path: root/statusserver
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'statusserver')
4 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/statusserver/ebin/ b/statusserver/ebin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10a1ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusserver/ebin/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+%%% Application resource file for statusserver, see app(5).
+{application, statusserver,
+ [{description, "Plop statusserver"},
+ {vsn, "1.0.1-alpha-dev"},
+ {modules, [statusserver_app, statusserver_sup, statusserver]},
+ {applications, [kernel, stdlib, lager, plop]},
+ {registered, [statusserver_sup, statusserver]},
+ {mod, {statusserver_app, []}}
+ ]}.
diff --git a/statusserver/src/statusserver.erl b/statusserver/src/statusserver.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81fcd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusserver/src/statusserver.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+%% API (URL)
+-define(APPURL_PLOP_STATUS, "plop/v1/status").
+request(post, ?APPURL_PLOP_STATUS, Service, Input) ->
+ case (catch mochijson2:decode(Input)) of
+ {error, E} ->
+ html("bad input:", E);
+ Entries when is_list(Entries) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun ({struct, PropList}) ->
+ Target = proplists:get_value(<<"target">>, PropList),
+ Source = proplists:get_value(<<"source">>, PropList),
+ Variable = proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, PropList),
+ Status = proplists:get_value(<<"value">>, PropList),
+ set_status(Service, Source, Target, Variable, Status)
+ end, Entries)
+ end,
+ success({[{result, <<"ok">>}]});
+request(get, "", "status", Input) ->
+ Now = plop_compat:monotonic_time(millisecond),
+ Variables = [{struct, [
+ {service, list_to_binary(Service)},
+ {source, Source},
+ {target, Target},
+ {variable, Variable},
+ {status, Status},
+ {age, (Now - Timestamp) / 1000}
+ ]} || {{Service, Source, Target, Variable}, Status, Timestamp} <- get_status()],
+ success({[{result, Variables}]}).
+success(Data) ->
+ {200, [{"Content-Type", "text/json"}, {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"}], mochijson2:encode(Data)}.
+html(Text, Input) ->
+ {400, [{"Content-Type", "text/html"}],
+ io_lib:format(
+ "<html><body><p>~n" ++
+ "~s~n" ++
+ "~p~n" ++
+ "</body></html>~n", [Text, Input])}.
+-define(STATUSDB_TABLE, statusserver_statusdb).
+init_module() ->
+ create_statusdb().
+create_statusdb() ->
+ case ets:info(?STATUSDB_TABLE) of
+ undefined ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ets:delete(?STATUSDB_TABLE)
+ end,
+ ets:new(?STATUSDB_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]).
+get_status() ->
+ [E || [E] <- ets:match(?STATUSDB_TABLE, '$1')].
+set_status(Service, Source, Target, Variable, Status) ->
+ lager:info("status: ~p ~p ~p ~p ~p", [Service, Source, Target, Variable, Status]),
+ Timestamp = plop_compat:monotonic_time(millisecond),
+ true = ets:insert(?STATUSDB_TABLE,
+ {{Service, Source, Target, Variable}, Status, Timestamp}),
+ ok.
diff --git a/statusserver/src/statusserver_app.erl b/statusserver/src/statusserver_app.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fd8b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusserver/src/statusserver_app.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+-export([start/2, stop/1]).
+start(normal, Args) ->
+ statusserver:init_module(),
+ statusserver_sup:start_link(Args).
+stop(_State) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/statusserver/src/statusserver_sup.erl b/statusserver/src/statusserver_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b0811a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusserver/src/statusserver_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2017, NORDUnet A/S.
+%%% See LICENSE for licensing information.
+-export([start_link/1, init/1]).
+start_link(_Args) ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, SSLFlag) ->
+ {ChildName, IpAddress, Port, Module} = Config,
+ {ok, IPv4Address} = inet:parse_ipv4strict_address(IpAddress),
+ WebConfig = [{ip, IPv4Address},
+ {port, Port},
+ {ssl, SSLFlag},
+ {acceptor_pool_size,
+ application:get_env(catlfish, http_server_pool_size, 16)},
+ {ssl_opts, SSLOptions}
+ ],
+ {ChildName,
+ {catlfish_web, start, [WebConfig, Module, ChildName]},
+ permanent, 5000, worker, dynamic}.
+init([]) ->
+ SSLOptions =
+ [{certfile, application:get_env(plop, https_certfile, none)},
+ {keyfile, application:get_env(plop, https_keyfile, none)},
+ {cacertfile, application:get_env(plop, https_cacertfile, none)}],
+ Servers =
+ lists:map(fun (Config) ->
+ gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, true)
+ end, application:get_env(plop, https_servers, [])) ++
+ lists:map(fun (Config) ->
+ gen_http_config(Config, SSLOptions, false)
+ end, application:get_env(plop, http_servers, [])),
+ lager:debug("Starting servers ~p", [Servers]),
+ {ok,
+ {{one_for_one, 3, 10},
+ Servers}}.