1000px;
+ }
+ .hidden {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .test {
+ background: #000;
+ border: 0;
+ width: 100px;
+ height: 100px;
+ }
+ .testAddBorder {
+ border: 10px solid #000;
+ }
+ .testChildren,
+ .testChangeBackground {
+ background: #fff;
+ }
+ .test h2 {
+ font-size: 10px;
+ }
+ .testChildren h2 {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ }
+ .relWidth {
+ width: 50%;
+ }
+ .relHeight {
+ height: 50%;
+ }
+ .testScale {
+ border: 5px solid #000;
+ padding: 5px;
+ margin: 5px;
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 50px;
+ }
+ .ticket7106 {
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 50px;
+ }
+ .ticket7106.animate {
+ width: 100px;
+ }
+ </style>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Effects Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div class="hidden test"></div>
+<div class="animateClass test">
+ <h2>Child Element Test</h2>
+<div class="relWidth relHeight testAddBorder">
+ <h2>Slide with relative width</h2>
+<div class="testScale">
+<div class="ticket7106">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca4c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+(function($) {
+function present( value, array, message ) {
+ QUnit.push( jQuery.inArray( value, array ) !== -1 , value, array, message );
+function notPresent( value, array, message ) {
+ QUnit.push( jQuery.inArray( value, array ) === -1 , value, array, message );
+// minDuration is used for "short" animate tests where we are only concerned about the final
+var minDuration = 15,
+ // duration is used for "long" animates where we plan on testing properties during animation
+ duration = 200,
+ // mid is used for testing in the "middle" of the "duration" animations
+ mid = duration / 2;
+module( "effects.core" );
+test( "Immediate Return Conditions", function() {
+ var hidden = $( "div.hidden" ),
+ count = 0;
+ expect( 3 );
+ hidden.hide( "blind", function() {
+ equal( ++count, 1, "Hide on hidden returned immediately" );
+ }).show().show( "blind", function() {
+ equal( ++count, 2, "Show on shown returned immediately" );
+ });
+ equal( ++count, 3, "Both Functions worked properly" );
+test( "createWrapper and removeWrapper retain focused elements (#7595)", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var test = $( "div.hidden" ).show(),
+ input = $( "<input type='text'>" ).appendTo( test ).focus();
+ $.effects.createWrapper( test );
+ equal( document.activeElement, input[ 0 ], "Active element is still input after createWrapper" );
+ $.effects.removeWrapper( test );
+ equal( document.activeElement, input[ 0 ], "Active element is still input after removeWrapper" );
+module( "effects.core: animateClass" );
+asyncTest( "animateClass works with borderStyle", function() {
+ var test = $("div.animateClass"),
+ count = 0;
+ expect(3);
+ test.toggleClass("testAddBorder", minDuration, function() {
+ test.toggleClass("testAddBorder", minDuration, function() {
+ equal( test.css("borderLeftStyle"), "none", "None border set" );
+ start();
+ });
+ equal( test.css("borderLeftStyle"), "solid", "None border not immedately set" );
+ });
+ equal( test.css("borderLeftStyle"), "solid", "Solid border immedately set" );
+asyncTest( "animateClass works with colors", function() {
+ var test = $("div.animateClass"),
+ count = 0;
+ expect(2);
+ test.toggleClass("testChangeBackground", duration, function() {
+ present( test.css("backgroundColor"), [ "#ffffff", "#fff", "rgb(255, 255, 255)" ], "Color is final" );
+ start();
+ });
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ var color = test.css("backgroundColor");
+ notPresent( color, [ "#000000", "#ffffff", "#000", "#fff", "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "rgb(255,255,255)" ],
+ "Color is not endpoints in middle." );
+ }, mid);
+asyncTest( "animateClass works with children", function() {
+ var test = $("div.animateClass"),
+ h2 = test.find("h2");
+ expect(4);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ notPresent( h2.css("fontSize"), ["10px","20px"], "Font size is neither endpoint when in middle.");
+ }, mid);
+ test.toggleClass("testChildren", { children: true, duration: duration, complete: function() {
+ equal( h2.css("fontSize"), "20px", "Text size is final during complete");
+ test.toggleClass("testChildren", duration, function() {
+ equal( h2.css("fontSize"), "10px", "Text size revertted after class removed");
+ start();
+ });
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ equal( h2.css("fontSize"), "20px", "Text size unchanged during animate with children: undefined" );
+ }, mid);
+ }});
+asyncTest( "animateClass clears style properties when stopped", function() {
+ var test = $("div.animateClass"),
+ style = test[0].style,
+ orig = style.cssText;
+ expect( 2 );
+ test.addClass( "testChangeBackground", duration );
+ notEqual( orig, style.cssText, "cssText is not the same after starting animation" );
+ test.stop( true, true );
+ equal( orig, $.trim( style.cssText ), "cssText is the same after stopping animation midway" );
+ start();
+asyncTest( "animateClass: css and class changes during animation are not lost (#7106)", function() {
+ var test = $( "div.ticket7106" );
+ // add a class and change a style property after starting an animated class
+ test.addClass( "animate", minDuration, animationComplete )
+ .addClass( "testClass" )
+ .height( 100 );
+ // ensure the class stays and that the css property stays
+ function animationComplete() {
+ ok( test.hasClass( "testClass" ), "class change during animateClass was not lost" );
+ equal( test.height(), 100, "css change during animateClass was not lost" );
+ start();
+ }
+$.each( $.effects.effect, function( effect ) {
+ if ( effect === "transfer" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ module( "effect."+effect );
+ asyncTest( "show/hide", function() {
+ var hidden = $( "div.hidden" );
+ expect( 8 );
+ var count = 0,
+ test = 0;
+ function queueTest( fn ) {
+ count++;
+ var point = count;
+ return function( next ) {
+ test++;
+ equal( point, test, "Queue function fired in order" );
+ if ( fn ) {
+ fn();
+ } else {
+ setTimeout( next, minDuration );
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ hidden.queue( queueTest() ).show( effect, minDuration, queueTest(function() {
+ equal( hidden.css("display"), "block", "Hidden is shown after .show(\"" +effect+ "\", time)" );
+ })).queue( queueTest() ).hide( effect, minDuration, queueTest(function() {
+ equal( hidden.css("display"), "none", "Back to hidden after .hide(\"" +effect+ "\", time)" );
+ })).queue( queueTest(function(next) {
+ deepEqual( hidden.queue(), ["inprogress"], "Only the inprogress sentinel remains");
+ start();
+ }));
+ });
+ asyncTest( "relative width & height - properties are preserved", function() {
+ var test = $("div.relWidth.relHeight"),
+ width = test.width(), height = test.height(),
+ cssWidth = test[0].style.width, cssHeight = test[0].style.height;
+ expect( 4 );
+ test.toggle( effect, minDuration, function() {
+ equal( test[0].style.width, cssWidth, "Inline CSS Width has been reset after animation ended" );
+ equal( test[0].style.height, cssHeight, "Inline CSS Height has been rest after animation ended" );
+ start();
+ });
+ equal( test.width(), width, "Width is the same px after animation started" );
+ equal( test.height(), height, "Height is the same px after animation started" );
+ });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects_scale.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects_scale.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9bb91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/effects/effects_scale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "effect.scale: Scale" );
+function run( position, v, h, vo, ho ) {
+ var desc = "End Position Correct: " + position + " (" + v + "," + h + ") - origin: (" + vo + "," + ho + ")";
+ asyncTest( desc, function() {
+ var test = $( ".testScale" ),
+ css = {
+ position: position
+ },
+ effect = {
+ effect: "scale",
+ mode: "effect",
+ percent: 200,
+ origin: [ vo, ho ],
+ complete: complete,
+ duration: 1
+ },
+ target = {},
+ relative = position === "relative";
+ css[ h ] = 33;
+ css[ v ] = 33;
+ target[ h ] = h === ho ? css[ h ] : ho == "center" ? css[ h ] - 35 : css[ h ] - 70;
+ target[ v ] = v === vo ? css[ v ] : vo == "middle" ? css[ v ] - 35 : css[ v ] - 70;
+ if ( relative && h == "right" ) {
+ target[ h ] += 70;
+ }
+ if ( relative && v == "bottom" ) {
+ target[ v ] += 70;
+ }
+ test.css( css );
+ test.effect( effect );
+ function complete() {
+ equal( parseInt( test.css( h ), 10 ), target[ h ], "Horizontal Position Correct " + desc );
+ equal( parseInt( test.css( v ), 10 ), target[ v ], "Vertical Position Correct " + desc );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+function suite( position ) {
+ run( position, "top", "left", "top", "left" );
+ run( position, "top", "left", "middle", "center" );
+ run( position, "top", "left", "bottom", "right" );
+ /* Firefox is currently not capable of supporting detection of bottom and right....
+ run( position, "bottom", "right", "top", "left" );
+ run( position, "bottom", "right", "middle", "center" );
+ run( position, "bottom", "right", "bottom", "right" );
+ */
+$(function() {
+ suite( "absolute" );
+ suite( "relative" );
+ var fixed = $.support.fixedPosition;
+ // jQuery < 1.7 uses $.offset.supportsFixedPosition
+ if ( fixed === undefined ) {
+ $.offset.initialize();
+ fixed = $.offset.supportsFixedPosition;
+ }
+ if ( fixed ) {
+ suite( "fixed" );
+ }
+})( jQuery );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/images/jqueryui_32x32.png b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/images/jqueryui_32x32.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e003d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/images/jqueryui_32x32.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/index.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73ede2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Unit Tests</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../themes/base/jquery.ui.theme.css">
+ <style>
+ body {
+ font-size: 62.5%;
+ }
+ .ui-widget-header {
+ padding: 0.2em 0.5em;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .ui-widget-content {
+ padding: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+ }
+ ul {
+ margin: 0;
+ list-style: none;
+ }
+ li {
+ line-height: 2em;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <script src="../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ $(function() {
+ $( "#main" )
+ .addClass( "ui-widget" )
+ .find( "h1, h2" )
+ .addClass( "ui-widget-header ui-corner-top" )
+ .next()
+ .addClass( "ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" );
+ });
+ </script>
+<div id="main">
+ <h1>jQuery UI Unit Tests</h1>
+ <div>
+ <h2>Full Test Suite</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="all.html">All</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Core</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="core/core.html">Core</a></li>
+ <li><a href="widget/widget.html">Widget</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Interactions</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="draggable/draggable.html">Draggable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="droppable/droppable.html">Droppable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="resizable/resizable.html">Resizable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="selectable/selectable.html">Selectable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="sortable/sortable.html">Sortable</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Widgets</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="accordion/accordion.html">Accordion</a></li>
+ <li><a href="autocomplete/autocomplete.html">Autocomplete</a></li>
+ <li><a href="button/button.html">Button</a></li>
+ <li><a href="datepicker/datepicker.html">Datepicker</a></li>
+ <li><a href="dialog/dialog.html">Dialog</a></li>
+ <li><a href="menu/menu.html">Menu</a></li>
+ <li><a href="progressbar/progressbar.html">Progressbar</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slider/slider.html">Slider</a></li>
+ <li><a href="spinner/spinner.html">Spinner</a></li>
+ <li><a href="tabs/tabs.html">Tabs</a></li>
+ <li><a href="tooltip/tooltip.html">Tooltip</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Utilities</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="position/position.html">Position</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Effects</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="effects/effects.html">Effects</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b7603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Menu Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "menu" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Menu Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76f4a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu.html
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Menu Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="menu_test_helpers.js"></script>
+ <script src="menu_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="menu_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="menu_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="menu_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="menu_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+ <style>
+ .ui-menu {
+ font-size: 15px;
+ }
+ #menu3 {
+ height: 250px;
+ overflow: auto;
+ }
+ #menu4, #menu4 ul {
+ height: 250px;
+ overflow: auto;
+ }
+ </style>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Menu Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<ul class="foo" id="menu1">
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adelphi</a></li>
+<ul id="menu2">
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#">Delphi</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Saarland</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Salzburg</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Saarland</a></li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#">Salzburg</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#">Delphi</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Saarland</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Salzburg</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#">Delphi</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Saarland</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Salzburg</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Perch</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<ul class="foo" id="menu3">
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adelphi</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adena</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adrian</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Akron</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Albany</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alexandria</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alger</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alledonia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alliance</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alpha</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvordton</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amanda</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amelia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amesville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adelphi</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adena</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adrian</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Akron</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Albany</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alexandria</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alger</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alledonia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alliance</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alpha</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvordton</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amanda</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amelia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amesville</a></li>
+<ul class="foo" id="menu4">
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo">
+ <a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a>
+ <ul class="foo">
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adelphi</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adena</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adrian</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Akron</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Albany</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alexandria</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alger</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alledonia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alliance</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alpha</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvordton</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amanda</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amelia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amesville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adelphi</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adena</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adrian</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Akron</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Albany</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adelphi</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adena</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adrian</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Akron</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Albany</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alexandria</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alger</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alledonia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alliance</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alpha</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvordton</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amanda</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amelia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amesville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Aberdeen</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Ada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adamsville</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Addyston</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adelphi</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adena</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Adrian</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Akron</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Albany</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alexandria</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alger</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alledonia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alliance</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alpha</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvada</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Alvordton</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amanda</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amelia</a></li>
+ <li class="foo"><a class="foo" href="#">Amesville</a></li>
+<div id="menu5">
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Aberdeen</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Ada</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Adamsville</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Addyston</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote>
+ <a href="#">Delphi</a>
+ <div>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Ada</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Saarland</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Salzburg</a></blockquote>
+ </div>
+ </blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Saarland</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote>
+ <a href="#">Salzburg</a>
+ <div>
+ <blockquote>
+ <a href="#">Delphi</a>
+ <div>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Ada</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Saarland</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Salzburg</a></blockquote>
+ </div>
+ </blockquote>
+ <blockquote>
+ <a href="#">Delphi</a>
+ <div>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Ada</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Saarland</a></blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Salzburg</a></blockquote>
+ </div>
+ </blockquote>
+ <blockquote><a href="#">Perch</a></blockquote>
+ </div>
+ </blockquote>
+<div id="log"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0feae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * menu_core.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("menu: core");
+test("accessibility", function () {
+ expect(5);
+ var ac = $('#menu1').menu();
+ var item0 = $("li:eq(0) a");
+ ok( ac.hasClass("ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"), "menu class");
+ equals( ac.attr("role"), "menu", "main role");
+ ok( !ac.attr("aria-activedescendant"), "aria attribute not yet active");
+ var item = ac.find( "li:first" ).find( "a" ).attr( "id", "xid" ).end();
+ "focus", $.Event(), item );
+ equals( ac.attr("aria-activedescendant"), "xid", "aria attribute, id from dom");
+ var item = ac.find( "li:last" );
+ "focus", $.Event(), item );
+ equals( ac.attr("aria-activedescendant"), "menu1-4", "aria attribute, generated id");
+test("items class and role", function () {
+ var ac = $('#menu1').menu();
+ expect(1 + 5 * $("li",ac).length);
+ ok( ($("li",ac).length > 0 ), "number of menu items");
+ $("li",ac).each(function(item) {
+ ok( $(this).hasClass("ui-menu-item"), "menu item ("+ item + ") class for item");
+ equals( $(this).attr("role"), "presentation", "menu item ("+ item + ") role");
+ equals( $("a", this).attr("role"), "menuitem", "menu item ("+ item + ") role");
+ ok( $("a",this).hasClass("ui-corner-all"), "a element class for menu item ("+ item + ") ");
+ equals( $("a",this).attr("tabindex"), "-1", "a element tabindex for menu item ("+ item + ") ");
+ });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a559a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "menu", {
+ defaults: {
+ disabled: false,
+ position: {
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "right top"
+ },
+ items: "ul",
+ trigger: null,
+ // callbacks
+ create: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55ec1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ * menu_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("menu: events");
+test("handle click on menu", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ var ac = $('#menu1').menu({
+ select: function(event, ui) {
+ menu_log();
+ }
+ });
+ menu_log("click",true);
+ menu_click($('#menu1'),"1");
+ menu_log("afterclick");
+ menu_click( ac,"2");
+ menu_click($('#menu1'),"3");
+ menu_click( ac,"1");
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,3,2,afterclick,1,click,", "Click order not valid.");
+test("handle click on custom item menu", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ var ac = $('#menu5').menu({
+ select: function(event, ui) {
+ menu_log();
+ },
+ items: "div"
+ });
+ menu_log("click",true);
+ menu_click($('#menu5'),"1");
+ menu_log("afterclick");
+ menu_click( ac,"2");
+ menu_click($('#menu5'),"3");
+ menu_click( ac,"1");
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,3,2,afterclick,1,click,", "Click order not valid.");
+test( "handle blur: click", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var $menu = $( "#menu1" ).menu({
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "focus triggered 'click'" );
+ equal( event.type, "menufocus", "focus event.type is 'menufocus'" );
+ },
+ blur: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "blur triggered 'click'" );
+ equal( event.type, "menublur", "blur event.type is 'menublur'" );
+ }
+ });
+ $menu.find( "li a:first" ).trigger( "click" );
+ $( "<a>", { id: "remove"} ).appendTo("body").trigger( "click" );
+ $("#remove").remove();
+test( "handle blur on custom item menu: click", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var $menu = $( "#menu5" ).menu({
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "focus triggered 'click'" );
+ equal( event.type, "menufocus", "focus event.type is 'menufocus'" );
+ },
+ blur: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "blur triggered 'click'" );
+ equal( event.type, "menublur", "blur event.type is 'menublur'" );
+ },
+ items: "div"
+ });
+ menu_click($('#menu5'),"1");
+ $( "<a>", { id: "remove"} ).appendTo("body").trigger( "click" );
+ $("#remove").remove();
+asyncTest( "handle submenu auto collapse: mouseleave", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var $menu = $( "#menu2" ).menu();
+ $menu.find( "li:nth-child(7)" ).trigger( "mouseover" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ equal( $menu.find( "ul[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 1, "first submenu expanded" );
+ $menu.find( "li:nth-child(7) li:first" ).trigger( "mouseover" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ equal( $menu.find( "ul[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 2, "second submenu expanded" );
+ $menu.find( "ul[aria-expanded='true']:first" ).trigger( "mouseleave" );
+ equal( $menu.find( "ul[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 1, "second submenu collapsed" );
+ $menu.trigger( "mouseleave" );
+ equal( $menu.find( "ul[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 0, "first submenu collapsed" );
+ start();
+ }, 400);
+ }, 200);
+asyncTest( "handle custom menu item submenu auto collapse: mouseleave", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var $menu = $( "#menu5" ).menu( { items: "div" } );
+ $menu.children( ":nth-child(7)" ).trigger( "mouseover" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ equal( $menu.find( "div[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 1, "first submenu expanded" );
+ $menu.children( ":nth-child(7)" ).find( "div:first" ).children( ":first" ).trigger( "mouseover" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ equal( $menu.find( "div[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 2, "second submenu expanded" );
+ $menu.find( "div[aria-expanded='true']:first" ).trigger( "mouseleave" );
+ equal( $menu.find( "div[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 1, "second submenu collapsed" );
+ $menu.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN });
+ ok( $menu.find( ".ui-state-active" ).is( "#menu5 :nth-child(7) a" ),
+ "down keypress selected an item from the first submenu" );
+ $menu.trigger( "mouseleave" );
+ equal( $menu.find( "div[aria-expanded='true']" ).length, 0, "first submenu collapsed" );
+ start();
+ }, 400);
+ }, 200);
+test("handle keyboard navigation on menu without scroll and without submenus", function() {
+ expect(12);
+ var element = $('#menu1').menu({
+ select: function(event, ui) {
+ menu_log($(ui.item[0]).text());
+ },
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ menu_log($(".ui-state-focus").parent().index());
+ }
+ });
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,0,keydown,", "Keydown DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown LEFT (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown RIGHT (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "4,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.END } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "4,keydown,", "Keydown END");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.HOME } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown HOME");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown ESCAPE (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "Aberdeen,keydown,", "Keydown ENTER");
+asyncTest("handle keyboard navigation on menu without scroll and with submenus", function() {
+ expect(14);
+ var element = $('#menu2').menu({
+ select: function(event, ui) {
+ menu_log($(ui.item[0]).text());
+ },
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ menu_log($(".ui-state-focus").parent().index());
+ }
+ });
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,0,keydown,", "Keydown DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown LEFT (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT } );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,4,3,2,1,keydown,", "Keydown RIGHT (open submenu)");
+ }, 50);
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "4,keydown,", "Keydown LEFT (close submenu)");
+ //re-open submenu
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT } );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "2,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.END } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "2,keydown,", "Keydown END");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.HOME } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown HOME");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "4,keydown,", "Keydown ESCAPE (close submenu)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown ENTER (open submenu)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "Ada,keydown,", "Keydown ENTER (select item)");
+ start();
+ }, 200);
+ }, 150);
+ }, 100);
+test("handle keyboard navigation on menu with scroll and without submenus", function() {
+ expect(14);
+ var element = $('#menu3').menu({
+ select: function(event, ui) {
+ menu_log($(ui.item[0]).text());
+ },
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ menu_log($(".ui-state-focus").parent().index());
+ }
+ });
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,0,keydown,", "Keydown DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown LEFT (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown RIGHT (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "10,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "20,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "10,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.END } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "37,keydown,", "Keydown END");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.HOME } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown HOME");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown ESCAPE (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "Aberdeen,keydown,", "Keydown ENTER");
+asyncTest("handle keyboard navigation on menu with scroll and with submenus", function() {
+ expect(14);
+ var element = $('#menu4').menu({
+ select: function(event, ui) {
+ menu_log($(ui.item[0]).text());
+ },
+ focus: function( event, ui ) {
+ menu_log($(".ui-state-focus").parent().index());
+ }
+ });
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,0,keydown,", "Keydown DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "keydown,", "Keydown LEFT (no effect)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT } );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,1,keydown,", "Keydown RIGHT (open submenu)");
+ }, 50);
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,keydown,", "Keydown LEFT (close submenu)");
+ //re-open submenu
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT } );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "10,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "20,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_DOWN");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "10,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown PAGE_UP");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.END } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "27,keydown,", "Keydown END");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.HOME } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown HOME");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "1,keydown,", "Keydown ESCAPE (close submenu)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "0,keydown,", "Keydown ENTER (open submenu)");
+ menu_log("keydown",true);
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER } );
+ equals( $("#log").html(), "Aberdeen,keydown,", "Keydown ENTER (select item)");
+ start();
+ }, 200);
+ }, 150);
+ }, 100);
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ecaf73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * menu_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("menu: methods");
+test("destroy", function() {
+ domEqual("#menu1", function() {
+ $("#menu1").menu().menu("destroy");
+ });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03822fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ * menu_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("menu: options");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_test_helpers.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_test_helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83795e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/menu/menu_test_helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+function menu_log( message, clear ) {
+ if ( clear ) {
+ $( "#log" ).empty();
+ }
+ if ( message === undefined ) {
+ message = $( "#log" ).data( "lastItem" );
+ }
+ $( "#log" ).prepend( $.trim( message ) + "," );
+function menu_click( menu, item ) {
+ $( "#log" ).data( "lastItem", item );
+ menu.children( ":eq(" + item + ")" ).find( "a:first" ).trigger( "click" );
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07676f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Position Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "position" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Position Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..115adc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position.html
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Position Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ $.uiBackCompat = false;
+ </script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ js: [ "ui/jquery.ui.position.js" ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="position_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="position_core_within.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<div style="position:relative; z-index:2;">
+ <h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Position Test Suite</h1>
+ <h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+ <div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+ <h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+ <ol id="qunit-tests">
+ </ol>
+elements smaller than 10px have a line-height set on them to avoid a bug in IE6
+.height() returns the greater of the height and line-height
+<div id="qunit-fixture" style="top: 0; left: 0; z-index:1">
+ <div id="within-container">
+ <div id="el1" style="position: absolute; width: 6px; height: 6px; line-height: 6px;"></div>
+ <div id="el2" style="position: absolute; width: 6px; height: 6px; line-height: 6px;"></div>
+ <div id="parent" style="position: absolute; width: 6px; height: 6px; top: 4px; left: 4px; line-height: 6px;"></div>
+ <div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px">
+ <div id="elx" style="position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; line-height: 10px;"></div>
+ <div id="parentx" style="position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; top: 40px; left: 40px;"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px;">
+ <div id="el-offset-100-200" style="position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; line-height: 10px;"></div>
+ <div style="position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 50px;">
+ <div id="el-two-offset-150-300" style="position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; line-height: 10px;"></div>
+ <div id="el-fixed" style="position: fixed; top: 200px; left: 200px;"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="position: absolute; height: 5000px; width: 5000px;"></div>
+ <div id="fractions-parent" style="position: absolute; left: 10.7432222px; top: 10.532325px; height: 30px; width: 201px;">
+ <div id="fractions-element"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="bug-5280" style="height: 30px; width: 201px;">
+ <div style="width: 50px; height: 10px;"></div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea1baee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+function scrollTopSupport() {
+ $( window ).scrollTop( 1 );
+ return $( window ).scrollTop() === 1;
+module( "position" );
+test( "my, at, of", function() {
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 40, left: 40 }, "left top, left top" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 60, left: 40 }, "left top, left bottom" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left",
+ at: "bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 55, left: 50 }, "left, bottom" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left foo",
+ at: "bar baz",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 45, left: 50 }, "left foo, bar baz" );
+test( "multiple elements", function() {
+ var elements = $( "#el1, #el2" );
+ var result = elements.position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parent",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( result, elements );
+ var expected = { top: 10, left: 4 };
+ elements.each(function() {
+ same( $( this ).offset(), expected );
+ });
+test( "positions", function() {
+ var definitions = [];
+ var offsets = {
+ left: 0,
+ center: 3,
+ right: 6,
+ top: 0,
+ bottom: 6
+ };
+ var start = { left: 4, top: 4 };
+ $.each( [ 0, 1 ], function( my ) {
+ $.each( [ "top", "center", "bottom" ], function( vindex, vertical ) {
+ $.each( [ "left", "center", "right" ], function( hindex, horizontal ) {
+ definitions.push({
+ my: my ? horizontal + " " + vertical : "left top",
+ at: !my ? horizontal + " " + vertical : "left top",
+ result: {
+ top: my ? - offsets[ vertical ] : + offsets[ vertical ],
+ left: my ? start.left - offsets[ horizontal ] : start.left + offsets[ horizontal ]
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ var el = $( "#el1" );
+ $.each( definitions, function( index, definition ) {
+ el.position({
+ my:,
+ at:,
+ of: "#parent",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( el.offset(), definition.result,
+ "Position via " + QUnit.jsDump.parse({, }) );
+ });
+test( "of", function() {
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 40, left: 40 }, "selector" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: $( "#parentx"),
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 60, left: 40 }, "jQuery object" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: $( "#parentx" )[ 0 ],
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 40, left: 40 }, "DOM element" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: document,
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: $( document ).height() - 10,
+ left: $( document ).width() - 10
+ }, "document" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: $( document ),
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: $( document ).height() - 10,
+ left: $( document ).width() - 10
+ }, "document as jQuery object" );
+ $( window ).scrollTop( 0 );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: $( window ).height() - 10,
+ left: $( window ).width() - 10
+ }, "window" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: $( window ),
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: $( window ).height() - 10,
+ left: $( window ).width() - 10
+ }, "window as jQuery object" );
+ if ( scrollTopSupport() ) {
+ $( window ).scrollTop( 500 ).scrollLeft( 200 );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: $( window ).height() + 500 - 10,
+ left: $( window ).width() + 200 - 10
+ }, "window, scrolled" );
+ $( window ).scrollTop( 0 ).scrollLeft( 0 );
+ }
+ var event = $.extend( $.Event( "someEvent" ), { pageX: 200, pageY: 300 } );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: event,
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: 300,
+ left: 200
+ }, "event - left top, left top" );
+ event = $.extend( $.Event( "someEvent" ), { pageX: 400, pageY: 600 } );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: event,
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: 600,
+ left: 400
+ }, "event - left top, right bottom" );
+test( "offsets", function() {
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left+10 bottom+10",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 70, left: 50 }, "offsets in at" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left+10 top-10",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 50, left: 50 }, "offsets in my" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left+50% bottom-10%",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 58, left: 50 }, "percentage offsets in at" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left-30% top+50%",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 65, left: 37 }, "percentage offsets in my" );
+test( "using", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var count = 0,
+ elems = $( "#el1, #el2" ),
+ expectedPosition = { top: 40, left: 40 },
+ originalPosition = elems.position({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "rigt bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none"
+ }).offset();
+ elems.position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ using: function( position ) {
+ same( this, elems[ count ], "correct context for call #" + count );
+ same( position, expectedPosition, "correct position for call #" + count );
+ count++;
+ }
+ });
+ elems.each(function() {
+ same( $( this ).offset(), originalPosition, "elements not moved" );
+ });
+function collisionTest( config, result, msg ) {
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( $.extend({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: window
+ }, config ) );
+ same( elem.offset(), result, msg );
+function collisionTest2( config, result, msg ) {
+ collisionTest( $.extend({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "left top"
+ }, config ), result, msg );
+test( "collision: fit, no offset", function() {
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height() - 10, left: $( window ).width() - 10 }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "left top" );
+test( "collision: fit, with offset", function() {
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "right+2 bottom+3"
+ }, { top: $(window).height() - 10, left: $(window).width() - 10 }, "right bottom");
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "left+2 top+3"
+ }, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "left top, positive offset" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "left-2 top-3"
+ }, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "left top, negative offset" );
+test( "collision: fit, window scrolled", function() {
+ if ( scrollTopSupport() ) {
+ var win = $( window );
+ win.scrollTop( 300 ).scrollLeft( 200 );
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "left-100 top-100"
+ }, { top: 300, left: 200 }, "top left" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "right+100 bottom+100"
+ }, { top: 300 + win.height() - 10, left: 200 + win.width() - 10 }, "right bottom" );
+ win.scrollTop( 0 ).scrollLeft( 0 );
+ }
+test( "collision: flip, no offset", function() {
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "flip"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height(), left: $( window ).width() }, "left top" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip"
+ }, { top: -10, left: -10 }, "right bottom" );
+test( "collision: flip, with offset", function() {
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right+2 bottom+3"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height() + 3, left: $( window ).width() + 2 }, "left top, with offset added" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left+2 top+3"
+ }, { top: -7, left: -8 }, "bottom, positive offset" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left-2 top-3"
+ }, { top: -13, left: -12 }, "right bottom, negative offset" );
+test( "collision: none, no offset", function() {
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "none"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height(), left: $( window ).width() }, "left top" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "none"
+ }, { top: -10, left: -10 }, "moved to the right bottom" );
+test( "collision: none, with offset", function() {
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "right+2 bottom+3"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height() + 3, left: $( window ).width() + 2 }, "right bottom, with offset added" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "left+2 top+3"
+ }, { top: -7, left: -8 }, "left top, positive offset" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "left-2 top-3"
+ }, { top: -13, left: -12 }, "left top, negative offset" );
+test( "collision: fit, with margin", function() {
+ $( "#elx" ).css( "margin", 10 );
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height() - 20, left: $( window ).width() - 20 }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: 10, left: 10 }, "left top" );
+ $( "#elx" ).css({
+ "margin-left": 5,
+ "margin-top": 5
+ });
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height() - 20, left: $( window ).width() - 20 }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: 5, left: 5 }, "left top" );
+ $( "#elx" ).css({
+ "margin-right": 15,
+ "margin-bottom": 15
+ });
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height() - 25, left: $( window ).width() - 25 }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: 5, left: 5 }, "left top" );
+test( "collision: flip, with margin", function() {
+ $( "#elx" ).css( "margin", 10 );
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left top"
+ }, { top: 0, left: 0 }, "left top" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right bottom"
+ }, { top: $( window ).height() - 10, left: $( window ).width() - 10 }, "right bottom" );
+test( "addClass: flipped left", function() {
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "left center",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right center"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-left' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-left class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "right center",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left center"
+ })
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-left' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-left class' );
+test( "addClass: flipped top", function() {
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "left top",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right bottom"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-top' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-top class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "left bottom",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right top"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-top' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-top class' );
+test( "addClass: flipped right", function() {
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "right center",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left center"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-right' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-right class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "left center",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right center"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-right' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-right class' );
+test( "addClass: flipped bottom", function() {
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "left bottom",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right top"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-bottom' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-bottom class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "left top",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right bottom"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-bottom' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-bottom class' );
+test( "fractions", function() {
+ $( "#fractions-element" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: "#fractions-parent",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#fractions-element" ).offset(), $( "#fractions-parent" ).offset(), "left top, left top" );
+test( "bug #5280: consistent results (avoid fractional values)", function() {
+ var wrapper = $( "#bug-5280" ),
+ elem = wrapper.children(),
+ offset1 = elem.position({
+ my: "center",
+ at: "center",
+ of: wrapper,
+ collision: "none"
+ }).offset(),
+ offset2 = elem.position({
+ my: "center",
+ at: "center",
+ of: wrapper,
+ collision: "none"
+ }).offset();
+ same( offset1, offset2 );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_core_within.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_core_within.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..392e409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_core_within.js
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+function scrollTopSupport() {
+ $( window ).scrollTop( 1 );
+ return $( window ).scrollTop() === 1;
+module( "position - within", {
+ setup: function(){
+ $("#within-container").css({"width": "70px", "height": "70px", "top": "20px", "left": "20px", "position": "relative"}).show();
+ }
+var addTop = -20,
+ addLeft = -20;
+$.fn.addOffsets = function() {
+ var elOffset = this.offset(),
+ offset = $("#within-container").offset();
+ -=;
+ elOffset.left -= offset.left;
+ return {top: -, left: elOffset.left - offset.left };
+test( "my, at, of", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 40, left: addLeft + 40 }, "left top, left top" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 60, left: addLeft + 40 }, "left top, left bottom" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left",
+ at: "bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 55, left: addLeft + 50 }, "left, bottom" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left foo",
+ at: "bar baz",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 45, left: addLeft +50 }, "left foo, bar baz" );
+test( "multiple elements", function() {
+ var elements = $( "#el1, #el2" );
+ var result = elements.position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parent",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: $("#within-container")
+ });
+ same( result, elements );
+ var expected = { top: addTop + 10, left: addLeft + 4 };
+ elements.each(function() {
+ same( $( this ).addOffsets(), expected );
+ });
+test( "positions", function() {
+ var definitions = [];
+ var offsets = {
+ left: 0,
+ center: 3,
+ right: 6,
+ top: 0,
+ bottom: 6
+ };
+ var start = { left: 4, top: 4 };
+ $.each( [ 0, 1 ], function( my ) {
+ $.each( [ "top", "center", "bottom" ], function( vindex, vertical ) {
+ $.each( [ "left", "center", "right" ], function( hindex, horizontal ) {
+ definitions.push({
+ my: my ? horizontal + " " + vertical : "left top",
+ at: !my ? horizontal + " " + vertical : "left top",
+ result: {
+ top: addTop + (my ? - offsets[ vertical ] : + offsets[ vertical ]),
+ left: addLeft + (my ? start.left - offsets[ horizontal ] : start.left + offsets[ horizontal ])
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ var el = $( "#el1" );
+ $.each( definitions, function( index, definition ) {
+ el.position({
+ my:,
+ at:,
+ of: "#parent",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: $("#within-container")
+ });
+ same( el.addOffsets(), definition.result,
+ "Position via " + QUnit.jsDump.parse({, }) );
+ });
+test( "of", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 40, left: addLeft + 40 }, "selector" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: $( "#parentx"),
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 60, left: addLeft + 40 }, "jQuery object" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: $( "#parentx" )[ 0 ],
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 40, left: addLeft + 40 }, "DOM element" );
+ var event = $.extend( $.Event( "someEvent" ), { pageX: 200, pageY: 300 } );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: event,
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: 300,
+ left: 200
+ }, "event - left top, left top" );
+ event = $.extend( $.Event( "someEvent" ), { pageX: 400, pageY: 600 } );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: event,
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), {
+ top: 600,
+ left: 400
+ }, "event - left top, right bottom" );
+test( "within:offsets", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left+10 bottom+10",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 70, left: addLeft + 50 }, "offsets in at" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left+10 top-10",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 50, left: addLeft + 50 }, "offsets in my" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left+50% bottom-10%",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 58, left: addLeft + 50 }, "percentage offsets in at" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left-30% top+50%",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).addOffsets(), { top: addTop + 65, left: addLeft + 37 }, "percentage offsets in my" );
+test( "using", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ var count = 0,
+ elems = $( "#el1, #el2" ),
+ expectedPosition = { top: addTop + 40, left: addLeft + 40 },
+ originalPosition = elems.position({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ collision: "none",
+ within: within
+ }).addOffsets();
+ elems.position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ using: function( position ) {
+ -= within.offset().top;
+ position.left -= within.offset().left;
+ same( this, elems[ count ], "correct context for call #" + count );
+ same( position, expectedPosition, "correct position for call #" + count );
+ count++;
+ },
+ within: within
+ });
+ elems.each(function() {
+ same( $( this ).addOffsets(), originalPosition, "elements not moved" );
+ });
+function collisionTest( config, result, msg ) {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( $.extend({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "right bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ within: within
+ }, config ) );
+ same( elem.addOffsets(), result, msg );
+function collisionTest2( config, result, msg ) {
+ collisionTest( $.extend({
+ my: "right bottom",
+ at: "left top"
+ }, config ), result, msg );
+test( "collision: fit, no offset", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height() - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).height, left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).width }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 }, "left top" );
+test( "collision: fit, with offset", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "right+2 bottom+3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height() - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).height, left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).width }, "right bottom");
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "left+2 top+3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 7, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 8 }, "left top, positive offset" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit",
+ at: "left-2 top-3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 13, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 12 }, "left top, negative offset" );
+test( "collision: none, within scrolled", function() {
+ if ( scrollTopSupport() ) {
+ var within = $("#within-container").css({"width": "1000px", "height": "800px", "overflow": "auto"}),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ within.scrollTop( 300 ).scrollLeft( 150 );
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "left-100 top-100"
+ }, { top: of.offset().top + addTop - 100 - of.height(), left: of.offset().left + addLeft - 100 - of.width() }, "top left" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "right+100 bottom+100"
+ }, { top: of.offset().top + addTop + 100 - 10, left: of.offset().left + addLeft + 100 - 10 }, "right bottom" );
+ within.scrollTop( 0 ).scrollLeft( 0 );
+ }
+test( "collision: flip, no offset", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "flip"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height(), left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() }, "left top" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addTop + of.position().top - 10 }, "right bottom" );
+test( "collision: flip, with offset", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right+2 bottom+3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 13, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 12 }, "left top, with offset added" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left+2 top+3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10 + 3, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 + 2 }, "right bottom, positive offset" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left-2 top-3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 13, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 12 }, "right bottom, negative offset" );
+test( "collision: none, no offset", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "none"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height(), left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() }, "left top" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "none"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 }, "right bottom" );
+test( "collision: none, with offset", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "right+2 bottom+3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height() + 3, left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() + 2 }, "right bottom, with offset added" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "left+2 top+3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 7, left: addTop + of.position().top - 8 }, "left top, positive offset" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "none",
+ at: "left-2 top-3"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 13, left: addTop + of.position().top - 12 }, "left top, negative offset" );
+test( "collision: fit, with margin", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ $( "#elx" ).css( "margin", 10 );
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height() - 10 - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).height, left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() - 10 - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).width }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 }, "left top" );
+ $( "#elx" ).css({
+ "margin-left": 5,
+ "margin-top": 5
+ });
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height() - 10 - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).height, left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() - 10 - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).width }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 }, "left top" );
+ $( "#elx" ).css({
+ "margin-right": 15,
+ "margin-bottom": 15
+ });
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top + of.height() - 15 - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).height, left: addLeft + of.position().left + of.width() - 15 - $.position.getScrollInfo( within ).width }, "right bottom" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 }, "left top" );
+test( "collision: flip, with margin", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container"),
+ of = $("#parentx");
+ $( "#elx" ).css( "margin", 10 );
+ collisionTest({
+ collision: "flip"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 }, "left top" );
+ collisionTest2({
+ collision: "flip"
+ }, { top: addTop + of.position().top - 10, left: addLeft + of.position().left - 10 }, "right bottom" );
+ $( "#elx" ).css( "margin", 0 );
+test( "addClass: flipped left", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "left center",
+ of: within[0],
+ within: within,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right center"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-left' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-left class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "right center",
+ of: within[0],
+ within: within,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left center"
+ })
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-left' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-left class' );
+test( "addClass: flipped top", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "left top",
+ of: within[0],
+ within: within,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right bottom"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-top' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-top class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "left bottom",
+ of: within[0],
+ within: within,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right top"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-top' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-top class' );
+test( "addClass: flipped right", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "right center",
+ of: within[0],
+ within: within,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "left center"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-right' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-right class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "left center",
+ of: within[0],
+ within: within,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right center"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-right' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-right class' );
+test( "addClass: flipped bottom", function() {
+ var within = $("#within-container");
+ var elem = $( "#elx" ).position( {
+ my: "left bottom",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right top"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-bottom' ), false, 'Has ui-flipped-bottom class' );
+ elem.position( {
+ my: "left top",
+ of: window,
+ collision: "flip",
+ at: "right bottom"
+ });
+ same( elem.hasClass( 'ui-flipped-bottom' ), false, 'Removed ui-flipped-bottom class' );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_deprecated.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_deprecated.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9be18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_deprecated.html
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Position Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ js: [ "ui/jquery.ui.position.js" ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="position_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="position_deprecated.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Position Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+elements smaller than 10px have a line-height set on them to avoid a bug in IE6
+.height() returns the greater of the height and line-height
+<div id="qunit-fixture" style="top: 0; left: 0;">
+ <div id="el1" style="position: absolute; width: 6px; height: 6px; line-height: 6px;"></div>
+ <div id="el2" style="position: absolute; width: 6px; height: 6px; line-height: 6px;"></div>
+ <div id="parent" style="position: absolute; width: 6px; height: 6px; top: 4px; left: 4px; line-height: 6px;"></div>
+<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px">
+ <div id="elx" style="position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; line-height: 10px;"></div>
+ <div id="parentx" style="position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; top: 40px; left: 40px;"></div>
+<div style="position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px;">
+ <div id="el-offset-100-200" style="position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; line-height: 10px;"></div>
+ <div style="position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 50px;">
+ <div id="el-two-offset-150-300" style="position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; line-height: 10px;"></div>
+ <div id="el-fixed" style="position: fixed; top: 200px; left: 200px;"></div>
+ </div>
+<div style="position: absolute; height: 5000px; width: 5000px;"></div>
+<div id="bug-5280" style="height: 30px; width: 201px;">
+ <div style="width: 50px; height: 10px;"></div>
+<div id="fractions-parent" style="position: absolute; left: 10.7432222px; top: 10.532325px; height: 30px; width: 201px;">
+ <div id="fractions-element"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_deprecated.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_deprecated.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e72c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/position/position_deprecated.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+test( "offset", function() {
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ offset: "10",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 70, left: 50 }, "single value" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ offset: "5 -3",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 57, left: 45 }, "two values" );
+ $( "#elx" ).position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ of: "#parentx",
+ offset: "5px -3px",
+ collision: "none"
+ });
+ same( $( "#elx" ).offset(), { top: 57, left: 45 }, "with units" );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c1950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Progressbar Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "progressbar" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Progressbar Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b55f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar.html
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Progressbar Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.progressbar" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.progressbar.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="progressbar_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="progressbar_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="progressbar_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="progressbar_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="progressbar_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Progressbar Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="progressbar"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a499d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * progressbar_core.js
+ */
+var el;
+(function($) {
+module("progressbar: core");
+test("accessibility", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ el = $("#progressbar").progressbar();
+ equals(el.attr("role"), "progressbar", "aria role");
+ equals(el.attr("aria-valuemin"), 0, "aria-valuemin");
+ equals(el.attr("aria-valuemax"), 100, "aria-valuemax");
+ equals(el.attr("aria-valuenow"), 0, "aria-valuenow initially");
+ el.progressbar("value", 77);
+ equals(el.attr("aria-valuenow"), 77, "aria-valuenow");
+ el.progressbar("disable");
+ equals(el.attr("aria-disabled"), "true", "aria-disabled on");
+ el.progressbar("enable");
+ // FAIL: for some reason IE6 and 7 return a boolean false instead of the string
+ equals(el.attr("aria-disabled"), "false", "aria-disabled off");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3856e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "progressbar", {
+ defaults: {
+ disabled: false,
+ value: 0,
+ max: 100,
+ //callbacks
+ create: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585c090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * progressbar_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("progressbar: events");
+test("create", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ $("#progressbar").progressbar({
+ value: 5,
+ create: function() {
+ same(5, $(this).progressbar("value") );
+ },
+ change: function() {
+ ok(false, 'create() has triggered change()');
+ }
+ })
+test("change", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ $("#progressbar").progressbar({
+ change: function() {
+ same( 5, $(this).progressbar("value") );
+ }
+ }).progressbar("value", 5);
+test( "complete", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var changes = 0,
+ value;
+ $( "#progressbar" ).progressbar({
+ change: function() {
+ changes++;
+ same( $( this ).progressbar( "value" ), value, "change at " + value );
+ },
+ complete: function() {
+ equal( changes, 2, "complete triggered after change" );
+ }
+ });
+ value = 5;
+ $( "#progressbar" ).progressbar( "value", value );
+ value = 100;
+ $( "#progressbar" ).progressbar( "value", value );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a48fa3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * progressbar_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("progressbar: methods");
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(1);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').progressbar().remove();
+ ok(true, '.progressbar() called on element');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').progressbar().progressbar("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.progressbar("destroy") called on element');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').progressbar(),
+ actual = expected.progressbar('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test('value', function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var el = $('<div></div>').progressbar({ value: 20 });
+ equals(el.progressbar('value'), 20, 'correct value as getter');
+ equals(el.progressbar('value', 30), el, 'chainable as setter');
+ equals(el.progressbar('option', 'value'), 30, 'correct value after setter');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230c939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/progressbar/progressbar_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * progressbar_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("progressbar: options");
+test("{ value : 0 }, default", function() {
+ $("#progressbar").progressbar();
+ same( 0, $("#progressbar").progressbar("value") );
+// Ticket #7231 - valueDiv should be hidden when value is at 0%
+test( "value: visibility of valueDiv", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#progressbar" ).progressbar({
+ value: 0
+ });
+ ok( element.children( ".ui-progressbar-value" ).is( ":hidden" ), "valueDiv hidden when value is initialized at 0" );
+ element.progressbar( "value", 1 );
+ ok( element.children( ".ui-progressbar-value" ).is( ":visible" ), "valueDiv visible when value is set to 1" );
+ element.progressbar( "value", 100 );
+ ok( element.children( ".ui-progressbar-value" ).is( ":visible" ), "valueDiv visible when value is set to 100" );
+ element.progressbar( "value", 0 );
+ ok( element.children( ".ui-progressbar-value" ).is( ":hidden" ), "valueDiv hidden when value is set to 0" );
+ element.progressbar( "value", -1 );
+ ok( element.children( ".ui-progressbar-value" ).is( ":hidden" ), "valueDiv hidden when value set to -1 (normalizes to 0)" );
+test("{ value : 5 }", function() {
+ $("#progressbar").progressbar({
+ value: 5
+ });
+ same( 5, $("#progressbar").progressbar("value") );
+test("{ value : -5 }", function() {
+ $("#progressbar").progressbar({
+ value: -5
+ });
+ same( 0, $("#progressbar").progressbar("value") );
+test("{ value : 105 }", function() {
+ $("#progressbar").progressbar({
+ value: 105
+ });
+ same( 100, $("#progressbar").progressbar("value") );
+test("{ max : 5, value : 10 }", function() {
+ $("#progressbar").progressbar({
+ max: 5,
+ value: 10
+ });
+ same( 5, $("#progressbar").progressbar("value") );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f56d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Resizable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "resizable" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Resizable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/images/test.jpg b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/images/test.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0175b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/images/test.jpg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e886d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable.html
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Resizable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.resizable" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.resizable.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="resizable_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="resizable_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="resizable_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="resizable_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="resizable_options.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this stale testsuite for testswarm only
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("resizable", function() { ok(true, "disabled resizable testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Resizable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="resizable1" style="background: green; width: 100px; height: 100px;">I'm a resizable.</div>
+<img src="images/test.jpg" id="resizable2" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a3f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * resizable_core.js
+ */
+var el;
+var drag = function(el, dx, dy, complete) {
+ // speed = sync -> Drag syncrhonously.
+ // speed = fast|slow -> Drag asyncrhonously - animated.
+ //this mouseover is to work around a limitation in resizable
+ //TODO: fix resizable so handle doesn't require mouseover in order to be used
+ $(el).simulate("mouseover");
+ return $(el).simulate("drag", {
+ dx: dx||0, dy: dy||0, speed: 'sync', complete: complete
+ });
+(function($) {
+module("resizable: core");
+test("element types", function() {
+ var typeNames = ('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,ol,ul,dl,div,form'
+ + ',table,fieldset,address,ins,del,em,strong,q,cite,dfn,abbr'
+ + ',acronym,code,samp,kbd,var,img,object,hr'
+ + ',input,button,label,select,iframe').split(',');
+ $.each(typeNames, function(i) {
+ var typeName = typeNames[i];
+ el = $(document.createElement(typeName)).appendTo('body');
+ (typeName == 'table' && el.append("<tr><td>content</td></tr>"));
+ el.resizable();
+ ok(true, '$("&lt;' + typeName + '/&gt").resizable()');
+ el.resizable("destroy");
+ el.remove();
+ });
+test("n", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-n', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, 0, -50);
+ equals( target.height(), 150, "compare height" );
+ drag(handle, 0, 50);
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height" );
+test("s", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-s', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, 0, 50);
+ equals( target.height(), 150, "compare height" );
+ drag(handle, 0, -50);
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height" );
+test("e", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-e', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, 50);
+ equals( target.width(), 150, "compare width");
+ drag(handle, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare width" );
+test("w", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-w', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 150, "compare width" );
+ drag(handle, 50);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare width" );
+test("ne", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-ne', target = $('#resizable1').css({ overflow: 'hidden' }).resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, -50, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 50, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 150, "compare height" );
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height" );
+test("se", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ equals( target.width(), 150, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 150, "compare height" );
+ drag(handle, -50, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height" );
+test("sw", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-sw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, -50, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 150, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 50, "compare height" );
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height" );
+test("nw", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-nw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all' });
+ drag(handle, -50, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 150, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 150, "compare height" );
+ drag(handle, 50, 50);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare width" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height" );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f69e521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * resizable_defaults.js
+ */
+var resizable_defaults = {
+ alsoResize: false,
+ animate: false,
+ animateDuration: 'slow',
+ animateEasing: 'swing',
+ aspectRatio: false,
+ autoHide: false,
+ cancel: ':input,option',
+ containment: false,
+ delay: 0,
+ disabled: false,
+ distance: 1,
+ ghost: false,
+ grid: false,
+ handles: 'e,s,se',
+ helper: false,
+ maxHeight: null,
+ maxWidth: null,
+ minHeight: 10,
+ minWidth: 10,
+ zIndex: 1000
+commonWidgetTests('resizable', { defaults: resizable_defaults });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8041f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * resizable_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("resizable: events");
+test("start", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("resize", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("stop", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac287f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * resizable_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("resizable: methods");
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').resizable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.resizable() called on element');
+ $([]).resizable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.resizable() called on empty collection');
+ $('<div></div>').resizable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.resizable() called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $('<div></div>').resizable().resizable("foo").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after init');
+ el = $('<div></div>').resizable()
+ var foo = el.resizable("option", "foo");
+ el.remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option getter after init');
+ $('<div></div>').resizable().resizable("option", "foo", "bar").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option setter after init');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').resizable().resizable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.resizable("destroy") called on element');
+ $([]).resizable().resizable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.resizable("destroy") called on empty collection');
+ $('<div></div>').resizable().resizable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.resizable("destroy") called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $('<div></div>').resizable().resizable("destroy").resizable("foo").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after destroy');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').resizable(),
+ actual = expected.resizable('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test("enable", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').resizable(),
+ actual = expected.resizable('enable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'enable is chainable');
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("disable", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').resizable(),
+ actual = expected.resizable('disable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'disable is chainable');
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..389931f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/resizable/resizable_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ * resizable_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("resizable: options");
+test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (e)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-e', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 });
+ drag(handle, 80);
+ equals( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight");
+ drag(handle, -130);
+ equals( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight");
+test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (w)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-w', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 });
+ drag(handle, -80);
+ equals( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight");
+ drag(handle, 130);
+ equals( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight");
+test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (n)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-n', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 });
+ drag(handle, 0, -80);
+ equals( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight");
+ drag(handle, 0, 80);
+ equals( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight");
+test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (s)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-s', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 });
+ drag(handle, 0, 80);
+ equals( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight");
+ drag(handle, 0, -80);
+ equals( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight");
+test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (se)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 });
+ drag(handle, 80, 80);
+ equals( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight");
+ drag(handle, -80, -80);
+ equals( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight");
+test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (sw)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-sw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 });
+ drag(handle, -80, 80);
+ equals( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight");
+ drag(handle, 80, -80);
+ equals( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight");
+test("aspectRatio: 'preserve' (ne)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-ne', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve', handles: 'all', minWidth: 70, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 150, maxHeight: 130 });
+ drag(handle, 80, -80);
+ equals( target.width(), 130, "compare maxWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 130, "compare maxHeight");
+ drag(handle, -80, 80);
+ equals( target.width(), 70, "compare minWidth");
+ equals( target.height(), 70, "compare minHeight");
+test("grid", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', grid: [0, 20] });
+ drag(handle, 3, 9);
+ equals( target.width(), 103, "compare width");
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height");
+ drag(handle, 15, 11);
+ equals( target.width(), 118, "compare width");
+ equals( target.height(), 120, "compare height");
+test("grid (wrapped)", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable2').resizable({ handles: 'all', grid: [0, 20] });
+ drag(handle, 3, 9);
+ equals( target.width(), 103, "compare width");
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare height");
+ drag(handle, 15, 11);
+ equals( target.width(), 118, "compare width");
+ equals( target.height(), 120, "compare height");
+test("ui-resizable-se { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-se', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 });
+ drag(handle, -50, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" );
+ drag(handle, 70, 70);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" );
+test("ui-resizable-sw { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-sw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 });
+ drag(handle, 50, -50);
+ equals( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" );
+ drag(handle, -70, 70);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" );
+test("ui-resizable-ne { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-ne', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 });
+ drag(handle, -50, 50);
+ equals( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" );
+ drag(handle, 70, -70);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" );
+test("ui-resizable-nw { handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 }", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var handle = '.ui-resizable-nw', target = $('#resizable1').resizable({ handles: 'all', minWidth: 60, minHeight: 60, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100 });
+ drag(handle, 70, 70);
+ equals( target.width(), 60, "compare minWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 60, "compare minHeight" );
+ drag(handle, -70, -70);
+ equals( target.width(), 100, "compare maxWidth" );
+ equals( target.height(), 100, "compare maxHeight" );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e77829b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Selectable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "selectable" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Selectable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f70e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable.html
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Selectable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.selectable" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.selectable.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="selectable_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="selectable_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="selectable_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="selectable_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="selectable_options.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this stale testsuite for testswarm only
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("selectable", function() { ok(true, "disabled selectable testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Selectable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<ul id="selectable1">
+ <li>Item 1</li>
+ <li>Item 2</li>
+ <li class="special">Item 3</li>
+ <li>Item 4</li>
+ <li>Item 5</li>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18ea3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * selectable_core.js
+ */
+var el;
+var drag = function(dx, dy) {
+ var off = el.offset(), pos = { clientX: off.left, clientY: };
+ el.simulate("mousedown", pos);
+ $(document).simulate("mousemove", pos);
+ pos.clientX += dx;
+ pos.clientY += dy;
+ $(document).simulate("mousemove", pos);
+ $(document).simulate("mouseup", pos);
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbf799a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * selectable_defaults.js
+ */
+var selectable_defaults = {
+ appendTo: 'body',
+ autoRefresh: true,
+ cancel: ':input,option',
+ delay: 0,
+ disabled: false,
+ distance: 0,
+ filter: '*',
+ tolerance: 'touch'
+commonWidgetTests('selectable', { defaults: selectable_defaults });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b65ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * selectable_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("selectable: events");
+test("start", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ el = $("#selectable1");
+ el.selectable({
+ start: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "drag fired start callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ }
+ });
+ el.simulate("drag", 20, 20);
+test("stop", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ el = $("#selectable1");
+ el.selectable({
+ start: function(ev, ui) {
+ ok(true, "drag fired stop callback");
+ equals(this, el[0], "context of callback");
+ }
+ });
+ el.simulate("drag", 20, 20);
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b75f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * selectable_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("selectable: methods");
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').selectable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.selectable() called on element');
+ $([]).selectable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.selectable() called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").selectable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.selectable() called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").selectable().selectable("foo").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after init');
+ el = $("<div></div>").selectable()
+ var foo = el.selectable("option", "foo");
+ el.remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option getter after init');
+ $("<div></div>").selectable().selectable("option", "foo", "bar").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option setter after init');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').selectable().selectable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.selectable("destroy") called on element');
+ $([]).selectable().selectable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.selectable("destroy") called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").selectable().selectable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.selectable("destroy") called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").selectable().selectable("destroy").selectable("foo").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after destroy');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').selectable(),
+ actual = expected.selectable('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test("enable", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var fired = false;
+ el = $("#selectable1");
+ el.selectable({
+ disabled: true,
+ start: function() { fired = true; }
+ });
+ el.simulate("drag", 20, 20);
+ equals(fired, false, "start fired");
+ el.selectable("enable");
+ el.simulate("drag", 20, 20);
+ equals(fired, true, "start fired");
+ el.selectable("destroy");
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').selectable(),
+ actual = expected.selectable('enable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'enable is chainable');
+test("disable", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var fired = false;
+ el = $("#selectable1");
+ el.selectable({
+ disabled: false,
+ start: function() { fired = true; }
+ });
+ el.simulate("drag", 20, 20);
+ equals(fired, true, "start fired");
+ el.selectable("disable");
+ fired = false;
+ el.simulate("drag", 20, 20);
+ equals(fired, false, "start fired");
+ el.selectable("destroy");
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').selectable(),
+ actual = expected.selectable('disable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'disable is chainable');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36b7b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/selectable/selectable_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * selectable_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("selectable: options");
+test("autoRefresh", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ el = $("#selectable1");
+ var actual, sel = $("*", el), selected = function() { actual += 1 };
+ actual = 0;
+ el = $("#selectable1").selectable({ autoRefresh: false, selected: selected });
+ sel.hide();
+ drag(1000, 1000);
+ equals(actual, sel.length);
+ el.selectable("destroy");
+ actual = 0;
+ el = $("#selectable1").selectable({ autoRefresh: true, selected: selected });
+ sel.hide();
+ drag(1000, 1000);
+ equals(actual, 0);
+ drag(1000, 1000);
+ equals(actual, sel.length);
+ el.selectable("destroy");
+test("filter", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ el = $("#selectable1");
+ var actual, sel = $("*", el), selected = function() { actual += 1 };
+ actual = 0;
+ el = $("#selectable1").selectable({ filter: '.special', selected: selected });
+ drag(1000, 1000);
+ ok(sel.length != 1, "this test assumes more than 1 selectee");
+ equals(actual, 1);
+ el.selectable("destroy");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbdbd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Slider Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "slider" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Slider Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d124b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Slider Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.slider" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.slider.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="slider_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="slider_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="slider_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="slider_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="slider_options.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this stale testsuite for testswarm only
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("slider", function() { ok(true, "disabled slider testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Slider Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="slider1"></div>
+<div id="slider3" style="position: relative; margin: 40px; width: 217px; height: 28px;">
+ <div class="ui-slider-handle" style="position: absolute; height: 21px; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 17px;"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d4f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ * slider unit tests
+ */
+(function($) {
+// Slider Test Helper Functions
+var el, options;
+function handle() {
+ return el.find(".ui-slider-handle");
+// Slider Tests
+module("slider: core");
+test("keydown HOME on handle sets value to min", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 0);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.HOME });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ el.slider('destroy');
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 0);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.HOME });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ el.slider('destroy');
+test("keydown END on handle sets value to max", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 0);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.END });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ el.slider('destroy');
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 0);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.END });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ el.slider('destroy');
+test("keydown PAGE_UP on handle increases value by 1/5 range, not greater than max", function() {
+ $.each(['horizontal', 'vertical'], function(i, orientation) {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 100,
+ min: 0,
+ orientation: orientation,
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 70);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 90);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 100);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ });
+test("keydown PAGE_DOWN on handle decreases value by 1/5 range, not less than min", function() {
+ $.each(['horizontal', 'vertical'], function(i, orientation) {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 100,
+ min: 0,
+ orientation: orientation,
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", 30);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 10);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), 0);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ });
+test("keydown UP on handle increases value by step, not greater than max", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.max - options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.max - options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+test("keydown RIGHT on handle increases value by step, not greater than max", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.max - options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.max - options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.max);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+test("keydown DOWN on handle decreases value by step, not less than min", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.min + options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.min + options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+test("keydown LEFT on handle decreases value by step, not less than min", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.min + options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ el.slider("destroy");
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 5,
+ min: -5,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ step: 1
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ el.slider("value", options.min + options.step);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ handle().simulate("keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT });
+ equals(el.slider("value"), options.min);
+ el.slider("destroy");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8049fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "slider", {
+ defaults: {
+ animate: false,
+ cancel: ':input,option',
+ delay: 0,
+ disabled: false,
+ distance: 0,
+ max: 100,
+ min: 0,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ range: false,
+ step: 1,
+ value: 0,
+ values: null,
+ // callbacks
+ create: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b7b250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * slider_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module( "slider: events" );
+//Specs from
+//"change callback: triggers when the slider has stopped moving and has a new
+// value (even if same as previous value), via mouse(mouseup) or keyboard(keyup)
+// or value method/option"
+test( "mouse based interaction", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var el = $( "<div></div>" )
+ .appendTo( "body" )
+ .slider({
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "mousedown", "start triggered by mousedown" );
+ },
+ slide: function(event, ui) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "mousemove", "slider triggered by mousemove" );
+ },
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "mouseup", "stop triggered by mouseup" );
+ },
+ change: function(event, ui) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "mouseup", "change triggered by mouseup" );
+ }
+ });
+ el.find( ".ui-slider-handle" ).eq( 0 )
+ .simulate( "drag", { dx: 10, dy: 10 } );
+test( "keyboard based interaction", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ // Test keyup at end of handle slide (keyboard)
+ var el = $( "<div></div>" )
+ .appendTo( "body" )
+ .slider({
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "keydown", "start triggered by keydown" );
+ },
+ slide: function(event, ui) {
+ ok( false, "Slider never triggered by keys" );
+ },
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "keyup", "stop triggered by keyup" );
+ },
+ change: function(event, ui) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "keyup", "change triggered by keyup" );
+ }
+ });
+ el.find( ".ui-slider-handle" ).eq( 0 )
+ .simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } )
+ .simulate( "keypress", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } )
+ .simulate( "keyup", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.LEFT } );
+test( "programmatic event triggers", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ // Test value method
+ var el = $( "<div></div>" )
+ .slider({
+ change: function(event, ui) {
+ ok( true, "change triggered by value method" );
+ }
+ })
+ .slider( "value", 0 );
+ QUnit.reset();
+ // Test values method
+ el = $( "<div></div>" )
+ .slider({
+ values: [ 10, 20 ],
+ change: function(event, ui) {
+ ok( true, "change triggered by values method" );
+ }
+ })
+ .slider( "values", [80, 90] );
+ QUnit.reset();
+ // Test value option
+ el = $( "<div></div>" )
+ .slider({
+ change: function(event, ui) {
+ ok( true, "change triggered by value option" );
+ }
+ })
+ .slider( "option", "value", 0 );
+ QUnit.reset();
+ // Test values option
+ el = $( "<div></div>" )
+ .slider({
+ values: [ 10, 20 ],
+ change: function(event, ui) {
+ ok( true, "change triggered by values option" );
+ }
+ })
+ .slider( "option", "values", [80, 90] );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66624e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * slider_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("slider: methods");
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(5);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').slider().remove();
+ ok(true, '.slider() called on element');
+ $([]).slider().remove();
+ ok(true, '.slider() called on empty collection');
+ $('<div></div>').slider().remove();
+ ok(true, '.slider() called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ var el = $('<div></div>').slider();
+ var foo = el.slider("option", "foo");
+ el.remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option getter after init');
+ $('<div></div>').slider().slider("option", "foo", "bar").remove();
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option setter after init');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').slider().slider("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.slider("destroy") called on element');
+ $([]).slider().slider("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.slider("destroy") called on empty collection');
+ $('<div></div>').appendTo('body').remove().slider().slider("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.slider("destroy") called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').slider(),
+ actual = expected.slider('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test("enable", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').slider(),
+ actual = expected.slider('enable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'enable is chainable');
+ var el = $('<div></div>').slider({ disabled: true });
+ ok(el.hasClass('ui-disabled'), 'slider has ui-disabled class before enable method call');
+ ok(el.hasClass('ui-slider-disabled'), 'slider has ui-slider-disabled class before enable method call');
+ el.slider('enable');
+ ok(!el.hasClass('ui-disabled'), 'slider does not have ui-disabled class after enable method call');
+ ok(!el.hasClass('ui-slider-disabled'), 'slider does not have ui-slider-disabled class after enable method call');
+test("disable", function() {
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').slider(),
+ actual = expected.slider('disable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'disable is chainable');
+ var el = $('<div></div>').slider({ disabled: false });
+ ok(!el.hasClass('ui-disabled'), 'slider does not have ui-disabled class before disabled method call');
+ ok(!el.hasClass('ui-slider-disabled'), 'slider does not have ui-slider-disabled class before disable method call');
+ el.slider('disable');
+ ok(el.hasClass('ui-disabled'), 'slider has ui-disabled class after disable method call');
+ ok(el.hasClass('ui-slider-disabled'), 'slider has ui-slider-disabled class after disable method call');
+test("value", function() {
+ $([false, 'min', 'max']).each(function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').slider({
+ range: this,
+ value: 5
+ });
+ equals(el.slider('value'), 5, 'range: ' + this + ' slider method get');
+ equals(el.slider('value', 10), el, 'value method is chainable');
+ equals(el.slider('value'), 10, 'range: ' + this + ' slider method set');
+ el.remove();
+ });
+ var el = $('<div></div>').slider({
+ min: -1, value: 0, max: 1
+ });
+ // min with value option vs value method
+ el.slider('option', 'value', -2);
+ equals(el.slider('option', 'value'), -2, 'value option does not respect min');
+ equals(el.slider('value'), -1, 'value method get respects min');
+ equals(el.slider('value', -2), el, 'value method is chainable');
+ equals(el.slider('option', 'value'), -1, 'value method set respects min');
+ // max with value option vs value method
+ el.slider('option', 'value', 2);
+ equals(el.slider('option', 'value'), 2, 'value option does not respect max');
+ equals(el.slider('value'), 1, 'value method get respects max');
+ equals(el.slider('value', 2), el, 'value method is chainable');
+ equals(el.slider('option', 'value'), 1, 'value method set respects max');
+//test("values", function() {
+// ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..040589b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/slider/slider_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * slider_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+var el, options;
+function handle() {
+ return el.find(".ui-slider-handle");
+module("slider: options");
+test("max", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 37,
+ min: 6,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ step: 1,
+ value: 50
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ ok(el.slider("option", "value") == options.value, "value option is not contained by max");
+ ok(el.slider("value") == options.max, "value method is contained by max");
+ el.slider('destroy');
+test("min", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 37,
+ min: 6,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ step: 1,
+ value: 2
+ };
+ el.slider(options);
+ ok(el.slider("option", "value") == options.value, "value option is not contained by min");
+ ok(el.slider("value") == options.min, "value method is contained by min");
+ el.slider('destroy');
+test("orientation", function() {
+ el = $('<div></div>');
+ options = {
+ max: 2,
+ min: -2,
+ orientation: 'vertical',
+ value: 1
+ };
+ var percentVal = (options.value - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100;
+ el.slider(options).slider("option", "orientation", "horizontal");
+ ok('.ui-slider-horizontal'), "horizontal slider has class .ui-slider-horizontal");
+ ok(!'.ui-slider-vertical'), "horizontal slider does not have class .ui-slider-vertical");
+ equals(handle().css('left'), percentVal + '%', "horizontal slider handle is positioned with left: %");
+ el.slider('destroy');
+ options = {
+ max: 2,
+ min: -2,
+ orientation: 'horizontal',
+ value: -1
+ };
+ var percentVal = (options.value - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100;
+ el.slider(options).slider("option", "orientation", "vertical");
+ ok('.ui-slider-vertical'), "vertical slider has class .ui-slider-vertical");
+ ok(!'.ui-slider-horizontal'), "vertical slider does not have class .ui-slider-horizontal");
+ equals(handle().css('bottom'), percentVal + '%', "vertical slider handle is positioned with bottom: %");
+ el.slider('destroy');
+//test("range", function() {
+// ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+// value option/method: the value option is not restricted by min/max/step.
+// What is returned by the value method is restricted by min (>=), max (<=), and step (even multiple)
+test("step", function() {
+ var el = $('<div></div>').slider({
+ min: 0,
+ value: 0,
+ step: 10,
+ max: 100
+ });
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 0 );
+ el.slider("value", 1);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 0 );
+ el.slider("value", 9);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 10 );
+ el.slider("value", 11);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 10 );
+ el.slider("value", 19);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 20 );
+el = $('<div></div>').slider({
+ min: 0,
+ value: 0,
+ step: 20,
+ max: 100
+ });
+ el.slider("value", 0);
+ el.slider("option", "value", 1);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 0 );
+ el.slider("option", "value", 9);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 0 );
+ el.slider("option", "value", 11);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 20 );
+ el.slider("option", "value", 19);
+ equals( el.slider("value"), 20 );
+ el.slider('destroy');
+//test("value", function() {
+// ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+//test("values", function() {
+// ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee6b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Sortable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "sortable" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Sortable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a20eb71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable.html
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Sortable Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.sortable" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="sortable_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="sortable_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="sortable_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="sortable_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="sortable_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="sortable_tickets.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ // disable this stale testsuite for testswarm only
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( url && url.indexOf("http") == 0 ) {
+ // reset config to kill previous tests; make sure testsuite.js is loaded afterwards to init the testswarm script
+ QUnit.init();
+ test("sortable", function() { ok(true, "disabled sortable testsuite"); });
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Sortable Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<ul id="sortable">
+ <li>Item 1</li>
+ <li>Item 2</li>
+ <li>Item 3</li>
+ <li>Item 4</li>
+ <li>Item 5</li>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff18598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ * sortable_core.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("sortable: core");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7681add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * sortable_defaults.js
+ */
+var sortable_defaults = {
+ appendTo: "parent",
+ axis: false,
+ cancel: ":input,option",
+ connectWith: false,
+ containment: false,
+ cursor: 'auto',
+ cursorAt: false,
+ delay: 0,
+ disabled: false,
+ distance: 1,
+ dropOnEmpty: true,
+ forcePlaceholderSize: false,
+ forceHelperSize: false,
+ grid: false,
+ handle: false,
+ helper: "original",
+ items: "> *",
+ opacity: false,
+ placeholder: false,
+ revert: false,
+ scroll: true,
+ scrollSensitivity: 20,
+ scrollSpeed: 20,
+ scope: "default",
+ tolerance: "intersect",
+ zIndex: 1000
+commonWidgetTests('sortable', { defaults: sortable_defaults });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb4ff4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * sortable_events.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("sortable: events");
+test("start", function() {
+ var hash;
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ start: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 0, dy: 10 });
+ ok(hash, 'start event triggered');
+ ok(hash.helper, 'UI hash includes: helper');
+ ok(hash.placeholder, 'UI hash includes: placeholder');
+ ok(hash.position && ( && hash.position.left), 'UI hash includes: position');
+ ok(hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left), 'UI hash includes: offset');
+ ok(hash.item, 'UI hash includes: item');
+ ok(!hash.sender, 'UI hash does not include: sender');
+test("sort", function() {
+ var hash;
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ sort: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 0, dy: 10 });
+ ok(hash, 'sort event triggered');
+ ok(hash.helper, 'UI hash includes: helper');
+ ok(hash.placeholder, 'UI hash includes: placeholder');
+ ok(hash.position && ( && hash.position.left), 'UI hash includes: position');
+ ok(hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left), 'UI hash includes: offset');
+ ok(hash.item, 'UI hash includes: item');
+ ok(!hash.sender, 'UI hash does not include: sender');
+test("change", function() {
+ var hash;
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ change: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 1, dy: 1 });
+ ok(!hash, '1px drag, change event should not be triggered');
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ change: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 0, dy: 20 });
+ ok(hash, 'change event triggered');
+ ok(hash.helper, 'UI hash includes: helper');
+ ok(hash.placeholder, 'UI hash includes: placeholder');
+ ok(hash.position && ( && hash.position.left), 'UI hash includes: position');
+ ok(hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left), 'UI hash includes: offset');
+ ok(hash.item, 'UI hash includes: item');
+ ok(!hash.sender, 'UI hash does not include: sender');
+test("beforeStop", function() {
+ var hash;
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ beforeStop: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 0, dy: 20 });
+ ok(hash, 'beforeStop event triggered');
+ ok(hash.helper, 'UI hash includes: helper');
+ ok(hash.placeholder, 'UI hash includes: placeholder');
+ ok(hash.position && ( && hash.position.left), 'UI hash includes: position');
+ ok(hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left), 'UI hash includes: offset');
+ ok(hash.item, 'UI hash includes: item');
+ ok(!hash.sender, 'UI hash does not include: sender');
+test("stop", function() {
+ var hash;
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ stop: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 0, dy: 20 });
+ ok(hash, 'stop event triggered');
+ ok(!hash.helper, 'UI should not include: helper');
+ ok(hash.placeholder, 'UI hash includes: placeholder');
+ ok(hash.position && ( && hash.position.left), 'UI hash includes: position');
+ ok(hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left), 'UI hash includes: offset');
+ ok(hash.item, 'UI hash includes: item');
+ ok(!hash.sender, 'UI hash does not include: sender');
+test("update", function() {
+ var hash;
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ update: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 1, dy: 1 });
+ ok(!hash, '1px drag, update event should not be triggered');
+ $("#sortable")
+ .sortable({ update: function(e, ui) { hash = ui; } })
+ .find('li:eq(0)').simulate("drag", { dx: 0, dy: 20 });
+ ok(hash, 'update event triggered');
+ ok(!hash.helper, 'UI hash should not include: helper');
+ ok(hash.placeholder, 'UI hash includes: placeholder');
+ ok(hash.position && ( && hash.position.left), 'UI hash includes: position');
+ ok(hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left), 'UI hash includes: offset');
+ ok(hash.item, 'UI hash includes: item');
+ ok(!hash.sender, 'UI hash does not include: sender');
+test("receive", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("remove", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("over", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("out", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("activate", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("deactivate", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b5cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * sortable_methods.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+var el, offsetBefore, offsetAfter, dragged;
+var drag = function(handle, dx, dy) {
+ offsetBefore = $(handle).offset();
+ $(handle).simulate("drag", {
+ dx: dx || 0,
+ dy: dy || 0
+ });
+ dragged = { dx: dx, dy: dy };
+ offsetAfter = $(handle).offset();
+var sort = function(handle, dx, dy, index, msg) {
+ drag(handle, dx, dy);
+ equals($(handle).parent().children().index(handle), index, msg);
+module("sortable: methods");
+test("init", function() {
+ expect(6);
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').sortable().remove();
+ ok(true, '.sortable() called on element');
+ $([]).sortable();
+ ok(true, '.sortable() called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").sortable();
+ ok(true, '.sortable() called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").sortable().sortable("foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after init');
+ $("<div></div>").sortable().sortable("option", "foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option getter after init');
+ $("<div></div>").sortable().sortable("option", "foo", "bar");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary option setter after init');
+test("destroy", function() {
+ $("<div></div>").appendTo('body').sortable().sortable("destroy").remove();
+ ok(true, '.sortable("destroy") called on element');
+ $([]).sortable().sortable("destroy");
+ ok(true, '.sortable("destroy") called on empty collection');
+ $("<div></div>").sortable().sortable("destroy");
+ ok(true, '.sortable("destroy") called on disconnected DOMElement');
+ $("<div></div>").sortable().sortable("destroy").sortable("foo");
+ ok(true, 'arbitrary method called after destroy');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').sortable(),
+ actual = expected.sortable('destroy');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'destroy is chainable');
+test("enable", function() {
+ expect(5);
+ el = $("#sortable").sortable({ disabled: true });
+ sort($("li", el)[0], 0, 40, 0, '.sortable({ disabled: true })');
+ el.sortable("enable");
+ equals(el.sortable("option", "disabled"), false, "disabled option getter");
+ el.sortable("destroy");
+ el.sortable({ disabled: true });
+ el.sortable("option", "disabled", false);
+ equals(el.sortable("option", "disabled"), false, "disabled option setter");
+ sort($("li", el)[0], 0, 40, 2, '.sortable("option", "disabled", false)');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').sortable(),
+ actual = expected.sortable('enable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'enable is chainable');
+test("disable", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ el = $("#sortable").sortable({ disabled: false });
+ sort($("li", el)[0], 0, 40, 2, '.sortable({ disabled: false })');
+ el.sortable("disable");
+ sort($("li", el)[0], 0, 40, 0, 'disabled.sortable getter');
+ el.sortable("destroy");
+ el.sortable({ disabled: false });
+ sort($("li", el)[0], 0, 40, 2, '.sortable({ disabled: false })');
+ el.sortable("option", "disabled", true);
+ equals(el.sortable("option", "disabled"), true, "disabled option setter");
+ ok(el.sortable("widget").is(":not(.ui-state-disabled)"), "sortable element does not get ui-state-disabled since it's an interaction");
+ sort($("li", el)[0], 0, 40, 0, '.sortable("option", "disabled", true)');
+ var expected = $('<div></div>').sortable(),
+ actual = expected.sortable('disable');
+ equals(actual, expected, 'disable is chainable');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..507d5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ * sortable_options.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+module("sortable: options");
+test("{ appendTo: 'parent' }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ appendTo: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ axis: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ axis: 'x' }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ axis: 'y' }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ axis: ? }, unexpected", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ cancel: ':input,button' }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ cancel: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ connectWith: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ connectWith: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ containment: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ containment: Element }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ containment: 'document' }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ containment: 'parent' }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ containment: 'window' }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ containment: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ cursor: 'auto' }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ cursor: 'move' }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ cursorAt: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ cursorAt: true }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ delay: 0 }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ delay: 100 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ distance: 1 }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ distance: 10 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ dropOnEmpty: true }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ dropOnEmpty: false }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ forcePlaceholderSize: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ forcePlaceholderSize: true }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ forceHelperSize: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ forceHelperSize: true }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ grid: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ grid: [17, 3] }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ grid: [3, 7] }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ handle: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ handle: Element }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ handle: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ helper: 'original' }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ helper: Function }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ items: '> *' }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ items: Selector }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ opacity: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ opacity: .37 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ opacity: 1 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ placeholder: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ placeholder: String }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ revert: false }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ revert: true }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scroll: true }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scroll: false }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scrollSensitivity: 20 }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scrollSensitivity: 2 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scrollSensitivity: 200 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scrollSpeed: 20 }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scrollSpeed: 2 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scrollSpeed: 200 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scope: 'default' }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ scope: ??? }, unexpected", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ tolerance: 'intersect' }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ tolerance: 'pointer' }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ zIndex: 1000 }, default", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ zIndex: 1 }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+test("{ zIndex: false }", function() {
+ ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_tickets.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_tickets.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3edc8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/sortable/sortable_tickets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * sortable_tickets.js
+ */
+(function($) {
+var el, offsetBefore, offsetAfter, dragged;
+var drag = function(handle, dx, dy) {
+ offsetBefore = $(handle).offset();
+ $(handle).simulate("drag", {
+ dx: dx || 0,
+ dy: dy || 0
+ });
+ dragged = { dx: dx, dy: dy };
+ offsetAfter = $(handle).offset();
+var sort = function(handle, dx, dy, index, msg) {
+ drag(handle, dx, dy);
+ equals($(handle).parent().children().index(handle), index, msg);
+module("sortable: tickets");
+test("#3019: Stop fires too early", function() {
+ var helper = null;
+ el = $("#sortable").sortable({
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ helper = ui.helper;
+ }
+ });
+ sort($("li", el)[0], 0, 40, 2, 'Dragging the sortable');
+ equals(helper, null, "helper should be false");
+test('#4752: link event firing on sortable with connect list', function () {
+ var fired = {},
+ hasFired = function (type) { return (type in fired) && (true === fired[type]); };
+ $('#sortable').clone().attr('id', 'sortable2').insertAfter('#sortable');
+ $('#main ul').sortable({
+ connectWith: '#main ul',
+ change: function (e, ui) {
+ fired.change = true;
+ },
+ receive: function (e, ui) {
+ fired.receive = true;
+ },
+ remove: function (e, ui) {
+ fired.remove = true;
+ }
+ });
+ $('#main ul li').live('click.ui-sortable-test', function () {
+ = true;
+ });
+ $('#sortable li:eq(0)').simulate('click');
+ ok(!hasFired('change'), 'Click only, change event should not have fired');
+ ok(hasFired('click'), 'Click event should have fired');
+ // Drag an item within the first list
+ fired = {};
+ $('#sortable li:eq(0)').simulate('drag', { dx: 0, dy: 40 });
+ ok(hasFired('change'), '40px drag, change event should have fired');
+ ok(!hasFired('receive'), 'Receive event should not have fired');
+ ok(!hasFired('remove'), 'Remove event should not have fired');
+ ok(!hasFired('click'), 'Click event should not have fired');
+ // Drag an item from the first list to the second, connected list
+ fired = {};
+ $('#sortable li:eq(0)').simulate('drag', { dx: 0, dy: 150 });
+ ok(hasFired('change'), '150px drag, change event should have fired');
+ ok(hasFired('receive'), 'Receive event should have fired');
+ ok(hasFired('remove'), 'Remove event should have fired');
+ ok(!hasFired('click'), 'Click event should not have fired');
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1075362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Spinner Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "spinner" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Spinner Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c01a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner.html
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Spinner Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../../external/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../../external/globalize.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../../external/globalize.culture.ja-JP.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.button", "ui.spinner" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.button.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.spinner.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="spinner_test_helpers.js"></script>
+ <script src="spinner_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="spinner_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="spinner_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="spinner_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="spinner_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Spinner Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<input id="spin" class="foo">
+<input id="spin2" value="2">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e12d1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "spinner: core" );
+test( "keydown UP on input, increases value not greater than max", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 70 ).spinner({
+ max: 100,
+ step: 10
+ });
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 80 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 90 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 100 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 100 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 100 );
+test( "keydown DOWN on input, decreases value not less than min", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 50 ).spinner({
+ min: 20,
+ step: 10
+ });
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 40 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 30 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+test( "keydown PAGE_UP on input, increases value not greater than max", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 70 ).spinner({
+ max: 100,
+ page: 10
+ });
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 80 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 90 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 100 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 100 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ equal( element.val(), 100 );
+test( "keydown PAGE_DOWN on input, decreases value not less than min", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 50 ).spinner({
+ min: 20,
+ page: 10
+ });
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 40 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 30 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+test( "mouse click on up button, increases value not greater than max", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 18 ).spinner({
+ max: 20
+ }),
+ button = element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" );
+ button.trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equal( element.val(), 19 );
+ button.trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+ button.trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equal( element.val(), 20 );
+test( "mouse click on up button, increases value not greater than max", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 2 ).spinner({
+ min: 0
+ }),
+ button = element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-down" );
+ button.trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equal( element.val(), 1 );
+ button.trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equal( element.val(), 0 );
+ button.trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equal( element.val(), 0 );
+test( "mousewheel on input", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({
+ step: 2
+ });
+ element.trigger( "mousewheel" );
+ equal( element.val(), 0, "mousewheel event without delta does not change value" );
+ element.trigger( "mousewheel", 1 );
+ equal( element.val(), 2 );
+ element.trigger( "mousewheel", -0.2 );
+ equal( element.val(), 0 );
+ element.trigger( "mousewheel", -15 );
+ equal(element.val(), -2 );
+test( "reading HTML5 attributes", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var markup = "<input type='number' min='-100' max='100' value='5' step='2'>",
+ element = $( markup ).spinner();
+ equal( element.spinner( "option", "min" ), -100, "min from markup" );
+ equal( element.spinner( "option", "max" ), 100, "max from markup" );
+ equal( element.spinner( "option", "step" ), 2, "step from markup" );
+ element = $( markup ).spinner({
+ min: -200,
+ max: 200,
+ step: 5
+ });
+ equal( element.spinner( "option", "min" ), -200, "min from options" );
+ equal( element.spinner( "option", "max" ), 200, "max from options" );
+ equal( element.spinner( "option", "step" ), 5, "stop from options" );
+test( "ARIA attributes", function() {
+ expect( 9 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 2 ).spinner({ min: -5, max: 5 });
+ equal( element.attr( "role" ), "spinbutton", "role" );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuemin" ), "-5", "aria-valuemin" );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuemax" ), "5", "aria-valuemax" );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuenow" ), "2", "aria-valuenow" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuenow" ), "3", "stepUp 1 step changes aria-valuenow" );
+ element.spinner( "option", { min: -10, max: 10 } );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuemin" ), "-10", "min option changed aria-valuemin changes" );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuemax" ), "10", "max option changed aria-valuemax changes" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "min", null );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuemin" ), undefined, "aria-valuemin not set when no min" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "max", null );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-valuemax" ), undefined, "aria-valuemax not set when no max" );
+test( "focus text field when pressing button", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).spinner();
+ $( "body" ).focus();
+ ok( element[ 0 ] !== document.activeElement, "not focused before" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).mousedown();
+ ok( element[ 0 ] === document.activeElement, "focused after" );
+test( "don't clear invalid value on blur", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).spinner();
+ element.focus().val( "a" ).blur();
+ equal( element.val(), "a" );
+test( "precision", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( .05 ).spinner({
+ step: .0001
+ });
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equal( element.val(), "0.0501", "precision from step" );
+ element.val( 1.05 ).spinner( "option", {
+ step: 1,
+ min: -9.95
+ });
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ equal( element.val(), "0.05", "precision from min" );
+})( jQuery );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4e7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "spinner", {
+ defaults: {
+ culture: null,
+ disabled: false,
+ incremental: true,
+ max: null,
+ min: null,
+ numberFormat: null,
+ page: 10,
+ step: 1,
+ // callbacks
+ change: null,
+ create: null,
+ spin: null,
+ start: null,
+ stop: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43ba33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "spinner: events" );
+test( "start", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).spinner();
+ function shouldStart( expectation, msg ) {
+ element.spinner( "option", "start", function() {
+ ok( expectation, msg );
+ });
+ }
+ shouldStart( true, "key UP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ shouldStart( true, "key DOWN" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ shouldStart( true, "key PAGE_UP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ shouldStart( true, "key PAGE_DOWN" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ shouldStart( true, "button up" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldStart( true, "button down" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-down" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldStart( false, "stepUp" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ shouldStart( false, "stepDown" );
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ shouldStart( false, "pageUp" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp" );
+ shouldStart( false, "pageDown" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown" );
+ shouldStart( false, "value" );
+ element.spinner( "value", 999 );
+test( "spin", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).spinner();
+ function shouldSpin( expectation, msg ) {
+ element.spinner( "option", "spin", function() {
+ ok( expectation, msg );
+ });
+ }
+ shouldSpin( true, "key UP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ shouldSpin( true, "key DOWN" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ shouldSpin( true, "key PAGE_UP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ shouldSpin( true, "key PAGE_DOWN" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ shouldSpin( true, "button up" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldSpin( true, "button down" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-down" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldSpin( false, "stepUp" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ shouldSpin( false, "stepDown" );
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ shouldSpin( false, "pageUp" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp" );
+ shouldSpin( false, "pageDown" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown" );
+ shouldSpin( false, "value" );
+ element.spinner( "value", 999 );
+test( "stop", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).spinner();
+ function shouldStop( expectation, msg ) {
+ element.spinner( "option", "stop", function() {
+ ok( expectation, msg );
+ });
+ }
+ shouldStop( true, "key UP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ shouldStop( true, "key DOWN" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ shouldStop( true, "key PAGE_UP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ shouldStop( true, "key PAGE_DOWN" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ shouldStop( true, "button up" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldStop( true, "button down" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-down" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldStop( false, "stepUp" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ shouldStop( false, "stepDown" );
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ shouldStop( false, "pageUp" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp" );
+ shouldStop( false, "pageDown" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown" );
+ shouldStop( false, "value" );
+ element.spinner( "value", 999 );
+test( "change", function() {
+ expect( 14 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).spinner();
+ function shouldChange( expectation, msg ) {
+ element.spinner( "option", "change", function() {
+ ok( expectation, msg );
+ });
+ }
+ element.focus();
+ shouldChange( false, "key UP, before blur" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ shouldChange( true, "blur after key UP" );
+ element.blur();
+ element.focus();
+ shouldChange( false, "key DOWN, before blur" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ shouldChange( true, "blur after key DOWN" );
+ element.blur();
+ element.focus();
+ shouldChange( false, "key PAGE_UP, before blur" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ shouldChange( true, "blur after key PAGE_UP" );
+ element.blur();
+ element.focus();
+ shouldChange( false, "key PAGE_DOWN, before blur" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ shouldChange( true, "blur after key PAGE_DOWN" );
+ element.blur();
+ shouldChange( false, "many keys, before blur" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ shouldChange( true, "blur after many keys" );
+ element.blur();
+ shouldChange( false, "many keys, same final value, before blur" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ shouldChange( false, "blur after many keys, same final value" );
+ shouldChange( false, "button up, before blur" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldChange( true, "blur after button up" );
+ element.blur();
+ shouldChange( false, "button down, before blur" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-down" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldChange( true, "blur after button down" );
+ element.blur();
+ shouldChange( false, "many buttons, same final value, before blur" );
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-down" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ element.spinner( "widget" ).find( ".ui-spinner-down" ).mousedown().mouseup();
+ shouldChange( false, "blur after many buttons, same final value" );
+ element.blur();
+ shouldChange( true, "stepUp" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ shouldChange( true, "stepDown" );
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ shouldChange( true, "pageUp" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp" );
+ shouldChange( true, "pageDown" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown" );
+ shouldChange( true, "value" );
+ element.spinner( "value", 999 );
+ shouldChange( false, "value, same value" );
+ element.spinner( "value", 999 );
+ shouldChange( true, "max, value changed" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "max", 900 );
+ shouldChange( false, "max, value not changed" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "max", 1000 );
+ shouldChange( true, "min, value changed" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "min", 950 );
+ shouldChange( false, "min, value not changed" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "min", 200 );
+})( jQuery );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9fd6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "spinner: methods" );
+test( "destroy", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ domEqual( "#spin", function() {
+ $( "#spin" ).spinner().spinner( "destroy" );
+ });
+test( "disable", function() {
+ expect( 14 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 2 ).spinner(),
+ wrapper = $( "#spin" ).spinner( "widget" );
+ ok( !wrapper.hasClass( "ui-spinner-disabled" ), "before: wrapper does not have ui-spinner-disabled class" );
+ ok( ! ":disabled" ), "before: input does not have disabled attribute" );
+ element.spinner( "disable" );
+ ok( wrapper.hasClass( "ui-spinner-disabled" ), "after: wrapper has ui-spinner-disabled class" );
+ ok( ":disabled"), "after: input has disabled attribute" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ equals( 2, element.val(), "keyboard - value does not change on key UP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN );
+ equals( 2, element.val(), "keyboard - value does not change on key DOWN" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP );
+ equals( 2, element.val(), "keyboard - value does not change on key PGUP" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN );
+ equals( 2, element.val(), "keyboard - value does not change on key PGDN" );
+ wrapper.find( ".ui-spinner-up" ).trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equals( 2, element.val(), "mouse - value does not change on clicking up button" );
+ wrapper.find( ".ui-spinner-down" ).trigger( "mousedown" ).trigger( "mouseup" );
+ equals( 2, element.val(), "mouse - value does not change on clicking down button" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp", 6 );
+ equals( 8, element.val(), "script - stepUp 6 steps changes value");
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ equals( 7, element.val(), "script - stepDown 1 step changes value" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp" );
+ equals( 17, element.val(), "script - pageUp 1 page changes value" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown" );
+ equals( 7, element.val(), "script - pageDown 1 page changes value" );
+test( "enable", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 1 ).spinner({ disabled: true })
+ wrapper = element.spinner( "widget" );
+ ok( wrapper.hasClass( "ui-spinner-disabled" ), "before: wrapper has ui-spinner-disabled class" );
+ ok( ":disabled" ), "before: input has disabled attribute" );
+ element.spinner( "enable" );
+ ok( !wrapper.hasClass( ".ui-spinner-disabled" ), "after: wrapper does not have ui-spinner-disabled class" );
+ ok( ! ":disabled" ), "after: input does not have disabled attribute" );
+ spinner_simulateKeyDownUp( element, $.ui.keyCode.UP );
+ equals( 2, element.val(), "keyboard - value changes on key UP" );
+test( "pageDown", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( -12 ).spinner({
+ page: 20,
+ min: -100
+ });
+ element.spinner( "pageDown" );
+ equals( element.val(), -32, "pageDown 1 page" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown", 3 );
+ equals( element.val(), -92, "pageDown 3 pages" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown" );
+ equals( element.val(), -100, "value close to min and pageDown 1 page" );
+ element.spinner( "pageDown", 10 );
+ equals( element.val(), -100, "value at min and pageDown 10 pages" );
+test( "pageUp", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 12 ).spinner({
+ page: 20,
+ max: 100
+ });
+ element.spinner( "pageUp" );
+ equals( element.val(), 32, "pageUp 1 page" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp", 3 );
+ equals( element.val(), 92, "pageUp 3 pages" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp" );
+ equals( element.val(), 100, "value close to max and pageUp 1 page" );
+ element.spinner( "pageUp", 10 );
+ equals( element.val(), 100, "value at max and pageUp 10 pages" );
+test( "stepDown", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({
+ step: 2,
+ min: -15
+ });
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ equals( element.val(), "-1", "stepDown 1 step" );
+ element.spinner( "stepDown", 5 );
+ equals( element.val(), "-11", "stepDown 5 steps" );
+ element.spinner( "stepDown", 4 );
+ equals( element.val(), "-15", "close to min and stepDown 4 steps" );
+ element.spinner( "stepDown" );
+ equals( element.val(), "-15", "at min and stepDown 1 step" );
+test( "stepUp", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({
+ step: 2,
+ max: 16
+ });
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equals( element.val(), 2, "stepUp 1 step" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp", 5 );
+ equals( element.val(), 12, "stepUp 5 steps" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp", 4 );
+ equals( element.val(), 16, "close to min and stepUp 4 steps" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equals( element.val(), 16, "at max and stepUp 1 step" );
+test( "value", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({
+ step: 3
+ });
+ element.spinner( "value", 10 );
+ equals( element.val(), 9, "change value via value method" );
+ equals( element.spinner( "value" ), 9, "get value via value method" );
+})( jQuery );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f434f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "spinner: options" );
+// culture is tested after numberFormat, since it depends on numberFormat
+test( "incremental, false", function() {
+ expect( 100 );
+ var i, diff,
+ prev = 0,
+ element = $( "#spin" ).val( prev ).spinner({
+ incremental: false,
+ spin: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.value - prev, 1 );
+ prev = ui.value;
+ }
+ });
+ for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+ }
+ element.simulate( "keyup", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+test( "incremental, true", function() {
+ expect( 100 );
+ function fill( num, val ) {
+ return $.map( new Array( num ), function() {
+ return val;
+ });
+ }
+ var i, diff,
+ prev = 0,
+ expected = [].concat( fill( 18, 1 ), fill( 37, 2 ), fill( 14, 3 ),
+ fill( 9, 4 ), fill( 6, 5 ), fill( 5, 6 ), fill ( 5, 7 ),
+ fill( 4, 8 ), fill( 2, 9 ) ),
+ element = $( "#spin" ).val( prev ).spinner({
+ incremental: true,
+ spin: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.value - prev, expected[ i ] );
+ prev = ui.value;
+ }
+ });
+ for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+ }
+ element.simulate( "keyup", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+test( "incremental, function", function() {
+ expect( 100 );
+ var i,
+ prev = 0,
+ element = $( "#spin" ).val( prev ).spinner({
+ incremental: function( i ) {
+ return i;
+ },
+ spin: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.value - prev, i + 1 );
+ prev = ui.value;
+ }
+ });
+ for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
+ element.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+ }
+ element.simulate( "keyup", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
+test( "numberFormat, number", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({ numberFormat: "n" });
+ equal( element.val(), "0.00", "formatted on init" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equal( element.val(), "1.00", "formatted after step" );
+test( "numberFormat, number, simple", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({ numberFormat: "n0" });
+ equal( element.val(), "0", "formatted on init" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equal( element.val(), "1", "formatted after step" );
+test( "numberFormat, currency", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({ numberFormat: "C" });
+ equal( element.val(), "$0.00", "formatted on init" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equal( element.val(), "$1.00", "formatted after step" );
+test( "numberFormat, change", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 5 ).spinner({ numberFormat: "n1" });
+ equal( element.val(), "5.0", "formatted on init" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "numberFormat", "c" );
+ equal( element.val(), "$5.00", "formatted after change" );
+test( "culture, null", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ Globalize.culture( "ja-JP" );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({ numberFormat: "C" });
+ equal( element.val(), "¥0", "formatted on init" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equal( element.val(), "¥1", "formatted after step" );
+ // reset culture
+ Globalize.culture( "default" );
+test( "currency, ja-JP", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({
+ numberFormat: "C",
+ culture: "ja-JP"
+ });
+ equal( element.val(), "¥0", "formatted on init" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equal( element.val(), "¥1", "formatted after step" );
+test( "currency, change", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 5 ).spinner({
+ numberFormat: "C",
+ culture: "ja-JP"
+ });
+ equal( element.val(), "¥5", "formatted on init" );
+ element.spinner( "option", "culture", "en" );
+ equal( element.val(), "$5.00", "formatted after change" );
+test( "max", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 1000 ).spinner({ max: 100 });
+ equals( element.val(), 1000, "value not constrained on init" );
+ element.spinner( "value", 1000 );
+ equals( element.val(), 100, "max constrained if value method is greater" );
+ element.val( 1000 ).blur();
+ equals( element.val(), 1000, "max not constrained if manual entry" );
+test( "min", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( -1000 ).spinner({ min: -100 });
+ equals( element.val(), -1000, "value not constrained on init" );
+ element.spinner( "value", -1000 );
+ equals( element.val(), -100, "min constrained if value method is greater" );
+ element.val( -1000 ).blur();
+ equals( element.val(), -1000, "min not constrained if manual entry" );
+test( "step, 2", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#spin" ).val( 0 ).spinner({ step: 2 });
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equals( element.val(), "2", "stepUp" );
+ element.spinner( "value", "10.5" );
+ equals( element.val(), "10", "value reset to 10" );
+ element.val( "4.5" );
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equals( element.val(), "6", "stepUp" );
+test( "step, 0.7", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $("#spin").val( 0 ).spinner({
+ step: 0.7
+ });
+ element.spinner( "stepUp" );
+ equals( element.val(), "0.7", "stepUp" );
+})( jQuery );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_test_helpers.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_test_helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af555db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_test_helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+var spinner_simulateKeyDownUp = function( element, keyCode, shift ) {
+ element
+ .simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: keyCode, shiftKey: shift || false } )
+ .simulate( "keyup", { keyCode: keyCode, shiftKey: shift || false } );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuite.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuite.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e584d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuite.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(function() {
+var versions = [ "1.6", "1.6.1", "1.6.2", "1.6.3", "1.6.4", "1.7", "1.7.1", "git" ];
+var additionalTests = {
+ accordion: [ "accordion_deprecated.html" ],
+ position: [ "position_deprecated.html" ],
+ tabs: [ "tabs_deprecated.html" ]
+window.testAllVersions = function( widget ) {
+ QUnit.testSuites( $.map(
+ [ widget + ".html" ].concat( additionalTests[ widget ] || [] ),
+ function( test ) {
+ return $.map( versions, function( version ) {
+ return test + "?jquery=" + version;
+ });
+ }));
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuiteRunner.css b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuiteRunner.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bca30a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuiteRunner.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+iframe.qunit-subsuite {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ border-width: 1px 0 0;
+ height: 600px;
+ width: 100%;
+ background: #fff;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuiteRunner.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuiteRunner.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddfccc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/subsuiteRunner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+(function( QUnit ) {
+var subsuiteFrame;
+QUnit.extend( QUnit, {
+ testSuites: function( suites ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++ ) {
+ (function( suite ) {
+ asyncTest( suite, function() {
+ QUnit.runSuite( suite );
+ });
+ }( suites[i] ) );
+ }
+ QUnit.done = function() {
+ = "none";
+ };
+ },
+ testStart: function( data ) {
+ // update the test status to show which test suite is running
+ "qunit-testresult" ).innerHTML = "Running " + + "...<br>&nbsp;";
+ },
+ testDone: function() {
+ var current = ),
+ children = current.children;
+ // undo the auto-expansion of failed tests
+ for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( children[i].nodeName === "OL" ) {
+ children[i].style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ runSuite: function( suite ) {
+ var body = document.getElementsByTagName( "body" )[0],
+ iframe = subsuiteFrame = document.createElement( "iframe" ),
+ iframeWin;
+ iframe.className = "qunit-subsuite";
+ body.appendChild( iframe );
+ function onIframeLoad() {
+ var module, test,
+ count = 0;
+ QUnit.extend( iframeWin.QUnit, {
+ moduleStart: function( data ) {
+ // capture module name for messages
+ module =;
+ },
+ testStart: function( data ) {
+ // capture test name for messages
+ test =;
+ },
+ log: function( data ) {
+ // pass all test details through to the main page
+ var message = module + ": " + test + ": " + data.message;
+ expect( ++count );
+ QUnit.push( data.result, data.actual, data.expected, message );
+ },
+ done: function() {
+ // start the wrapper test from the main page
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ QUnit.addEvent( iframe, "load", onIframeLoad );
+ iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow;
+ iframe.setAttribute( "src", suite );
+ this.runSuite = function( suite ) {
+ iframe.setAttribute( "src", suite );
+ };
+ }
+}( QUnit ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/swarminject.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/swarminject.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db69326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/swarminject.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// load testswarm agent
+(function() {
+ var url =;
+ url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + 9 ) );
+ if ( !url || url.indexOf("http") !== 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ document.write("<scr" + "ipt src='" + (new Date).getTime() + "'></scr" + "ipt>");
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363edc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Tabs Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "tabs" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Tabs Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/data/test.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/data/test.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd59e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/data/test.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<p>&#8230;content loaded via Ajax.</p> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2a672b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Tabs Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ $.uiBackCompat = false;
+ </script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.tabs" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.tabs.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_options.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ function tabs_state( tabs ) {
+ var expected = $.makeArray( arguments ).slice( 1 );
+ var actual = tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).map(function() {
+ var tab = $( this ),
+ panel = $( $.ui.tabs.prototype._sanitizeSelector(
+ "#" + tab.find( "a" ).attr( "aria-controls" ) ) ),
+ tabIsActive = tab.hasClass( "ui-state-active" ),
+ panelIsActive = panel.css( "display" ) !== "none";
+ if ( tabIsActive && panelIsActive ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( !tabIsActive && !panelIsActive ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1; // mixed state - invalid
+ }).get();
+ same( actual, expected );
+ }
+ function tabs_disabled( tabs, state ) {
+ var expected = $.map( new Array( tabs.find ( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).length ), function( _, index ) {
+ if ( typeof state === "boolean" ) {
+ return state ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ return $.inArray( index, state ) !== -1 ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ });
+ var internalState = tabs.tabs( "option", "disabled" );
+ if ( internalState === false ) {
+ internalState = [];
+ }
+ if ( internalState === true ) {
+ internalState = $.map( new Array( tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).length ), function( _, index ) {
+ return index;
+ });
+ }
+ var actual = tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).map(function( index ) {
+ var tab = $( this ),
+ tabIsDisabled = tab.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
+ if ( tabIsDisabled && $.inArray( index, internalState ) !== -1 ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( !tabIsDisabled && $.inArray( index, internalState ) === -1 ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1; // mixed state - invalid
+ }).get();
+ same( tabs.tabs( "option", "disabled" ), state );
+ same( actual, expected );
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Tabs Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="tabs1">
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#fragment-1"><span>1</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#fragment-2"><span>2</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#fragment-3"><span>3</span></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="fragment-1"></div>
+ <div id="fragment-2"></div>
+ <div id="fragment-3"></div>
+<div id="tabs2">
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#colon:test"><span>1</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#inline-style"><span>2</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="data/test.html#test"><span>3</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="data/test.html" aria-controls="custom-id"><span>4</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="data/test.html" title="∫ßáö Սե"><span>5</span></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="colon:test"></div>
+ <div style="height: 300px;" id="inline-style"></div>
+<div id="tabs3">
+ <div>
+ <ul id="tabs3-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs3-1">1</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<div id="tabs4">
+ <ul id="tabs4-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs4-1">1</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#tabs4-1">1</a></li>
+ </ol>
+<div id="tabs4a">
+ <ol id="tabs4a-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs4a-1">1</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#tabs4a-1">1</a></li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="tabs5">
+ <div>
+ <ul id="tabs5-list"></ul>
+ </div>
+<div id="tabs6">
+ <ul id="tabs6-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs6-1">1</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#item6-3">3</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#item6-4">4</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#tabs6-2">2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="tabs6-1"></div>
+ <div id="tabs6-2"></div>
+<div id="tabs7">
+ <ul id="tabs7-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs7-1">1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tabs7-2">2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="tabs7-2"></div>
+ <div id="tabs7-1"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c1ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tabs: core" );
+test( "markup structure", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ ok( element.hasClass( "ui-tabs" ), "main element is .ui-tabs" );
+ ok( element.find( "ul" ).hasClass( "ui-tabs-nav" ), "list item is .ui-tabs-nav" );
+ equal( element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" ).length, 3,
+ ".ui-tabs-panel elements exist, correct number" );
+ "deep ul": "#tabs3",
+ "multiple lists, ul first": "#tabs4",
+ "multiple lists, ol first": "#tabs5",
+ "empty list": "#tabs6"
+}, function( type, selector ) {
+ test( "markup structure: " + type, function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( selector ).tabs();
+ ok( element.hasClass( "ui-tabs" ), "main element is .ui-tabs" );
+ ok( $( selector + "-list" ).hasClass( "ui-tabs-nav" ),
+ "list item is .ui-tabs-nav" );
+ });
+// #5893 - Sublist in the tab list are considered as tab
+test( "nested list", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs6" ).tabs();
+ equals( "tabs" ).anchors.length, 2, "should contain 2 tab" );
+test( "disconnected from DOM", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).remove().tabs();
+ equals( element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav" ).length, 1, "should initialize nav" );
+ equals( element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" ).length, 3, "should initialize panels" );
+test( "aria-controls", function() {
+ expect( 7 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs(),
+ tabs = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" );
+ tabs.each(function() {
+ var tab = $( this );
+ equal( tab.prop( "hash" ).substring( 1 ), tab.attr( "aria-controls" ) );
+ });
+ element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs();
+ tabs = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" );
+ equal( tabs.eq( 0 ).attr( "aria-controls" ), "colon:test" );
+ equal( tabs.eq( 1 ).attr( "aria-controls" ), "inline-style" );
+ ok( /^ui-tabs-\d+$/.test( tabs.eq( 2 ).attr( "aria-controls" ) ), "generated id" );
+ equal( tabs.eq( 3 ).attr( "aria-controls" ), "custom-id" );
+test( "accessibility", function() {
+ // TODO: add tests
+test( "#3627 - Ajax tab with url containing a fragment identifier fails to load", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs({
+ active: 2,
+ beforeLoad: function( event, ui ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ ok( /test.html$/.test( ui.ajaxSettings.url ), "should ignore fragment identifier" );
+ }
+ });
+test( "#4033 - IE expands hash to full url and misinterprets tab as ajax", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "<div><ul><li><a href='#tab'>Tab</a></li></ul><div id='tab'></div></div>" );
+ element.appendTo( "#main" );
+ element.tabs({
+ beforeLoad: function( event, ui ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ ok( false, 'should not be an ajax tab');
+ }
+ });
+ equals( element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).attr( "aria-controls" ), "tab", "aria-contorls attribute is correct" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1 );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52b6f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "tabs", {
+ defaults: {
+ active: null,
+ collapsible: false,
+ disabled: false,
+ event: "click",
+ fx: null,
+ // callbacks
+ activate: null,
+ beforeActivate: null,
+ beforeLoad: null,
+ create: null,
+ load: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_defaults_deprecated.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_defaults_deprecated.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a56297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_defaults_deprecated.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "tabs", {
+ defaults: {
+ active: null,
+ ajaxOptions: null,
+ cache: false,
+ collapsible: false,
+ cookie: null,
+ disabled: false,
+ event: "click",
+ fx: null,
+ idPrefix: "ui-tabs-",
+ panelTemplate: "<div></div>",
+ spinner: "<em>Loading&#8230;</em>",
+ tabTemplate: "<li><a href='#{href}'><span>#{label}</span></a></li>",
+ // callbacks
+ activate: null,
+ add: null,
+ beforeActivate: null,
+ beforeLoad: null,
+ create: null,
+ disable: null,
+ enable: null,
+ load: null,
+ remove: null,
+ select: null,
+ show: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92d9be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.html
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Tabs Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../../external/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.tabs" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.tabs.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_defaults_deprecated.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="tabs_deprecated.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ function tabs_state( tabs ) {
+ var expected = $.makeArray( arguments ).slice( 1 );
+ var actual = tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).map(function() {
+ var tab = $( this ),
+ panel = $( $.ui.tabs.prototype._sanitizeSelector(
+ "#" + tab.find( "a" ).attr( "aria-controls" ) ) ),
+ tabIsActive = tab.hasClass( "ui-state-active" ),
+ panelIsActive = panel.css( "display" ) !== "none";
+ if ( tabIsActive && panelIsActive ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( !tabIsActive && !panelIsActive ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1; // mixed state - invalid
+ }).get();
+ same( actual, expected );
+ }
+ function tabs_disabled( tabs, state ) {
+ var expected = $.map( new Array( tabs.find ( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).length ), function( _, index ) {
+ if ( typeof state === "boolean" ) {
+ return state ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ return $.inArray( index, state ) !== -1 ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ });
+ var internalState = tabs.tabs( "option", "disabled" );
+ if ( internalState === false ) {
+ internalState = [];
+ }
+ if ( internalState === true ) {
+ internalState = $.map( new Array( tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).length ), function( _, index ) {
+ return index;
+ });
+ }
+ var actual = tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).map(function( index ) {
+ var tab = $( this ),
+ tabIsDisabled = tab.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
+ if ( tabIsDisabled && $.inArray( index, internalState ) !== -1 ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( !tabIsDisabled && $.inArray( index, internalState ) === -1 ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1; // mixed state - invalid
+ }).get();
+ same( tabs.tabs( "option", "disabled" ), state );
+ same( actual, expected );
+ }
+ </script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Tabs Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="tabs1">
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#fragment-1"><span>1</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#fragment-2"><span>2</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#fragment-3"><span>3</span></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="fragment-1"></div>
+ <div id="fragment-2"></div>
+ <div id="fragment-3"></div>
+<div id="tabs2">
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#colon:test"><span>1</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#inline-style"><span>2</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="data/test.html#test"><span>3</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="data/test.html" aria-controls="custom-id"><span>4</span></a></li>
+ <li><a href="data/test.html" title="∫ßáö Սե"><span>5</span></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="colon:test"></div>
+ <div style="height: 300px;" id="inline-style"></div>
+<div id="tabs3">
+ <div>
+ <ul id="tabs3-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs3-1">1</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<div id="tabs4">
+ <ul id="tabs4-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs4-1">1</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#tabs4-1">1</a></li>
+ </ol>
+<div id="tabs4a">
+ <ol id="tabs4a-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs4a-1">1</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#tabs4a-1">1</a></li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="tabs5">
+ <div>
+ <ul id="tabs5-list"></ul>
+ </div>
+<div id="tabs6">
+ <ul id="tabs6-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs6-1">1</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#item6-3">3</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#item6-4">4</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#tabs6-2">2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="tabs6-1"></div>
+ <div id="tabs6-2"></div>
+<div id="tabs7">
+ <ul id="tabs7-list">
+ <li><a href="#tabs7-1">1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tabs7-2">2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="tabs7-2"></div>
+ <div id="tabs7-1"></div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1323c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.js
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tabs (deprecated): core" );
+test( "panel ids", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs();
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.panel.attr( "id" ), "∫ßáö_Սե", "from title attribute" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 4 );
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( /^ui-tabs-\d+$/.test( ui.panel.attr( "id" ) ), "generated id" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+module( "tabs (deprecated): options" );
+asyncTest( "ajaxOptions", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs({
+ ajaxOptions: {
+ converters: {
+ "text html": function() {
+ return "test";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( $( ui.panel ).html(), "test" );
+ start();
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+asyncTest( "cache", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs({
+ cache: true
+ });
+ "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( true, "tabsload" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( false, "should be cached" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+ start();
+ }, 1 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+test( "idPrefix", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ $( "#tabs2" )
+ .one( "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( /^testing-\d+$/.test( ui.panel.attr( "id" ) ), "generated id" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ })
+ .tabs({
+ idPrefix: "testing-",
+ active: 2
+ });
+test( "tabTemplate + panelTemplate", function() {
+ // defaults are tested in the add method test
+ expect( 11 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs({
+ tabTemplate: "<li class='customTab'><a href='{href}'>#{label}</a></li>",
+ panelTemplate: "<div class='customPanel'></div>"
+ });
+ "tabsadd", function( event, ui ) {
+ var anchor = $( );
+ equal( ui.index, 5, "ui.index" );
+ equal( anchor.text(), "New", "" );
+ equal( anchor.attr( "href" ), "", "tab href" );
+ ok( anchor.parent().hasClass( "customTab" ), "tab custom class" );
+ equal(, "new", "ui.panel" );
+ ok( $( ui.panel ).hasClass( "customPanel" ), "panel custom class" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "add", "#new", "New" );
+ var tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).last(),
+ anchor = tab.find( "a" );
+ equals( tab.text(), "New", "label" );
+ ok( tab.hasClass( "customTab" ), "tab custom class" );
+ equals( anchor.attr( "href" ), "", "href" );
+ equals( anchor.attr( "aria-controls" ), "new", "aria-controls" );
+ ok( element.find( "#new" ).hasClass( "customPanel" ), "panel custom class" );
+test( "cookie", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ),
+ cookieName = "tabs_test",
+ cookieObj = { name: cookieName };
+ $.cookie( cookieName, null );
+ function cookie() {
+ return parseInt( $.cookie( cookieName ), 10 );
+ }
+ element.tabs({ cookie: cookieObj });
+ equals( cookie(), 0, "initial cookie value" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({ active: 1, cookie: cookieObj });
+ equals( cookie(), 1, "initial cookie value, from active property" );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+ equals( cookie(), 2, "cookie value updated after activating" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ $.cookie( cookieName, 1 );
+ element.tabs({ cookie: cookieObj });
+ equals( cookie(), 1, "initial cookie value, from existing cookie" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({ cookie: cookieObj, collapsible: true });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ equals( cookie(), -1, "cookie value for all tabs unselected" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ ok( $.cookie( cookieName ) === null, "erase cookie after destroy" );
+asyncTest( "spinner", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs();
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li:eq(2) em" ).length, 1, "beforeload" );
+ });
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ // wait until after the load finishes before checking for the spinner to be removed
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ equals( element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li:eq(2) em" ).length, 0, "load" );
+ start();
+ }, 1 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+test( "selected", function() {
+ expect( 19 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 0, "should be 0 by default" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ location.hash = "#fragment-3";
+ element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 2, "should be 2 based on URL" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ el = $('#tabs1').tabs({
+ selected: -1,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ equal( element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav .ui-state-active" ).size(), 0, "no tabs selected" );
+ strictEqual( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), -1 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "collapsible", false );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 0 );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({
+ selected: -1
+ });
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ strictEqual( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 0 );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({ selected: 2 });
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "selected", 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 1 ).click();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "selected", 10 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ location.hash = "#";
+module( "tabs (deprecated): events" );
+asyncTest( "load", function() {
+ expect( 15 );
+ var tab, panelId, panel,
+ element = $( "#tabs2" );
+ // init
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 2 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual(, tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( $( ui.panel ).find( "p" ).length, 1, "panel html" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ tabsload1();
+ });
+ element.tabs({ active: 2 });
+ function tabsload1() {
+ // .option()
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual(, tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( $( ui.panel ).find( "p" ).length, 1, "panel html" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ tabsload2();
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 3 );
+ }
+ function tabsload2() {
+ // click, change panel content
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 4 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual(, tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( $( ui.panel ).find( "p" ).length, 1, "panel html" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
+ start();
+ });
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 4 ).click();
+ }
+test( "enable", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ disabled: [ 0, 1 ],
+ enable: function ( event, ui ) {
+ equals(, element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" )[ 1 ], "" );
+ equals( ui.panel, element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" )[ 1 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equals( ui.index, 1, "ui.index" );
+ }
+ });
+ element.tabs( "enable", 1 );
+ // shouldn't trigger event
+ element.tabs( "enable", 2 );
+test( "disable", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ disable: function ( event, ui ) {
+ equals(, element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" )[ 1 ], "" );
+ equals( ui.panel, element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" )[ 1 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equals( ui.index, 1, "ui.index" );
+ }
+ });
+ element.tabs( "disable", 1 );
+ // shouldn't trigger event
+ element.tabs( "disable", 1 );
+test( "show", function() {
+ expect( 13 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ }),
+ tabs = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ),
+ panels = element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" );
+ // from collapsed
+ "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual(, tabs[ 0 ], "" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panels[ 0 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equal( ui.index, 0, "ui.index" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ // switching tabs
+ "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual(, tabs[ 1 ], "" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panels[ 1 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equal( ui.index, 1, "ui.index" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ });
+ tabs.eq( 1 ).click();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // collapsing
+ "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( false, "collapsing" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "select", function() {
+ expect( 13 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ }),
+ tabs = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ),
+ panels = element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" );
+ // from collapsed
+ "tabsselect", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual(, tabs[ 0 ], "" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panels[ 0 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equal( ui.index, 0, "ui.index" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ // switching tabs
+ "tabsselect", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual(, tabs[ 1 ], "" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panels[ 1 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equal( ui.index, 1, "ui.index" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ tabs.eq( 1 ).click();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // collapsing
+ "tabsselect", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( false, "collapsing" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+module( "tabs (deprecated): methods" );
+test( "add", function() {
+ expect( 27 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ // add without index
+ "tabsadd", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.index, 3, "ui.index" );
+ equal( $( ).text(), "New", "" );
+ equal(, "new", "ui.panel" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "add", "#new", "New" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
+ var tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).last(),
+ anchor = tab.find( "a" );
+ equals( tab.text(), "New", "label" );
+ equals( anchor.attr( "href" ), "#new", "href" );
+ equals( anchor.attr( "aria-controls" ), "new", "aria-controls" );
+ ok( !tab.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "not hovered" );
+ anchor.simulate( "mouseover" );
+ ok( tab.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "hovered" );
+ anchor.simulate( "click" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
+ // add remote tab with index
+ "tabsadd", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.index, 1, "ui.index" );
+ equal( $( ).text(), "New Remote", "" );
+ equal(, $( ).attr( "aria-controls" ), "ui.panel" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "add", "data/test.html", "New Remote", 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).eq( 1 );
+ anchor = tab.find( "a" );
+ equals( tab.text(), "New Remote", "label" );
+ equals( anchor.attr( "href" ), "data/test.html", "href" );
+ ok( /^ui-tabs-\d+$/.test( anchor.attr( "aria-controls" ) ), "aria controls" );
+ ok( !tab.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "not hovered" );
+ anchor.simulate( "mouseover" );
+ ok( tab.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "hovered" );
+ anchor.simulate( "click" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
+ // add to empty tab set
+ element = $( "<div><ul></ul></div>" ).tabs();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false, "active: false on init" );
+ "tabsadd", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.index, 0, "ui.index" );
+ equal( $( ).text(), "First", "" );
+ equal(, "first", "ui.panel" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "add", "#first", "First" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0, "active: 0 after add" );
+test( "#5069 - ui.tabs.add creates two tab panels when using a full URL", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs();
+ equals( element.children( "div" ).length, element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).length );
+ element.tabs( "add", "/new", "New" );
+ equals( element.children( "div" ).length, element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).length );
+test( "remove", function() {
+ expect( 17 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({ active: 1 });
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ "tabsremove", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.index, -1, "ui.index" );
+ equal( $( ).text(), "2", "" );
+ equal(, "fragment-2", "ui.panel" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "remove", 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ equals( element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li a[href$='fragment-2']" ).length, 0,
+ "remove correct list item" );
+ equals( element.find( "#fragment-2" ).length, 0, "remove correct panel" );
+ "tabsremove", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.index, -1, "ui.index" );
+ equal( $( ).text(), "3", "" );
+ equal(, "fragment-3", "ui.panel" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "remove", 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active"), 0 );
+ "tabsremove", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( ui.index, -1, "ui.index" );
+ equal( $( ).text(), "1", "" );
+ equal(, "fragment-1", "ui.panel" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "remove", 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false );
+test( "select", function() {
+ expect( 23 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "select", 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1, "active" );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 1, "selected" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({ collapsible: true });
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "select", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false, "active" );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), -1, "selected" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({ collapsible: true });
+ element.tabs( "select", -1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false, "active" );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), -1, "selected" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs();
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0, "active" );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 0, "selected" );
+ element.tabs( "select", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0, "active" );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 0, "selected" );
+ element.tabs( "select", -1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0, "active" );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 0, "selected" );
+ element.tabs( "select", "#fragment-2" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1, "active" );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "selected" ), 1, "selected" );
+test( "length", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ equals( $( "#tabs1" ).tabs().tabs( "length" ), 3, "basic tabs" );
+ equals( $( "#tabs2" ).tabs().tabs( "length" ), 5, "ajax tabs with missing panels" );
+test( "url", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs(),
+ tab = element.find( "a" ).eq( 3 );
+ element.tabs( "url", 3, "data/test2.html" );
+ equals( tab.attr( "href" ), "data/test2.html", "href was updated" );
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( ui.ajaxSettings.url, "data/test2.html", "ajaxSettings.url" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 3 );
+asyncTest( "abort", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs();
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ ui.jqXHR.error(function( jqXHR, status ) {
+ equals( status, "abort", "aborted" );
+ start();
+ });
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+ element.tabs( "abort" );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5cde18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tabs: events" );
+test( "beforeActivate", function() {
+ expect( 38 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ }),
+ tabs = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ),
+ panels = element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" );
+ // from collapsed
+ "tabsbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals( ui.oldTab.size(), 0, "oldTab size" );
+ equals( ui.oldPanel.size(), 0, "oldPanel size" );
+ equals( ui.newTab.size(), 1, "newTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 0 ], "newTab" );
+ equals( ui.newPanel.size(), 1, "newPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 0 ], "newPanel" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ // switching tabs
+ "tabsbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ equals( ui.oldTab.size(), 1, "oldTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 0 ], "oldTab" );
+ equals( ui.oldPanel.size(), 1, "oldPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 0 ], "oldPanel" );
+ equals( ui.newTab.size(), 1, "newTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 1 ], "newTab" );
+ equals( ui.newPanel.size(), 1, "newPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 1 ], "newPanel" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ tabs.eq( 1 ).click();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // collapsing
+ "tabsbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals( ui.oldTab.size(), 1, "oldTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 1 ], "oldTab" );
+ equals( ui.oldPanel.size(), 1, "oldPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 1 ], "oldPanel" );
+ equals( ui.newTab.size(), 0, "newTab size" );
+ equals( ui.newPanel.size(), 0, "newPanel size" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ // prevent activation
+ "tabsbeforeactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals( ui.oldTab.size(), 0, "oldTab size" );
+ equals( ui.oldPanel.size(), 0, "oldTab" );
+ equals( ui.newTab.size(), 1, "newTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 1 ], "newTab" );
+ equals( ui.newPanel.size(), 1, "newPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 1 ], "newPanel" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "activate", function() {
+ expect( 30 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ }),
+ tabs = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ),
+ panels = element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" );
+ // from collapsed
+ "tabsactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals( ui.oldTab.size(), 0, "oldTab size" );
+ equals( ui.oldPanel.size(), 0, "oldPanel size" );
+ equals( ui.newTab.size(), 1, "newTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 0 ], "newTab" );
+ equals( ui.newPanel.size(), 1, "newPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 0 ], "newPanel" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ // switching tabs
+ "tabsactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ equals( ui.oldTab.size(), 1, "oldTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 0 ], "oldTab" );
+ equals( ui.oldPanel.size(), 1, "oldPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 0 ], "oldPanel" );
+ equals( ui.newTab.size(), 1, "newTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 1 ], "newTab" );
+ equals( ui.newPanel.size(), 1, "newPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.newPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 1 ], "newPanel" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ });
+ tabs.eq( 1 ).click();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // collapsing
+ "tabsactivate", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals( ui.oldTab.size(), 1, "oldTab size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldTab[ 0 ], tabs[ 1 ], "oldTab" );
+ equals( ui.oldPanel.size(), 1, "oldPanel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.oldPanel[ 0 ], panels[ 1 ], "oldPanel" );
+ equals( ui.newTab.size(), 0, "newTab size" );
+ equals( ui.newPanel.size(), 0, "newPanel size" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ // prevent activation
+ "tabsbeforeactivate", function( event ) {
+ ok( true, "tabsbeforeactivate" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ "tabsactivate", function() {
+ ok( false, "tabsactivate" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 1 );
+test( "beforeLoad", function() {
+ expect( 32 );
+ var tab, panelId, panel,
+ element = $( "#tabs2" );
+ // init
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 2 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ ok( "abort" in ui.jqXHR, "jqXHR" );
+ ok( ui.ajaxSettings.url, "data/test.html", "ajaxSettings.url" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( ui.panel.html(), "", "panel html" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs({ active: 2 });
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equals( panel.html(), "", "panel html after" );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ // .option()
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 2 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ ok( "abort" in ui.jqXHR, "jqXHR" );
+ ok( ui.ajaxSettings.url, "data/test.html", "ajaxSettings.url" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( ui.panel.html(), "", "panel html" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.tabs();
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equals( panel.html(), "", "panel html after" );
+ // click, change panel content
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ ok( "abort" in ui.jqXHR, "jqXHR" );
+ ok( ui.ajaxSettings.url, "data/test.html", "ajaxSettings.url" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ ui.panel.html( "<p>testing</p>" );
+ event.preventDefault();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 ).click();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // .toLowerCase() is needed to convert <P> to <p> in old IEs
+ equals( panel.html().toLowerCase(), "<p>testing</p>", "panel html after" );
+if ( $.uiBackCompat === false ) {
+ asyncTest( "load", function() {
+ expect( 21 );
+ var tab, panelId, panel,
+ element = $( "#tabs2" );
+ // init
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 2 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( ui.panel.find( "p" ).length, 1, "panel html" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ tabsload1();
+ });
+ element.tabs({ active: 2 });
+ function tabsload1() {
+ // .option()
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( ui.panel.find( "p" ).length, 1, "panel html" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ tabsload2();
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 3 );
+ }
+ function tabsload2() {
+ // click, change panel content
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 4 );
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( ui.panel.find( "p" ).length, 1, "panel html" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
+ start();
+ });
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 4 ).click();
+ }
+ });
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b62f7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tabs: methods" );
+test( "destroy", function() {
+ domEqual( "#tabs1", function() {
+ $( "#tabs1" ).tabs().tabs( "destroy" );
+ });
+test( "enable", function() {
+ expect( 8 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({ disabled: true });
+ tabs_disabled( element, true );
+ element.tabs( "enable" );
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({ disabled: [ 0, 1 ] });
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0, 1 ] );
+ element.tabs( "enable" );
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+test( "enable( index )", function() {
+ expect( 10 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({ disabled: true });
+ tabs_disabled( element, true );
+ // fully disabled -> partially disabled
+ element.tabs( "enable", 1 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0, 2 ] );
+ // partially disabled -> partially disabled
+ element.tabs( "enable", 2 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0 ] );
+ // already enabled tab, no change
+ element.tabs( "enable", 2 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0 ] );
+ // partially disabled -> fully enabled
+ element.tabs( "enable", 0 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+test( "disable", function() {
+ expect( 8 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({ disabled: false });
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+ element.tabs( "disable" );
+ tabs_disabled( element, true );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({ disabled: [ 0, 1 ] });
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0, 1 ] );
+ element.tabs( "disable" );
+ tabs_disabled( element, true );
+test( "disable( index )", function() {
+ expect( 10 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({ disabled: false });
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+ // fully enabled -> partially disabled
+ element.tabs( "disable", 1 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 1 ] );
+ // partially disabled -> partially disabled
+ element.tabs( "disable", 2 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 1, 2 ] );
+ // already disabled tab, no change
+ element.tabs( "disable", 2 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 1, 2 ] );
+ // partially disabled -> fully disabled
+ element.tabs( "disable", 0 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, true );
+test( "refresh", function() {
+ expect( 27 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+ // disable tab via markup
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).eq( 1 ).addClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
+ element.tabs( "refresh" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 1 ] );
+ // add remote tab
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav" ).append( "<li id='newTab'><a href='data/test.html'>new</a></li>" );
+ element.tabs( "refresh" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 1 ] );
+ equals( element.find( "#" + $( "#newTab a" ).attr( "aria-controls" ) ).length, 1,
+ "panel added for remote tab" );
+ // remove all tabs
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li, .ui-tabs-panel" ).remove();
+ element.tabs( "refresh" );
+ tabs_state( element );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false, "no active tab" );
+ // add tabs
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav" )
+ .append( "<li class='ui-state-disabled'><a href='#newTab2'>new 2</a></li>" )
+ .append( "<li><a href='#newTab3'>new 3</a></li>" )
+ .append( "<li><a href='#newTab4'>new 4</a></li>" )
+ .append( "<li><a href='#newTab5'>new 5</a></li>" );
+ element
+ .append( "<div id='newTab2'>new 2</div>" )
+ .append( "<div id='newTab3'>new 3</div>" )
+ .append( "<div id='newTab4'>new 4</div>" )
+ .append( "<div id='newTab5'>new 5</div>" );
+ element.tabs( "refresh" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0 ] );
+ // activate third tab
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0 ] );
+ // remove fourth tab, third tab should stay active
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).eq( 3 ).remove();
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" ).eq( 3 ).remove();
+ element.tabs( "refresh" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0 ] );
+ // remove third (active) tab, second tab should become active
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).eq( 2 ).remove();
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" ).eq( 2 ).remove();
+ element.tabs( "refresh" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0 ] );
+ // remove first tab, previously active tab (now first) should stay active
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav li" ).eq( 0 ).remove();
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" ).eq( 0 ).remove();
+ element.tabs( "refresh" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1 );
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+asyncTest( "load", function() {
+ expect( 30 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs2" ).tabs();
+ // load content of inactive tab
+ // useful for preloading content with custom caching
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ var tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 ),
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" ),
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ });
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ // TODO: remove wrapping in 2.0
+ var uiTab = $( ),
+ uiPanel = $( ui.panel );
+ var tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 ),
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" ),
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals( uiTab.size(), 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual( uiTab[ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( uiPanel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( uiPanel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ equals( uiPanel.find( "p" ).length, 1, "panel html" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ setTimeout( tabsload1, 100 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "load", 3 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ function tabsload1() {
+ // no need to test details of event (tested in events tests)
+ "tabsbeforeload", function() {
+ ok( true, "tabsbeforeload invoked" );
+ });
+ "tabsload", function() {
+ ok( true, "tabsload invoked" );
+ setTimeout( tabsload2, 100 );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 3 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ }
+ function tabsload2() {
+ // reload content of active tab
+ "tabsbeforeload", function( event, ui ) {
+ var tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 ),
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" ),
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals(, 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual([ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( ui.panel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ });
+ "tabsload", function( event, ui ) {
+ // TODO: remove wrapping in 2.0
+ var uiTab = $( ),
+ uiPanel = $( ui.panel );
+ var tab = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 3 ),
+ panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" ),
+ panel = $( "#" + panelId );
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ equals( uiTab.size(), 1, "tab size" );
+ strictEqual( uiTab[ 0 ], tab[ 0 ], "tab" );
+ equals( uiPanel.size(), 1, "panel size" );
+ strictEqual( uiPanel[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ], "panel" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ start();
+ });
+ element.tabs( "load", 3 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
+ }
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d61c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tabs: options" );
+test( "{ active: default }", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0, "should be 0 by default" );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ location.hash = "#fragment-3";
+ element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 2, "should be 2 based on URL" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ location.hash = "#";
+test( "{ active: false }", function() {
+ expect( 7 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ equal( element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav .ui-state-active" ).size(), 0, "no tabs selected" );
+ strictEqual( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false );
+ element.tabs( "option", "collapsible", false );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+ element.tabs( "destroy" );
+ element.tabs({
+ active: false
+ });
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ strictEqual( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+test( "{ active: Number }", function() {
+ expect( 8 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: 2
+ });
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 1 ).click();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 10 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+if ( $.uiBackCompat === false ) {
+ test( "{ active: -Number }", function() {
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: -1
+ });
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", -2 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", -10 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", -3 );
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ });
+test( "active - mismatched tab/panel order", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ location.hash = "#tabs7-2";
+ var element = $( "#tabs7" ).tabs();
+ equals( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1, "should be 1 based on URL" );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0 );
+ location.hash = "#";
+test( "{ collapsible: false }", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: 1
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-state-active a" ).eq( 1 ).click();
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ collapsible: true }", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: 1,
+ collapsible: true
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 1 );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-state-active a" ).click();
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), false );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
+test( "disabled", function() {
+ expect( 10 );
+ // fully enabled by default
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs();
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+ // disable single tab
+ element.tabs( "option", "disabled", [ 1 ] );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 1 ] );
+ // disabled active tab
+ element.tabs( "option", "disabled", [ 0, 1 ] );
+ tabs_disabled( element, [ 0, 1 ] );
+ // disable all tabs
+ element.tabs( "option", "disabled", [ 0, 1, 2 ] );
+ tabs_disabled( element, true );
+ // enable all tabs
+ element.tabs( "option", "disabled", [] );
+ tabs_disabled( element, false );
+test( "{ event: null }", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ event: null
+ });
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 1 );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // ensure default click handler isn't bound
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 2 ).click();
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+test( "{ event: custom }", function() {
+ expect( 11 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ event: "custom1 custom2"
+ });
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 1 ).trigger( "custom1" );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // ensure default click handler isn't bound
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 2 ).trigger( "click" );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 2 ).trigger( "custom2" );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.tabs( "option", "event", "custom3" );
+ // ensure old event handlers are unbound
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 1 ).trigger( "custom1" );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 2 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 1 );
+ element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ).eq( 1 ).trigger( "custom3" );
+ equal( element.tabs( "option", "active" ), 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+// TODO: add animation tests
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/testsuite.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/testsuite.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8afcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/testsuite.js
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(function() {
+function testWidgetDefaults( widget, defaults ) {
+ var pluginDefaults = $.ui[ widget ].prototype.options;
+ // ensure that all defaults have the correct value
+ test( "defined defaults", function() {
+ $.each( defaults, function( key, val ) {
+ if ( $.isFunction( val ) ) {
+ ok( $.isFunction( pluginDefaults[ key ] ), key );
+ return;
+ }
+ same( pluginDefaults[ key ], val, key );
+ });
+ });
+ // ensure that all defaults were tested
+ test( "tested defaults", function() {
+ $.each( pluginDefaults, function( key, val ) {
+ ok( key in defaults, key );
+ });
+ });
+var privateMethods = [
+ "_createWidget",
+ "destroy",
+ "option",
+ "_trigger"
+function testWidgetOverrides( widget ) {
+ if ( $.uiBackCompat === false ) {
+ test( "$.widget overrides", function() {
+ $.each( privateMethods, function( i, method ) {
+ strictEqual( $.ui[ widget ].prototype[ method ],
+ $.Widget.prototype[ method ], "should not override " + method );
+ });
+ });
+ }
+function testBasicUsage( widget ) {
+ test( "basic usage", function() {
+ var defaultElement = $.ui[ widget ].prototype.defaultElement;
+ $( defaultElement ).appendTo( "body" )[ widget ]().remove();
+ ok( true, "initialized on element" );
+ $( defaultElement )[ widget ]().remove();
+ ok( true, "initialized on disconnected DOMElement - never connected" );
+ $( defaultElement ).appendTo( "body" ).remove()[ widget ]().remove();
+ ok( true, "initialized on disconnected DOMElement - removed" );
+ });
+window.commonWidgetTests = function( widget, settings ) {
+ module( widget + ": common widget" );
+ testWidgetDefaults( widget, settings.defaults );
+ testWidgetOverrides( widget );
+ testBasicUsage( widget );
+ test( "version", function() {
+ ok( "version" in $.ui[ widget ].prototype, "version property exists" );
+ });
+ * Experimental assertion for comparing DOM objects.
+ *
+ * Serializes an element and some attributes and it's children if any, otherwise the text.
+ * Then compares the result using deepEqual.
+ */
+window.domEqual = function( selector, modifier, message ) {
+ var attributes = ["class", "role", "id", "tabIndex", "aria-activedescendant"];
+ function extract(value) {
+ if (!value || !value.length) {
+ QUnit.push( false, actual, expected, "domEqual failed, can't extract " + selector + ", message was: " + message );
+ return;
+ }
+ var result = {};
+ result.nodeName = value[0].nodeName;
+ $.each(attributes, function(index, attr) {
+ result[attr] = value.prop(attr);
+ });
+ result.children = [];
+ var children = value.children();
+ if (children.length) {
+ children.each(function() {
+ result.children.push(extract($(this)));
+ });
+ } else {
+ result.text = value.text();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ var expected = extract($(selector));
+ modifier($(selector));
+ var actual = extract($(selector));
+ QUnit.push( QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef6e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Tooltip Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "tooltip" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Tooltip Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5e8558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip.html
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Tooltip Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core", "ui.tooltip" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.core.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.position.js",
+ "ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="tooltip_defaults.js"></script>
+ <script src="tooltip_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="tooltip_events.js"></script>
+ <script src="tooltip_methods.js"></script>
+ <script src="tooltip_options.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Tooltip Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+ <a id="tooltipped1" href="#" title="anchortitle">anchor</a>
+ <input title="inputtitle">
+ <span id="fixture-span" title="title-text">span</span>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d18b853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tooltip: core" );
+test( "markup structure", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip(),
+ tooltip = $( ".ui-tooltip" );
+ equal( element.attr( "aria-describedby" ), undefined, "no aria-describedby on init" );
+ equal( tooltip.length, 0, "no tooltip on init" );
+ element.tooltip( "open" );
+ tooltip = $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) );
+ equal( tooltip.length, 1, "tooltip exists" );
+ ok( tooltip.hasClass( "ui-tooltip" ), "tooltip is .ui-tooltip" );
+ equal( tooltip.length, 1, ".ui-tooltip exists" );
+ equal( tooltip.find( ".ui-tooltip-content" ).length, 1,
+ ".ui-tooltip-content exists" );
+test( "accessibility", function() {
+ // TODO: add tests
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_defaults.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b41bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+commonWidgetTests( "tooltip", {
+ defaults: {
+ content: function() {},
+ disabled: false,
+ hide: true,
+ items: "[title]",
+ position: {
+ my: "left+15 center",
+ at: "right center",
+ collision: "flipfit flipfit"
+ },
+ show: true,
+ tooltipClass: null,
+ // callbacks
+ close: null,
+ create: null,
+ open: null
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_events.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_events.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e1fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tooltip: events" );
+test( "programmatic triggers", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var tooltip,
+ element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip();
+ "tooltipopen", function( event, ui ) {
+ tooltip = ui.tooltip;
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "open" );
+ strictEqual( ui.tooltip[0],
+ $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) )[0], "ui.tooltip" );
+ });
+ element.tooltip( "open" );
+ "tooltipclose", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "close" );
+ strictEqual( ui.tooltip[0], tooltip[0], "ui.tooltip" );
+ });
+ element.tooltip( "close" );
+test( "mouse events", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip();
+ "tooltipopen", function( event ) {
+ same( event.originalEvent.type, "mouseover" );
+ });
+ element.trigger( "mouseover" );
+ "tooltipclose", function( event ) {
+ same( event.originalEvent.type, "mouseleave" );
+ });
+ element.trigger( "mouseleave" );
+test( "focus events", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip();
+ "tooltipopen", function( event ) {
+ same( event.originalEvent.type, "focusin" );
+ });
+ element.trigger( "focusin" );
+ "tooltipclose", function( event ) {
+ same( event.originalEvent.type, "blur" );
+ });
+ element.trigger( "blur" );
+asyncTest( "mixed events", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip();
+ "tooltipopen", function( event ) {
+ same( event.originalEvent.type, "focusin" );
+ });
+ element.simulate( "focus" );
+ "tooltipopen", function() {
+ ok( false, "open triggered while already open" );
+ });
+ element.trigger( "mouseover" );
+ element.bind( "tooltipclose", function( event ) {
+ ok( false, "close triggered while still focused" );
+ });
+ element.trigger( "mouseleave" );
+ element.unbind( "tooltipclose" );
+ // blurring is async in IE
+ "tooltipclose", function( event ) {
+ same( event.originalEvent.type, "blur" );
+ start();
+ });
+ element.simulate( "blur" );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_methods.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74fd35d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tooltip: methods" );
+test( "destroy", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ domEqual( "#tooltipped1", function() {
+ $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip().tooltip( "destroy" );
+ });
+ // make sure that open tooltips are removed on destroy
+ $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip().tooltip( "open" ).tooltip( "destroy" );
+ equal( $( ".ui-tooltip" ).length, 0 );
+test( "open/close", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $ = true;
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip();
+ equal( $( ".ui-tooltip" ).length, 0, "no tooltip on init" );
+ element.tooltip( "open" );
+ var tooltip = $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) );
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ element.tooltip( "close" );
+ ok( ":hidden" ) );
+ $ = false;
+test( "enable/disable", function() {
+ expect( 7 );
+ $ = true;
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip();
+ equal( $( ".ui-tooltip" ).length, 0, "no tooltip on init" );
+ element.tooltip( "open" );
+ var tooltip = $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) );
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ element.tooltip( "disable" );
+ equal( $( ".ui-tooltip" ).length, 0, "no tooltip when disabled" );
+ equal( tooltip.attr( "title" ), undefined, "title removed on disable" );
+ element.tooltip( "open" );
+ equal( $( ".ui-tooltip" ).length, 0, "open does nothing when disabled" );
+ element.tooltip( "enable" );
+ equal( element.attr( "title" ), "anchortitle", "title restored on enable" );
+ element.tooltip( "open" );
+ tooltip = $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) );
+ ok( ":visible" ) );
+ $ = false;
+TODO currently tooltip doesn't override widget
+can't return anything useful if no element is kept around and there's no useful reference
+test("widget", function() {
+ var tooltip = $("#tooltipped1").tooltip();
+ same(tooltip.tooltip("widget")[0], $(".ui-tooltip")[0]);
+ same(tooltip.tooltip("widget").end()[0], tooltip[0]);
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_options.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04bb4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/tooltip/tooltip_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "tooltip: options" );
+test( "content: default", function() {
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip().tooltip( "open" );
+ same( $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) ).text(), "anchortitle" );
+test( "content: return string", function() {
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip({
+ content: function() {
+ return "customstring";
+ }
+ }).tooltip( "open" );
+ same( $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) ).text(), "customstring" );
+test( "content: return jQuery", function() {
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip({
+ content: function() {
+ return $( "<div>" ).html( "cu<b>s</b>tomstring" );
+ }
+ }).tooltip( "open" );
+ same( $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) ).text(), "customstring" );
+asyncTest( "content: sync + async callback", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip({
+ content: function( response ) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ same( $( "#" + element.attr("aria-describedby") ).text(), "loading..." );
+ response( "customstring2" );
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ same( $( "#" + element.attr("aria-describedby") ).text(), "customstring2" );
+ start();
+ }, 13 );
+ }, 13 );
+ return "loading...";
+ }
+ }).tooltip( "open" );
+test( "items", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ var element = $( "#qunit-fixture" ).tooltip({
+ items: "#fixture-span"
+ });
+ var event = $.Event( "mouseenter" );
+ = $( "#fixture-span" )[ 0 ];
+ element.tooltip( "open", event );
+ same( $( "#" + $( "#fixture-span" ).attr( "aria-describedby" ) ).text(), "title-text" );
+ // make sure default [title] doesn't get used
+ = $( "#tooltipped1" )[ 0 ];
+ element.tooltip( "open", event );
+ same( $( "#tooltipped1" ).attr( "aria-describedby" ), undefined );
+ element.tooltip( "destroy" );
+test( "tooltipClass", function() {
+ expect( 1 )
+ var element = $( "#tooltipped1" ).tooltip({
+ tooltipClass: "custom"
+ }).tooltip( "open" );
+ ok( $( "#" + element.attr( "aria-describedby" ) ).hasClass( "custom" ) );
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/all.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/all.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae8bc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/all.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Widget Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../subsuiteRunner.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuiteRunner.js"></script>
+ <script src="../subsuite.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ testAllVersions( "widget" );
+ </script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Widget Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget.html b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f4caaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget.html
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>jQuery UI Widget Test Suite</title>
+ <script src="../../jquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../resource_loader.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ loadResources({
+ css: [ "ui.core" ],
+ js: [
+ "ui/jquery.ui.widget.js"
+ ]
+ });
+ </script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../external/qunit.css">
+ <script src="../../../external/qunit.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../jquery.simulate.js"></script>
+ <script src="../testsuite.js"></script>
+ <script src="widget_core.js"></script>
+ <script src="widget_extend.js"></script>
+ <script src="widget_animation.js"></script>
+ <script src="../swarminject.js"></script>
+<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery UI Widget Test Suite</h1>
+<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
+<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
+<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
+<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
+<div id="qunit-fixture">
+<div id="widget-wrapper">
+ <div id="widget">
+ <div>...</div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_animation.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_animation.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef55aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_animation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+module( "widget animation", (function() {
+ var show = $,
+ fadeIn = $.fn.fadeIn,
+ slideDown = $.fn.slideDown;
+ return {
+ setup: function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ this.element.hide();
+ },
+ show: function( fn ) {
+ this._show( this.element,, fn );
+ }
+ });
+ $.effects = { effect: { testEffect: $.noop } };
+ },
+ teardown: function() {
+ delete $.ui.testWidget;
+ delete $.effects.effect.testEffect;
+ $ = show;
+ $.fn.fadeIn = fadeIn;
+ $.fn.slideDown = slideDown;
+ }
+ };
+asyncTest( "show: null", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#widget" ).testWidget(),
+ hasRun = false;
+ $ = function() {
+ ok( true, "show called" );
+ equal( arguments.length, 0, "no args passed to show" );
+ };
+ element
+ .delay( 50 )
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( !hasRun, "queue before show" );
+ next();
+ })
+ .testWidget( "show", function() {
+ hasRun = true;
+ })
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( hasRun, "queue after show" );
+ start();
+ next();
+ });
+asyncTest( "show: true", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ show: true
+ }),
+ hasRun = false;
+ $.fn.fadeIn = function( duration, easing, complete ) {
+ return this.queue(function( next ) {
+ strictEqual( duration, undefined, "duration" );
+ strictEqual( easing, undefined, "easing" );
+ complete();
+ next();
+ });
+ };
+ element
+ .delay( 50 )
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( !hasRun, "queue before show" );
+ next();
+ })
+ .testWidget( "show", function() {
+ hasRun = true;
+ })
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( hasRun, "queue after show" );
+ start();
+ next();
+ });
+asyncTest( "show: number", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ show: 123
+ }),
+ hasRun = false;
+ $.fn.fadeIn = function( duration, easing, complete ) {
+ return this.queue(function( next ) {
+ strictEqual( duration, 123, "duration" );
+ strictEqual( easing, undefined, "easing" );
+ complete();
+ next();
+ });
+ };
+ element
+ .delay( 50 )
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( !hasRun, "queue before show" );
+ next();
+ })
+ .testWidget( "show", function() {
+ hasRun = true;
+ })
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( hasRun, "queue after show" );
+ start();
+ next();
+ });
+asyncTest( "show: core animation", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ show: "slideDown"
+ }),
+ hasRun = false;
+ $.fn.slideDown = function( duration, easing, complete ) {
+ return this.queue(function( next ) {
+ strictEqual( duration, undefined, "duration" );
+ strictEqual( easing, undefined, "easing" );
+ complete();
+ next();
+ });
+ };
+ element
+ .delay( 50 )
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( !hasRun, "queue before show" );
+ next();
+ })
+ .testWidget( "show", function() {
+ hasRun = true;
+ })
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( hasRun, "queue after show" );
+ start();
+ next();
+ });
+asyncTest( "show: effect", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var element = $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ show: "testEffect"
+ }),
+ hasRun = false;
+ $ = function( options ) {
+ return this.queue(function( next ) {
+ equal( options.effect, "testEffect", "effect" );
+ ok( !("duration" in options), "duration" );
+ ok( !("easing" in options), "easing" );
+ options.complete();
+ next();
+ });
+ };
+ element
+ .delay( 50 )
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( !hasRun, "queue before show" );
+ next();
+ })
+ .testWidget( "show", function() {
+ hasRun = true;
+ })
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( hasRun, "queue after show" );
+ start();
+ next();
+ });
+asyncTest( "show: object(core animation)", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ var element = $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ show: {
+ effect: "slideDown",
+ duration: 123,
+ easing: "testEasing"
+ }
+ }),
+ hasRun = false;
+ $.fn.slideDown = function( duration, easing, complete ) {
+ return this.queue(function( next ) {
+ equal( duration, 123, "duration" );
+ equal( easing, "testEasing", "easing" );
+ complete();
+ next();
+ });
+ };
+ element
+ .delay( 50 )
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( !hasRun, "queue before show" );
+ next();
+ })
+ .testWidget( "show", function() {
+ hasRun = true;
+ })
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( hasRun, "queue after show" );
+ start();
+ next();
+ });
+asyncTest( "show: object(effect)", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var element = $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ show: {
+ effect: "testEffect",
+ duration: 123,
+ easing: "testEasing"
+ }
+ }),
+ hasRun = false;
+ $ = function( options ) {
+ return this.queue(function( next ) {
+ deepEqual( options, {
+ effect: "testEffect",
+ duration: 123,
+ easing: "testEasing",
+ complete: options.complete
+ });
+ options.complete();
+ next();
+ });
+ };
+ element
+ .delay( 50 )
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( !hasRun, "queue before show" );
+ next();
+ })
+ .testWidget( "show", function() {
+ hasRun = true;
+ })
+ .queue(function( next ) {
+ ok( hasRun, "queue after show" );
+ start();
+ next();
+ });
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_core.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e55ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1069 @@
+(function( $ ) {
+module( "widget factory", {
+ teardown: function() {
+ delete $.ui.testWidget;
+ }
+test( "widget creation", function() {
+ var myPrototype = {
+ _create: function() {},
+ creationTest: function() {}
+ };
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", myPrototype );
+ ok( $.isFunction( $.ui.testWidget ), "constructor was created" );
+ equals( "object", typeof $.ui.testWidget.prototype, "prototype was created" );
+ equals( $.ui.testWidget.prototype._create, myPrototype._create,
+ "create function is copied over" );
+ equals( $.ui.testWidget.prototype.creationTest, myPrototype.creationTest,
+ "random function is copied over" );
+ equals( $.ui.testWidget.prototype.option, $.Widget.prototype.option,
+ "option method copied over from base widget" );
+test( "element normalization", function() {
+ expect( 11 );
+ var elem;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {} );
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype._create = function() {
+ // workaround for core ticket #8381
+ this.element.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
+ ok( "div" ), "generated div" );
+ same( "testWidget" ), this, "intance stored in .data()" );
+ };
+ $.ui.testWidget();
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype.defaultElement = "<span data-test='pass'></span>";
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype._create = function() {
+ ok( "span[data-test=pass]" ), "generated span with properties" );
+ same( "testWidget" ), this, "instace stored in .data()" );
+ };
+ $.ui.testWidget();
+ elem = $( "<input>" );
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype._create = function() {
+ same( this.element[ 0 ], elem[ 0 ], "from element" );
+ same( "testWidget" ), this, "instace stored in .data()" );
+ };
+ $.ui.testWidget( {}, elem[ 0 ] );
+ elem = $( "<div>" );
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype._create = function() {
+ same( this.element[ 0 ], elem[ 0 ], "from jQuery object" );
+ same( "testWidget" ), this, "instace stored in .data()" );
+ };
+ $.ui.testWidget( {}, elem );
+ elem = $( "<div id='element-normalization-selector'></div>" )
+ .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype._create = function() {
+ same( this.element[ 0 ], elem[ 0 ], "from selector" );
+ same( "testWidget" ), this, "instace stored in .data()" );
+ };
+ $.ui.testWidget( {}, "#element-normalization-selector" );
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype.defaultElement = null;
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype._create = function() {
+ // using strictEqual throws an error (Maximum call stack size exceeded)
+ ok( this.element[ 0 ] === this, "instance as element" );
+ };
+ $.ui.testWidget();
+test( "jQuery usage", function() {
+ expect( 13 );
+ var shouldCreate = false;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ getterSetterVal: 5,
+ _create: function() {
+ ok( shouldCreate, "create called on instantiation" );
+ },
+ methodWithParams: function( param1, param2 ) {
+ ok( true, "method called via .pluginName(methodName)" );
+ equals( param1, "value1",
+ "parameter passed via .pluginName(methodName, param)" );
+ equals( param2, "value2",
+ "multiple parameters passed via .pluginName(methodName, param, param)" );
+ return this;
+ },
+ getterSetterMethod: function( val ) {
+ if ( val ) {
+ this.getterSetterVal = val;
+ } else {
+ return this.getterSetterVal;
+ }
+ },
+ jQueryObject: function() {
+ return $( "body" );
+ }
+ });
+ shouldCreate = true;
+ var elem = $( "<div>" )
+ .bind( "testwidgetcreate", function() {
+ ok( shouldCreate, "create event triggered on instantiation" );
+ })
+ .testWidget();
+ shouldCreate = false;
+ var instance = "testWidget" );
+ equals( typeof instance, "object", "instance stored in .data(pluginName)" );
+ equals( instance.element[0], elem[0], "element stored on widget" );
+ var ret = elem.testWidget( "methodWithParams", "value1", "value2" );
+ equals( ret, elem, "jQuery object returned from method call" );
+ ret = elem.testWidget( "getterSetterMethod" );
+ equals( ret, 5, "getter/setter can act as getter" );
+ ret = elem.testWidget( "getterSetterMethod", 30 );
+ equals( ret, elem, "getter/setter method can be chainable" );
+ equals( instance.getterSetterVal, 30, "getter/setter can act as setter" );
+ ret = elem.testWidget( "jQueryObject" );
+ equal( ret[ 0 ], document.body, "returned jQuery object" );
+ equal( ret.end(), elem, "stack preserved" );
+test( "direct usage", function() {
+ expect( 9 );
+ var shouldCreate = false;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ getterSetterVal: 5,
+ _create: function() {
+ ok( shouldCreate, "create called on instantiation" );
+ },
+ methodWithParams: function( param1, param2 ) {
+ ok( true, "method called dirctly" );
+ equals( param1, "value1", "parameter passed via direct call" );
+ equals( param2, "value2", "multiple parameters passed via direct call" );
+ return this;
+ },
+ getterSetterMethod: function( val ) {
+ if ( val ) {
+ this.getterSetterVal = val;
+ } else {
+ return this.getterSetterVal;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var elem = $( "<div>" )[ 0 ];
+ shouldCreate = true;
+ var instance = new $.ui.testWidget( {}, elem );
+ shouldCreate = false;
+ equals( $( elem ).data( "testWidget" ), instance,
+ "instance stored in .data(pluginName)" );
+ equals( instance.element[ 0 ], elem, "element stored on widget" );
+ var ret = instance.methodWithParams( "value1", "value2" );
+ equals( ret, instance, "plugin returned from method call" );
+ ret = instance.getterSetterMethod();
+ equals( ret, 5, "getter/setter can act as getter" );
+ instance.getterSetterMethod( 30 );
+ equals( instance.getterSetterVal, 30, "getter/setter can act as setter" );
+test( "error handling", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ var error = $.error;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _privateMethod: function () {}
+ });
+ $.error = function( msg ) {
+ equal( msg, "cannot call methods on testWidget prior to initialization; " +
+ "attempted to call method 'missing'", "method call before init" );
+ };
+ $( "<div>" ).testWidget( "missing" );
+ $.error = function( msg ) {
+ equal( msg, "no such method 'missing' for testWidget widget instance",
+ "invalid method call on widget instance" );
+ };
+ $( "<div>" ).testWidget().testWidget( "missing" );
+ $.error = function ( msg ) {
+ equal( msg, "no such method '_privateMethod' for testWidget widget instance",
+ "invalid method call on widget instance" );
+ };
+ $( "<div>" ).testWidget().testWidget( "_privateMethod" );
+ $.error = error;
+test( "merge multiple option arguments", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ same( this.options, {
+ create: null,
+ disabled: false,
+ option1: "value1",
+ option2: "value2",
+ option3: "value3",
+ option4: {
+ option4a: "valuea",
+ option4b: "valueb"
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $( "<div>" ).testWidget({
+ option1: "valuex",
+ option2: "valuex",
+ option3: "value3",
+ option4: {
+ option4a: "valuex"
+ }
+ }, {
+ option1: "value1",
+ option2: "value2",
+ option4: {
+ option4b: "valueb"
+ }
+ }, {
+ option4: {
+ option4a: "valuea"
+ }
+ });
+test( "._getCreateOptions()", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ options: {
+ option1: "valuex",
+ option2: "valuex",
+ option3: "value3"
+ },
+ _getCreateOptions: function() {
+ return {
+ option1: "override1",
+ option2: "overideX"
+ };
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ same( this.options, {
+ create: null,
+ disabled: false,
+ option1: "override1",
+ option2: "value2",
+ option3: "value3"
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $( "<div>" ).testWidget({ option2: "value2" });
+test( "re-init", function() {
+ var div = $( "<div>" ),
+ actions = [];
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ actions.push( "create" );
+ },
+ _init: function() {
+ actions.push( "init" );
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ actions.push( "option" + key );
+ }
+ });
+ actions = [];
+ div.testWidget({ foo: "bar" });
+ same( actions, [ "create", "init" ], "correct methods called on init" );
+ actions = [];
+ div.testWidget();
+ same( actions, [ "init" ], "correct methods call on re-init" );
+ actions = [];
+ div.testWidget({ foo: "bar" });
+ same( actions, [ "optionfoo", "init" ], "correct methods called on re-init with options" );
+test( "inheritance - options", function() {
+ // #5830 - Widget: Using inheritance overwrites the base classes options
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidgetBase", {
+ options: {
+ obj: {
+ key1: "foo",
+ key2: "bar"
+ },
+ arr: [ "testing" ]
+ }
+ });
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidgetExtension", $.ui.testWidgetBase, {
+ options: {
+ obj: {
+ key1: "baz"
+ },
+ arr: [ "alpha", "beta" ]
+ }
+ });
+ same( $.ui.testWidgetBase.prototype.options.obj, {
+ key1: "foo",
+ key2: "bar"
+ }, "base class option object not overridden");
+ same( $.ui.testWidgetBase.prototype.options.arr, [ "testing" ],
+ "base class option array not overridden");
+ same( $.ui.testWidgetExtension.prototype.options.obj, {
+ key1: "baz",
+ key2: "bar"
+ }, "extension class option object extends base");
+ same( $.ui.testWidgetExtension.prototype.options.arr, [ "alpha", "beta" ],
+ "extension class option array overwrites base");
+ delete $.ui.testWidgetBase;
+ delete $.ui.testWidgetExtension;
+test( "._super()", function() {
+ expect( 9 );
+ var instance;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ method: function( a, b ) {
+ same( this, instance, "this is correct in testWidget" );
+ same( a, 5, "parameter passed to testWidget" );
+ same( b, 20, "second parameter passed to testWidget" );
+ return a + b;
+ }
+ });
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget2", $.ui.testWidget, {
+ method: function( a, b ) {
+ same( this, instance, "this is correct in testWidget2" );
+ same( a, 5, "parameter passed to testWidget2" );
+ same( b, 10, "parameter passed to testWidget2" );
+ return this._super( a, b*2 );
+ }
+ });
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget3", $.ui.testWidget2, {
+ method: function( a ) {
+ same( this, instance, "this is correct in testWidget3" );
+ same( a, 5, "parameter passed to testWidget3" );
+ var ret = this._super( a, a*2 );
+ same( ret, 25, "super returned value" );
+ }
+ });
+ instance = $( "<div>" ).testWidget3().data( "testWidget3" );
+ instance.method( 5 );
+ delete $.ui.testWidget3;
+ delete $.ui.testWidget2;
+test( "._superApply()", function() {
+ expect( 10 );
+ var instance;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ method: function( a, b ) {
+ same( this, instance, "this is correct in testWidget" );
+ same( a, 5, "parameter passed to testWidget" );
+ same( b, 10, "second parameter passed to testWidget" );
+ return a + b;
+ }
+ });
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget2", $.ui.testWidget, {
+ method: function( a, b ) {
+ same( this, instance, "this is correct in testWidget2" );
+ same( a, 5, "parameter passed to testWidget2" );
+ same( b, 10, "second parameter passed to testWidget2" );
+ return this._superApply( arguments );
+ }
+ });
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget3", $.ui.testWidget2, {
+ method: function( a, b ) {
+ same( this, instance, "this is correct in testWidget3" );
+ same( a, 5, "parameter passed to testWidget3" );
+ same( b, 10, "second parameter passed to testWidget3" );
+ var ret = this._superApply( arguments );
+ same( ret, 15, "super returned value" );
+ }
+ });
+ instance = $( "<div>" ).testWidget3().data( "testWidget3" );
+ instance.method( 5, 10 );
+ delete $.ui.testWidget3;
+ delete $.ui.testWidget2;
+test( ".option() - getter", function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {}
+ });
+ var div = $( "<div>" ).testWidget({
+ foo: "bar",
+ baz: 5,
+ qux: [ "quux", "quuux" ]
+ });
+ same( div.testWidget( "option", "x" ), null, "non-existent option" );
+ same( div.testWidget( "option", "foo"), "bar", "single option - string" );
+ same( div.testWidget( "option", "baz"), 5, "single option - number" );
+ same( div.testWidget( "option", "qux"), [ "quux", "quuux" ],
+ "single option - array" );
+ var options = div.testWidget( "option" );
+ same( options, {
+ create: null,
+ disabled: false,
+ foo: "bar",
+ baz: 5,
+ qux: [ "quux", "quuux" ]
+ }, "full options hash returned" );
+ = "notbar";
+ same( div.testWidget( "option", "foo"), "bar",
+ "modifying returned options hash does not modify plugin instance" );
+test( ".option() - deep option getter", function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {} );
+ var div = $( "<div>" ).testWidget({
+ foo: {
+ bar: "baz",
+ qux: {
+ quux: "xyzzy"
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ equal( div.testWidget( "option", "" ), "baz", "one level deep - string" );
+ deepEqual( div.testWidget( "option", "foo.qux" ), { quux: "xyzzy" },
+ "one level deep - object" );
+ equal( div.testWidget( "option", "foo.qux.quux" ), "xyzzy", "two levels deep - string" );
+ equal( div.testWidget( "option", "x.y" ), null, "top level non-existent" );
+ equal( div.testWidget( "option", "foo.x.y" ), null, "one level deep - non-existent" );
+test( ".option() - delegate to ._setOptions()", function() {
+ var calls = [];
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ _setOptions: function( options ) {
+ calls.push( options );
+ }
+ });
+ var div = $( "<div>" ).testWidget();
+ calls = [];
+ div.testWidget( "option", "foo", "bar" );
+ same( calls, [{ foo: "bar" }], "_setOptions called for single option" );
+ calls = [];
+ div.testWidget( "option", {
+ bar: "qux",
+ quux: "quuux"
+ });
+ same( calls, [{ bar: "qux", quux: "quuux" }],
+ "_setOptions called with multiple options" );
+test( ".option() - delegate to ._setOption()", function() {
+ var calls = [];
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ _setOption: function( key, val ) {
+ calls.push({
+ key: key,
+ val: val
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ var div = $( "<div>" ).testWidget();
+ calls = [];
+ div.testWidget( "option", "foo", "bar" );
+ same( calls, [{ key: "foo", val: "bar" }],
+ "_setOption called for single option" );
+ calls = [];
+ div.testWidget( "option", {
+ bar: "qux",
+ quux: "quuux"
+ });
+ same( calls, [
+ { key: "bar", val: "qux" },
+ { key: "quux", val: "quuux" }
+ ], "_setOption called with multiple options" );
+test( ".option() - deep option setter", function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {} );
+ var div = $( "<div>" ).testWidget();
+ function deepOption( from, to, msg ) {
+ "testWidget" ) = from;
+ $.ui.testWidget.prototype._setOption = function( key, value ) {
+ same( key, "foo", msg + ": key" );
+ same( value, to, msg + ": value" );
+ };
+ }
+ deepOption( { bar: "baz" }, { bar: "qux" }, "one deep" );
+ div.testWidget( "option", "", "qux" );
+ deepOption( null, { bar: "baz" }, "null" );
+ div.testWidget( "option", "", "baz" );
+ deepOption(
+ { bar: "baz", qux: { quux: "quuux" } },
+ { bar: "baz", qux: { quux: "quuux", newOpt: "newVal" } },
+ "add property" );
+ div.testWidget( "option", "foo.qux.newOpt", "newVal" );
+test( ".enable()", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ _setOption: function( key, val ) {
+ same( key, "disabled", "_setOption called with disabled option" );
+ same( val, false, "disabled set to false" );
+ }
+ });
+ $( "<div>" ).testWidget().testWidget( "enable" );
+test( ".disable()", function() {
+ expect( 2 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ _setOption: function( key, val ) {
+ same( key, "disabled", "_setOption called with disabled option" );
+ same( val, true, "disabled set to true" );
+ }
+ });
+ $( "<div>" ).testWidget().testWidget( "disable" );
+test( ".widget() - base", function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {}
+ });
+ var div = $( "<div>" ).testWidget();
+ same( div[0], div.testWidget( "widget" )[0]);
+test( ".widget() - overriden", function() {
+ var wrapper = $( "<div>" );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ widget: function() {
+ return wrapper;
+ }
+ });
+ same( wrapper[0], $( "<div>" ).testWidget().testWidget( "widget" )[0] );
+test( "._bind() to element (default)", function() {
+ expect( 12 );
+ var that;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ that = this;
+ this._bind({
+ keyup: this.keyup,
+ keydown: "keydown"
+ });
+ },
+ keyup: function( event ) {
+ equals( that, this );
+ equals( that.element[0], event.currentTarget );
+ equals( "keyup", event.type );
+ },
+ keydown: function( event ) {
+ equals( that, this );
+ equals( that.element[0], event.currentTarget );
+ equals( "keydown", event.type );
+ }
+ });
+ var widget = $( "<div></div>" )
+ .testWidget()
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ widget
+ .testWidget( "disable" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ widget
+ .testWidget( "enable" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ widget
+ .testWidget( "destroy" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+test( "._bind() to descendent", function() {
+ expect( 12 );
+ var that;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ that = this;
+ this._bind( this.element.find( "strong" ), {
+ keyup: this.keyup,
+ keydown: "keydown"
+ });
+ },
+ keyup: function( event ) {
+ equals( that, this );
+ equals( that.element.find( "strong" )[0], event.currentTarget );
+ equals( "keyup", event.type );
+ },
+ keydown: function(event) {
+ equals( that, this );
+ equals( that.element.find( "strong" )[0], event.currentTarget );
+ equals( "keydown", event.type );
+ }
+ });
+ // trigger events on both widget and descendent to ensure that only descendent receives them
+ var widget = $( "<div><p><strong>hello</strong> world</p></div>" )
+ .testWidget()
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ var descendent = widget.find( "strong" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ widget
+ .testWidget( "disable" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ descendent
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ widget
+ .testWidget( "enable" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ descendent
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ descendent
+ .addClass( "ui-state-disabled" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ widget
+ .testWidget( "destroy" )
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+ descendent
+ .trigger( "keyup" )
+ .trigger( "keydown" );
+test( "_bind() with delegate", function() {
+ expect( 8 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ this.element = {
+ bind: function( event, handler ) {
+ equal( event, "click.testWidget" );
+ ok( $.isFunction(handler) );
+ },
+ trigger: $.noop
+ };
+ this.widget = function() {
+ return {
+ delegate: function( selector, event, handler ) {
+ equal( selector, "a" );
+ equal( event, "click.testWidget" );
+ ok( $.isFunction(handler) );
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ this._bind({
+ "click": "handler",
+ "click a": "handler"
+ });
+ this.widget = function() {
+ return {
+ delegate: function( selector, event, handler ) {
+ equal( selector, "form fieldset > input" );
+ equal( event, "change.testWidget" );
+ ok( $.isFunction(handler) );
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ this._bind({
+ "change form fieldset > input": "handler"
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $.ui.testWidget();
+test( "._hoverable()", function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ this._hoverable( this.element.children() );
+ }
+ });
+ var div = $( "#widget" ).testWidget().children();
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "not hovered on init" );
+ div.trigger( "mouseenter" );
+ ok( div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "hovered after mouseenter" );
+ div.trigger( "mouseleave" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "not hovered after mouseleave" );
+ div.trigger( "mouseenter" );
+ ok( div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "hovered after mouseenter" );
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget( "disable" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "not hovered while disabled" );
+ div.trigger( "mouseenter" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "can't hover while disabled" );
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget( "enable" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "enabling doesn't reset hover" );
+ div.trigger( "mouseenter" );
+ ok( div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "hovered after mouseenter" );
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget( "destroy" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "not hovered after destroy" );
+ div.trigger( "mouseenter" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ), "event handler removed on destroy" );
+test( "._focusable()", function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {
+ this._focusable( this.element.children() );
+ }
+ });
+ var div = $( "#widget" ).testWidget().children();
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "not focused on init" );
+ div.trigger( "focusin" );
+ ok( div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "focused after explicit focus" );
+ div.trigger( "focusout" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "not focused after blur" );
+ div.trigger( "focusin" );
+ ok( div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "focused after explicit focus" );
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget( "disable" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "not focused while disabled" );
+ div.trigger( "focusin" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "can't focus while disabled" );
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget( "enable" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "enabling doesn't reset focus" );
+ div.trigger( "focusin" );
+ ok( div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "focused after explicit focus" );
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget( "destroy" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "not focused after destroy" );
+ div.trigger( "focusin" );
+ ok( !div.hasClass( "ui-state-focus" ), "event handler removed on destroy" );
+test( "._trigger() - no event, no ui", function() {
+ expect( 7 );
+ var handlers = [];
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {}
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ foo: function( event, ui ) {
+ same( event.type, "testwidgetfoo", "correct event type in callback" );
+ same( ui, {}, "empty ui hash passed" );
+ handlers.push( "callback" );
+ }
+ });
+ $( document ).add( "#widget-wrapper" ).add( "#widget" )
+ .bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
+ same( ui, {}, "empty ui hash passed" );
+ handlers.push( this );
+ });
+ same( $( "#widget" ).data( "testWidget" )._trigger( "foo" ), true,
+ "_trigger returns true when event is not cancelled" );
+ same( handlers, [
+ $( "#widget" )[ 0 ],
+ $( "#widget-wrapper" )[ 0 ],
+ document,
+ "callback"
+ ], "event bubbles and then invokes callback" );
+ $( document ).unbind( "testwidgetfoo" );
+test( "._trigger() - cancelled event", function() {
+ expect( 3 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {}
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ foo: function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( true, "callback invoked even if event is cancelled" );
+ }
+ })
+ .bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( true, "event was triggered" );
+ return false;
+ });
+ same( $( "#widget" ).data( "testWidget" )._trigger( "foo" ), false,
+ "_trigger returns false when event is cancelled" );
+test( "._trigger() - cancelled callback", function() {
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {}
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ foo: function( event, ui ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ same( $( "#widget" ).data( "testWidget" )._trigger( "foo" ), false,
+ "_trigger returns false when callback returns false" );
+test( "._trigger() - provide event and ui", function() {
+ expect( 7 );
+ var originalEvent = $.Event( "originalTest" );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ testEvent: function() {
+ var ui = {
+ foo: "bar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 5,
+ quux: 20
+ }
+ };
+ this._trigger( "foo", originalEvent, ui );
+ same( ui, {
+ foo: "notbar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 10,
+ quux: "jQuery"
+ }
+ }, "ui object modified" );
+ }
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent, originalEvent, "original event object passed" );
+ same( ui, {
+ foo: "bar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 5,
+ quux: 20
+ }
+ }, "ui hash passed" );
+ = "notbar";
+ });
+ $( "#widget-wrapper" ).bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent, originalEvent, "original event object passed" );
+ same( ui, {
+ foo: "notbar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 5,
+ quux: 20
+ }
+ }, "modified ui hash passed" );
+ ui.baz.qux = 10;
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ foo: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.originalEvent, originalEvent, "original event object passed" );
+ same( ui, {
+ foo: "notbar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 10,
+ quux: 20
+ }
+ }, "modified ui hash passed" );
+ ui.baz.quux = "jQuery";
+ }
+ })
+ .testWidget( "testEvent" );
+test( "._trigger() - array as ui", function() {
+ // #6795 - Widget: handle array arguments to _trigger consistently
+ expect( 4 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ testEvent: function() {
+ var ui = {
+ foo: "bar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 5,
+ quux: 20
+ }
+ };
+ var extra = {
+ bar: 5
+ };
+ this._trigger( "foo", null, [ ui, extra ] );
+ }
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui, extra ) {
+ same( ui, {
+ foo: "bar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 5,
+ quux: 20
+ }
+ }, "event: ui hash passed" );
+ same( extra, {
+ bar: 5
+ }, "event: extra argument passed" );
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget({
+ foo: function( event, ui, extra ) {
+ same( ui, {
+ foo: "bar",
+ baz: {
+ qux: 5,
+ quux: 20
+ }
+ }, "callback: ui hash passed" );
+ same( extra, {
+ bar: 5
+ }, "callback: extra argument passed" );
+ }
+ })
+ .testWidget( "testEvent" );
+test( "._trigger() - instance as element", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ defaultElement: null,
+ testEvent: function() {
+ var ui = { foo: "bar" };
+ this._trigger( "foo", null, ui );
+ }
+ });
+ var instance = $.ui.testWidget({
+ foo: function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.type, "testwidgetfoo", "event object passed to callback" );
+ same( ui, { foo: "bar" }, "ui object passed to callback" );
+ }
+ });
+ $( instance ).bind( "testwidgetfoo", function( event, ui ) {
+ equal( event.type, "testwidgetfoo", "event object passed to event handler" );
+ same( ui, { foo: "bar" }, "ui object passed to event handler" );
+ });
+ instance.testEvent();
+(function() {
+ function shouldDestroy( expected, callback ) {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var destroyed = false;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ _create: function() {},
+ destroy: function() {
+ destroyed = true;
+ }
+ });
+ callback();
+ equal( destroyed, expected );
+ }
+ test( "auto-destroy - .remove()", function() {
+ shouldDestroy( true, function() {
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget().remove();
+ });
+ });
+ test( "auto-destroy - .remove() on parent", function() {
+ shouldDestroy( true, function() {
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget().parent().remove();
+ });
+ });
+ test( "auto-destroy - .remove() on child", function() {
+ shouldDestroy( false, function() {
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget().children().remove();
+ });
+ });
+ test( "auto-destroy - .empty()", function() {
+ shouldDestroy( false, function() {
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget().empty();
+ });
+ });
+ test( "auto-destroy - .empty() on parent", function() {
+ shouldDestroy( true, function() {
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget().parent().empty();
+ });
+ });
+ test( "auto-destroy - .detach()", function() {
+ shouldDestroy( false, function() {
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget().detach();
+ });
+ });
+test( "redefine", function() {
+ expect( 4 );
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ method: function( str ) {
+ strictEqual( this, instance, "original invoked with correct this" );
+ equal( str, "bar", "original invoked with correct parameter" );
+ }
+ });
+ $ = "bar";
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", $.ui.testWidget, {
+ method: function( str ) {
+ equal( str, "foo", "new invoked with correct parameter" );
+ this._super( "bar" );
+ }
+ });
+ var instance = new $.ui.testWidget();
+ instance.method( "foo" );
+ equal( $, "bar", "static properties remain" );
+asyncTest( "_delay", function() {
+ expect( 6 );
+ var order = 0,
+ that;
+ $.widget( "ui.testWidget", {
+ defaultElement: null,
+ _create: function() {
+ that = this;
+ var timer = this._delay(function() {
+ strictEqual( this, that );
+ equal( order, 1 );
+ start();
+ }, 500);
+ ok( timer !== undefined );
+ timer = this._delay("callback");
+ ok( timer !== undefined );
+ },
+ callback: function() {
+ strictEqual( this, that );
+ equal( order, 0 );
+ order += 1;
+ }
+ });
+ $( "#widget" ).testWidget();
+}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_extend.js b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_extend.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e686e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/webapp/jquery-ui-1.9pre/tests/unit/widget/widget_extend.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+test( "$.widget.extend()", function() {
+ expect( 26 );
+ var settings = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" },
+ options = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" },
+ optionsCopy = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" },
+ merged = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 1, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" },
+ deep1 = { foo: { bar: true } },
+ deep2 = { foo: { baz: true }, foo2: document },
+ deep2copy = { foo: { baz: true }, foo2: document },
+ deepmerged = { foo: { bar: true, baz: true }, foo2: document },
+ arr = [1, 2, 3],
+ nestedarray = { arr: arr },
+ ret;
+ $.widget.extend( settings, options );
+ deepEqual( settings, merged, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
+ deepEqual( options, optionsCopy, "Check if not modified: options must not be modified" );
+ $.widget.extend( deep1, deep2 );
+ deepEqual(,, "Check if foo: settings must be extended" );
+ deepEqual(,, "Check if not deep2: options must not be modified" );
+ equal( deep1.foo2, document, "Make sure that a deep clone was not attempted on the document" );
+ strictEqual( $.widget.extend({}, nestedarray).arr, arr, "Don't clone arrays" );
+ ok( $.isPlainObject( $.widget.extend({ arr: arr }, { arr: {} }).arr ), "Cloned object heve to be an plain object" );
+ var empty = {};
+ var optionsWithLength = { foo: { length: -1 } };
+ $.widget.extend( empty, optionsWithLength );
+ deepEqual(,, "The length property must copy correctly" );
+ empty = {};
+ var optionsWithDate = { foo: { date: new Date } };
+ $.widget.extend( empty, optionsWithDate );
+ deepEqual(,, "Dates copy correctly" );
+ var myKlass = function() {};
+ var customObject = new myKlass();
+ var optionsWithCustomObject = { foo: { date: customObject } };
+ empty = {};
+ $.widget.extend( empty, optionsWithCustomObject );
+ strictEqual(, customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly (no methods)" );
+ // Makes the class a little more realistic
+ myKlass.prototype = { someMethod: function(){} };
+ empty = {};
+ $.widget.extend( empty, optionsWithCustomObject );
+ strictEqual(, customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly" );
+ ret = $.widget.extend({ foo: 4 }, { foo: new Number(5) } );
+ equal(, 5, "Wrapped numbers copy correctly" );
+ var nullUndef;
+ nullUndef = $.widget.extend( {}, options, { xnumber2: null } );
+ strictEqual( nullUndef.xnumber2, null, "Check to make sure null values are copied");
+ nullUndef = $.widget.extend( {}, options, { xnumber2: undefined } );
+ strictEqual( nullUndef.xnumber2, options.xnumber2, "Check to make sure undefined values are not copied");
+ nullUndef = $.widget.extend( {}, options, { xnumber0: null } );
+ strictEqual( nullUndef.xnumber0, null, "Check to make sure null values are inserted");
+ var target = {};
+ var recursive = { foo:target, bar:5 };
+ $.widget.extend( target, recursive );
+ deepEqual( target, { foo: {}, bar: 5 }, "Check to make sure a recursive obj doesn't go never-ending loop by not copying it over" );
+ ret = $.widget.extend( { foo: [] }, { foo: [0] } ); // 1907
+ equal(, 1, "Check to make sure a value with coersion 'false' copies over when necessary to fix #1907" );
+ ret = $.widget.extend( { foo: "1,2,3" }, { foo: [1, 2, 3] } );
+ strictEqual( typeof, "object", "Check to make sure values equal with coersion (but not actually equal) overwrite correctly" );
+ ret = $.widget.extend( { foo:"bar" }, { foo:null } );
+ strictEqual( typeof, "object", "Make sure a null value doesn't crash with deep extend, for #1908" );
+ var obj = { foo:null };
+ $.widget.extend( obj, { foo:"notnull" } );
+ equal(, "notnull", "Make sure a null value can be overwritten" );
+ var defaults = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" },
+ defaultsCopy = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" },
+ options1 = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x" },
+ options1Copy = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x" },
+ options2 = { xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" },
+ options2Copy = { xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" },
+ merged2 = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 1, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" };
+ var settings = $.widget.extend( {}, defaults, options1, options2 );
+ deepEqual( settings, merged2, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
+ deepEqual( defaults, defaultsCopy, "Check if not modified: options1 must not be modified" );
+ deepEqual( options1, options1Copy, "Check if not modified: options1 must not be modified" );
+ deepEqual( options2, options2Copy, "Check if not modified: options2 must not be modified" );
+ var input = {
+ key: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
+ };
+ var output = $.widget.extend( {}, input );
+ deepEqual( input, output, "don't clone arrays" );
+ input.key[0] = 10;
+ deepEqual( input, output, "don't clone arrays" );